180 resultados para Theaters


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Bibliography: p. [141]- 145.


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übernommen von Julius Weidner am 1ten März 1817


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Politische Teilhabe und Raum für Subjektivität gehen Hand in Hand. Menschen in schwierigen und benachteiligten Lebenslagen wird der Raum für unabhängiges, kritisches, politisches Denken und Handeln aufgrund der Prekarität ihres Lebensalltages jedoch zusehends entzogen. Theaterarbeit kann hier ein Ort sein, um (wieder) Zugang zum eigenen Erleben, zu den eigenen Sichtweisen und zur eigenen Sprache zu finden; Beteiligung wird erfahrbar gemacht und soziale Grenzen können überschritten werden. Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Beitrages steht das Legislative Theater nach Augusto Boal, das politische Öffentlichkeit unter Einschluss der "Ausgeschlossenen" ermöglicht und darüber hinaus demokratische Beteiligung eröffnet. Vorgestellt werden Geschichte, Ablauf, aber auch drei konkret von InterACT umgesetzte Beispiele in Österreich und deren nachhaltige politische Einflussnahme. Fazit des Autors: Politisches und demokratisches Lernen entwickeln sich vor allem nahe an den Lebenslagen und Lebenswelten des/der Einzelnen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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A pressing challenge for the study of animal ethics in early modern literature is the very breadth of the category “animal,” which occludes the distinct ecological and economic roles of different species. Understanding the significance of deer to a hunter as distinct from the meaning of swine for a London pork vendor requires a historical investigation into humans’ ecological and cultural relationships with individual animals. For the constituents of England’s agricultural networks – shepherds, butchers, fishwives, eaters at tables high and low – animals matter differently. While recent scholarship on food and animal ethics often emphasizes ecological reciprocation, I insist that this mutualism is always out of balance, both across and within species lines. Focusing on drama by William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and the anonymous authors of late medieval biblical plays, my research investigates how sixteenth-century theaters use food animals to mediate and negotiate the complexities of a changing meat economy. On the English stage, playwrights use food animals to impress the ethico-political implications of land enclosure, forest emparkment, the search for new fisheries, and air and water pollution from urban slaughterhouses and markets. Concurrent developments in animal husbandry and theatrical production in the period thus led to new ideas about emplacement, embodiment, and the ethics of interspecies interdependence.


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Manuscript: "Das fatale Loch in der Berliner Theatergeschichte". Speech exploring the burdens placed on scholarship and the students of the Theatrical Institute of the Free University of Berlin by the presence of professors who were compromised by their activities during the Nazi era.


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The article provides information on a study on the potential of mixing ventilation in reducing energy costs in buildings such as theaters and schools. The study found that neither Manchester’s Contact Theatre and the Garrick Theatre in Lichfield in England is operating according to the displacement-ventilation principle upon which they were designed. Hybrid mixing ventilation has an important impact on both the ventilation rate and the thermal comfort of the theatres.


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Abstract: The idea of a “paradise in politics” is an answer to the cosmogonic- anthropogonic problem that, through their bodies, the life of human beings has been shaped politically from the very beginning: all creation is a creation of bodies and bodies are power. All creation, furthermore, means separation, it emerges through a multiplicity of things and beings only. The conventional solution for the problem, in the realm of human beings, consists in forming societies out of a multiplicity of indivuals that remains as such. The solution of a “paradise in politics”, however, envisions a “healing” of creation through a bodily transmutation by which a world of bodies emerges that is freed from the problem of bodies: separation, power. The article discusses the negative cosmology with which all tales on a paradise in politics start. It shows the essential role of phantasy in the constitution of these tales, and elucidates the principal structural elements through which visions of a paradise in politics are built. A special attention is given to the parallelism between these visions and known religious thought, as in the case of the concepts of apokatastasis or perichoresis, for instance. Methodically, the article achieves a demonstration of its subject by an extensive presentation and analysis of two case studies: Rousseau’s vision of a “terrestrial paradise” and the attempt at “bodily redemption” put on the stage in 1968-69 by the “Living Theatre” Group with its performance “Paradise Now”.


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[EN] The concept of image in its different aspects is very important in today s society as well as in the business management field. Some authors reports that most of the studies that measure image do not take into account neither previous theoretical and conceptual models nor other possible empirical evidence alternatives. Given this need, a research regarding the concept of brand image applied to shopping malls was conducted based on the conceptual model of the consumer cognitive response in order to empirically explore and contrast it. For this reason, a survey was applied to 420 consumers in five shopping malls in Bogotá, achieving a database of 3.749 cases. The results show attribute-shopping mall associations expressed in unique, differentiated, and notorious vocabulary obtained applying lexicometric and multivariate analysis techniques. Attribute-shopping mall associations such as spacious , good location , good variety of stores , and the existence of movie theaters . Finally, this research aims to potentially improve the management of shopping malls and increase their attractiveness and customer loyalty by applying the development of service quality systems, integral communication, segmentation, and positioning.


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Almeida Garrett engajou-se como liberal participando dos acontecimentos políticos de seu país. Após a Revolução de Setembro de 1836, Passos Manuel convida-o para estruturar o teatro português, tendo em vista que é considerado um meio de civilização. Garrett elabora um plano baseado em três pontos fundamentais: a construção de um edifício (futuro Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, inaugurado em 1846); uma escola voltada para formação artística e a criação de um repertório dramático nacional e moderno. Aprovado pela rainha D. Maria II em Decreto de 15 de novembro de 1836, nomeado Inspetor-Geral dos Teatros, para coordenar as atividades, põe em prática o projeto até ser demitido em julho de 1841. A proposta deste trabalho é analisar o teatro garrettiano, sob o ponto de vista político, do período de 1838 a 1843, por esta ser uma fase de intensa atividade do autor na tentativa de restaurar a cena portuguesa. Como corpus, temos: Um auto de Gil Vicente (1838); O alfageme de Santarém (1841); Frei Luís de Sousa (1843)


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo traçar breves notas sobre algumas movimentações de drag queens e outras artistas da travestilidade que tiveram lugar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, nos anos de 2009 e 2010. Através de um trabalho de observação participante, foram selecionados alguns locais e espetáculos que poderiam ser representativos desta categoria artística, não se pretendendo um levantamento extenso sobre quem são e onde estão tais artistas. Nomeio como artistas da travestilidade aqueles corpos que têm o ato de travestir-se como central em sua construção artístico-cultural, principalmente construindo corporalidades baseadas em um gênero diferente daquele identificado socialmente no nascimento, como drag queens, atores transformistas, travestis e transexuais artistas. Apoiando-me em pressupostos dos métodos cartográfico e etnográfico assumi, nesta dissertação, o posicionamento de um pesquisador-espectador, objetivando o contato com aquilo que drag queens e outras artistas da travestilidade desejam tornar público, ou seja, seus shows e espetáculos. Acompanhei diversas apresentações deste tipo em teatros, boates, bares e clubes de bairro, bem como em outros locais nos quais se fizeram presentes, como na Parada do Orgulho LGBT do Rio de Janeiro e em alguns blocos do carnaval carioca. Tendo ainda como campo de diálogo alguns postulados da Esquizoanálise vertente teórica fundamentada principalmente nas contribuições de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari , pretendi situar e afirmar as drag queens e a arte da travestilidade dentro dos estudos de gênero e sexualidade, principalmente aqueles mais diretamente relacionados às manifestações de uma subcultura camp e cultura gay e/ou homossexual.


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A digitalização das mídias e a influência da tecnologia ocasionaram a difusão de um novo modelo de cinema, conjunto complexo de mudanças pautadas na lógica econômica e em um processo de cognição específico. Nesse contexto, na nova disposição do cinema, observa-se uma transformação no processo narrativo fílmico para além de novos formatos e conteúdos audiovisuais. Para investigar o fenômeno da polidimensionalidade do conceito da narrativa no cinema contemporâneo, a presente dissertação realiza uma análise qualitativa de exemplos significativos do cinema comercial, considerando a não-linearidade, a transnacionalização, a transmídia, além de destacar a vertente da multiplicidade narrativa, da polidimensionalidade, no cinema experimental e nas instalações artísticas. Como recorte do objeto de pesquisa, optou-se pela análise do filme Slumdog Millionaire (2008), nos itens transnacionalização e não-linearidade; dos filmes Watchmen (2009) e Batman (The Dark Knight, 2008), como franquias de transmídia; além da multiplicidade do cinema experimental What we will e instalações. O critério de seleção dos filmes foi o destaque que obtiveram nas respectivas categorias nos últimos dois anos, nas grandes bilheterias do cinema comercial pelos sites Filme B e The Internet Movie Database


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Universities aim for good “Space Management” so as to use the teaching space efficiently. Part of this task is to assign rooms and time-slots to teaching activities with limited numbers and capacities of lecture theaters, seminar rooms, etc. It is also common that some teaching activities require splitting into multiple events. For example, lectures can be too large to fit in one room or good teaching practice requires that seminars/tutorials are taught in small groups. Then, space management involves decisions on splitting as well as the assignments to rooms and time-slots. These decisions must be made whilst satisfying the pedagogic requirements of the institution and constraints on space resources. The efficiency of such management can be measured by the “utilisation”: the percentage of available seat-hours actually used. In many institutions, the observed utilisation is unacceptably low, and this provides our underlying motivation: to study the factors that affect teaching space utilisation, with the goal of improving it. We give a brief introduction to our work in this area, and then introduce a specific model for splitting. We present experimental results that show threshold phenomena and associated easy-hard-easy patterns of computational difficulty. We discuss why such behaviour is of importance for space management.