868 resultados para Test Anxiety Scale


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to verify the degree of anxiety, respiratory distress, and health-related quality of life in a group of asthmatic patients who have experienced previous panic attacks. Additionally, we evaluated if a respiratory physiotherapy program (breathing retraining) improved both asthma and panic disorder symptoms, resulting in an improvement in the health-related quality of life of asthmatics. METHODS: Asthmatic individuals were assigned to a chest physiotherapy group that included a breathing retraining program held once a week for three months or a paired control group that included a Subtle Touch program. All patients were assessed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV, the Sheehan Anxiety Scale, the Quality of Life Questionnaire, and spirometry parameter measurements. RESULTS: Both groups had high marks for panic disorder and agoraphobia, which limited their quality of life. The Breathing Retraining Group program improved the clinical control of asthma, reduced panic symptoms and agoraphobia, decreased patient scores on the Sheehan Anxiety Scale, and improved their quality of life. Spirometry parameters were unchanged. CONCLUSION: Breathing retraining improves the clinical control of asthma and anxiety symptoms and the health-related quality of life in asthmatic patients.


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INTRODUCTION: There is substantial evidence regarding the impact of negative life events during childhood on the aetiology of psychiatric disorders. We examined the association between negative early life events and social anxiety in a sample of 571 Spanish University students. METHODS: In a cross-sectional survey conducted in 2007, we collected data through a semistructured questionnaire of sociodemographic variables, personal and family psychiatric history, and substance abuse. We assessed the five early negative life events: (i) the loss of someone close, (ii) emotional abuse, (iii) physical abuse, (iv) family violence, and (v) sexual abuse. All participants completed the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. RESULTS: Mean (SD) age was 21 (4.5), 75% female, LSAS score was 40 (DP = 22), 14.2% had a psychiatric family history and 50.6% had negative life events during childhood. Linear regression analyses, after controlling for age, gender, and family psychiatric history, showed a positive association between family violence and social score (p = 0.03). None of the remaining stressors produced a significant increase in LSAS score (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: University students with high levels of social anxiety presented higher prevalence of negative early life events. Thus, childhood family violence could be a risk factor for social anxiety in such a population.


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Introduzione:l’interferone (IFN) usato per l’eradicazione del virus dell’Epatite C, induce effetti collaterali anche riferibili alla sfera psichica. I dati sugli eventi avversi di tipo psichiatrico dei nuovi farmaci antivirali (DAA) sono limitati. Lo scopo di questo studio è di valutare lo sviluppo di effetti collaterali di tipo psichiatrico in corso di due distinti schemi di trattamento: IFN-peghilato e ribavirina [terapia duplice (standard o SOC)]; DAA in associazione a IFN-peghilato e ribavirina (terapia triplice). Metodi: pazienti HCV+ consecutivi seguiti presso l’Ambulatorio delle Epatiti Croniche della Semeiotica Medica del Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche dell’Università di Bologna in procinto di intraprendere un trattamento antivirale a base di IFN, sottoposti ad esame psicodiagnostico composto da intervista clinica semistrutturata e test autosomministrati: BDI, STAXI-2, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, MMPI – 2. Risultati: Sono stati arruolati 84 pazienti, 57/84 (67.9%) nel gruppo in triplice e 27/84 nel gruppo SOC. Quasi tutti i pazienti arruolati hanno eseguito l’intervista clinica iniziale (82/84; 97.6%), mentre scarsa è stata l’aderenza ai test (valori missing>50%). Ad eccezione dell’ansia, la prevalenza di tutti gli altri disturbi (irritabilità, astenia, disfunzioni neurocognitive, dissonnia) aumentava in corso di trattamento. In corso di terapia antivirale 43/84 (51.2%) hanno avuto bisogno di usufruire del servizio di consulenza psichiatrica e 48/84 (57.1%) hanno ricevuto una psicofarmacoterapia di supporto, senza differenze significative fra i due gruppi di trattamento. Conclusioni : uno degli elementi più salienti dello studio è stata la scarsa aderenza ai test psicodiagnostici, nonostante l’elevata prevalenza di sintomi psichiatrici. I risultati di questo studio oltre ad evidenziare l’importanza dei sintomi psichiatrici in corso di trattamento e la rilevanza della consulenza psicologica e psichiatrica per consentire di portare a termine il ciclo terapeutico previsto (migliorandone l’efficacia), ha anche dimostrato che occorre ripensare gli strumenti diagnostici adattandoli probabilmente a questo specifico target.


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Background Depressive and anxiety symptoms often co-occur resulting in a debate about common and distinct features of depression and anxiety. Methods An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a bifactor modelling approach were used to separate a general distress continuum from more specific sub-domains of depression and anxiety in an adolescent community sample (n = 1159, age 14). The Mood and Feelings Questionnaire and the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale were used. Results A three-factor confirmatory factor analysis is reported which identified a) mood and social-cognitive symptoms of depression, b) worrying symptoms, and c) somatic and information-processing symptoms as distinct yet closely related constructs. Subsequent bifactor modelling supported a general distress factor which accounted for the communality of the depression and anxiety items. Specific factors for hopelessness-suicidal thoughts and restlessness-fatigue indicated distinct psychopathological constructs which account for unique information over and above the general distress factor. The general distress factor and the hopelessness-suicidal factor were more severe in females but the restlessness-fatigue factor worse in males. Measurement precision of the general distress factor was higher and spanned a wider range of the population than any of the three first-order factors. Conclusions The general distress factor provides the most reliable target for epidemiological analysis but specific factors may help to refine valid phenotype dimensions for aetiological research and assist in prognostic modelling of future psychiatric episodes.


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In the present work, we examine the role of self-control resources within the relationship between anxiety and cognitive test performance. We argue that self-control is required for keeping attention away from anxiety-related worries, which would otherwise distract a person from performing on the test. In Study 1 (N = 67) and Study 2 (N = 96), we found that state anxiety was negatively related to performance of verbal learning and mental arithmetic if participants' self-control resources were depleted, but it was unrelated if participants' self-control was intact. In Study 3 (N = 99), the worry component of trait test anxiety was more strongly related to perceived distraction by worries while performing an arithmetic task for participants with depleted self-control resources than for nondepleted participants. Furthermore, distraction by worries showed to be responsible for suboptimal performance. The findings may help to clarify the anxiety-performance relationship and offer a novel approach for counteracting performance decrements associated with test anxiety.


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This study investigated the development of emotional security among 6-10 year old children who have been adopted by exposing them to an experimental condition during which they could engage with either a live dog or a robotic dog. The live dog was a certified therapy dog; the robotic dog was a FurReal® toy marketed by Hasbro as "Biscuit." Utilizing a mixed-method embedded experimental design, the experimental condition was intentionally structured to promote engagement between the participant and the dog or robot. 43 children who had been adopted from the child welfare system were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group was exposed to a therapy dog (n=22), while another was exposed to the social robotic dog (n=21). The development of emotional security was targeted for measurement in this study using the "Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test," a test of social understanding that has been linked in the literature to oxytocin- a hormone premised to be a marker of the development of emotional security. Physiological anxiety was also measured as an indicator of emotional security using the Revised Child Manifest Anxiety Scale-2 (RCMAS-2). Both measures were administered before and after exposure to the experimental condition. A linear mixed-effect regression analysis showed that for boys only, there was a significant effect of engagement with either companion on social understanding (p<.01). Social understanding decreased as engagement increased. A second model indicated that for boys only, their history of animal cruelty had a significant effect on physiological anxiety (p<.05). If boys had an animal cruelty history, their anxiety was reduced after the exposure to either the dog or robot. Interpretations of the findings suggest that there are differences among children who have been adopted and have a history of animal cruelty that differentially influences their development of emotional security. Social work interventions designed for practice with children who have been adopted will need to assess the presence of these variations and develop appropriate treatment protocols.


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Previous research has identified the relationship between athlete sport anxiety and various sport outcomes (e.g., performance and dropout). For the majority of athletes involved in sport, the coach is an influential element of the competitive experience. Two hundred and twenty-eight athletes from 15 sports, completed the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport (CBS-S). The predictive ability of athletes' perceived frequency of seven coaching behaviours (physical training, mental preparation, goal setting, technical skills, competition strategies, personal rapport and negative personal rapport) on four forms of sport anxiety (total anxiety, somatic anxiety, concentration disruption and worry) was examined. Results indicate that negative personal rapport was a significant predictor of all measured forms of sport anxiety while competition strategies was a significant predictor for total anxiety, concentration disruption, and worry. Other behaviours were not significant. The findings suggest that negative rapport between coach and athlete is an important contributor to athlete anxiety. In addition, behaviours that the coach demonstrates relative to competition can be influential in reducing athlete anxiety.


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The 20-item anxiety scale proposed by the Eysenck Personality Profiler (EPP) was completed by 1,148 Anglican male clergy and 523 Anglican female clergy during their first year in ordained ministry. The data demonstrate that male clergy recorded higher scores on the index of anxiety than men in general. Female clergy recorded lower levels on the index of anxiety than women in general. These findings are consistent with the findings from earlier studies that male clergy tend to project a characteristically feminine personality profile while female clergy tend to project a characteristically masculine personality profile.


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Objective: Sertraline's efficacy and tolerability in treating generalized anxiety disorder were evaluated. Method: Adult outpatients with DSM-IV generalized anxiety disorder and a total score of 18 or higher on the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale were eligible. After a 1-week single-blind placebo lead-in, patients were randomly assigned to 12 weeks of double-blind treatment with placebo (N=188, mean baseline anxiety score=25) or flexible doses (50-150 mg/day) of sertraline (N=182, mean anxiety score=25). The primary outcome measure was baseline-to-endpoint change in the Hamilton anxiety scale total score. A secondary efficacy measure was the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) improvement score; response was defined as a score of 2 or less. Results: Sertraline patients had significantly greater improvement than placebo patients on all efficacy measures at week 4. Analysis of covariance of the intent-to-treat group at endpoint (with the last observation carried forward) showed a significant difference in the decrease from baseline of the least-square mean total score on the Hamilton anxiety scale between sertraline (mean=11.7) and placebo (mean=8.0). Significantly greater endpoint improvement with sertraline than placebo was obtained for mean scores on the Hamilton anxiety scale psychic factor (6.7 versus 4.1) and somatic factor (5.0 versus 3.9). The rate of responders, based on CGI improvement and last observation carried forward, was significantly higher for sertraline (63%) than placebo (37%). Sertraline was well tolerated; 8% of patients versus 10% for placebo dropped out because of adverse events. Conclusions: Sertraline appears to be efficacious and well tolerated in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.


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This study examined the psychometric properties of the parent version of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS-P); 484 parents of anxiety disordered children and 261 parents in a normal control group participated in the study. Results of confirmatory factor analysis provided support for six intercorrelated factors, that corresponded with the child self-report as well as with the classification of anxiety disorders by DSM-IV (namely separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, social phobia, panic/agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and fear of physical injuries). A post-hoc model in which generalized anxiety functioned as the higher order factor for the other five factors described the data equally well. The reliability of the subscales was satisfactory to excellent. Evidence was found for both convergent and divergent validity: the measure correlated well with the parent report for internalizing symptoms, and lower with externalizing symptoms. Parent-child agreement ranged from 0.41 to 0.66 in the anxiety-disordered group, and from 0.23 to 0.60 in the control group. The measure differentiated significantly between anxiety-disordered children versus controls, and also between the different anxiety disorders except GAD. The SCAS-P is recommended as a screening instrument for normal children and as a diagnostic instrument in clinical settings. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective. To assess the measurement properties of a simple index of symptom severity in osteoarthritis (OA) of the hips and knees. Methods. Both the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) and the proposed new Comprehensive Osteoarthritis Test (COAT) instrument were completed weekly by 125 subjects in the context of a randomized, 12-week, 3 parallel-arm clinical trial. The reliabilities of the various scales were assessed on a weekly basis by use of Cronbach's alpha coefficients. The validity of the COAT total scale was assessed by correlation with the WOMAC total scale on a weekly basis with correlation coefficients, and in terms of the correlations between subject-level intercepts and slopes over time. The relative responsiveness of the WOMAC and COAT total scales was assessed using a multilevel (longitudinal) multivariate (WOMAC, COAT) linear model. Results. The WOMAC and COAT total scales were highly reliable (mean over weeks: WOMAC alpha = 0.98; COAT alpha = 0.97). The correlations between the WOMAC and COAT scales were very high (mean over weeks = 0.92; subject-level intercepts = 0.91, slopes = 0.88). The COAT total scale was significantly more responsive than the WOMAC total scale in the active treatment (34.8% improvement vs 26.8%; p = 0.002). Conclusion. The COAT total scale is simple to administer, reliable, valid, and responsive to treatment effects.


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Os objetivos deste estudo foram: relacionar o consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade, verificar os níveis de ansiedade e as substâncias psicoativas mais consumidas, e associar consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade entre estudantes do ensino médio de escolas públicas e particulares da cidade de Maceió. Os estudantes e as instituições que participaram da pesquisa foram selecionados por meio de amostragem não-probabilística por conveniência. Tratou-se de um estudo de delineamento correlacional. A amostra foi de 407 estudantes, com idade de 14 a 18 anos. A pesquisa foi realizada em sete escolas, sendo quatro da rede pública estadual e três da rede particular. Os participantes responderam a um questionário sóciodemográfico; à Escala de Ansiedade do Adolescente (EAA); e a um questionário sobre o consumo de substâncias psicoativas. Foi feita a análise das relações entre consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade por meio do teste qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. O álcool foi a substância lícita mais consumida pelos estudantes, enquanto o solvente, a substância ilícita mais consumida por esse grupo. Os participantes apresentaram maior percentual no nível moderado: 28%. Verificou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade nos adolescentes. O uso na vida de solventes (p=0,037) e energéticos (p=0,023); uso no ano de cigarro (p=0,043) e bebidas alcoólicas (p=0,007); e uso freqüente de bebidas alcoólicas (p<0,001) relacionou-se com ansiedade moderada. Houve diferença significativa entre consumo de substâncias psicoativas e ansiedade nos tipos de escola: Na escola pública, houve relação entre estudantes que disseram consumir cigarro na vida e no ano, e entre os que fizeram uso na vida de solventes e energéticos com ansiedade grave (p=0,022; p=0,003; p=0,010;p=0=0,44, respectivamente); e entre estudantes que afirmaram ter feito consumo freqüente de bebidas alcoólicas com ansiedade moderada (p=0,007). Na escola particular, houve relação entre estudantes consumiram bebidas alcoólicas no ano com ansiedade moderada (p=0,011). A pesquisa verificou a necessidade de se realizarem projetos de prevenção de drogas e promoção de saúde que visem aumentar a reflexão sobre o estilo de vida e ansiedade.