998 resultados para Tetragonal phase
Technology always advances and thus the device miniaturization and improved performance, besides multifunctionality, they become extremely necessary. A wave of research on the area tends to grow in number and importance in today's market, it is necessary to search for new materials, new applicability of the existing ones and new processes for increasingly cheaper costs. Dielectric materials are considered a key element in this sector being the main electrical properties its high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss. The Polymeric Precursor Method appears as a good alternative because is a low cost, simple process with controlled stoichiometry. In this method, two steps were performed. In a first step, the precursor solution was decomposed into powders and in a second step the precursor solution was converted in thin films. In this work, was used the polymeric precursor methods to get thin films where they were heat treated and characterized by XRD, SEM and AFM. We have obtained Bi3NbO7 thin films with good homogeneity and uniform distribution of grains were noted. We observed that the best condition to obtain the tetragonal phase is annealing the film at high temperatures for a longer soaking time and with excess of bismuth. Several oxides electrodes were evaluated aiming to obtain textured dielectric thin films
Lead zirconate titanate, with Zr/Ti ratio of 53/47 was prepared by the polymeric precursor method. It was investigated the barium (II) modification at 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mol% in substitution to the lead (II) cation in A site of perovskite structure. The powder samples were characterized by XRD and the diffraction patterns were used to Rietveld refinement. The percentages of tetragonal and rhombohedral phases and a systematic study of the effect of barium (II) on the morphology and the dielectric properties of PZT were carried out. The results showed that the tetragonal phase is favored and the ceramic density is improved with the barium (II) insertion. The Curie temperature (Tc) is increased besides the slight reduction of dielectric constant (Kc).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Non-doped as well as titanium and lutetium doped zirconia (ZrO2) materials were synthesized via the sol-gel method and structurally characterized with X-ray powder diffraction. The addition of Ti in the zirconia lattice does not change the crystalline structure whilst the Lu doping introduces a small fraction of the tetragonal phase. The UV excitation results in a bright white-blue luminescence at ca. 500 nm for all the materials which emission could be assigned to the Ti3+ e(g) -> t(2g) transition. The persistent luminescence originates from the same Ti3+ center. The thermoluminescence data shows a well-defined though rather similar defect structures for all the zirconia materials. The kinetics of persistent luminescence was probed with the isothermal decay curve analyses which indicated significant retrapping. The short duration of persistent luminescence was attributed to the quasi-continuum distribution of the traps and to the possibility of shallow traps even below the room temperature. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
The exploration of novel synthetic methodologies that control both size and shape of functional nanostructure opens new avenues for the functional application of nanomaterials. Here, we report a new and versatile approach to synthesize SnO2 nanocrystals (rutile-type structure) using microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. Broad peaks in the X-ray diffraction spectra indicate the nanosized nature of the samples which were indexed as a pure cassiterite tetragonal phase. Chemically and physically adsorbed water was estimated by TGA data and FT-Raman spectra to account for a new broad peak around 560 cm(-1) which is related to defective surface modes. In addition, the spherical-like morphology and low dispersed distribution size around 3-5 nm were investigated by HR-TEM and FE-SEM microscopies. Room temperature PL emission presents two broad bands at 438 and 764 nm, indicating the existence of different recombination centers. When the size of the nanospheres decreases, the relative intensity of 513 nm emission increases and the 393 nm one decreases. UV-Visible spectra show substantial changes in the optical absorbance of crystalline SnO2 nanoparticles while the existence of a small tail points out the presence of localized levels inside the forbidden band gap and supplies the necessary condition for the PL emission.
The synthesis of zirconia-based ordered mesoporous structures for catalytic applications is a research area under development. These systems are also potential candidates as anodes in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (it-SOFC) due to an enhancement on their surface area [1-4]. The structural features of mesoporous zirconia-ceria materials in combination with oxygen storage/release capacity (OSC) are crucial for various catalytic reactions. The direct use of hydrocarbons as fuel for the SOFC (instead of pure H2), without the necessity of reforming and purification reactors can improve global efficiency of these systems [4]. The X-ray diffraction data showed that ZrO2-x%CeO2 samples with x>50 are formed by a larger fraction of the cubic phase (spatial group Fm3m), while for x<50 the major crystalline structure is the tetragonal phase (spatial group P42/nmc). The crystallite size of the cubic phase increases with increase in ceria content. The tetragonal crystallite size decreases when ceria content increases. After impregnation, the Rietveld analysis showed a NiO content around 60wt.% for all samples. The lattice parameters for the ZrO2 tetragonal phase are lower for higher ZrO2 contents, while for all samples the cubic NiO and CeO2 parameters do not present changes. The calculated densities are higher for higher ceria content, as expected. The crystallite size of NiO are similar (~20nm) for all samples and 55nm for the NiO standard. Nitrogen adsorption experiments revealed a broader particle size distribution for higher CeO2 content. The superficial area values were around 35m2/g for all samples, the average pore diameter and pore volumes were higher when increasing ceria content. After NiO impregnation the particle size distribution was the same for all samples, with two pore sizes, the first around 3nm and a broader peak around 10nm. The superficial area increased to approximately 45m2/g for all samples, and the pore volume was also higher after impregnation and increased when ceria content increased. These results point up that the impregnation of NiO improves the textural characteristics of the pristine material. The complementary TEM/EDS images present a homogeneous coating of NiO particles over the ZrO2-x%CeO2 support, showing that these samples are excellent for catalysis applications. [1] D. Y. Zhao, J. Feng, Q. Huo, N. Melosh, G. H. Fredrickson, B. F. Chmelka, G. D. Stucky, Science 279, 548-552 (1998). [2] C. Yu, Y. Yu, D. Zhao, Chem. Comm. 575-576 (2000). [3] A. Trovarelli, M. Boaro, E. Rocchini, C. de Leitenburg, G. Dolcetti, J. Alloys Compd. 323-324 (2001) 584-591. [4] S. Larrondo, M. A. Vidal, B. Irigoyen, A. F. Craievich, D. G. Lamas, I. O. Fábregas, et al. Catal. Today 107–108 (2005) 53-59.
CexZr1-xO2 (0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.9) were synthesized with Zr and Ce chloride precursors, using the triblock copolymer Pluronic P123 and HCl (2 mol/L). The pH adjustment was performed in two ways: synthesis A used 11.4 mL of a NH4OH solution added at once to the initial mixture, composed by metal precursors and template in HCl; synthesis B was done by dripping slowly until the change of pH value (between 3 and 6). In this work, CexZr1-xO2 samples synthesized by these two processes are compared. The effects of pH values in materials characteristics were also evaluated. These samples were analysed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) with Rietveld refinement, and Nitrogen Adsorption/Desorption. In both processes, the studied materials presented two crystalline phases of CexZr1-xO2 solid solution: cubic and tetragonal. The synthesis A also presented a tetragonal phase of ZrO2. The average crystallite size and the Brunauer- Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area are bigger in process A. Both processes give samples with a mesoporous structure.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene Methoden der Synthese von Zinn(IV)oxid Nanopartikeln, deren Stabilisierung durch unterschiedliche Surfactants und der Einbau der Nanomaterialien in PMMA beschrieben und die erhaltenen Materialien charakterisiert. Die Darstellung der Zinnoxid Nanopartikel wurde über drei verschiedene Synthesewege durchgeführt: a) Polymeric Precursor Methode, b) Solvothermal-Synthese und c) säurekatalysierte Fällungsreaktion. Im Rahmen von a) konnte neben der thermodynamisch stabilen Phase von Zinn(IV)oxid ebenfalls die metastabile orthorhombische Phase synthetisiert werden. Durch eine Analyse der Pyrolysebedingungen konnte der Kristallisationsmechanismus des Zinnoxids ausgehend vom Precursor bis zur tetragonalen Phase des Zinn(IV)oxid diskutiert werden. Die Synthesemethoden b) und c) boten sich zur Darstellung von oberflächenmodifizierten Zinnoxid Nanopartikeln an. Als Surfactant benutzte man unter anderem Alkylphosphonsäuren, da eine hydrophobe Oberfläche die Dispersion in MMA ermöglichte. Abschließend wurde eine radikalische in situ-Polymerisation von MMA in Gegenwart von oberflächenmodifizierten Partikeln durchgeführt. Der erhaltene Verbundwerkstoff zeichnete sich durch eine erhöhte thermische Stabilität aufgrund weniger Strukturdefekte des Polymers aus. Durch eine Untersuchung des Polymerisationsmechanismus konnte die Wirkung der oberflächenmodifizierten Nanopartikel auf die Polymerisation veranschaulicht werden. Aufgrund der nicht homogenen Verteilung der Nanopartikel im Verbundwerkstoff konnte jedoch keine Charakterisierung der optischen Eigenschaften durchgeführt werden.
Seit der Entwicklung einer großen Vielfalt von Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Spintronik auf Basis von Heusler Verbindungen innerhalb der letzten Dekade kann der Forschungsfortschritt an dieser Material Klasse in einer Vielzahl von Publikationen verfolgt werden. Eine typische Heusler Verbindung X2YZ besteht aus zwei Übergangsmetallen (X, Y) und einem Hauptgruppenelement (Z). Diese Arbeit berichtet von Heusler Verbindungen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf deren potentielle halbmetallische Eigenschaften und davon insbesondere solche, die eine richtungsabhängige magnetische Anisotropie (perpendicular magnetic anisotropy- PMA) zeigen könnten. PMA ist insbesondere für Spin transfer Torque (STT) Bauelemente von großem Interesse und tritt in tetragonalrnverzerrten Heusler Verbindungen auf. Bei STT-Elementen werden mittels spinpolarisierter Ströme die magnetische Orientierung von magnetischen Schichten beeinflusst.rnDie signifikantesten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sind: die Synthese neuer kubischen Heusler Phasen Fe2YZ, die theoretisch als tetragonal vorausgesagt wurden (Kapitel 1), die Synthese von Mn2FeGa, das in der tetragonal verzerrten Struktur kristallisiert und Potential für STT Anwendungen zeigt (Kapitel 2); die Synthese von Fe2MnGa, das einen magnetischen Phasenübergang mit exchange-bias (EB) Effekt zeigt, der auf einer Koexistenz von ferromagnetischen (FM) und antiferromagnetischen (AFM) Phasen beruht (Kapitel 3); Schlussendlich wird in Kapitel 4 die Synthese von Mn3−xRhxSn diskutiert, in welcher insbesondere tetragonales Mn2RhSn als potentielles Material für Anwendungen in derrnSpintronik vorgestellt wird.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurden hauptsächlich Heusler Verbindungen mit mößbaueraktiven Elementen 57Fe und 119Sn, synthetisiert und untersucht. Im Falle der hier untersuchten Heusler Verbindungen spielt die Charakterisierung durch Mößbauer Spektroskopie eine entscheidende Rolle, da Heusler Verbindungen meistens ein gewisses Maß an Fehlordnung aufweisen, welche deren magnetischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften beeinflussen kann. Die Art der Fehlordnung jedoch kann nur schwer durch standard Pulver-Röntgendiffraktion bestimmt werden, weshalb wir die Vorteile der Mößbauer Spektroskopie als lokale Methode nutzen, um den Typ und den Grad der Fehlordnung aufzuklären. rnDiese Arbeit ist wie folgt gegliedert:rnIn Kapitel 1 wurden die neuen, kubisch-weichferromagnetischen Heuslerphasen Fe2NiGe, Fe2CuGa und Fe2CuAl synthetisiert und charakterisiert. In vorangegangenen theoretischen Studien wurde für deren Existenz in tetragonaler Heuslerstruktur vorhergesagt.rnUngeachtet dessen belegten unsere experimentellen Untersuchungen, dass diese Verbindungen hauptsächlich in der kubischen invers Heusler(X-) struktur mit unterschiedlichen Anteilen an atomarer Fehlordnung kristallisieren. Alle Verbindungen sind weiche Ferromagneten mit hoher Curietemperatur bis zu 900K, weswegen alle als potentielle Materialien für magnetische Anwendungen geeignet sind. In Kapitel 2 wurde Mn2FeGa synthetisiert. Es zeigte sich, dass Mn2FeGa nach Temperatur Nachbehandlung bei 400°C die invers tetragonale Struktur (I4m2) annimmt. Theoretisch wurde die Existenz in der inversen kubischen Heuslerstruktur vorausgesagt. Abhängig von den Synthesebedingungen ändern sich die magnetischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Mn2FeGa eklatant. Deshalb ändert sich die Kristallstruktur von M2FeGa bei Temperung bei 800 °C zu einer pseudokubischen Cu3Au-artigen Struktur, in welcher Fe- und Mn-Atome statistisch verteilt vorliegen. Dieser Übergang der Kristallstrukturen wurde durch Mößbauer Spektroskopie anhand des Vorliegens oder Fehlens der Quadrupolaufspaltung im Falle der invers tetragonalen bzw. pseudokubischen Modifikation nachgewiesen. In Kapitel 3 wurde Fe2MnGa ebenfalls erfolgreich synthetisiert und durch verschiedene Methoden charakterisiert. Der Zusammenhang von Kristallstruktur und magnetischen Eigenschaften wurde durch verschiedene Temperungskonditionen und mechanischer Behandlung untersucht. Der Schwerpunkt lag auf einer geschmolzenen Probe ohne weitere Temperung, die einen FM-AFM Phasenübergang zeigte. Diese magnetische Phasenumwandlung führt zu einem starken EB-Verhalten, welches seinen Ursprung hauptsächlich in der Koexistenz von FM- und AFM-Phasen unterhalb der FMAFM- Übergangstemperatur hat. Kapitel 4 ist den neuen Mn-basierten Heusler-Verbindungen Mn3−xRhxSn gewidmet, bei denen wir versuchten, durch den Austausch von Mn durch das größere Rh eine Umwandlung zu einer tetragonalen Struktur von den hexagonalen Mn3Sn-Struktur zu erreichen. Als interessant stellten sich Mn2RhSn und Mn2.1Rh0.9Sn heraus, da sie aus nur einer Phase vorzuliegen scheinen, wohingegen die anderen Verbindungen aus gemischten Phasen mit gleichzeitiger starken Fehlordnung bestehen. Im abschließenden Anhang wurden die Fehlordnung und gelegentliche Mischphasen einer großen Auswahl von Mn3−xFexGa Materialien mit 1≤x≤3, dokumentiert.rn
Phase evolution during the mechanical alloying of Mo and Si elemental powders with a ternary addition of Al, Mg, Ti or Zr was monitored using X-ray diffraction. Rietveld analysis was used to quantify the phase proportions. When Mo and Si are mechanically alloyed in the absence of a ternary element, the tetragonal C11b polymorph of MoSi2 (t-MoSi2) forms by a self-propagating combustion reaction. With additional milling, the tetragonal phase transforms to the hexagonal C40 structure (h-MoSi2). The mechanical alloying of Al, Mg and Ti additions with Mo and Si tend to promote a more rapid transformation of t-MoSi2 to h-MoSi2. In high concentrations, the addition of these ternary elements inhibits the initial combustion reaction, instead promoting the direct formation of h-MoSi2. The addition of Zr tends to stabilise the tetragonal phase.
Highly active mesoporous SO4/ZrO2/HMS (hexagonal mesoroporous silica) solid acid catalysts with tuneable sulphated zirconia (SZ) content have been prepared for the liquid phase isomerisation of α-pinene. The mesoporous HMS framework is preserved during the grafting process as evidenced by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and porosimetry with all SO4/ZrO2/HMS materials possessing average pore-diameters ∼20 Å. XRD confirms the presence of a stabilized tetragonal phase of nanoparticulate ZrO2, with no evidence for zirconia phase separation or the formation of discrete crystallites, consistent with a uniform and highly dispersed SZ coating. The activity towards α-pinene isomerisation scales linearly with Zr loading, while the specific activities are an order of magnitude greater than attainable by conventional methodologies (∼1 versus 0.08 mol h−1 g Zr−1).
Recently, ammonia borane has increasingly attracted researchers’ attention because of its merging applications, such as organic synthesis, boron nitride compounds synthesis, and hydrogen storage. This dissertation presents the results from several studies related to ammonia borane. The pressure-induced tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition in ammonia borane was studied in a diamond anvil cell using in situ Raman spectroscopy. We found a positive Clapeyron-slope for this phase transformation in the experiment, which implies that the phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic is exothermic. The result of this study indicates that the rehydrogenation of the high pressure orthorhombic phase is expected to be easier than that of the ambient pressure tetragonal phase due to its lower enthalpy. The high pressure behavior of ammonia borane after thermal decomposition was studied by in situ Raman spectroscopy at high pressures up to 10 GPa. The sample of ammonia borane was first decomposed at ~140 degree Celcius and ~0.7 GPa and then compessed step wise in an isolated sample chamber of a diamond anvil cell for Raman spectroscopy measurement. We did not observe the characteristic shift of Raman mode under high pressure due to dihydrogen bonding, indicating that the dihydrogen bonding disappears in the decomposed ammonia borane. Although no chemical rehydrogenation was detected in this study, the decomposed ammonia borane could store extra hydrogen by physical absorption. The effect of nanoconfinement on ammonia borane at high pressures and different temperatures was studied. Ammonia borane was mixed with a type of mesoporous silica, SBA-15, and restricted within a small space of nanometer scale. The nano-scale ammonia borane was decomposed at ~125 degree Celcius in a diamond anvil cell and rehydrogenated after applying high pressures up to ~13 GPa at room temperature. The successful rehydrogenation of decomposed nano-scale ammonia borane gives guidance to further investigations on hydrogen storage. In addition, the high pressure behavior of lithium amidoborane, one derivative of ammonia borane, was studied at different temperatures. Lithium amidoborane (LAB) was decomposed and recompressed in a diamond anvil cell. After applying high pressures on the decomposed lithium amidoborane, its recovery peaks were discovered by Raman spectroscopy. This result suggests that the decomposition of LAB is reversible at high pressures.
Recently, ammonia borane has increasingly attracted researchers’ attention because of its merging applications, such as organic synthesis, boron nitride compounds synthesis, and hydrogen storage. This dissertation presents the results from several studies related to ammonia borane. ^ The pressure-induced tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition in ammonia borane was studied in a diamond anvil cell using in situ Raman spectroscopy. We found a positive Clapeyron-slope for this phase transformation in the experiment, which implies that the phase transition from tetragonal to orthorhombic is exothermic. The result of this study indicates that the rehydrogenation of the high pressure orthorhombic phase is expected to be easier than that of the ambient pressure tetragonal phase due to its lower enthalpy. ^ The high pressure behavior of ammonia borane after thermal decomposition was studied by in situ Raman spectroscopy at high pressures up to 10 GPa. The sample of ammonia borane was first decomposed at ∼140 degree Celcius and ∼0.7 GPa and then compessed step wise in an isolated sample chamber of a diamond anvil cell for Raman spectroscopy measurement. We did not observe the characteristic shift of Raman mode under high pressure due to dihydrogen bonding, indicating that the dihydrogen bonding disappears in the decomposed ammonia borane. Although no chemical rehydrogenation was detected in this study, the decomposed ammonia borane could store extra hydrogen by physical absorption. ^ The effect of nanoconfinement on ammonia borane at high pressures and different temperatures was studied. Ammonia borane was mixed with a type of mesoporous silica, SBA-15, and restricted within a small space of nanometer scale. The nano-scale ammonia borane was decomposed at ∼125 degree Celcius in a diamond anvil cell and rehydrogenated after applying high pressures up to ∼13 GPa at room temperature. The successful rehydrogenation of decomposed nano-scale ammonia borane gives guidance to further investigations on hydrogen storage. ^ In addition, the high pressure behavior of lithium amidoborane, one derivative of ammonia borane, was studied at different temperatures. Lithium amidoborane (LAB) was decomposed and recompressed in a diamond anvil cell. After applying high pressures on the decomposed lithium amidoborane, its recovery peaks were discovered by Raman spectroscopy. This result suggests that the decomposition of LAB is reversible at high pressures.^
By means of synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction (SXPD) and Raman spectroscopy, we have detected, in a series of nanocrystalline and compositionally homogeneous ZrO(2)-Y(2)O(3) solid solutions, the presence at room temperature of three different phases depending on Y(2)O(3) content, namely two tetragonal forms and the cubic phase. The studied materials, with average crystallite sizes within the range 7-10 nm, were synthesized by a nitrate-citrate gel-combustion process. The crystal structure of these phases was also investigated by SXPD. The results presented here indicate that the studied nanocrystalline ZrO(2)-Y(2)O(3) solid solutions exhibit the same phases reported in the literature for compositionally homogeneous materials containing larger (micro)crystals. The compositional boundaries between both tetragonal forms and between tetragonal and cubic phases were also determined. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) is a coating procedure that utilises anodic oxidation in aqueous electrolytes above the dielectric breakdown voltage to produce oxide coatings that have specific properties. These conditions facilitate oxide formation under localised high temperatures and pressures that originate from short-lived microdischarges at sites over the metal surface and have fast oxide volume expansion. Anodic ZrO2 films were prepared by subjecting metallic zirconium to PEO in acid solutions (H2C 2O4 and H3PO4) using a galvanostatic DC regime. The ZrO2 microstructure was investigated in films that were prepared at different charge densities. During the anodic breakdown, an important change in the amplitude of the voltage oscillations at a specific charge density was observed (i.e., the transition charge density (Q T)). We verified that this transition charge is a monotonic function of both the current density and temperature applied during the anodisation, which indicated that Q T is an intrinsic response of this system. The oxide morphology and microstructure were characterised using SEM and X-ray diffraction experiments (XRD) techniques. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the change in voltage oscillation was correlated with oxide microstructure changes during the breakdown process. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.