1000 resultados para Thinning Velocity


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A new binary law of velocity distribution has been developed to describe the velocity profile for the entire flow region. The law is a combination of logarithmic law, valid in the wall (inner) region, and parabolic law, valid in the core (outer) region of the flow. The validity of the law has been established based on earlier data on flat plates, rough and smooth pipes and experimental data obtained from rigid-walled open channels with plane sand beds. A procedure of estimating bed shear stress from the proposed law of velocity distribution using the measured velocity profile has been evolved. Bed shear estimates made according to this procedure are in agreement with the values obtained from uniform flow analysis in the case of open channel flow over a sediment bed. The proposed method of estimating the bed shear stress from the observed velocity profiles is found to be particularly useful in cases where it is difficult to determine precisely the true bed level, such as in the case of flow over sediment beds.


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The growth of the nanocrystalline tribolayer produced in oxygen free high conductivity copper after sliding against 440C stainless steel was studied. Tests were conducted on a pin-on-disk tribometer at sliding velocities of 0.05 and 1.0 m/s and sliding times of 0.1 to 10,000 s. Subsurface deformation and the growth of the tribolayer as a function of time were studied with the use of transmission electron microscopy and ion induced secondary electron microscopy. A continuous nanocrystalline tribolayer was produced after as little as 10 s of sliding at both sliding velocities. The tribolayer produced by sliding at 0.05 m/s continued to grow at sliding times up to 10,000 s and developed texture. Dynamic recrystallization of the tribolayer at a sliding velocity of 1.0 m/s inhibited the growth of a continuous anocrystalline tribolayer.


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Self-contained Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics (NEMD) simulations using Lennard-Jones potentials were performed to identify the origin and mechanisms of atomic scale interfacial behavior between sliding metals. The mixing sequence and velocity profiles were compared via MD simulations for three cases, viz.: sell-mated, similar and hard-softvcrystal pairs. The results showed shear instability, atomic scale mixing, and generation of eddies at the sliding interface. Vorticity at the interface suggests that atomic flow during sliding is similar to fluid flow under Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and this is supported by velocity profiles from the simulations. The initial step-function velocity profile spreads during sliding. However the velocity profile does not change much at later stages of the simulation and it eventually stops spreading. The steady state friction coefficient during simulation was monitored as a function of sliding velocity. Frictional behavior can be explained on the basis of plastic deformation and adiabatic effects. The mixing layer growth kinetics was also investigated.


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Closed-form solutions are presented for blood flow in the microcirculation by taking into account the influence of slip velocity at the membrane surface. In this study, the convective inertia force is neglected in comparison with that of blood viscosity on the basis of the smallness of the Reynolds number of the flow in microcirculation. The permeability property of the blood vessel is based on the well known Starling's hypothesis [11]. The effects of slip coefficient on the velocity and pressure fields are clearly depicted.


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A 2 × 2 factorial combination of thinned or unthinned, and pruned or unpruned 11-year-old Eucalyptus dunnii (DWG) and 12-year-old Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (CCV) was destructively sampled to provide 60 trees in total per species. Two 1.4 m long billets were cut from each tree and were rotary veneered in a spindleless lathe down to a 45 mm diameter core to expose knots which were classified as either alive, partially occluded or fully occluded. Non-destructive evaluation of a wider range of thinning treatments available in these trials was undertaken with Pilodyn and Fakopp tools. Disc samples were also taken for basic density and modulus of elasticity. Differences between treatments for all wood property assessments were generally small and not significantly different.Thinning and pruning had little effect on the stem diameter growth required to achieve occlusion, therefore occlusion would be more rapid after thinning due to more rapid stem diameter growth. The difference between the treatments of greatest management interest, thinned and pruned (T&P) and unthinned and unpruned (UT&UP) were small. The production of higher value clear wood produced after all knots had occluded, measured as the average stem diameter growth over occlusion of the three outermost knots, was approximately 2 centimetres diameter. Two of the treatments can be ruled out as viable management alternatives: (i) the effect of thinning without pruning (T&UP) is clear, leading to a large inner core of stem wood containing knots (large knotty core diameter) and (ii) pruning without thinning (UT&P) results in a small knotty core diameter, however the tree and therefore log diameters are also small.


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A mature Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis) silviculture experiment provided initial square spacing treatments of 1.8 m2, 2.4 m2, 3.0 m2 and 3.6 m2 (equal to 3088, 1737, 1111 and 772 stems/ha) that were thinned at age 10 years to 600, 400 and 200 stems/ha, retaining an unthinned control for each initial spacing. The trial was destructively sampled at age of 28 years and discs taken along 8 various stem heights were analysed for variation in basic density and SilviScan wood properties. In addition, the logs from ten stocking × thinning treatments were processed in a sawing study. Results indicate thinning effects were generally more pronounced than initial spacing effects. Fast growing trees produced wood with significantly higher average wood densities and higher average stiffness values. Detailed SilviScan densitometry results obtained radially and at various stem heights enabled construction of tree maps for wood properties, providing insights into the variation in juvenile to mature wood proportion across the initial and post-thinning stocking treatments studied. Dried dressed recovery was strongly related to tree size, and log value decreased consistently from butt to top logs across all treatments. The estimated value per hectare was highest in unthinned plots due to values being multiplied by high stem numbers per hectare. However, a complete economic analysis considering all cost structures is required to investigate the optimal silviculture to maximise economic returns to growers and processors. Improved understanding of the relationship between initial spacing, post-thinning stocking and wood and end-product quality should help to customize future forest management strategies required to produce better quality wood and wood products.


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A simple graphical method is presented for velocity and acceleration analysis of complex mechanisms possessing low or high degree of complexity. The method is iterative in character and generally yields the solution within a few iterations. Several examples have been worked out to illustrate the method.


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This report evaluates the wood and veneer properties of plantation-grown spotted gum (Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata, or CCV) and Dunn's white gum (Eucalyptus dunnii), grown at different stockings, in thinning trials near Ellangowan in north-east New South Wales (mean annual rainfall 1050 mm) and Kingaroy in south-east Queensland (mean annual rainfall 873 mm). Thinning trials were established at age seven years. Both species showed a significant increase in stem diameter growth of the dominant trees in response to thinning. At age 10 years, trees from the unthinned (950–1270 stems ha-1) and 300 stems ha-1 treatments were selected for veneering. Five dominant trees were felled from each combination of species x sites x thinning treatment. Diameter at breast height over bark of the selected trees ranged from 20 cm to 27 cm at Ellangowan, and 19 cm to 26 cm at Kingaroy. From each tree, 1.5 m long billets were removed at two positions: a butt billet from 0.3–1.8 m above ground and a top billet from approximately 5.5–7.0 m. Log end splitting was assessed 24 hours after harvesting and again after steaming, approximately four days after harvesting. Disks from just above both billets were collected for assessment of wood properties. Billets were peeled on a spindleless veneer lathe to produce a full veneer ribbon with a target green thickness of 2.8 to 3.0 mm. The 1.55 m wide (tangential dimension) veneer sheets were dried and graded according to AS/NZ Standard 2269:2008, which describes four veneer grades. Veneer samples taken along the length of the veneer ribbon, at regular intervals of 1.55 m, were tested for stiffness, shrinkage and density. Veneer length measurements were used to calculate the radial distance of each sample from the central axis of the billet. Overall veneer gross recoveries ranged from 50% to 70%. They were significantly lower at the Kingaroy site, for both species. The veneer recoveries achieved were 2–3 times higher than typical green off saw recoveries from small plantation hardwood logs of similar diameter. Most of the veneer recovered was classified as D-grade. CCV trees from the Ellangowan site yielded up to 38% of the better C-grade and higher grade veneers. The main limiting factors that prevented veneer from meeting higher grades were the presence of kino defects and encased knots. Splits in E. dunnii veneer also contributed to reduced grade quality. Log end splits were higher for E. dunnii than for CCV, and logs from Ellangowan exhibited more severe splitting. Split index was generally higher for top than for butt billets. Split index was strongly correlated with the average veneer grade from corresponding billets. The Ellangowan site, where rainfall was higher and trees grew faster, yielded significantly denser and stiffer veneers than did the drier sites near Kingaroy, where tree growth was slower. The difference was more pronounced for E. dunnii than for CCV. Differences in measured wood properties between thinned and unthinned treatments were generally small and not significant. On average, 10% of billet volume was lost during the peeling rounding-up process. Much of the wood laid down following thinning was removed during rounding-up, meaning the effect of thinning on veneer properties could not be effectively assessed. CCV was confirmed as having high veneer density and very good veneer stiffness, exceeding 15 GPa, making it very suitable for structural products. E. dunnii also demonstrated good potential as a useful structural plywood resource, achieving stiffness above 10 GPa. Veneer stiffness and density in CCV increased from pith to bark at both sites, while for E. dunnii there was a radial increase in these properties at the Ellangowan site only. At the drier Kingaroy site, veneer stiffness and density declined from mid-radius to the log periphery. This may be associated with prolonged drought from 2005 to 2009, corresponding to the later years of tree growth at the Kingaroy site. CCV appeared to be less sensitive to drought conditions. Standing tree acoustic velocity, determined by the Fakopp time-of-flight method, provided a reliable prediction of average veneer stiffness for both species (R2=0.78 for CCV and R2=0.90 for E. dunnii) suggesting that the Fakopp method may be a useful indicator of tree and stand quality, in terms of veneer stiffness in standing trees.


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The aim of this thesis was to study the basic relationships between thinning and fertilisation, tree growth rate and wood properties of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) throughout a stand rotation. The material consisted of a total of 109 trees from both long-term thinning (Heinola, 61°10'N, 26°01'E; Punkaharju, 61°49'N, 29°19'E) and fertilisation-thinning experiments (Parikkala, 61°36'N, 29°22'E; Suonenjoki, 62°45'N, 27°00'E) in Finland. Wood properties, i.e., radial increment, wood density, latewood proportion, tracheid length, cell wall thickness and lumen diameter, as well as relative lignin content, were measured in detail from the pith to the bark, as well as from the stem base towards the stem apex. Intensive thinning and fertilisation treatments of Norway spruce stands increased (8% 64%) the radial increment of studied trees at breast height (1.3 m). At the same time, a faster growth rate slightly decreased average wood density (2% 7%), tracheid length (0% 9%) and cell wall thickness (1% 17%). The faster growth resulted in only small changes (0% 9%) in lumen diameter and relative lignin content (1% 2%; lignin content was 25.4% 26%). However, the random variation in wood properties was large both between and within trees and annual rings. The results of this thesis indicate that the prevailing thinning and fertilisation treatments of Norway spruce stands in Fennoscandia may significantly enhance the radial increment of individual trees, and cause only small or no detrimental changes in wood and tracheid properties.


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The distribution of relative velocities between colliding particles in shear flows of inelastic spheres is analysed in the Volume fraction range 0.4-0.64. Particle interactions are considered to be due to instantaneous binary collisions, and the collision model has a normal coefficient of restitution e(n) (negative of the ratio of the post- and pre-collisional relative velocities of the particles along the line joining the centres) and a tangential coefficient of restitution e(t) (negative of the ratio of post- and pre-collisional velocities perpendicular to line joining the centres). The distribution or pre-collisional normal relative velocities (along the line Joining the centres of the particles) is Found to be an exponential distribution for particles with low normal coefficient of restitution in the range 0.6-0.7. This is in contrast to the Gaussian distribution for the normal relative velocity in all elastic fluid in the absence of shear. A composite distribution function, which consists of an exponential and a Gaussian component, is proposed to span the range of inelasticities considered here. In the case of roughd particles, the relative velocity tangential to the surfaces at contact is also evaluated, and it is found to be close to a Gaussian distribution even for highly inelastic particles.Empirical relations are formulated for the relative velocity distribution. These are used to calculate the collisional contributions to the pressure, shear stress and the energy dissipation rate in a shear flow. The results of the calculation were round to be in quantitative agreement with simulation results, even for low coefficients of restitution for which the predictions obtained using the Enskog approximation are in error by an order of magnitude. The results are also applied to the flow down an inclined plane, to predict the angle of repose and the variation of the volume fraction with angle of inclination. These results are also found to be in quantitative agreement with previous simulations.


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Australian utility pole network is aging and reaching its end of life, with 70% of the 5 million poles currently in-service nationally installed within the 20 years following the end of World War II. The estimated investment required for the replacement or remedial maintenance of the aging 3.5 millions poles is as high as 1.75 billion dollars. Additionally, an estimated 21,700 high-durability new poles are required each year, representing further investment of 13.5 million dollars per year. Yet, agreements which progressively phase out logging of native forests around Australia have been signed, giving the industry about 25 years to make the transition from Crown native forests to plantations and private forests. As utility poles were traditionally cut from native forest hardwood species, finding solutions to source new poles currently presents a challenge. This paper presents tests on Veneer Based Composite hardwood hollow utility poles manufactured from Gympie messmate (Eucalyptus cloeziana) plantation thinning. Small diameter poles of nominal 115 mm internal diameter and 15 mm wall-thickness were manufactured in two half-poles butt jointed together, using 9 veneers per halfpole. The poles were tested in bending and shear, and experimental test results are presented. The mechanical performance of the hollow poles is discussed and compared to hardwood poles cut from mature trees and of similar size. Future research and different options for improving the current concept are proposed in order to provide a more reliable and cost effective technical solution to the current shortage of utility poles. © RILEM 2014.


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In Australia, plantation forests have increased in area by around 50% in the last 10 years. While this expansion has seen a modest 8% increase for softwoods, hardwood plantations have dramatically increased by over 150%. Hardwood plantations grown for high quality sawn timber are slow to mature, with a crop rotation time potentially reaching 35 years. With this long lead-time, each year the risk from fire, pests and adverse weather events dramatically increases, while not translating into substantially higher financial returns to the grower. To justify continued expansion of Australia's current hardwood plantation estate, it is becoming necessary to develop higher value end-uses for both pulpwood and smaller 'sawlog' resources. The use of the low commercial value stems currently culled during thinning appears to be a necessary option to improve the industry profitability and win new markets. This paper provides background information on Australian forests and plantations and gives an overview of potential uses of Australian hardwood plantation thinning logs, as their mechanical properties. More specifically, this paper reports on the development of structural Veneer Based Composite (VBC) products from hardwood plantation thinning logs, taking advantage of a recent technology developed to optimise the processing of this resource. The process used to manufacture a range of hollow-form veneer laminated structural products is presented and the mechanical characteristics of these products are investigated in the companion paper. The market applications and future opportunities for the proposed products are also discussed, as potential benefits to the timber industry. © RILEM 2014.


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A simple yet fairly accurate method of calculating the ideal detonation velocity of an organic explosive from a knowledge of the chemical composition alone is proposed. The method is based on the concept that the energetics of a stoichiometrically balanced fuel-oxidizer system is a function of the total oxidizing or reducing valences of the composition. A combination of the valences in the form of Image , where R and P are, respectively, the reducing and oxidizing valences and MW is the molecular weight, has been found to be linearly related to the detonation velocity of the expolosive. The predicting capacity of the method has been found to be superior to other methods in the literature.


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Ultrasonic velocities in aqueous solutions of some metal acetates, monochloroacelates and trichloroacetates, and the respective acids have been measured at 1 MHz frequency using the pulse technique. The ultrsonic velocity, adiabatic compressibility and apperent molal compressibility were measured as a function of concentration. The apparent molal compressibility values at infinite dilution were calculated and used to determine the hydration numbers.


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The transfer matrix method is known to be well suited for a complete analysis of a lumped as well as distributed element, one-dimensional, linear dynamical system with a marked chain topology. However, general subroutines of the type available for classical matrix methods are not available in the current literature on transfer matrix methods. In the present article, general expressions for various aspects of analysis-viz., natural frequency equation, modal vectors, forced response and filter performance—have been evaluated in terms of a single parameter, referred to as velocity ratio. Subprograms have been developed for use with the transfer matrix method for the evaluation of velocity ratio and related parameters. It is shown that a given system, branched or straight-through, can be completely analysed in terms of these basic subprograms, on a stored program digital computer. It is observed that the transfer matrix method with the velocity ratio approach has certain advantages over the existing general matrix methods in the analysis of one-dimensional systems.