169 resultados para Thelephora terrestris


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目的:研究蒺藜(Tribulus terrestris L.)中生物活性物质。方法:用硅胶柱色谱、HPLC进行分离,根据光谱数据鉴定其结构。结果:分离纯化得到两种呋甾皂苷,确定其结构为26-O-β-D-吡喃葡糖基-(25R,S)-5α-呋甾-12-羰基-20(22)-烯基-3β,26-二醇-3-O-β-D吡喃葡糖基(1→4)-β-D-吡喃半乳糖苷(I);26-O-β-D吡喃葡糖基-(25R)-5α-呋甾-12-羰基-3β,22α,26-三醇-3-O-β-D-吡喃葡糖基(1→2)-β-D-吡喃半乳糖苷(Ⅱ)。结论:I,Ⅱ均为新化合物


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Using electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (MS) combined with sequential tandem MS(ESI-MSn), two major steroidal saponins extracted from Tribulus terrestris were studied, and considerable useful structural information was obtained. The structure of the proposed known steroidal saponin was verified, and the structure of the unknown saponin was investigated using MSn experiments. Some special fragment ions were also observed, and the corresponding fragmentation mechanisms were investigated which are characteristic for steroidal saponins and can give some information on the linkage position of some sugar groups in saponins. This methodology has been established as a powerful tool for the rapid, comparative analysis of mixtures such as crude plant extracts. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Cryptic species diversity is thought to be common within the class Insecta, posing problems for basic ecological and population genetic studies and conservation management. Within the temperate bumble bee (Bombus spp.) fauna, members of the subgenus Bombus sensu stricto are amongst the most abundant and widespread. However, their species diversity is controversial due to the extreme difficulty or inability morphologically to identify the majority of individuals to species. Our character-based phylogenetic analyses of partial CO1 (700 bp) from 39 individuals spread across their sympatric European ranges provided unequivocal support for five taxa (3-22 diagnostic DNA base pair sites per species). Inclusion of 20 Irish specimens to the dataset revealed >= 2.3% sequence divergence between taxa and 200 m) whilst B. cryptarum was relatively more abundant at higher altitudes. Bombus magnus was rarely encountered at urban sites. Both B. lucorum and B. terrestris are nowadays reared commercially for pollination and transported globally. Our RFLP approach to identify native fauna can underpin ecological studies of these important cryptic species as well as the impact of commercial bumble bees on them.


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The allatostatins are a family of peptides isolated originally from the cockroach, Diploptera punctata. Related peptides have been identified in Periplaneta americana and the blowfly, Calliphora vomitoria. These peptides have been shown to be potent inhibitors of juvenile hormone synthesis in these species. A peptide inhibitor of juvenile hormone biosynthesis has also been isolated from the moth, Manduca sexta; however, this peptide has no structural homology with the D. punctata-type allatostatins. Investigations of the phylogeny of the D. punctata allatostatin peptide family have been started by examining a number of nonarthropod invertebrates for the presence of allatostatin-like molecules using immunocytochemistry with antisera directed against the conserved C-terminal region of this family. Allatostatin-like immunoreactivity (ALIR) was demonstrated in the nervous systems of Hydra oligactis (Hydrozoa), Moniezia expansa (Cestoda), Schistosoma mansoni (Trematoda), Artioposthia triangulata (Turbellaria), Ascaris suum (Nematoda), Lumbricus terrestris (Oligochaeta), Limax pseudoflavus (Gastropoda), and Eledone cirrhosa (Cephalopoda). ALIR could not be demonstrated in Ciona intestinalis (Ascidiacea). These results suggest that molecules related to the allatostatins may play an important role in nervous system function in many invertebrates as well as in insects and that they also have an ancient evolutionary lineage. (C) 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Declining populations of bee pollinators are a cause of concern, with major repercussions for biodiversity loss and food security. RNA viruses associated with honeybees represent a potential threat to other insect pollinators, but the extent of this threat is poorly understood. This study aims to attain a detailed understanding of the current and ongoing risk of emerging infectious disease (EID) transmission between managed and wild pollinator species across a wide range of RNA viruses. Within a structured large-scale national survey across 26 independent sites, we quantify the prevalence and pathogen loads of multiple RNA viruses in co-occurring managed honeybee (Apis mellifera) and wild bumblebee (Bombus spp.) populations. We then construct models that compare virus prevalence between wild and managed pollinators. Multiple RNA viruses associated with honeybees are widespread in sympatric wild bumblebee populations. Virus prevalence in honeybees is a significant predictor of virus prevalence in bumblebees, but we remain cautious in speculating over the principle direction of pathogen transmission. We demonstrate species-specific differences in prevalence, indicating significant variation in disease susceptibility or tolerance. Pathogen loads within individual bumblebees may be high and in the case of at least one RNA virus, prevalence is higher in wild bumblebees than in managed honeybee populations. Our findings indicate widespread transmission of RNA viruses between managed and wild bee pollinators, pointing to an interconnected network of potential disease pressures within and among pollinator species. In the context of the biodiversity crisis, our study emphasizes the importance of targeting a wide range of pathogens and defining host associations when considering potential drivers of population decline.


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The introduction of earthworms into soils contaminated with metals and metalloids has been suggested to aid restoration practices. Eisenia veneta (epigeic), Lumbricus terrestris (anecic) and Allolobophora chlorotica (endogeic) earthworms were cultivated in columns containing 900 g soil with 1130, 345, 113 and 131 mg kg1 of As, Cu, Pb and Zn, respectively, for up to 112 days, in parallel with earthworm-free columns. Leachate was produced by pouring water on the soil surface to saturate the soil and generate downflow. Ryegrass was grown on the top of columns to assess metal uptake into biota. Different ecological groups affected metals in the same way by increasing concentrations and free ion activities in leachate, but anecic L. terrestris had the greatest effect by increasing leachate concentrations of As by 267%, Cu by 393%, Pb by 190%, and Zn by 429% compared to earthworm-free columns. Ryegrass grown in earthworm-bearing soil accumulated more metal and the soil microbial community exhibited greater stress. Results are consistent with earthworm enhanced degradation of organic matter leading to release of organically bound elements. The degradation of organic matter also releases organic acids which decrease the soil pH. The earthworms do not appear to carry out a unique process, but increase the rate of a process that is already occurring. The impact of earthworms on metal mobility and availability should therefore be considered when inoculating earthworms into contaminated soils as new pathways to receptors may be created or the flow of metals and metalloids to receptors may be elevated.


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The influence of soil organisms on metal mobility and bioavailability in soils is not currently fully understood. We conducted experiments to determine whether calcium carbonate granules secreted by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris could incorporate and immobilise lead in lead- and calcium- amended artificial soils. Soil lead concentrations were up to 2000 mg kg-1 and lead:calcium ratios by mass were 0.5-8. Average granule production rates of 0.39 + 0.04 mgcalcite earthworm-1 day-1 did not vary with soil lead concentration. The lead:calcium ratio in granules increased significantly with that of the soil (r2 = 0.81, p = 0.015) with lead concentrations in granules reaching 1577 mg kg-1. X-ray diffraction detected calcite and aragonite in the granules with indications that lead was incorporated into the calcite at the surface of the granules. In addition to the presence of calcite and aragonite X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicated that lead was present in the granules mainly as complexes sorbed to the surface but with traces of lead-bearing calcite and cerussite. The impact that lead-incorporation into earthworm calcite granules has on lead mobility at lead-contaminated sites will depend on the fraction of total soil lead that would be otherwise mobile.


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The common practice of remediating metal contaminated mine soils with compost can reduce metal mobility and promote revegetation, but the effect of introduced or colonising earthworms on metal solubility is largely unknown. We amended soils from an As/Cu (1150 mgAs kg−1 and 362 mgCu kg−1) and Pb/Zn mine (4550 mgPb kg−1 and 908 mgZn kg−1) with 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% compost and then introduced Lumbricus terrestris. Porewater was sampled and soil extracted with water to determine trace element solubility, pH and soluble organic carbon. Compost reduced Cu, Pb and Zn, but increased As solubility. Earthworms decreased water soluble Cu and As but increased Pb and Zn in porewater. The effect of the earthworms decreased with increasing compost amendment. The impact of the compost and the earthworms on metal solubility is explained by their effect on pH and soluble organic carbon and the environmental chemistry of each element.


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Earthworms secrete granules of calcium carbonate. These are potentially important in soil biogeochemical cycles and are routinely recorded in archaeological studies of Quaternary soils. Production rates of calcium carbonate granules by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. were determined over 27 days in a range of soils with differing chemical properties (pH, organic matter content, water holding capacity, bulk composition, cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cations). Production rate varied between soils, lay in the range 0–0.043 mmolCaCO3 (0–4.3 mg) earthworm−1 d−1 with an average rate of 8 × 10−3 mmolCaCO3 (0.8 mg) earthworm−1 d−1 and was significantly correlated (r = 0.68, P ≤ 0.01) with soil pH. In a second experiment lasting 315 days earthworms repeatedly (over periods of 39–57 days) produced comparable masses of granules. Converting individual earthworm granule production rates into fluxes expressed on per hectare of land per year basis depends heavily on estimates of earthworm numbers. Using values of 10–20 L. terrestris m−2 suggests a rate of 18– 3139 molCaCO3 ha−1 yr−1. Data obtained from flow-through dissolution experiments suggest that at near neutral pH, granule geometric surface areanormalised dissolution rates are similar to those for other biogenic and inorganic calcium carbonate. Fits of the data to the dissolution relationship r = k(1 − ˝)n where r = dissolution rate, k = a rate constant, ˝ = relative saturation and n = the reaction order gave values of k = 1.72 × 10−10 mol cm−2 s−1 and n = 1.8 for the geometric surface area-normalised rates and k = 3.51 × 10−13 mol cm−2 s−1 and n = 1.8 for the BET surface area-normalised rates. In 196 day leaching column experiments trends in granule dissolution rate referenced to soil chemistry corresponded to predictions made by the SLIM model for dissolution of limestone in soil. If soil solution approaches saturation with respect to calcium carbonate granule dissolution will slow or even stop and granules be preserved indefinitely. Granules have the potential to be a small but significant component of the biogeochemical cycling of C and Ca in soil.


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In this paper we show for the first time that calcite granules, produced by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris, and commonly recorded at sites of archaeological interest, accurately reflect temperature and soil water δ18O values. Earthworms were cultivated in an orthogonal combination of two different (granule-free) soils moistened by three types of mineral water and kept at three temperatures (10, 16 and 20 ºC) for an acclimatisation period of three weeks followed by transfer to identical treatments and cultivation for a further four weeks. Earthworm-secreted calcite granules were collected from the second set of soils. δ18O values were determined on individual calcite granules (δ18Oc) and the soil solution (δ18Ow). The δ18Oc values reflect soil solution δ18Ow values and temperature, but are consistently enriched by 1.51 (±0.12) ‰ in comparison to equilibrium in synthetic carbonates. The data fit the equation 1000 ln α = [20.21 ± 0.92] (103 T-1) - [38.58 ± 3.18] (R2 = 0.95; n = 96; p < 0.0005). As the granules are abundant in modern soils, buried soils and archaeological contexts, and can be dated using U-Th disequilibria, the developed palaeotemperature relationship has enormous potential for application to Holocene and Pleistocene time intervals.


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Lumbricus terrestris earthworms produce calcium carbonate (CaCO3) granules with unknown physiological function. To investigate carbon sequestration potential, the influence of temperature and CO2 concentration ([CO2]) on CaCO3 production was investigated using three soils, five temperatures(3-20 C) and four atmospheric [CO2] (439-3793 ppm). Granule production rates differed between soils, but could not be related to any soil characteristics measured. Production rates increased with temperature, probably because of higher metabolic rate, and with soil CO2 concentration. Implications for carbon sequestration are discussed. CaCO3 production in earthworms is probably related to pH regulation of blood and tissue fluid in the high CO2 environment of the soil.


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Global food security, particularly crop fertilization and yield production, is threatened by heat waves that are projected to increase in frequency and magnitude with climate change. Effects of heat stress on the fertilization of insect-pollinated plants are not well understood, but experiments conducted primarily in self-pollinated crops, such as wheat, show that transfer of fertile pollen may recover yield following stress. We hypothesized that in the partially pollinator-dependent crop, faba bean (Vicia faba L.), insect pollination would elicit similar yield recovery following heat stress. We exposed potted faba bean plants to heat stress for 5 days during floral development and anthesis. Temperature treatments were representative of heat waves projected in the UK for the period 2021-2050 and onwards. Following temperature treatments, plants were distributed in flight cages and either pollinated by domesticated Bombus terrestris colonies or received no insect pollination. Yield loss due to heat stress at 30°C was greater in plants excluded from pollinators (15%) compared to those with bumblebee pollination (2.5%). Thus, the pollinator dependency of faba bean yield was 16% at control temperatures (18 to 26°C) and extreme stress (34°C), but was 53% following intermediate heat stress at 30°C. These findings provide the first evidence that the pollinator dependency of crops can be modified by heat stress, and suggest that insect pollination may become more important in crop production as the probability of heat waves increases.


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The present work focuses on the interaction between the zwitterionic surfactant N-hexadecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate (HPS) and the giant extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp). Electronic optical absorption, fluorescence emission and circular dichroism spectroscopy techniques, together with Gel-filtration chromatography, were used in order to evaluate the oligomeric dissociation as well as the autoxidation of HbGp as a function of the interaction with HPS. A peculiar behavior was observed for the HPS-HbGp interaction: a complex ferric species formation equilibrium was promoted, as a consequence of the autoxidation and oligomeric dissociation processes. At pH 7.0, HPS is more effective up to 1 mM while at pH 9.0 the surfactant effect is more intense above 1 mM. Furthermore, the interaction of HPS with HbGp was clearly less intense than the interaction of this hemoglobin with cationic (CTAC) and anionic (SDS) surfactants. Probably, this lower interaction with HPS is due to two factors: (i) the lower electrostatic attraction between the HPS surfactant and the protein surface ionic sites when compared to the electrostatic interaction between HbGp and cationic and anionic surfactants, and (ii) the low cmc of HPS, which probably reduces the interaction of the surfactant in the monomeric form with the protein. The present work emphasizes the importance of the electrostatic contribution in the interaction between ionic surfactants and HbGp. Furthermore, in the whole HPS concentration range used in this study, no folding and autoxidation decrease induced by this surfactant were observed. This is quite different from the literature data on the interaction between surfactants and tetrameric hemoglobins, that supports the occurrence of this behavior for the intracellular hemoglobins at low surfactant concentration range. Spectroscopic data are discussed and compared with the literature in order to improve the understanding of hemoglobin-surfactant interaction as well as the acid isoelectric point (pI) influence of the giant extracellular hemoglobins on their structure-activity relationship. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The giant extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp) has a molecular mass (M) of 3600 +/- 100 kDa and a standard sedimentation coefficient (s(20.w)(0)) of 58 S. estimated by analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC). In the present work, further AUC studies were developed for HbGp, at pH 10.0, which favors oligomeric dissociation into lower M species. The HbGp oligomer is formed by globin chains a, b, c and d plus the linker chains. The pure monomeric fraction, subunit d, and HbGp at pH 10.0, in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol, were also studied. Our results indicate that for samples of pure subunit d, besides the monomeric species with s(20.w)(0) of 2.0 S, formation of dimer of subunit d is observed with s(20.w)(0) of around 2.9 S. For the whole HbGp at pH 10.0 contributions from monomers, trimers and linkers are observed. No contribution from 58 S species was observed for the sample of oxy-HbGp at pH 10.0, showing its complete dissociation. For cyanomet-HbGp form a contribution of 17% is observed for the un-dissociated oligomer, consistent with data from other techniques that show the cyanomet-form is more stable as compared to oxy-HbGp. Masses of HbGp subunits, especially trimer abc and monomeric chains a, b, c and d, were also estimated from sedimentation equilibrium data, and are in agreement with the results from MALDI-TOF-MS. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The giant extracellular hemoglobin of Glossoscolex paulistus (HbGp) is constituted by Subunits containing heme groups with molecular masses (M) in the range of 15 to 19 kDa, monomers of 16 kDa (d), and trimers of 51 to 52 kDa (abc) linked by nonheme structures named linkers of 24 to 32 kDa (L). HbGp is homologous to Lumbricus terrestris hemoglobin (HbLt). Several reports propose M of HbLt in the range of 3.6 to 4.4 MDa. Based on subunits M determined by mass spectrometry and assuming HbGp stoichiometry of 12(abcd)(3)L(3) (Vinogradov model) plus 144 heme groups, a Value of M for HbGp oligomer of 3560 kDa can be predicted. This Value is nearly 500 kDa higher than the unique HbGp M Value reported in the literature. In the current work, sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) experiments were performed to obtain M for HbGp in oxy and cyano-met forms. s(20,w)(0), values of 58.1 +/- 0.2 S and 59.6 +/- 0.2 S, respectively, for the two oxidation forms were obtained. The ratio between sedimentation and diffusion coefficients supplied values for M of approximately 3600 100 and 3700 100 kDa for oxy and cyano-met HbGp forms, respectively. An independent determination of the partial specific volume, V(bar), for HbGp was performed based on density measurements, providing a value of 0.764 +/- 0.008, in excellent agreement with the estimates from SEDFIT software. Our results show total consistency between M obtained by AUC and recent partial characterization by mass spectrometry. Therefore, HbGp possesses M very close to that of HbLt, suggesting an oligomeric assembly in agreement with the Vinogradov model. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.