117 resultados para Terminalia catappa


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The authors study pollenmorphologicaly species of the present families that occur like trees in the South Brazilian forests, except Heimia myrtifolia, which is herbaceous. One group is formed, remarked by three simple colpori, which consists of the species Buchenavia kleinii, Laguncularia racemosa (Combretaceae), Heimia myrtifolia *Lythraceae) and Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae). An other group is represented by the pollen grains of Combretum fruticosum, Terminalia autralis (Combretaceae) and Lafoensia pacari (Lythraceae), because they present pseudocolpi or similar streaks of a thinner sexine. Daphnopsis (Thymelaeaceae) is pantoporate with 10 - 14 pori and possesses a superficial pattern like croton-type of the Euphorbiaceae. Cariniana estrellensis (Lecythidaceae), with only three colpi, takes also an isolated position. There are relations between the morphology of pollen grains of the above treated families and those from the Guttiferales and Rosales.


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A new neotropical genus and a new species of a non-biting midge for the subfamily Tanypodinae from Brazil are described. The new genus is near Tanypus Meigen, 1803 and Procladius Skuse, 1889, but differs of both by wings and male terminalia.


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Seven medicinal plant extracts traditionally used in Kenya, mainly for management of infectious conditions, were chosen and screened for their antibacterial activity against Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli) and Gram-positive (Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria. Antibacterial activity was tested using the broth dilution method. Harrisonia abyssinica and Terminalia kilimandscharica extracts showed significant activity against Gram+ and Gram- bacteria. The methanolic extracts of T. kilimandscharica bark and H. abyssinica bark and leaves showed minimum inhibitory activity against all tested bacteria, with minimal inhibitory concentrations ranging from 25-150 mg/mL. Ajuga remota and Amaranthus hybridus, which are lethal to brine shrimp nauplii, showed significantly lower antibacterial activity than those that were relatively non-toxic.


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Recently, knowledge of Neotropical Simuliidae has been accumulating quickly. However, information about supra-specific relationships is scarce and diagnoses of Simulium subgenera are unsatisfactory. To investigate the relationships among Simulium (Chirostilbia) species and test the subgenus monophyly, we performed a cladistic analysis. The ingroup included all species of this subgenus and the outgroup included representatives of the 17 species groups of Neotropical Simulium and three Holarctic species. The study was based on a data matrix with 31 terminal taxa and 45 morphological characteristics of adult, pupa and larva. The phylogenetic analysis under equal weights resulted in eight most-parsimonious trees (length = 178, consistency index = 34, retention index = 67). The monophyly of the S. (Chirostilbia) was not supported in our analysis. The Simulium subpallidum species group was closer to Simulium (Psilopelmia) and Simulium (Ectemnaspis) than to the Simulium pertinax species group. Additionally, we describe the three-dimensional shape of the terminalia of male and female of Simulium (Chirostilbia) for the first time and provide comments about the taxonomic problems involving some species of the subgenus: Simulium acarayense, Simulium papaveroi, S. pertinax, Simulium serranum, Simulium striginotum and S. subpallidum.


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Unabiara, a new genus of Heteropsini Lacordaire, 1869 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Unabiara gen. nov. is proposed to include Callideriphus collaris Philippi & Philippi, 1864 (type species); provisionally it is maintained in Heteropsini Lacordaire, 1869. Unabiara collaris (Philippi & Philippi, 1864) new combination, is redescribed and illustrated, including the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation and male and female terminalia.


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A reanalysis, based on museum specimens, of our previously published data on the geographical distribution of the species of Drosophila belonging to the cardini group in Brazil is presented and discussed. As previously recorded in several papers, including ours, the following four species were recognized: D. cardini, D. cardinoides, D. neocardini, and D. polymorpha. However, it was realized that most of the flies we have previously identified as Drosophila cardinoides belong in fact to Drosophila cardini. To facilitate the proper identification of these four near-sibling species, their holotypes were analyzed and their terminalia were described and illustrated. A key to the four species is also provided.


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Redescription and transference of the genus Fregolia Gounelle, 1911 to Callidiopini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The genus Fregolia is transferred from Cleomenini Lacordaire, 1869 to Callidiopini Lacordaire, 1869. The genus and its type species, Fregolia listropteroides Gounelle, 1911, the only known species to the genus, are redescribed including characters of the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation, and male and female terminalia.


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Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840: redescriptions and considerations about the synonymy with Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 (Coleoptera, Anthribidae, Anthribinae). The genus Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 and the species S. platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 (type species), are redescribed. Illustrations of the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation, male and female terminalia, and rectal plates, are given for the first time. New data on geographic distribution are also presented. Nomenclatural changes introduced: Systaltocerus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.; Systaltocerus platyrhinus Labram & Imhoff, 1840 = Homalorhamphus vestitus Haedo Rossi & Viana, 1957 syn. nov.


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Synopsis of the genus Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Macrotomini). The genus Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860 with its twelve known species are briefly treated herein: S. batesi Lameere, 1903, S. bullatus Bates, 1872, S. championi Bates, 1884, S. corticarius (Erichson, 1848), S. dohrni Lameere, 1903, S. fryi Lameere, 1912, S. graniger Bates, 1884, S. hirticollis Tippmann, 1953, S. kraepelini Lameere, 1903, S. macrotomoides Tippmann, 1953, S. sericans Tippmann, 1953, S. sericeus Zajciw, 1970. The genus as well as the species, Strongylaspis championi, S. bullatus and S. corticarius are redescribed; the last one including characterization of wings and male and female terminalia. Four new species are added: S. aureus sp. nov. (BRASIL, Amazonas), S. migueli sp. nov. (BRASIL, Mato Grosso), S. christianae sp. nov. (BRASIL, Mato Grosso) and S. bolivianus sp. nov. (BOLIVIA). All the species, but S. dohrni, are illustrated and keyed. Maps of distribution are also given.


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The Neotropical genus Xanthandrus Verral, 1901 is revised. Six species are redescribed: X. bucephalus (Wiedemann, 1830), X. cubanus Fluke, 1936, X. mellinoides (Macquart, 1846), X. mexicanus Curran, 1930, X. nitidulus Fluke, 1937, and X. plaumanni Fluke, 1937. Three species are included based on original descriptions: X. flavomaculatus Shannon, 1927, X. palliatus (Fluke, 1945), and X. simplex (Loew, 1861). New synonyms proposed: Argentinomyia longicornis (Walker, 1837) = Xanthandrus biguttatus Hull, 1945 syn. nov., and Xanthandrus bucephalus (Wiedemann, 1830) = Melanostoma quadrinotata Bigot, 1884 syn. nov. Description of terminalia, a key for Neotropical species, and illustrations are also presented.


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Drosophila boraceia sp. nov. is described from a single male specimen collected at the Estação Biológica de Boracéia, Salesópolis, state of São Paulo, Brazil. At first inspection it looks like a species of Drosophila belonging to the fasciola subgroup of the repleta group, mainly because of the fasciola-like pattern of fused spots on the thorax. However, mostly due to the quite distinct structures of the male terminalia, it seems to be more similar to one ungrouped and also spot-thoraxed South American species, Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982. Illustrations of the terminalia are also provided.


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Drosophila nappae sp. nov. , belonging to the subgroup I of the Drosophila tripunctata species group of the subgenus Drosophila, is described from flies of one strain established from several females collected from July 1994 through April 1995 at Morro Santana, Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This species has been misidentified during the past fifty years as Drosophila angustibucca (sensu Frota-Pessoa, 1954; non Duda, 1925, described from Costa Rica). Illustrations of male and female terminalia are also provided.


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Cordiluroides Albuquerque is a genus of Neotropical Coenosiinae (Muscidae), known from six species. The genus is here recorded for the first time from Costa Rica, on the basis of three species: C. listrata Albuquerque, 1954, C. insularis (Willliston, 1896) and C. bistriata (Wulp, 1896) sp. rev.. We provide a key for the identification of these Costa Rican species, redescribe and illustrate their external morphological characters and terminalia. C. bistriata and C. vittifera (Stein, 1904) are both considered to be good species and are re-instated from the synonymy of C. insularis. The type material of C. listrata (Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro), of C. insularis and C. bistriata (The Natural History Museum, London) and of C. vittifera (Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) has been examined.


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Drosophila pauliceia sp. nov., a spot-thoraxed species closely related to Drosophila boraceia Vilela & Val, 2004, is described from flies collected in an urban remnant of the montane Atlantic Forest located at the Cidade Universitária "Armando de Salles Oliveira", São Paulo city, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The two forest-dwelling species can be externally distinguished mainly by having a different pattern of thoracic spots. A new group of spotted flies (peruensis group) is proposed to include them, in addition to Drosophila peruensis Wheeler, 1959, from Urubamba River, Peru, and Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982, from Brazil and Argentina. To facilitate comparisons, illustrations of the male and female terminalia of the new species and of some unpublished views of those of D. atalaia are included. Additionally, a new group of unspotted species (named caponei group) is proposed to include Drosophila caponei Pavan & Cunha, 1947 and D. neochracea Wheeler, 1959, both previously considered to be related to D. atalaia.


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Pictorial identification key for species of Sarcophagidae (Diptera) of potential forensic importance in southern Brazil. Species of the subfamily Sarcophaginae are important to forensic entomology due to their necrophagous habits. This contribution presents a pictorial key for the identification of 22 Sarcophaginae species in 10 genera that are commonly found in southern Brazil. Photographs of the main structures used in species identification, mainly from the male terminalia, are provided.