987 resultados para Thermal lens spectroscopy
Usamos uma metodologia experimental para investigar propriedades ópticas e térmicas da oleína de palma (OP), a fração líquida do azeite de palma (Elaies guineensis) obtida por fracionamento natural, com propriedades físicas que diferem apreciavelmente do azeite. Em uma primeira abordagem, estudamos os espectros de absorção e emissão monitorando a modificação dos espectros com o aumento da concentração β-caroteno misturado com OP, o que permitiu encontrar o coeficiente de absorção molar do β-caroteno (ε = 920,802 mol -1.cm-1.L). Este valor é muito baixo em relação aos conhecidos para o β-caroteno diluído em um solvente puro, como o benzeno ou o n-hexano. Experimentos feitos com β-caroteno diluído em hexano nos permitiram medir ε = 117.900 L.mol-1.cm-1, que representa aproximadamente 18% abaixo dos valores reportados na literatura. Em uma segunda abordagem, os espectros de absorção foram usados para medir o coeficiente de absorção da OP, A = 0,028 cm-1 em 532 nm, o comprimento de onda de um laser usado como fonte de excitação no estudo das propriedades térmicas da OP usando a técnica de lente térmica. Neste sentido foi medido também o coeficiente térmico do índice de refração da OP, dn/dt = - 3,821 x 10 -4 °C -1. Estes resultados, associados ao modelo aberrante para estudos de espectroscopia de lente térmica, levaram à medição do coeficiente de difusão, D = 2,19 ± 0,11 x 10-4 cm2/s, e da condutividade térmica, k = 5,96 ± 0,08 W/m°C. Embora as medidas das propriedades térmicas da OP não sejam ainda conhecidas na literatura, observa-se que elas têm as mesmas ordens de grandeza daquelas já conhecidas para outros óleos vegetais que foram relatadas na literatura.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The present work reports on the thermo-optical study of germanate thin films doped with Au and Ag nanoparticles. Transmission Electron Microscopy images, UV-visible absorption and Micro-Raman scattering evidenced the presence of nanoparticles and the formation of collective excitations, the so called surface plasmons. Moreover, the effects of the metallic nanoparticles in the thermal properties of the films were observed. The thermal lens technique was proposed to evaluate the Thermal Diffusivity (D) of the samples. It furnishes superficial spatial resolution of about 100 mu m, so it is appropriate to study inhomogeneous samples. It is shown that D may change up to a factor 3 over the surface of a film because of the differences in the nanoparticles concentration distribution. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The metastable defects of a-Si:H samples annealed at temperatures in the 300-550°C range have been studied by photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS). The light-soaked samples show an increase in optical absorption in the 0.8 to 1.5 eV range. The metastable defect density decreases when the annealing temperature increases, while the defect density increases. This decrease in the metastable defect density shows an almost linear correlation with the decrease in the hydrogen content of the samples, determined by IR transmission spectroscopy and thermal desorption spectroscopy.
Heterobimetallic carbonyl compounds of the type [Fe(CO)4(HgX)2] (X= Cl, Br, I), which have metal-metal bonds, have been prepared in order to study their thermal stabilities as a function of the halogen coordinated to mercury atoms. The characterization of the above complexes was carried out by elemental analysis, IR and NMR spectroscopies. Their thermal behaviour has been investigated and the final product was identified by IR spectroscopy and by X-ray powder diffractogram.
Optical limiting and thermal lensing studies are carried out in C70–toluene solutions. The measurements are performed using 9-ns pulses generated from a frequencydoubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm. Optical limiting studies in fullerene molecules lead to the conclusion that reverse saturable absorption is the major mechanism for limiting. Analysis of thermal lensing measurements showed a quadratic dependence of thermal lens signal on incident laser energy, which also supports the view that optical limiting in C70 arises due to sequential two-photon absorption via excited triplet state (reverse saturable absorption).
Optical limiting and thermo-optic properties of C60 in toluene are studied using 532 nm, 9 ns pulses from a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser. Optical limiting studies in these fullerene molecules lead to the conclusion that reverse saturable absorption is the major mechanism for limiting properties in these molecules. Thermal lensing measurements are also performed in fullerene solutions. The quadratic dependence of thermal lens signal on incident energy confirms that enhanced optical absorption by the sample via excited triplet state absorption may play a leading role in the limiting property.
The CH local mode overtone spectrum of benzyl chloride in the visible and NIR regions studied by laser induced thermal lens and conventional NIR absorption is presented. The analysis shows that the −CH2Cl group is symmetrically oriented with respect to the benzene ring, thus finalizing one of the two possible conformational models predicted by electron diffraction studies. The aryl CH bonds have a slightly larger force constant than that in benzene.
Vibrational overtone spectra of styrene (liquid) and polystyrene (solid), studied by the laser-induced thermal lens (for ΔV=6) and the conventional near infrared absorption (for ΔV=3–5) techniques, are reported. For polystyrene, the overtone energy-bond length correlation predicts that the aryl CH bonds are ∼0.0005 Å longer than that in benzene, while no such conclusions could be drawn on styrene. Thesp 3 CH overtones in polystyrene are observed on the low energy side of the aryl CH overtones.
A nanocomposite is a multiphase solid material where one of the phases has one, two or three dimensions of less than 100 nanometers (nm), or structures having nano-scale repeat distances between the different phases that make up the material. In the broadest sense this definition can include porous media, colloids, gels and copolymers, but is more usually taken to mean the solid combination of a bulk matrix and nano-dimensional phase(s) differing in properties due to dissimilarities in structure and chemistry. The mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical, electrochemical, catalytic properties of the nanocomposite will differ markedly from that of the component materials. Size limits for these effects have been proposed, <5 nm for catalytic activity, <20 nm for making a hard magnetic material soft, <50 nm for refractive index changes, and <100 nm for achieving superparamagnetism, mechanical strengthening or restricting matrix dislocation movement. Conducting polymers have attracted much attention due to high electrical conductivity, ease of preparation, good environmental stability and wide variety of applications in light-emitting, biosensor chemical sensor, separation membrane and electronic devices. The most widely studied conducting polymers are polypyrrole, polyaniline, polythiophene etc. Conducting polymers provide tremendous scope for tuning of their electrical conductivity from semiconducting to metallic region by way of doping and are organic electro chromic materials with chemically active surface. But they are chemically very sensitive and have poor mechanical properties and thus possessing a processibility problem. Nanomaterial shows the presence of more sites for surface reactivity, they possess good mechanical properties and good dispersant too. Thus nanocomposites formed by combining conducting polymers and inorganic oxide nanoparticles possess the good properties of both the constituents and thus enhanced their utility. The properties of such type of nanocomposite are strongly depending on concentration of nanomaterials to be added. Conducting polymer composites is some suitable composition of a conducting polymer with one or more inorganic nanoparticles so that their desirable properties are combined successfully. The composites of core shell metal oxide particles-conducting polymer combine the electrical properties of the polymer shell and the magnetic, optical, electrical or catalytic characteristics of the metal oxide core, which could greatly widen their applicability in the fields of catalysis, electronics and optics. Moreover nanocomposite material composed of conducting polymers & oxides have open more field of application such as drug delivery, conductive paints, rechargeable batteries, toners in photocopying, smart windows, etc.The present work is mainly focussed on the synthesis, characterization and various application studies of conducting polymer modified TiO2 nanocomposites. The conclusions of the present work are outlined below, Mesoporous TiO2 was prepared by the cationic surfactant P123 assisted hydrothermal synthesis route and conducting polymer modified TiO2 nanocomposites were also prepared via the same technique. All the prepared systems show XRD pattern corresponding to anatase phase of TiO2, which means that there is no phase change occurring even after conducting polymer modification. Raman spectroscopy gives supporting evidence for the XRD results. It also confirms the incorporation of the polymer. The mesoporous nature and surface area of the prepared samples were analysed by N2 adsorption desorption studies and the mesoporous ordering can be confirmed by low angle XRD measurementThe morphology of the prepared samples was obtained from both SEM & TEM. The elemental analysis of the samples was performed by EDX analysisThe hybrid composite formation is confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopyAll the prepared samples have been used for the photocatalytic degradation of dyes, antibiotic, endocrine disruptors and some other organic pollutants. Photocatalytic antibacterial activity studies were also performed using the prepared systemsAll the prepared samples have been used for the photocatalytic degradation of dyes, antibiotic, endocrine disruptors and some other organic pollutants. Photocatalytic antibacterial activity studies were also performed using the prepared systems Polyaniline modified TiO2 nanocomposite systems were found to have good antibacterial activity. Thermal diffusivity studies of the polyaniline modified systems were carried out using thermal lens technique. It is observed that as the amount of polyaniline in the composite increases the thermal diffusivity also increases. The prepared systems can be used as an excellent coolant in various industrial purposes. Nonlinear optical properties (3rd order nonlinearity) of the polyaniline modified systems were studied using Z scan technique. The prepared materials can be used for optical limiting Applications. Lasing studies of polyaniline modified TiO2 systems were carried out and the studies reveal that TiO2 - Polyaniline composite is a potential dye laser gain medium.
The propagation of an optical beam through dielectric media induces changes in the refractive index, An, which causes self-focusing or self-defocusing. In the particular case of ion-doped solids, there are thermal and non-thermal lens effects, where the latter is due to the polarizability difference, Delta alpha, between the excited and ground states, the so-called population lens (PL) effect. PL is a pure electronic contribution to the nonlinearity, while the thermal lens (TL) effect is caused by the conversion of part of the absorbed energy into heat. In time-resolved measurements such as Z-scan and TL transient experiments, it is not easy to separate these two contributions to nonlinear refractive index because they usually have similar response times. In this work, we performed time-resolved measurements using both Z-scan and mode mismatched TL in order to discriminate thermal and electronic contributions to the laser-induced refractive index change of the Nd3+-doped Strontium Barium Niobate (SrxBa1-xNb2O6) laser crystal. Combining numerical simulations with experimental results we could successfully distinguish between the two contributions to An. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The absorption and luminescence spectra for the poly(p-phenylene vinylene)/sol-gel silica with different thermal treatments were measured. A considerable increase in the luminescence was observed for the polymer introduced into SiO2 matrix with thermal treatment at 120 degreesC. The thermal diffusivity of these samples was measured using the thermal lens technique, and the obtained value 3.3 x 10(-5) cm(2)/s (sample treated at 37 degreesC) is practically independent of the thermal treatment (37-150 degreesC). (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)