239 resultados para Tensioned Tether


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Magnetic excitation of whistlers by a square array of electrodynamic tethers is discussed. The array is made of perpendicular rows of tethers that carry equal, uniform, and time-modulated currents at equal frequency with a 90° phase shift. The array would fly vertical in the orbital equatorial plane, which is perpendicular to the geomagnetic field B0 when its tilt is ignored. The array radiates a whistler wave along B0. A parametric instability due to pumping by the background magnetic field through the radiated wave gives rise to two unstable coupled whistler perturbations. The growth rate is maximum for perturbations with wave vector at angles 38.36° and 75.93° from B0. For an experiment involving a wavefront that moves with the orbiting array, which might serve to study nonlinear wave interactions and turbulence in space plasmas, characteristic values of growth rate and parameters, such as the number of tethers and their dimensions and distances in the array, are discussed for low Earth orbit ambient conditions.


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Wave radiation by a conductor carrying a steady current in both a polar, highly eccentric, low perijove orbit, as in NASA's planned Juno mission, and an equatorial low Jovian orbit (LJO) mission below the intense radiation belts, is considered. Both missions will need electric power generation for scientific instruments and communication systems. Tethers generate power more efficiently than solar panels or radioisotope power systems (RPS). The radiation impedance is required to determine the current in the overall tether circuit. In a cold plasma model, radiation occurs mainly in the Alfven and fast magnetosonic modes, exhibiting a large refraction index. The radiation impedance of insulated tethers is determined for both modes and either mission. Unlike the Earth ionospheric case, the low-density, highly magnetized Jovian plasma makes the electron gyrofrequency much larger than the plasma frequency; this substantially modifies the power spectrum for either mode by increasing the Alfven velocity. Finally, an estimation of the radiation impedance of bare tethers is considered. In LJO, a spacecraft orbiting in a slow downward spiral under the radiation belts would allow determining magnetic field structure and atmospheric composition for understanding the formation, evolution, and structure of Jupiter. Additionally, if the cathodic contactor is switched off, a tether floats electrically, allowing e-beam emission that generate auroras. On/off switching produces bias/current pulses and signal emission, which might be used for Jovian plasma diagnostics.


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The project to verify the performance of space tether technology was successfully demonstrated by the launch of the sounding rocket S520 the 25tu. The project is the space demonstration of science and engineering technologies of a bare tape electrodynamic tether (EDT) in the international campaign between Japan, USA, Europe and Australia. Method of "Inverse ORIGAMI (Tape tether folding)" was employed in order to deploy the bare tape EDT in a short period time of the suborbital flight. The deployment of tape tether was tested in a various experimental schemes on ground to show high reliability of tape tether deployment. The rocket was launched on the summer of 2010 and deployed a bare electro-dynamic tape tether with length 132.6 m, which is the world record of the length deployment of tape tether. The verification of tether technology has found a variety kind of science and technology results as the first in the humankind and will lead a large number of applications of space tether technologies


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New Electrodynarnic Tether Technology (NETT) is an experiment we proposed to ESA as part of the Columbus Precursor Flights. It was designed to fly as an exposed payload in the Spacelab carrier. Its primary objective is performance testing for the innovative bare tether concept. The experiment also includes two scientific objectives, specific for uninsulated tethers: i) detection of artificial auroral effects produced by secondary electron emission, and ii) detection of VLF wave emission. Additional objectives of the project are space performance of an electron-emitting hollow cathode and engineering verification of an open-loop deployment strategy.


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Ionospheric interaction experiments using a conductive, fully bare tether are discussed. With an optimal design, requiring 1.15 mm diameter and 7.5 km full length for a collected current of 0.87 A at day conditions, the tether radiates 0.33 watts as Fast Magnetosonic waves and 0.16 watts as Alfven waves. Secondary keV electrons are produced over a 6.5 km length, giving raise to noticeable auroral effects in the D-layer, at low geomagnetic latitudes. A preliminary design of the experiment, to be implemented on either a satellite or a Station, has been carried out. An ejector gives an initial velocity to an end mass, a free spool of tether unwinding from that mass during a first stage of deployment; other phases are monitored through the tether velocity, driving a reel with an unwinding device.


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An electrodynamic tether experiment, to be carried out in the Russian spacecraft Almaz, is proposed. A 10 km tether would be deployed downwards; the lower 8 km would be nonconductive, the upper 2 km would be conductive, bare, and 2.2 mm in diameter, and would act as a thruster, with power supply at the top. This hybrid arrangement allows for other, onelectrodynamic experiments,reducing costs; it also limits the induced electromotive force, reducing the power to be handled. The current-voltage characteristic of contactors would be measured. With the anode switched off, the wire itself should collect a current over 5 A at day conditions, providing a thrust of 0.11 N at a 0.77 kW power.


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NETT (New Electrodynamic Tether Technology) is an experiment proposed to ESA in 1991 as part of the Columbus Precursor Flights. It was originally intended to fly as an exposed payload in the Shuttle cargo bay. The main purpose was to demonstrate the electrodynamical capabilities of the innovative "bare tether" concept. The proposed conceptual design was recommended by a Scientific Panel of ESA, meeting in Heidelberg in March 1992. Unfortunately, the Precursor Flights have all but been scuttled, particularly as far as exposed payloads are concerned. The experiment, horever, is being considered in accomodation studies (APLSS, PIERS) for the European modulus of the future Space Station. Additionally, it might be possible to fly the bare tether in a Russian spacecraft.


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The outstanding problem for useful applications of electrodynamic tethers is obtaining sufficient electron current from the ionospheric plasma. Bare tether collectors, in which the conducting tether itself, left uninsulated over kilometers of its length, acts as the collecting anode, promise to attain currents of 10 A or more from reasonably sized systems. Current collection by a bare tether is also relatively insensitive to drops in electron density, which are regularly encountered on each revolution of an orbit. This makes nighttime operation feasible. We show how the bare tether's high efficiency of current collection and ability to adjust to density variations follow from the orbital motion limited collection law of thin cylinders. We consider both upwardly deployed (power generation mode) and downwardly deployed (reboost mode) tethers, and present results that indicate how bare tether systems would perform as their magnetic and plasma environment varies in low earth orbit.


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Recent results on the validity of the orbital-motion-limited (OML) regime of cylindrical Langmuir probes, which are essential for bare-tether applications, are extended to show how the current lags behind the OML value beyond the OML regime, and the possible effects of motion of the probe relative to the plasma.


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It has been recently suggested that the magnetic field created by the current in a bare tether could sensibly reduce its electron collection capability in the magnetised ionosphere, a region of closed magnetic surfaces disconnecting the cylinder from infinity. In this paper, the ohmic voltage drop along the tether is taken into account in considering self-field effects. Separate analyses are carried out for the thrust and power generation and drag modes of operation, which are affected in different ways. In the power generation and drag modes, bias decreases as current increases along the tether, starting at the anodic, positively-biased end (upper end in the usual, eastward-flying spacecraft); in the thrust mode of operation, bias increases as current increases along the tether, starting at the lower end. When the ohmic voltage drop is considered, self-field effects are shown to be weak, in all cases, for tape tethers, and for circular cross-section tethers just conductive in a thin outer layer. Self-field effects might become important, in the drag case only, for tethers with fully conductive cross sections that are unrealistically heavy.


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NASA's tether experiment ProSEDS will be placed in orbit on board a Delta-II rocket in early 2003. ProSEDS will test bare-tether electron collection, deorbiting of the rocket second stage, and the system dynamic stability. ProSEDS performance will vary both because ambient conditions change along the orbit and because tether-circuit parameters follow a step by step sequence in the current operating cycle. In this work we discuss how measurements of tether current and bias, plasma density, and deorbiting rate can be used to check the OML law for current collection. We review circuit bulk elements; characteristic lengths and energies that determine collection (tether radius, electron thermal gyroradius and Debye length, particle temperatures, tether bias, ion ram energy); and lengths determining current and bias profiles along the tether (extent of magnetic self-field, a length gauging ohmic versus collection impedances, tether length). The analysis serves the purpose of estimating ProSEDS behavior in orbit and fostering our ability for extrapolating ProSEDS flight data to different tether and environmental conditions.


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Use of propulsion systems that couple electyrodynamic tethers to ion thrusters, as suggested in the literature, is discussed. The system establishes electrical contact with the ionospheric plasma, at the anodic end of the tether, by ejecting ions instead of collecting electrons; also, the ion thruster adds its thrust to the Lorentz force on the tether. In this paper, we analyze the performance of this coupled system, as measured by the ratio of mission impulse (thrust times mission duration) to the overall system mass, which includes the power subsystem mass, the tether subsystem mass, and the propellant mass consumed in the ion thruster. It is shown that a tether acting by itself, collecting electrons at its anodic end, substantially outperforms the coupled system for times longer than a characteristic time of the ion thruster, for which propellant mass equals the power subsystem mass; for shorter times performances are shown to be similar.


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A sounding rocket experiment is proposed to carry out two experiments by the conductive bare-tether; 1) the test of the OML (Orbital-Motion-Limited) theory to collect electron, and II) the test of techniques to determine (neutral) density profile in critical E-layer. The main driver of the mission is provide a space tether technology experiment in low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) deploying a long tape tether in space and verify the performance of the bare electrodynamic tape tether. The sounding rocket experiment will show no danger to other satellites as the tether missions YES1, SEDSAT, and ProCEDS, which is cancelled just for afraid of collision with the ISS orbit. Also, the sounding rocket mission is possible to demonstrate the bare tether technology in low cost, simple mission concept, fast realization for space structures. The present sounding rocket experiment is expected to be the first conductive bare tether experiment.