134 resultados para Thorny catfishes
The defensive spines of fifteen Malayan freshwater fishes have been studied morphologically. The classification of spines has been slightly modified from the previous work of Fernando and Fernando (1960). They are divided into simple, denticle-bearing and venom-carrying. The simple spines are further sub-divided into single and multiple and the denticle-bearing into Bagriid and Clariid types. The latter agree morphologically with the venom-carrying spines of previously studied forms and may be a degenerate condition. Simple spines occur singly in the Cyprinidae where they are found at the anterior end of the dorsal fin. A spine of similar structure occurs in the catfish Glyptothorax. In the families Anabantidae, Cichlidae and Mastacenbelidae simple spines occur as a series. Denticle-bearing spines occur in the catfishes (Order-Nematognathi). Those having denticles on one face occur in the Bagridae, Siluridae, Sisoridae, and Akysidae. They are referred to as Bagriid type. In the other type denticles occur on the anterior and posterior faces of the spine. They are referred to as Clariid type. None of the Malayan species studied had venom-carrying spines and they are unlikely to be found in the freshwater species. The functioning of the defensive mechanism whose morphological bases are spines is discussed and the relation between the size and habitat on the effectiveness of the spines is mentioned. The evolution of defensive spines is discussed briefly.
A comprehensive study on the fisheries aspect was done in the Sylhet basin, Bangladesh during 1994 through 1998. Maximum fishing effort was engaged in the period of April to September while the bulk catch came during the September-January, when less effort was exerted. Barbs comprised 19%, catfishes 18% and major carps 16% of the total catch. Chatla beel, a three years pile, showed the highest fish production. Nine types of nets, four types of hooks and five types of traps were found in operation in the basin. The highest daily mean catch was recorded in glzer jal (26.5 kg/day) and the lowest in the clzandi jal (2.5 kg/day). Behundi jal was the most efficient (0.89 kg/man/h) while chandi jal was the worst (0.12 kg/man/h) gear. Gill net (/ash jal) seems to be the best selective gear. Actual catch/effort always remained less than the projected catch/effort. Maximum economic point of effort lies around 7.0 mandays/km2 and the fishery is gradually moving towards over-fishing. Income of professional fishermen was comparatively high than that of non-professional subsistence groups.
Sperata aor and S. seenghala are the two important native catfishes of Bangladesh but commercial farming of these species is not possible due to lack of naturally collected or artificially produced seeds for stocking. Attempts were made to develop techniques for seed production by artificial breeding and nursery-rearing of fries of these catfishes. A total of 60 S. seenghala (750-1,500 g) and 10 S. aor (600-1,000 g) broods were collected from the Brahmaputra river-basin and floodplains in Mymensingh region four months prior to their breeding season. The collected brood fishes were reared in separate earthen ponds with supplementary feeds comprising of rice bran (40%), mustard oil cake (29%), fish meal (30%) and vitamin-premix (1 %). Three experiments were conducted to optimize the hormone dose. A total of nine S. seenghala females weighing from 750 to 1,500 g were given an initial and resolving dose of 12-20 and 16-24 mg PG/kg body weight, respectively. The males weighing from 650-950 g were administered a single dose of 18-26 mg PG/kg body weight at the time of the time of administering the resolving dose to the females. The females ovulated partially and the eggs were examined under a compound microscope, but most of them were found to be less ripe or damaged. Collection of milt by stripping the males was not successful. The testes were taken out and sperm were observed to be non-motile and less developed. In view of stimulating natural propagation of S. seenghala, artificial holes (nests) were constructed in the pond bottom. Each hole was 0.7 m in diameter and 0.3 m in depth. A total of 10 holes were made and then 10 pairs of S. seenghala breeders (800-1,200 g) were stocked in the pond. In mid February, 3,000 fry of S. seenghala with a mean length of 4.60 cm and weight of 0.36 g were collected by repeated netting followed by drying of the pond. The fry were then stocked in a nursery pond and fed with commercial feed (SABINCO starter-1). The average length and weight of the fingerlings were 9.01 cm and 3.95 g, respectively and the estimated survival was 60% after two months of rearing. S. aor did not respond to natural spawning. Further study is essential to develop techniques for their successful artificial and natural breeding.
The study was conducted on 238 households in Bangladesh Agricultural University campus and its adjoining areas in Mymensingh. The household were divided into four groups based on their per capita income. Monthly expenditure on fish, income elasticity of demand and marginal propensity to consume were calculated. 'Weighted average' method was used to study the level of preference for fish by sex and age groups and frequency of its purchase. The per capita monthly expenditure on fish of overall households was found to be Tk. 178.83. The consumption increased considerably between and among the income groups rising from Tk. 63.95 in the lowest income group to Tk. 249.11 in the highest income group. Based on income elasticity the proportion of income spent on fish was found to be greater than the proportion of increase in income for lower middle and upper middle income groups. However, percent expenditure decreased from 8.15 in lowest to 5.49 in the highest income group. Female members between 20 and 40yrs had the highest preference for fish in general followed by male members of above 40 yrs. Children (0 to 8 yrs), on the other band, had the least preference for fish, Sing and Magur (Catfishes) were the most preferred fish species for each age and sex group. Rui, a carp, was the single most purchased fish while the introduced exotic fishes were the least bought. Freshness was found to be the most important factor followed by the appearance and taste perception that positively affected the fish purchase.
The fisher folk used to catch small indigenous species of fish (SIS) from rivers, canals, wetlands and floodplains at little or no cost for their livelihood. Surplus fish was sold at the local market to generate some little capital for the households. The livelihood and consumption of SIS in fishing community of two upazilas viz. Trisal and Ishwarganj under Mymensingh district were studied for 3 months in 2004. Most of the fisher folk of the study areas belong to resource-poor section of the society living below the poverty level. Majority of them had no cultivable land. As professional fishers they face many problems during lean fishing period from January to April due to little or non-availability of fish. Majority of the fisher households consumed SIS three to four days a week. The fisher households of Trisal upazila consumed more small fish than those of Ishwargonj upazila. More than 50% respondents consumed <20 g SIS/day and 20% consumed >40 g SIS/day in Trisal upazila. On the other hand, in Ishwargonj upzila, most of the fisher households (66%) were found to consume <20 g SIS/day. SIS was mostly available from July-December in rivers, wetlands (beels), and canals, and income from fishing was reported to be good. The dominant SIS was Puntius spp., Mystus spp., Anabas testudineus, catfishes, mola, and small prawns. Non-indigenous species like tilapia was also dominant in Trisal upzila where aquaculture practices were well established.
A total of four experiments were conducted to develop nursery management system for the two important native catfishes viz. stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis and walking catfish, Clarias batrachus during 2003 and 2004. Two experiments were conducted in on-station condition to determine stocking density efficacy in hapa and in earthen mini ponds for H. fossilis. This was followed by on-farm trial on stocking density in earthen mini ponds. In hapa, the highest survival rate was 60% for H. fosssilis at stocking density of 100/square meter; followed by 54.5 and 50% at stocking densities of 150 and 200/square meter, respectively. Similarly, gain in weight and length was also better in lower stocking densities. Similar survival rate (45 to 55%) was observed in three densities in earthen mini ponds. However, gain in weight and length showed no significant (p<0.05) differences. H. fossilis, C. batrachus showed almost similar survival rates (57.5-59.0%) in all the three stocking densities (100, 150 and 200/square meter) in earthen mini ponds in on-station condition. In terms of gain in weight and length showed no significant (p<0.05) differences in pond conditions. Almost similar result was obtained in terms of growth and survival in on-farm condition.
Extimated catch of 6,484.9; 3,505.6 and 4,797.7 t of fishes were landed at Nawabunder in 'dol.' net during 1976-77, 1977-78 and 1978-1979 respectively. There has been an increasing trend in effort and decline in catch and catch rate. The catch rate came down from 174.8 kg in 1976-77 to 84 kg in 1978-79. The detailed studies on the catch composition revealed that the Bombay duck formed about 68.6-77% of the total catch. The other important constituents being Coilia dussumieri 1.5-9.2%, ribbon fish 3.0-6.5%, non-penaeid prawn, namely, Acetus indicus, Nematopalaemon tenuipes and Hippolysmata ensirostris together formed about 6.1-13.7% and penaied prawns 1.5-3.1% of the total dol net landings. In addition, quality fishes such as ghol, warn, pomfret and catfishes were also landed in considerable quantities. The landings of ghol are on the increase from 4.9 t in 1976-77 to 59 t in 1978-79. Large number of juveniles of economically important fishes namely, Harpodon nehereus, Pampus argenteus, Trichiurus lepturus and Ilisha filigera have been observed in the catch particularly during February-May. The destructive nature of the gear has been commented along with the suggestions for regulation of the fishery.
我国曾经记录有(鱼芒)科鱼类4种.国际上近年来对(鱼芒)科鱼类的分类进行了许多重要的修订,物种数量已达3属22种.我国的(鱼芒)科鱼类也因长时间没有进行及时的分类修订而存在许多疑问.基于国内自1960年以来所收集的珍贵标本和记录,确认我国记录有(鱼芒)科鱼类1属3种.它们是:长丝(鱼芒)(Pangasius sanitwongsei Smith)、贾巴(鱼芒)(Pangasius djambal Bleeker)、短须(鱼芒)(Pangasius micronemus Bleeker).在此基础上,根据掌握的资料对我国(鱼芒)科鱼类的种群现状和濒危原因、洄游的性质及洄游群体数量下降原因以及水电站建设对大型洄游鱼类的影响进行了分析.以往记录显示,捕获时间都集中于4-5月份,无冬季捕获记录.捕获季节与(鱼芒)科鱼类产卵繁殖季节高度吻合,提示其上溯到我国澜沧江下游应属生殖洄游,而不是索饵洄游.被捕获记录主要出现于20世纪60-70年代,之后则数量锐减.导致这种情况发生的主要原因可能有三方面:1)下游湄公河对(鱼芒)科鱼类的捕捞压力过大;2)湄公河-澜沧江航运船只对(鱼芒)科鱼类有损害作用;3)由于西南季风变化的影响,澜沧江径流量发生变化,可能间接导致(鱼芒)科鱼类洄游行为发生改变.分析显示,(鱼芒)科鱼类的洄游与3-4月份澜沧江流量呈密切相关规律,提示适合鱼类产卵的雨季及西南夏季风比往年较早到达该地区,从而激发它们较往年提前启动生殖洄游,并且溯河的高度较高.以往的捕获记录还表明,(鱼芒)科鱼类主要洄游至景洪下方的澜沧江河段及支流补远江,上述水域是其喜好的产卵场之一.景洪大桥以下的干支流不适合建设水电站,因为电站大坝必然会阻断(鱼芒)科鱼类的繁殖洄游,影响其繁殖活动.而景洪大桥上方的干流电站不在(鱼芒)科鱼类正常繁殖洄游通道中,大坝阻隔作用对(鱼芒)科鱼类的影响相对较小.建议把补远江建设成为鱼类和水生生物保护区.
Until the 1970s, Lake Victoria had a multi-species fishery dominated by the tilapiine and haplochromine cichlids. There were important subsidiary fisheries for more than 20 genera of non-cichlid fishes, including catfishes (Bagrus docmak, Clarias gariepinus, Synodontis spp and Schilbe intermedius), the lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus) and Labeo victorianus) (Kudhongania and Cordone 1974). Stocks of most of these species declined and others disappeared following the introduction of four tilapiines (Oreochromis niloticus, Oreochromis leucostictus, Tilapia rendalli and Tilapia zillit) and Nile perch (Lates niloticus) during the 1950s. Since then the commercial fishery in the Uganda portion of Lake Victoria has been dominated by the Nile perch, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and the native cyprinid species, Rastrineobola argentea (Mukene).
The present study is an early stage of this programme and examines several species of fishes under controlled conditions to delineate responses to tagging as a function of type of tag, species, size, and sex of fish, and position of tag placement. It is intimately related to another phase of research currently being conducted by the author on age and growth of several species important to the fishery of Lake Victoria (e.g. Tilapia spp., and several catfishes, Clarias mossambicus Peters and Bagrus docmac (Forskal). Data reported are both a reflection of growth studies and an attempt to achieve insight into tag loss, growth, and mortality that might be expected to occur in these species under lake conditions with reference to the above parameters.
Amblycipitidae Day, 1873 is an Asian family of catfishes (Siluriformes) usually considered to contain 28 species placed in three genera: Amblyceps (14 spp.), Liobagrus (12 spp.) and Xiurenbagrus (2 spp.). Morphology-based systematics has supported the monophyly of this family, with some authors placing Amblycipitidae within a larger group including Akysidae, Sisoridae and Aspredinidae, termed the Sisoroidea. Here we investigate the phylogenetic relationships among four species of Amblyceps, six species of Liobagrus and the two species of Xiurenbagrus with respect to other sisoroid taxa as well as other catfish groups using 6100 aligned base pairs of DNA sequence data from the rag1 and rag2 genes of the nuclear genome and from three regions (cyt b, COL ND4 plus tRNA-His and tRNA-Ser) of the mitochondrial genome. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the data indicate strong support for a diphyletic Amblycipitidae in which the genus Amblyceps is the sister group to the Sisoridae and a clade formed by genera Liobagrus and Xiurenbagrus is the sister group to Akysidae. These taxa together form a well supported monophyletic group that assembles all Asian sisoroid taxa, but excludes the South American Aspredinidae. Results for aspredinids are consistent with previous molecular studies that indicate these catfishes are not sisoroids, but the sister group to the South American doradoid catfishes (Auchenipteridae + Doradidae). The redefined sisoroid clade plus Bagridae, Horabagridae and (Ailia + Laides) make up a larger monophyletic group informally termed "Big Asia." Likelihood-based SH tests and Bayes Factor comparisons of the rag and the mitochondrial data partitions considered separately and combined reject both the hypothesis of amblycipitid monophyly and the hypothesis of aspredinid inclusion within Sisoroidea. This result for amblycipitids conflicts with a number of well documented morphological synapomorphies that we briefly review. Possible nomenclatural changes for amblycipitid taxa are noted.
植物生长和生产力受到自然界各种形式的生物和非生物胁迫因子的影响。这些胁迫包括低温、高温、盐碱、干旱、洪水、重金属、虫害、病害和紫外线辐射等等。而人类活动大大加剧了这些胁迫所带来的影响。由于人类污染而导致臭氧层衰减以及由此产生的地球表面紫外辐射增强已经成为全球气候变化的一个主要方面。UV-B胁迫,甚至当前的辐射水平,所带来的影响已经引起科学工作者的广泛关注。 为了生存和繁殖,植物不得不面临环境中各种潜在胁迫所带来的负面影响。然而,植物生活型的不可移动性决定了其逃避胁迫的局限性。因此,绝大多数植物都是通过对胁迫作出反应,通过修复或者更新组织来降低伤害。而植物应对环境变化的能力则是由其生长模式的种属特异性和本身的遗传组成所决定。在自然界,植物常常同时面临多种胁迫,这些胁迫所引发的植物反应可能具有叠加、协同或者拮抗作用。沙棘是一种具刺、具有固氮功能的多年生雌雄异株灌木,广泛分布于亚欧大陆的温带地区和亚洲亚热带的高海拔地区。在中国,沙棘常常被用作植被恢复中的先锋树种而大量栽培。本文采用沙棘作为模式植物,试图探索木本植物对低温,UV-B辐射增强以及其与干旱的复合胁迫的响应以及沙棘对这些胁迫响应是否具有种群差异性。 对来自南北两个种群的沙棘进行短日照和低温处理,检测了其在抗寒锻炼和抗寒性发育过程中存在的性别差异。结果表明,短日照和低温都分别能够诱导抗寒锻炼的发生,而两者同时存在对所有实验植株抗寒性的大小具有叠加效应。然而,短日照和低温所诱导的抗寒性在两个种群中都具有性别差异性,雄性植株比雌雄植株对短日照和低温更为敏感。同时,南北种群间也存在差异性,北方种群的植物比南方种群的植物对短日照和低温敏感,从而在短日照下抗寒锻炼的发生时间更早,低温诱导的抗寒性更大。短日照和低温诱导植物增加抗寒性的同时伴随着脱落酸的变化。脱落酸的变化因处理,种群和性别的不同而不同。这些生理反应表明不同的沙棘种群,不同的植株性别对同一环境胁迫可能存在不同的生存策略。 比较了来自高低两个海拔的沙棘种群对于干旱和UV-B辐射增强以及两者复合胁迫条件下的生理生态反应。干旱使两个种群中植株总的生物量,总叶面积,比叶面积,叶片含碳量,含磷量,木质素含量和碳氮比显著降低,使根冠比,粗根细根比和叶片脱落酸含量显著增加。干旱而非UV-B使得δ13C 值显著增加。但是,比较而言,来自高海拔的种群对干旱反应更为强烈,而来自低海拔的种群对UV-B更敏感。在UV-B辐射增强的处理下,干旱所诱导的脱落酸的积累被显著抑制。而且我们检测到在一些指标上存在显著的干旱×UV-B交互作用,如两个种群中在总生物量上,低海拔种群中在总叶面积,粗根细根比上,高海拔种群中在比叶面积,δ13C值,木质素含量上都存在明显的交互作用。这些结果表明这两个种群对胁迫具有不同的适应性反应,来自高海拔的种群比来自低海拔的种群更能够抵御干旱和UV-B胁迫。 室外实验表明,UV-B 去除/增补对沙棘高低两个海拔种群的影响都不大。对生物量的积累,植株高度以及一些常见的胁迫反应生理指标比如丙二醛、ABA 和游离脯氨酸都没有显著影响。UV-B 的效应比UV-A 大,植物反应在无UV 和仅有UV-A 的处理间没有什么区别。然而,UV-B 去除的两个处理和UV-B 存在的两个处理间存在显著区别。UV-B 使得两个种群都显著降低了比叶面积(SLA),但却使长期用水效率增加。但UV-B对光合色素和光合系统II 的影响不大。总体看来,来自低海拔的种群对UV-B 更为敏感。 Plant is adversely affected by various abiotic and biotic stress factors. These stressors includelow temperature, heat, salt, drought, flooding, heavy metal toxicity, wounding by herbivores,infecting by pathogenic microorganisms, ultraviolet (UV) radiation and so on. Variousanthropogenic activities have accentuated the existing stress factors. One of the mostimportant aspects of global change is that of stratospheric ozone depletion caused by seriousanthropogenic pollution and the resulting increase in UV radiation reaching the surface of theEarth. Scientists have become concerned about the effects that considerable UV-B stress, evenat current levels. In order to survive and reproduce, plants have to be able to cope with lots of potentiallyharmful stress factors that are almost constantly present in their environment. Most plants’responses under stress are to neutralize the stress, repairing the damage or regrowing newtissue rather than to avoid it due to their sessile life style. The plant defense capacity dependson plant-specific modular growth patterns and genetic make-up that allows for flexibleresponses to changing environments. Plants usually encounter several stresses simultaneouslyunder field conditions, and the stresses may cause a variety of plant responses, which can beadditive, synergistic or antagonistic. Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), a thorny nitrogen fixing deciduously perennialshrub, which is widely distributed throughout the temperate zones of Asia and Europe and thesubtropical zones of Asia at high altitudes. It has been widely used in forest restoration as thepioneer species in China. In this paper, we used sea buckthorn as a model, tried to get some understand of how plants fight low temperature, enhanced UV-B radiation level and thatcombination of drought. And also, want to know whether does there exist some populationspecific responses to such stressors. Sexual differences in cold acclimation and freezing tolerance development of two contrastingsea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) ecotypes from northern and southern regions inChina were recorded after exposure to short day photoperiod (SD) and low temperature (LT).The results demonstrated that cold acclimation could be triggered by exposing the plants toSD or LT alone, and that a combination of both treatments had an additive effect on freezingtolerance in all plants tested. However, development of freezing tolerance was dependent onthe sex of plants under SD and LT, the males were clearly more responsive to SD and LT thanthe females in both ecotypes studied. On the other hand, development of freezing tolerancewas also ecotype-dependent, the northern ecotype was more responsive to SD and LT than thesouthern ecotype, resulting in earlier cold acclimation under SD and higher freezing toleranceunder LT. Moreover, development of freezing tolerance induced by SD and LT wasaccompanied by changes in ABA levels. These alterations in ABA levels were different indifferent treatments, ecotypes and sexes. Therefore, the differences in SD and LT-inducedphysiological responses showed that the different ecotypes and the different sexes mightemploy different survival strategies under environmental stress. Two contrasting populations from the low and high altitudinal regions were employed toinvestigate the effects of drought, UV-B and their combination on sea buckthorn. Droughtsignificantly decreased total biomass, total leaf area, specific leaf area,leaf carbon (C),phophous (P), lignin content and the ratio of C: N in both populations, and increasedroot/shoot ratio, fine root/coarse root ratio and abscisic acid content (ABA), in bothpopulations. Drought but not UV-B resulted in significantly greater carbon isotopecomposition (δ13C) values in both populations. However, the high altitudinal population wasmore responsive to drought than the low altitudinal population. The drought-inducedenhancement of ABA in the high altitudinal population was significantly suppressed in thecombination of drought and elevated UV-B. Moreover, significant drought × UV-B interactionwas detected on total biomass in both populations, total leaf area and fine root/coarse root inthe low altitudinal population, specific leaf area, δ13C value and leaf lignin content in the high altitudinal population. These results demonstrated that there were different adaptive responsesbetween two contrasting populations, the high altitudinal population exhibited highertolerance to drought and UV-B than the low altitudinal population. A field experiment was conducted to investigate effects of UV-B exclusion/supplementationon two altitudinal populations of sea buckthorn. UV-B exclusion or supplementation had littleeffects on both populations investigated. For instance, the total biomass, plant height andsome physiological index such as Malondialdehyde (MDA), ABA and free proline were notchanged significantly. The UV-B effects are more significant than that of UV-A, nodifferences were found between treatments of excluded UV and excluded UV-B. However,compared with treatments of UV-B exclusion (including absent of UV-B and all UV band),the present of UV-B (including near ambient environment and enhanced UV-B) significantdecreased specific leaf area, and increased long time water use efficiency as evaluated by δ13Cvalue. UV-B had little effects on photosynthetic pigments and Photosystem II (PSII). The lowaltitude population is more sensitive to UV-B than that of the high altitude population.
W przypadku niejednolitego stanowiska państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej wobec Kosowa, osłabieniu ulega prestiż i siła oddziaływania Unii na arenie międzynarodowej. W odniesieniu do problemu Abchazji i Osetii Południowej natomiast, działania UE obrazują, że samo wyrażenie zainteresowania określonym problemem oraz udzielanie ‘apolitycznej’ pomocy finansowej, którym nie towarzyszą wyraźnie i precyzyjnie zdefiniowane cele polityczne, działalność instytucji wyposażonych w silny mandat oraz proces aktywnych negocjacji, nie przyczynia się do rozwiązania palącego problemu międzynarodowego, narażając na szwank pozycję międzynarodową Unii Europejskiej. Po raz kolejny państwa członkowskie pokazują, iż koncepcja Wspólnej Polityki Zagranicznej i Bezpieczeństwa, wspierana między innymi przez Europejską Politykę Sąsiedztwa, jest pozbawiona stabilnych podstaw.
BACKGROUND: The wealth of phenotypic descriptions documented in the published articles, monographs, and dissertations of phylogenetic systematics is traditionally reported in a free-text format, and it is therefore largely inaccessible for linkage to biological databases for genetics, development, and phenotypes, and difficult to manage for large-scale integrative work. The Phenoscape project aims to represent these complex and detailed descriptions with rich and formal semantics that are amenable to computation and integration with phenotype data from other fields of biology. This entails reconceptualizing the traditional free-text characters into the computable Entity-Quality (EQ) formalism using ontologies. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used ontologies and the EQ formalism to curate a collection of 47 phylogenetic studies on ostariophysan fishes (including catfishes, characins, minnows, knifefishes) and their relatives with the goal of integrating these complex phenotype descriptions with information from an existing model organism database (zebrafish, http://zfin.org). We developed a curation workflow for the collection of character, taxonomic and specimen data from these publications. A total of 4,617 phenotypic characters (10,512 states) for 3,449 taxa, primarily species, were curated into EQ formalism (for a total of 12,861 EQ statements) using anatomical and taxonomic terms from teleost-specific ontologies (Teleost Anatomy Ontology and Teleost Taxonomy Ontology) in combination with terms from a quality ontology (Phenotype and Trait Ontology). Standards and guidelines for consistently and accurately representing phenotypes were developed in response to the challenges that were evident from two annotation experiments and from feedback from curators. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The challenges we encountered and many of the curation standards and methods for improving consistency that we developed are generally applicable to any effort to represent phenotypes using ontologies. This is because an ontological representation of the detailed variations in phenotype, whether between mutant or wildtype, among individual humans, or across the diversity of species, requires a process by which a precise combination of terms from domain ontologies are selected and organized according to logical relations. The efficiencies that we have developed in this process will be useful for any attempt to annotate complex phenotypic descriptions using ontologies. We also discuss some ramifications of EQ representation for the domain of systematics.
This article explores The Connoisseur's combined engagement with its most important literary precursor and the society of its day. With its satire on the fashionable leisure culture of the mid-eighteenth century, Bonnell Thornton and George Colman's periodical, published from 1754 to 1756, followed self-consciously in the footsteps of Addison. Yet adopting the Addisonian model at mid-century was no straightforward task. Not only had the cultural landscape shifted during the forty years since The Spectator, but emulating this modern classic raised thorny issues regarding the originality and value of The Connoisseur itself. In appropriating the Addisonian essay, the challenge for Colman and Thornton was thus to update Addison: to adapt their model to changing times. This article examines how Colman and Thornton sought to validate their particular contribution to the polite periodical tradition, along with the difficulties they encountered in maintaining a Spectatorial detachment from the fashionable milieu that was their primary theme.