970 resultados para Tecnologia Open Source


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The use of open source software continues to grow on a daily basis. Today, enterprise applications contain 40% to 70% open source code and this fact has legal, development, IT security, risk management and compliance organizations focusing their attention on its use, as never before. They increasingly understand that the open source content within an application must be detected. Once uncovered, decisions regarding compliance with intellectual property licensing obligations must be made and known security vulnerabilities must be remediated. It is no longer sufficient from a risk perspective to not address both open source issues.


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The Free Open Source Software (FOSS) seem far from the military field but in some cases, some technologies normally used for civilian purposes may have military applications. These products and technologies are called dual-use. Can we manage to combine FOSS and dual-use products? On one hand, we have to admit that this kind of association exists - dual-use software can be FOSS and many examples demonstrate this duality - but on the other hand, dual-use software available under free licenses lead us to ask many questions. For example, the dual-use export control laws aimed at stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Dual-use export in United States (ITAR) and Europe (regulation 428/2009) implies as a consequence the prohibition or regulation of software exportation, involving the closing of source code. Therefore, the issues of exported softwares released under free licenses arises. If software are dual-use goods and serve for military purposes, they may represent a danger. By the rights granted to licenses to run, study, redistribute and distribute modified versions of the software, anyone can access the free dual-use software. So, the licenses themselves are not at the origin of the risk, it is actually linked to the facilitated access to source codes. Seen from this point of view, it goes against the dual-use regulation which allows states to control these technologies exportation. For this analysis, we will discuss about various legal questions and draft answers from either licenses or public policies in this respect.


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Softcatalà is a non-profit associationcreated more than 10 years ago to fightthe marginalisation of the Catalan languagein information and communicationtechnologies. It has led the localisationof many applications and thecreation of a website which allows itsusers to translate texts between Spanishand Catalan using an external closed-sourcetranslation engine. Recently,the closed-source translation back-endhas been replaced by a free/open-sourcesolution completely managed by Softcatalà: the Apertium machine translationplatform and the ScaleMT web serviceframework. Thanks to the opennessof the new solution, it is possibleto take advantage of the huge amount ofusers of the Softcatalà translation serviceto improve it, using a series ofmethods presented in this paper. In addition,a study of the translations requestedby the users has been carriedout, and it shows that the translationback-end change has not affected theusage patterns.


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In this research work we searched for open source libraries which supports graph drawing and visualisation and can run in a browser. Subsequent these libraries were evaluated to find out which one is the best for this task. The result was the d3.js is that library which has the greatest functionality, flexibility and customisability. Afterwards we developed an open source software tool where d3.js was included and which was written in JavaScript so that it can run browser-based.


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WebGraphEd is an open source software for graph visualization and manipulation. It is especially designed to work for the web platform through a web browser. The web application has been written in JavaScript and compacted later, which makes it a very lightweight software. There is no need of additional software, and the only requirement is to have an HTML5 compliant browser. WebGraphEd works with scalable vector graphics (SVG), which it makes possible to create lossless graph drawings.


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Estudi de viabilitat sobre la implantació d'un software-defined storage open source en entorns empresarials. Comparativa entre Gluster, Ceph, OpenAFS, TahoeFS i XtreemFS.


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Peliteollisuus on nykyään erittäin suuri ohjelmistokehityksen ala, joten on ajankohtaista tutustua ilmaisten työkalujen ja kirjastojen tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin. Visuaalisen viihteen tuottamiseen tarvitaan yleensä C++-ohjelmointitaidon lisäksi mallinnustaitoa ja kuvankäsittelytaitoa. Tämän lisäksi äänten tuottaminen on erittäin suuri osa toimivan kokonaisuuden saavuttamiseksi. Tässä työssä käsitellään kaikki osa-alueet ja tutkitaan Open Source -työkalujen soveltuvuutta pelin kehitykseen win32-alustalla. Lopputuloksena syntyy täysin pelattava, tosin yksinkertainen peli CrazyBunny. Työn alussa esitellään kaikki käytettävät työkalut jotka kuuluvat tarvittavaan kehitysympäristöön. Tähän esittelyyn kuuluvat myös olennaisena osana työkalujen asennuksen läpikäynti sekä käyttöönotto. Työn perustana on käytetty OGRE-ohjelmistokehystä, joka ei ole varsinainen pelimoottori. Puuttuvia ominaisuuksia on lisätty käyttämällä CEGUI-kirjastoa käyttöliittymien tekoon sekä FMOD-kirjastoa äänijärjestelmän toteutukseen. Muita käytet-tyjä työkaluja ovat Code::Blocks-kehitysympäristö, Blender-mallinnusohjelma ja Audacity-äänieditori. Pelisovelluksen toteutuksen pohjana on käytetty State-sunnittelumalliin perustuvaa järjes-telmää pelitiloja hallintaan. Tässä mallissa pelin päävalikko, pelitila ja pelin loppu on ero-tettu omiksi tilaluokikseen, jolloin sovelluksesta saadaan helpommin hallittava. Päävali-kossa tärkein osa on itse valikoiden toteutus CEGUI-kirjaston avulla. Pelitilan toteutukses-sa tutustutaan OGRE:n visuaalisiin ominaisuuksiin kuten ympäristöön, valoihin, varjoihin, kuva-alustoihin ja visuaalisiin tehosteisiin. Tämän lisäksi peliin on toteutettu äänet suosi-tulla FMOD-kirjastolla, jota useat isot alan yritykset käyttävät kaupallisissa tuotteissaan.


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Identification of chemical compounds with specific biological activities is an important step in both chemical biology and drug discovery. When the structure of the intended target is available, one approach is to use molecular docking programs to assess the chemical complementarity of small molecules with the target; such calculations provide a qualitative measure of affinity that can be used in virtual screening (VS) to rank order a list of compounds according to their potential to be active. rDock is a molecular docking program developed at Vernalis for high-throughput VS (HTVS) applications. Evolved from RiboDock, the program can be used against proteins and nucleic acids, is designed to be computationally very efficient and allows the user to incorporate additional constraints and information as a bias to guide docking. This article provides an overview of the program structure and features and compares rDock to two reference programs, AutoDock Vina (open source) and Schrodinger's Glide (commercial). In terms of computational speed for VS, rDock is faster than Vina and comparable to Glide. For binding mode prediction, rDock and Vina are superior to Glide. The VS performance of rDock is significantly better than Vina, but inferior to Glide for most systems unless pharmacophore constraints are used; in that case rDock and Glide are of equal performance. The program is released under the Lesser General Public License and is freely available for download, together with the manuals, example files and the complete test sets, at http://rdock.sourceforge.net/


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This work presents, from the perspective of a freelancer professional, a case study of a practical and real implementation of an Open Source ERP software suite to a very small company, including the development of a custom software module to adapt the suite to the particular needs of the company.


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Aquesta memòria descriu la preparació, l'execució i els resultats obtinguts d'implementar un sistema calculador de rutes. El projecte Open Source Routing Machine és un motor calculador de rutes d'alt rendiment que utilitza les dades de OpenStreetMaps per calcular el camí més curt entre dos punts. En aquest projecte final no únicament es volen utilitzar les dades OpenStreetMap sinó que també es pretenen utilitzar dades pròpies en format shapefile i poder visualitzar-los en un visor web. Aquest visor permet a l'usuari, de forma senzilla, sol•licitar rutes al servidor OSRM creat, obtenint la ruta desitjada en molt pocs milisegons


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QSAR modeling is a novel computer program developed to generate and validate QSAR or QSPR (quantitative structure- activity or property relationships) models. With QSAR modeling, users can build partial least squares (PLS) regression models, perform variable selection with the ordered predictors selection (OPS) algorithm, and validate models by using y-randomization and leave-N-out cross validation. An additional new feature is outlier detection carried out by simultaneous comparison of sample leverage with the respective Studentized residuals. The program was developed using Java version 6, and runs on any operating system that supports Java Runtime Environment version 6. The use of the program is illustrated. This program is available for download at lqta.iqm.unicamp.br.


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The need for automated analyzers for industrial and environmental samples has triggered the research for new and cost-effective strategies of automation and control of analytical systems. The widespread availability of open-source hardware together with novel analytical methods based on pulsed flows have opened the possibility of implementing standalone automated analytical systems at low cost. Among the areas that can benefit from this approach are the analysis of industrial products and effluents and environmental analysis. In this work, a multi-pumping flow system is proposed for the determination of phosphorus in effluents and polluted water samples. The system employs photometric detection based on the formation of molybdovanadophosphoric acid, and the fluidic circuit is built using three solenoid micropumps. The detection is implemented with a low cost LED-photodiode photometric detection system and the whole system is controlled by an open-source Arduino Uno microcontroller board. The optimization of the timing to ensure the color development and the pumping cycle is discussed for the proposed implementation. Experimental results to evaluate the system behavior are presented verifying a linear relationship between the relative absorbance and the phosphorus concentrations for levels as high as 50 mg L-1.


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The aim of this master’s thesis is to study how Agile method (Scrum) and open source software are utilized to produce software for a flagship product in a complex production environment. The empirical case and the used artefacts are taken from the Nokia MeeGo N9 product program, and from the related software program, called as the Harmattan. The single research case is analysed by using a qualitative method. The Grounded Theory principles are utilized, first, to find out all the related concepts from artefacts. Second, these concepts are analysed, and finally categorized to a core category and six supported categories. The result is formulated as the operation of software practices conceivable in circumstances, where the accountable software development teams and related context accepts a open source software nature as a part of business vision and the whole organization supports the Agile methods.


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Open source and open source software development have been interesting phenomena during the past decade. Traditional business models do not apply with open source, where the actual product is free. However, it is possible to make business with open source, even successfully, but the question is: how? The aim of this study is to find the key factors of successfully making business out of commercial open source software development. The task is achieved by finding the factors that influence open source projects, finding the relation between those factors, and find out why some factors explain the success more than others. The literature review concentrates first on background of open innovation, open source and open source software. Then business models, critical success factors and success measures are examined. Based on existing literature a framework was created. The framework contains categorized success factors that influence software projects in general as well as open source software projects. The main categories of success factors in software business are divided into community management, technology management, project management and market management. In order to find out which of the factors based on the existing literature are the most critical, empirical research was done by conducting unstructured personal interviews. The main finding based on the interviews is that the critical success factors in open source software business do not differ from those in traditional software business or in fact from those in any other business. Some factors in the framework came out in the interviews that can be considered as key factors: establishing and communicating hierarchy (community management), localization (technology management), good license know-how and IPR management (project management), and effective market management (market management). The critical success factors according to the interviewees are not listed in the framework: low price, good product and good business model development.


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014