904 resultados para Temperatura da água do mar


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Tese de doutoramento, Geologia (Metalogenia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Os efeitos individuais e interativos dos parâmetros ambientais físicos e químicos, como temperatura, intensidade luminosa, salinidade e concentração de fósforo inorgânico dissolvido na água do mar, na produção de proteínas, carboidratos, acúmulo de fósforo tecidual e taxa de absorção do fósforo inorgânico disponível no meio de cultura em Gelidium crinale (Turner) Lamouroux, foram investigados durante um período de sete dias de cultivo laboratorial, em condições controladas. A ação dos parâmetros abióticos foi analisada de três maneiras diferentes. A primeira avaliação integrou a ação de temperatura, intensidade luminosa e fósforo inorgânico dissolvido, mantendo-se fixa a salinidade em 25 ups, onde se constatou que em todos os componentes químicos algais ocorreram interações de terceira ordem. O incremento de 2,28 a 2,67 % nos teores de proteínas foram obtidos à temperatura de 25 °C e 12 μmol m-2 s-1 de intensidade luminosa, diminuindo com a elevação da intensidade luminosa para 40 μmol m-2 s-1. Para carboidratos, ocorreram interações significativas entre os três parâmetros, com um aumento de 6,85 % sendo registrado a 25 °C de temperatura, 24 μmol m-2 s-1 de intensidade luminosa e 10,0 μM de fósforo inorgânico. O aumento máximo na taxa de fósforo tecidual (0,56 %) ocorreu em talos cultivados nas menores temperatura e intensidade luminosa e na maior concentração de fósforo inorgânico dissolvido. Com relação à intensidade luminosa, foi observada uma correlação negativa entre proteínas e carboidratos. A segunda avaliação estabeleceu a ação independente e sinérgica de temperatura, salinidade e fósforo inorgânico disponível no meio de cultivo, fixando-se a intensidade luminosa em 24 μmol m-2s-1. A maior produção de proteínas ocorreu em cultivos onde a temperatura foi de 25 °C, com uma concentração de 5,0 e 10,0 μM de fósforo inorgânico dissolvido e salinidade entre 15 e 20 ups, cujos valores médios do incremento variaram entre 2,62 a 2,83 % peso seco de alga, resultando em uma interação de terceira ordem altamente significativa. Para carboidratos a elevação de 6,85 % em sua concentração está associada à maior temperatura (25 °C), maior salinidade (25 ups) e maior quantidade de fósforo inorgânico disponível no meio de cultivo (10,0 μM). Contudo, não foi observada uma interação de terceira ordem através da análise estatística. Para esta biomolécula observaram-se interações de segunda ordem altamente significativa (P < 0,005) entre temperatura e diferentes concentrações de fósforo inorgânico e entre temperatura e salinidade (P < 0,000). O acúmulo de fósforo nos talos da alga foi menor durante os cultivos em que a salinidade foi de 25 ups,nas temperaturas de 20 e 25 °C e concentração de fósforo disponível de 2,5 μM, com percentuais entre 0,08 a 0,11 % em peso de cinzas. O maior incremento ocorreu na menor temperatura, associada à baixa salinidade e alta concentração de fósforo inorgânico no meio. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson revelou correlações positivas, altamente significativas (P < 0,001) entre teor de proteína, temperatura e disponibilidade de fósforo inorgânico no meio de cultivo. Para carboidratos, as correlações foram positivas com os três parâmetros abióticos. Para fósforo tecidual somente com o fósforo inorgânico disponível no cultivo foi que ocorreu uma relação positiva; com os outros dois parâmetros esta correlação foi negativa. Entre os componentes químicos encontrados nas algas, proteínas e carboidratos apresentaram uma relação positiva, porém fósforo tecidual apresentou uma correlação negativa com ambos, embora com proteínas esta relação não tenha sido significativa. A terceira avaliação estudou a ação individual e o sinergismo entre os parâmetros ambientais, temperatura, intensidade luminosa e salinidade, a uma concentração fixa de fósforo inorgânico disponível no meio de cultivo (10,0 μM), sobre a composição química, bem como na taxa de absorção de fósforo inorgânico disponível. Observou-se a ocorrência de interações de terceira ordem em todos as variáveis estudadas. O teor de proteínas apresentou um aumento de 3,72 % durante o período de cultivo, passando de 20,63 % antes do cultivo, para 24,35 % após o término do experimento, principalmente nas condições de 25 °C de temperatura, 12 μmol m-2s-1 de intensidade luminosa e 15 ups de salinidade. Para carboidratos, nas condições de baixa intensidade luminosa (12 μmol m-2s- 1), a uma temperatura de 20 °C e salinidades de 10 e 15 ups, foram registrados valores inferiores à amostra controle, caracterizando um consumo desta biomolécula por parte das algas. Nestas mesmas condições ambientais, foram registrados os maiores teores de fósforo tecidual, variando entre 0,86 a 1,09 % do peso das cinzas. As maiores taxas de absorção do fósforo do meio ocorreram na salinidade de 25 ups e 25 °C de temperatura, diminuindo da intensidade luminosa de 12 μmol m-2s-1 para 40 μmol m-2s-1. As maiores concentrações de fósforo inorgânico residual na água do meio de cultivo ocorreram nas salinidades de 10 e 15 ups, em todas as intensidade luminosas e temperaturas estudadas. Através do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, observou-se que os teores de proteínas apresentaram uma forte correlação negativa com a intensidade luminosa e positiva com a temperatura e salinidade, embora com esta última não tenha sido significativa. Para carboidratos, as correlações com os parâmetros abióticos foram todas positivas. Correlações negativa e positiva, não significativas, foram observadas entre esta biomolécula e o teor de proteínas e a taxa de absorção de fósforo disponível no meio, respectivamente. Por outro lado, com fósforo tecidual, ocorreu uma correlação negativa, altamente significativa. Este estudo mostra o estado fisiológico de Gelidium crinale e contribui para o estabelecimento das melhores condições de cultivo para produção de proteína, carboidrato e fósforo tecidual e indicação do uso racional de nutrientes, fornecendo informações para a otimização de processos de maricultura, tanto em termos de cultivo bem sucedido de algas, quanto de redução no impacto sobre o ambiente.


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A energia solar esta sendo cada vez mais utilizada para o aquecimento de água, tanto para o uso industrial, comercial e residencial, apresentando, esta última, um crescimento muito expressivo nos últimos anos, devido às ações de marketing de algumas empresas do setor. Para manter a temperatura da água do reservatório nas condições estabelecidas para o uso é necessário à utilização de uma fonte de energia auxiliar. As duas fontes de energia auxiliar mais empregadas nos sistemas de aquecimento de água por energia solar são a eletricidade e o gás. A escolha do gás como fonte auxiliar de energia, apesar de apresentar um investimento inicial superior ao da energia elétrica, representa um menor custo operacional em longo prazo. Na presente dissertação foram realizadas simulações computacionais para a cidade de Porto Alegre - RS, através do aplicativo TERMOSIM, com a finalidade de analisar o comportamento energético de um sistema de aquecimento de água por energia solar, por circulação natural (termossifão), utilizando como fonte de energia auxiliar o gás. Esta análise foi desenvolvida com a variação de parâmetros construtivos, de parâmetros de utilização e dos parâmetros de qualidade dos materiais e, ainda, com a caracterização dos componentes da instalação. Para a execução do trabalho foram realizadas 3456 simulações. Considerando os resultados obtidos foram elaboradas tabelas e gráficos, por meio dos quais verificou-se a influência do número de coletores, do volume do reservatório, da altura do termostato, da razão de aspecto do reservatório, do consumo de água quente e da qualidade dos coletores sobre a eficiência do sistema. O aplicativo demonstrou coerência nos resultados gerados, motivo pelo qual foi possível identificar, por meio da análise dos mesmos, quais os parâmetros que exercem maior influência no desempenho do sistema de aquecimento de água. Combinando os resultados, foi desenvolvida uma equação para estimar a eficiência média mensal do sistema.


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The integrated culture of seaweed and aquatic animals is an ancient practice in Asian countries. The expansion of this practice to western countries is consequence of the recognition of this system as a sustainable alternative that allows economical diversification and mitigation of environmental impacts generated by effluents of aquaculture. This study evaluated the growth of the seaweed Gracilaria caudata and of the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in monoculture (shrimps) and integrated culture (shrimps and algae) systems, and accessed the effect of the seaweed in the water quality. There were two treatments in the experiment: monoculture (shrimps) and integrated culture (shrimps/ algae). The organisms were cultured in 6 aquaria (10L) filled with seawater (35.0±0.0 PSU and 28.1±0.4°C) for 28 days. The nutrients of water (PO43-, NH4+, NO2-, NO3- and DIN), the biomass and the relative growth rate (RGR, % day-1) of seaweed and shrimps were measured weekly. The parameters pH, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured daily. The concentration of NH4+ in integrated culture (62.8±25.2µM) was lower (Mann-Whitney p<0.001) than in monoculture (85.6±24.3µM). The mean of PO4- in monoculture (10.4±4.6µM) was markedly higher (Mann-Whitney; p=0.024) than that in integrated culture (8.7±4.1µM). The level of dissolved oxygen in integrated culture (6.0±0.6mg/L) was higher (t-Student; P=0.014) than that in shrimp monoculture (5.8±0.6mg/L). The mean values of the parameters pH, NO2-, NO3- and DIN were 7.5±0.2, 10.1±12.2µM, 24.5±3.2µM and 120.17±30.76µM in monoculture, and 7.5±0.2, 10.5±13.2µM, 27.4±3.5µM and 100.76±49.59µM in integrated culture. There were not differences in these parameters between treatments. The biomass and RGR of seaweed reached 15.0±1.9g and 7.4±2.8% day-1 at the end of the experiment. The performance of shrimp was favorable in monoculture (1.5±0.8g; 5.7±1.6% dia-1) and in integrated culture (1.5±0.7g; 5.2±1.2% dia-1), and the rate of survival was 100% in both treatments. The tolerance and favorable performance of Gracilaria caudata suggest that this seaweed might be integrated into shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) culture systems


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The State of Paraíba is one of the most dynamic states of Brazil, strategically located in the northeast, is notable for the excellent potential for integration of different transportation modes forming the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Alagoas. The dynamic that occurs with port activity causes changes in the space where it is installed. And the elements of this space are always more than suffering direct or indirect influences as the flow in the port is expanded. Therefore, this region became subject to the accidental spillage of oil, because it presents a heavy traffic of ships of various sizes that can run aground or collide with oil causing accidental events. The study of geomorphological and sedimentological compositions of seafloor becomes important as more is known about the relationships between these parameters and associated fauna, and can identify their preferred habitats. The database background, acoustically collected along the proposed study area, is a wealth of information, which were duly examined, cataloged and made available. Such information can serve as an important tool, providing a geomorphological survey of the sedimentary area studied, and come to subsidize, in a flexible, future decision making. With the study area Port of Cabedelo, Paraíba - Brazil, this research aimed to evaluate the influence of the tidal surface and background in modeling the seabed, including the acquisition of information about the location of submerged rocky bodies and the depth of these bodies may turn out to be natural traps for the trapping of oil in case of leaks, and obtain the relationship between types of bed and the hydrodynamic conditions present in the region. In this context, for this study were collected bathymetric data (depth) and physical oceanographic (height of water column, water temperature, intensity and direction of currents, waves and turbidity), meteorological (rainfall, air temperature, humidity, winds and barometric pressure) of the access channel to the Port of Cabedelo / PB and its basin evolution (where the cruise ships dock), and includes tools of remote sensing (Landsat 7 ETM +, 2001), so that images and the results are integrated into Geographic Information Systems and used in the elaboration of measures aimed at environmental protection areas under the influence of this scale facilities, serving as a grant to prepare a contingency plan in case of oil spills in the region. The main findings highlight the techniques of using hydroacoustic data acquisition together bathymetric surveys of high and low frequency. From there, five were prepared in bathymetric pattern of Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation - DHN, with the depth in meters, on a scale of 1:2500 (Channel and Basin Evolution of Access to Port of Cabedelo), where there is a large extent possible beachrocks that hinder the movement of vessels in the port area, which can cause collisions, running aground and leaking oil. From the scatter diagram of the vectors of currents, it can be seen as the tidal stream and undergoes a channeling effect caused by the bidirectional effect of the tide (ebb and flood) in the basin of the Port of Cabedelo evolution in NW-direction SE and the highest speed of the currents occurs at low tide. The characterization weather for the period from 28/02 to 04/07/2010 values was within the expected average for the region of study. The multidisciplinary integration of products (digital maps and remote sensing images), proved to be efficient for the characterization of underwater geomorphological study area, reaching the aim to discriminate and enhance submerged structures, previously not visible in the images


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Coral bleaching has been increasingly the focus of research around the world since the early 1980s, when it was verified to be increasing in frequency, intensity and amount of areas affected. The phenomenon has been recorded since 1993, associated with elevation of the sea surface temperature due to El Niños and water thermal anomalies, according to most reports around the world. On the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, a mass coral bleaching event was recorded in the Environmental Protection Area of Coral Reefs (APARC) during March and April 2010, when the water temperature reached 34°C for several days. About 80% of the corals in Maracajaú reef-complex exhibited partial or total bleaching. The aims of this study were to verify representativeness of coral coverage and how the bleaching dynamic has developed among different species. Coral coverage was estimated according to Reef Check Brazil protocol associated with quadrant method, and bleaching was evaluated from biweekly visual surveys in 80 colonies of Favia gravida, Porites astreoides, Siderastrea stellata and Millepora alcicornis. At the same time temperature, pH, salinity and horizontal transparency, as well as mortality and disease occurrence were monitored. Analysis of variance and Multiple Regression from the perspective of time lag concept were used to evaluate the bleaching dynamics among species and the relationship between variation of means of bleaching and variations of abiotic parameters, respectively. Species showed significant differences among themselves as to variation of means of bleaching over time, but the dynamic of variation exhibited similar patterns


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The use of solar energy for water disinfection, and is accessible to disadvantaged communities because of its low cost, has the advantage of using disposable materials such as bottles of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). We present a study that used two methods of disinfection: the methodology proposed by the project Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS), which consisted of water disinfection by solar radiation and temperature and the methodology which the temperature of the water for disinfection. In both, we seek to eliminate microorganisms that cause serious diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, cholera, etc. Water samples were collected in the community of Bass, where the population has low income and the incidence of waterborne diseases is high. The experiments were divided into two stages. In step 1 we studied the feasibility of disinfection and in step 2 the feasibility of the pilot plant to obtain adequate levels of disinfection temperatures desired. The results showed the efficiency of the disinfection process, reaching an average of 80 to 100% death of microorganisms, but regrowth was observed in some samples. Finally on the good results of stage 1, is designed and built and tested in an experimental pilot plant, which has shown to be feasible to promote water disinfection through the use of solar energy. The water after treatment is in accordance with the limits established by Brazilian legislation for clean water, maintaining a positive performance for the disinfection and acceptable levels of bacterial regrowth


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It was studied a system for heating water to be used to obtain water for bathing at home, the absorbing surface of the collector is formed by one plate of polycarbonate. The polycarbonate plate has 6 mm thick, 1.050 mm wide and 1.500 mm long with an area equal to 1,575 m². The plate was attached by its edges parallel to PVC tubes of 32 mm. The system worked under the thermo-siphon and was tested for two configurations: plate absorber with and without isolation of EPS of 30 mm thick on the bottom surface in order to minimize heat losses from the bottom. The tank's thermal heating system is alternative and low cost, since it was constructed from a polyethylene reservoir for water storage, with a volume of 200 liters. Will present data on the thermal efficiency, heat loss, water temperature of thermal reservoir at the end of the process simulation and baths. Will be demonstrated the feasibility of thermal, economic and material pickup proposed for the intended purpose.


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Petroleum is a complex combination of various classes of hydrocarbons, with paraffinic, naphtenic and aromatic compounds being those more commonly found in its composition. The recent changes in the world scenario, the large reserves of heavy oils and also the lack of new discoveries of large petroleum fields are indications that, in the near future, the oil recovery by conventional methods will be limited. In order to increase the efficiency of the extraction process, enhanced recovery methods are cited in applications where conventional techniques have proven to be little effective. The injection of surfactant solutions as an enhanced recovery method is advantageous in that surfactants are able to reduce the interfacial tensions between water and oil, thus augmenting the displacement efficiency and, as a consequence, increasing the recovery factor. This work aims to investigate the effects of some parameters that influence the surfactant behavior in solution, namely the type of surfactant, the critical micelle concentration (CMC) and the surface and interface tensions between fluids. Seawater solutions containing the surfactants PAN, PHN and PJN have been prepared for presenting lower interfacial tensions with petroleum and higher stability under increasing temperature and salinity. They were examined in an experimental apparatus designed to assess the recovery factor. Botucatu (Brazil) sandstone plug samples were submitted to assay steps comprising saturation with seawater and petroleum, conventional recovery with seawater and enhanced recovery with surfactant solutions. The plugs had porosity between 29.6 and 32.0%, with average effective permeability to water of 83 mD. The PJN surfactant, at a concentration 1000% above CMC in water, had a higher recovery factor, causing the original oil in place to be recovered by an extra 20.97%, after conventional recovery with seawater


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The municipality of Guamaré is located on the north coast of RN, Salineira zone, with a land area of 259 km2 and a population of approximately 12,500 inhabitants (IBGE, 2010). Presents strong morphological instability caused mainly by the influence of human activities in the region. The present study aims to assess the existing levels of salts in the springs of the region, by evaluating the electrical conductivity, pH, salinity, chlorides, hardness, calcium, magnesium and heavy metals in the water. The collection and analysis methods adopted in the survey are based on APHA (2005). The electrical conductivity, salinity and chloride behaved similarly throughout the study. Some points suffered the direct effect of the salt ponds and others. Given the existence of a drainage ditch between the saline and monitored region, there was little change in the environment, including the native vegetation. The opposite situation occurred in farms where the region is fully committed local vegetation and water holes and wells used in the past for domestic use are practically disabled (high salt content). In Rio Miassaba formation of an estuary is reversed, with the farther out from the sea showing higher salt concentracions, which may be associated with the discharge of organic matter and natural evaporation rate. In periods of no rainfall had a few points higher than the levels of salts found in seawater and may be associated with high evaporation in the region. Detected a positive factor is the high resilience and reducing salt, after periods of rainfall incidence


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Water scarcity is a reality for the inhabitants of the Brazilian semiarid region. The problem, in quantitative terms , is caused due to local climatic conditions due mostly to a water deficit. Qualitatively, results of multiple uses and resulting contamination by human activities. Eutrophication is presented as a threat to the sustainable use of water resources, in order to favor the predominance of dense populations of cyanobacteria, which can be potentially harmful to human health. The aim of this study is to understand the population dynamics of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria to assess water quality of reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros belonging to bacia Apodi Mossoró-RN . Water samples were collected monthly between October 2011 and May 2012 in reservoirs Santa Cruz do Apodi and Pau dos Ferros, in this latter , in Jan/12 we performed a diel profile . The abiotic variables obtained in the field and in the laboratory were: water temperature , dissolved oxygen , pH , turbidity , transparency , total nitrogen and total phosphorus . Phytoplankton samples were collected with a plankton net and bottle of Van dorn . Were performed : identification , quantification , calculation of biovolume , classification into functional groups and index calculation phytoplankton assembly ( Q ) , cyanotoxins were quantified by ELISA . Statistical analyzes supported the evaluation of the dynamics between biotic and abiotic factors. A questionnaire was conducted to examine the conceptions of the population, education professionals and students. The reservoir of Pau dos Ferros, shallow , turbid and eutrophic showed dominance of the functional group SN throughout the sample period . The phytoplankton biomass ranged from 20 to 70 mm ³ . L - 1, the lowest values coincided with the increase of the mixing zone and transparency, which contributed to the occurrence of a change in species composition phytoplankton . The application of the index Q proved relevant, the reservoir of Pau dos Ferros , depending on the species present , was classified ecologically as bad for almost the entire sample period . The reservoir Santa Cruz do Apodi showed low biomass ( 0.04 and 4.31 mm ³ . L - 1 ) and greater diversity in the phytoplankton composition . According to the index assembly (Q ), it showed moderate condition during most of the period influenced by different functional groups of typical meso- eutrophic environment (K S0, H1, C, F , J , E, D and N) . Associations of diatoms and green algae D and X1 succeeded populations of cyanobacteria in periods marked by greater instability in the system , caused by wind or rain. In summary , the occurrence of drought has a direct influence on the hydrological conditions of the reservoirs , in general, these events, reducing the reservoir level is directly related to decreased water quality and increased density of phytoplankton occurring predominance of cyanobacteria , the index Q reflected well to changes in phytoplankton composition , being a good indicator for biomonitoring of reservoirs in this study and survey of previous conceptions showed the need to work on environmental awareness for the preservation of water resources by conducting workshops for Environmental Education


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)