997 resultados para Technological parameters


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Although Recovery is often defined as the less studied and documented phase of the Emergency Management Cycle, a wide literature is available for describing characteristics and sub-phases of this process. Previous works do not allow to gain an overall perspective because of a lack of systematic consistent monitoring of recovery utilizing advanced technologies such as remote sensing and GIS technologies. Taking into consideration the key role of Remote Sensing in Response and Damage Assessment, this thesis is aimed to verify the appropriateness of such advanced monitoring techniques to detect recovery advancements over time, with close attention to the main characteristics of the study event: Hurricane Katrina storm surge. Based on multi-source, multi-sensor and multi-temporal data, the post-Katrina recovery was analysed using both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The first phase was dedicated to the investigation of the relation between urban types, damage and recovery state, referring to geographical and technological parameters. Damage and recovery scales were proposed to review critical observations on remarkable surge- induced effects on various typologies of structures, analyzed at a per-building level. This wide-ranging investigation allowed a new understanding of the distinctive features of the recovery process. A quantitative analysis was employed to develop methodological procedures suited to recognize and monitor distribution, timing and characteristics of recovery activities in the study area. Promising results, gained by applying supervised classification algorithms to detect localization and distribution of blue tarp, have proved that this methodology may help the analyst in the detection and monitoring of recovery activities in areas that have been affected by medium damage. The study found that Mahalanobis Distance was the classifier which provided the most accurate results, in localising blue roofs with 93.7% of blue roof classified correctly and a producer accuracy of 70%. It was seen to be the classifier least sensitive to spectral signature alteration. The application of the dissimilarity textural classification to satellite imagery has demonstrated the suitability of this technique for the detection of debris distribution and for the monitoring of demolition and reconstruction activities in the study area. Linking these geographically extensive techniques with expert per-building interpretation of advanced-technology ground surveys provides a multi-faceted view of the physical recovery process. Remote sensing and GIS technologies combined to advanced ground survey approach provides extremely valuable capability in Recovery activities monitoring and may constitute a technical basis to lead aid organization and local government in the Recovery management.


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Lipolysis and oxidation of lipids in foods are the major biochemical and chemical processes that cause food quality deterioration, leading to the characteristic, unpalatable odour and flavour called rancidity. In addition to unpalatability, rancidity may give rise to toxic levels of certain compounds like aldehydes, hydroperoxides, epoxides and cholesterol oxidation products. In this PhD study chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques were employed to determine the degree of lipid oxidation in different animal products and its relationship with technological parameters like feeding fat sources, packaging, processing and storage conditions. To achieve this goal capillary gas chromatography (CGC) was employed not only to determine the fatty acids profile but also, after solid phase extraction, the amount of sterols (cholesterol and phytosterols) and cholesterol oxidation products (COPs). To determine hydroperoxides, primary products of oxidation and quantify secondary products UV/VIS absorbance spectroscopy was applied. Beef and pork meat in this study were analysed. In actual fact, lipid oxidation is a major deterioration reaction in meat, meat products and results in adverse changes in the colour, flavour, texture of meat and develops different compounds which should be a risk to human health as oxysterols. On beef and pork meat, a study of lipid fraction during storage was carried out to evaluate its shelf-life and some nutritional features life saturated/unsaturated fatty acids ratio and sterols content, in according to the interest that has been growing around functional food in the last years. The last part of this research was focused on the study of lipid oxidation in emulsions. In oil-in-water emulsions antioxidant activity of 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) was evaluated. The rates of lipid oxidation of 1.0% stripped soybean oil-in-water emulsions with DOPC were followed by monitoring lipid hydroperoxide and hexanal as indicators of primary and secondary oxidation products and the droplet surface charge or zeta potential (ζ) of the emulsions with varying concentrations of DOPC were tested. This manuscript reports the main results obtained in the three activities briefly summarized as follows: 1. study on effects of feeding composition on the photoxidative stability of lipids from beef meat, evaluated during storage under commercial retail conditions; 2. evaluation of effects of diets and storage conditions on the oxidative stability of pork meat lipids; 3. study on oxidative behavior of DOPC in stripped soybean oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by nonionic surfactant.


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Next generation electronic devices have to guarantee high performance while being less power-consuming and highly reliable for several application domains ranging from the entertainment to the business. In this context, multicore platforms have proven the most efficient design choice but new challenges have to be faced. The ever-increasing miniaturization of the components produces unexpected variations on technological parameters and wear-out characterized by soft and hard errors. Even though hardware techniques, which lend themselves to be applied at design time, have been studied with the objective to mitigate these effects, they are not sufficient; thus software adaptive techniques are necessary. In this thesis we focus on multicore task allocation strategies to minimize the energy consumption while meeting performance constraints. We firstly devise a technique based on an Integer Linear Problem formulation which provides the optimal solution but cannot be applied on-line since the algorithm it needs is time-demanding; then we propose a sub-optimal technique based on two steps which can be applied on-line. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the latter solution through an exhaustive comparison against the optimal solution, state-of-the-art policies, and variability-agnostic task allocations by running multimedia applications on the virtual prototype of a next generation industrial multicore platform. We also face the problem of the performance and lifetime degradation. We firstly focus on embedded multicore platforms and propose an idleness distribution policy that increases core expected lifetimes by duty cycling their activity; then, we investigate the use of micro thermoelectrical coolers in general-purpose multicore processors to control the temperature of the cores at runtime with the objective of meeting lifetime constraints without performance loss.


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El proceso de soldadura por láser desarrollado en los últimos años ha puesto de manifiesto las posibilidades de aplicación de esta tecnología en diferentes sectores productivos, principalmente en la industria automovilística, en la cual se han demostrado sus ventajas en términos de productividad, eficiencia y calidad. El uso de la tecnología láser, ya sea híbrida o pura, reduce el input térmico al limitar la zona afectada por el calor, sin crear deformaciones y, por tanto, disminuye los re-trabajos post-soldadura necesarios para eliminarlas. Asimismo, se aumenta la velocidad de soldadura, incrementando la productividad y calidad de las uniones. En la última década, el uso de láseres híbridos, (láser + arco) de gran potencia de Neodimio YAG, (Nd: YAG) ha sido cada vez más importante. La instalación de este tipo de fuentes de láser sólido de gran potencia ha sido posible en construcción naval debido a sus ventajas con respecto a las instalaciones de láser de C02 existentes en los astilleros que actualmente utilizan esta tecnología. Los láseres de C02 están caracterizados por su gran potencia y la transmisión del haz a través de espejos. En el caso de las fuentes de Nd:YAG, debido a la longitud de onda a la cual se genera el haz láser, su transmisión pueden ser realizada a través de fibra óptica , haciendo posible la utilización del cabezal láser a gran distancia de la fuente, aparte de la alternativa de integrar el cabezal en unidades robotizadas. El proceso láser distribuye el calor aportado de manera uniforme. Las características mecánicas de dichas uniones ponen de manifiesto la adecuación de la soldadura por láser para su uso en construcción naval, cumpliendo los requerimientos exigidos por las Sociedades de Clasificación. La eficiencia energética de los láseres de C02, con porcentajes superiores al 20%, aparte de las ya estudiadas técnicas de su instalación constituyen las razones por las cuales este tipo de láser es el más usado en el ámbito industrial. El láser de gran potencia de Nd: YAG está presente en el mercado desde hace poco tiempo, y por tanto, su precio es relativamente mayor que el de C02, siendo sus costes de mantenimiento, tanto de lámparas como de diodos necesarios para el bombeo del sólido, igualmente mayores que en el caso del C02. En cambio, el efecto de absorción de parte de la energía en el plasma generado durante el proceso no se produce en el caso del láser de Nd: YAG, utilizando parte de esa energía en estabilizar el arco, siendo necesaria menos potencia de la fuente, reduciendo el coste de la inversión. En función de la aplicación industrial, se deberá realizar el análisis de viabilidad económica correspondiente. Dependiendo de la potencia de la fuente y del tipo de láser utilizado, y por tanto de la longitud de onda a la que se propaga la radiación electromagnética, pueden existen riesgos para la salud. El láser de neodimio se propaga en una longitud de onda, relativamente cercana al rango visible, en la cual se pueden producir daños en los ojos de los operadores. Se deberán establecer las medidas preventivas para evitar los riesgos a los que están expuestos dichos operadores en la utilización de este tipo de energía. La utilización del láser de neodimio: YAG ofrece posibilidades de utilización en construcción naval económicamente rentables, debido su productividad y las buenas características mecánicas de las uniones. Abstract The laser welding process development of the last years shows broad application possibilities in many sectors of industry, mostly in automobile production. The advantages of the laser beam process produce higher productivity, increasing the quality and thermal efficiency. Laser technology, arc-hybrid or pure laser welding, reduces thermal input and thus a smaller heat-affected zone at the work piece. This means less weldment distortion which reduces the amount of subsequent post-weld straightening work that needs to be done. A higher welding speed is achieved by use of the arc and the laser beam, increasing productivity and quality of the joining process. In the last decade use of hybrid technology (laser-GMA hybrid method) with high power sources Nd:YAG lasers, gained in importance. The installation of this type of higher power solid state laser is possible in shipbuilding industrial applications due to its advantages compare with the C02 laser sources installed in the shipyards which use this technology. C02 lasers are characterised by high power output and its beam guidance is via inelastic system of mirrors. In the case of Nd:YAG laser, due to its wavelength, the laser beam can be led by means of a flexible optical fibre even across large distances, which allows three dimensional welding jobs by using of robots. Laser beam welding is a process during which the heat is transferred to the welded material uniformly and the features of the process fulfilled the requirements by Classification Societies. So that, its application to the shipbuilding industry should be possible. The high quantum efficiency of C02 laser, which enabled efficiency factors up to 20%, and relative simple technical possibilities of implementation are the reasons for the fact that it is the most important laser in industrial material machining. High power Nd: YAG laser is established on the market since short time, so that its price is relatively high compared with the C02 laser source and its maintenance cost, lamp or diode pumped solid state laser, is also higher than in the case of C02 lasers. Nevertheless effect of plasma shielding does not exist with Nd:YAG lasers, so that for the gas-shielding welding process the optimal gases can be used regarding arc stability, thus power source are saved and the costs can be optimised. Each industrial application carried out needs its cost efficiency analysis. Depending on the power output and laser type, the dangerousness of reflected irradiation, which even in some meters distance, affects for the healthy operators. For the YAG laser process safety arrangements must be set up in order to avoid the laser radiation being absorbed by the human eye. Due to its wavelength of radiation, being relatively close to the visible range, severe damage to the retina of the eye is possible if sufficient precautions are not taken. Safety aspects are of vital importance to be able to shield the operator as well as other personal. The use of Nd:YAG lasers offers interesting and economically attractive applications in shipbuilding industry. Higher joining rates are possible, and very good mechanical/technological parameters can be achieved.


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Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono stati studiati diversi aspetti riguardanti micotossine regolate ed emergenti al fine di fornire informazioni circa la loro mitigazione dal campo al prodotto finito, focalizzando l’attenzione sul potenziale impatto del processo tecnologico. Successivamente, il loro ruolo tossicologico, ancora in discussione, è stato indagato attraverso l’applicazione di modelli gastrointestinali. In particolare, lo studio è stato rivolto a DON, micotossina più comune nel grano, DON-3-Glc, che rappresenta la sua principale forma modificata, e alla micotossina ENN B, maggiore rappresentante tra il gruppo delle cosiddette micotossine “emergenti”. Questo studio è stato quindi suddiviso in tre sezioni. La prima è stata rivolta allo sviluppo di esperimenti in serra effettuati su diversi genotipi di grano duro al fine di comprendere meglio il meccanismo di detossificazione dal DON e la resistenza delle diverse varietà ad una delle malattie più gravi che colpiscono questa specie (fusariosi della spiga). La seconda sezione ha riguardato lo studio del reale impatto di alcune filiere di produzione strategiche sul contenuto finale in micotossine. Inoltre, una strategia di mitigazione è stata messa a punto tenendo conto del possibile sviluppo di altri contaminanti legati al processo stesso e ottenendo un prodotto finito adeguato per il consumatore. Nell'ultima sezione di questo lavoro sono invece state effettuate delle indagini circa i possibili risvolti tossicologici di questi composti, valutando il loro destino durante la digestione umana.


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Bródy András kutatásainak egyik központi témaköre a gazdasági mozgás vizsgálata volt. Írásunkban Bródy elméletét kívánjuk röviden áttekinteni és összefoglalni. A termelés sokszektoros leírása egyben árelméletét (értékelméletét, méréselméletét) is keretbe foglalja. Ebben a keretben a gazdasági mozgás összetett ingadozása technológiai alapon elemezhető. Bródy megközelítésében a gazdasági ciklust nem külső megrázkódások magyarázzák, hanem a termelési rendszer belső arányai és kapcsolatai. A termelési struktúrát az árak és a volumenek egyformán alakítják, ezek között nincsen kitüntetett vagy domináns tényező. Az árak és a volumenek a köztük lévő duális kapcsolatban alakulnak ki. A gazdaság mozgásegyenleteit technológiai mérlegösszefüggések, valamint a piaci csere útján a gazdaságban újraelosztásra (újratermelésre) kerülő termékek felhasználása és az eszközlekötés változása írja le. Az így meghatározott mozgásegyenletek a gazdaság természetes mozgását ciklusmozgás alakjában írják le. A technológia vagy az értékviszonyok megváltozása (sokkok) a gazdaság ciklikus mozgásának megváltozásában tükröződik. Bródy munkáiban technológiai megalapozást nyer a történelemből ismert számos jellegzetes gazdasági ciklus. / === / Economic motion and dynamics are at the heart of Andras Brody's creative output. This paper attempts a bird's-eye view of his theory of economic cycles. Brody's multi-sector modelling of production has provided a framework for price theory (the theory of value and measurement). His theory of economic motion with cyclical characteristics is technology driven. It argues that the complex web of economic cycles is determined by the proportions and interrelationships of the system of production, not by arbitrary external shocks. The structure's behaviour are driven by prices and proportions, with the duality of prices and proportions as a dominant feature. These are features in common with the Leontief models, which Brody extended to economic cycles. Brody saw economic cycles as natural motions of economic systems with accumulated assets (time lags) and market exchange of goods (demand and supply adjustment). Changes in technology or valuations (shocks) are reflected in changing patterns of motion. His model of the economy is a fine instrument that enabled him to show how the technological parameters of its system determine the frequency and other characteristics of various economic cycles identified in economic history.


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In organic and biodynamic vineyards, canopy management practices should be carefully and timely modulated, particularly in a context of climate change, for successfully achieving balanced plants, ventilated and exposed berries, elevated grape and wine quality. In 2013 and 2014, characterized by contrasting climatic conditions, the implications of post-veraison (late) or pea-size trimming, post-veraison or pre-harvest late defoliations and shoot-positioning (post-veraison) were assessed against long-shoots non treated controls, under field conditions on organically-cultivated cv. Sangiovese. The key agronomic and enological relevance of late trimming and defoliations clearly emerged in both seasons. Berry skin phenolics (e.g. anthocyanins, flavonols) increased markedly, without changes in technological parameters. In case of early trimming, such positive effects were observed only in 2013. Maintaining long shoots for shading decreased anthocyanins, flavonols and total phenolics concentrations and promoted the production of compact bunches. Experimental data strongly designated late trimming, a practice proved to contain yield and bunch compactness, as a valuable alternative to cluster thinning. Late trimming, defoliations and shoot positioning reduced the severity of Botrytis cluster rot. The highest levels of berry skins phenolic compounds in late trimmed and defoliated plants could have contributed control the severity of this pathogen. The enological benefits induced by late trimming and defoliations and shoot positioning emerged in both young and aged wines. For the first time, cell cultures from cv. Sangiovese berry tissues were obtained and enabled to investigate, in controlled conditions, the relations between mechanisms regulating secondary metabolism in grapevine cells and changes induced by environmental and agronomic factors. The Doctoral Dissertation strongly highlights the need to consider, for a proper interpretation of the multiple modifications induced by canopy management strategies, physiological mechanisms other than the canonic source-sink relationships, in particular their impact on the vine hormonal status.


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Questo lavoro di tesi è stato suddiviso in tre parti. L’argomento principale è stato lo “Studio della componente antiossidante di oli ottenuti da olive mediante l’utilizzo di diversi sistemi e parametri tecnologici”. E’ ben noto come la qualità ossidativa di un olio di oliva dipenda oltre che dalla sua composizione in acidi grassi, dalla presenza di composti caratterizzati da un elevata attività antiossidante, ovvero le sostanze fenoliche. I composti fenolici contribuiscono quindi in maniera preponderante alla shelf life dell’olio extravergine di oliva. Inoltre sono state riscontrate delle forti correlazione tra alcune di queste sostanze e gli attributi sensoriali positivi di amaro e piccante. E’ poi da sottolineare come il potere antiossidante dei composti fenolici degli oli vergini di oliva, sia stato negli ultimi anni oggetto di considerevole interesse, poiché correlato alla protezione da alcune patologie come ad esempio quelle vascolari, degenerative e tumorali. Il contenuto delle sostanze fenoliche negli oli di oliva dipende da diversi fattori: cultivar, metodo di coltivazione, grado di maturazione delle olive e ovviamente dalle operazioni tecnologiche poiché possono variare il quantitativo di questi composti estratto. Alla luce di quanto appena detto abbiamo valutato l’influenza dei fattori agronomici (metodi di agricoltura biologica, integrata e convenzionale) e tecnologici (riduzione della temperatura della materia prima, aggiunta di coadiuvanti in fase di frangitura e di gramolatura, confronto tra tre oli extravergini di oliva ottenuti mediante diversi sistemi tecnologici) sul contenuto in composti fenolici di oli edibili ottenuti da olive (paper 1-3-4). Oltre alle sostanze fenoliche, negli oli di oliva sono presenti altri composti caratterizzati da proprietà chimiche e nutrizionali, tra questi vi sono i fitosteroli, ovvero gli steroli tipici del mondo vegetale, che rappresentano la frazione dell’insaponificabile quantitativamente più importante dopo gli idrocarburi. La composizione quali-quantitativa degli steroli di un olio di oliva è una delle caratteristiche analitiche più importanti nella valutazione della sua genuinità; infatti la frazione sterolica è significativamente diversa in funzione dell’origine botanica e perciò viene utilizzata per distinguere tra di loro gli oli e le loro miscele. Il principale sterolo nell’olio di oliva è il β- sitosterolo, la presenza di questo composto in quantità inferiore al 90% è un indice approssimativo dell’aggiunta di un qualsiasi altro olio. Il β-sitosterolo è una sostanza importante dal punto di vista della salute, poiché si oppone all’assorbimento del colesterolo. Mentre in letteratura si trovano numerosi lavori relativi al potere antiossidante di una serie di composti presenti nell’olio vergine di oliva (i già citati polifenoli, ma anche carotenoidi e tocoferoli) e ricerche che dimostrano invece come altri composti possano promuovere l’ossidazione dei lipidi, per quanto riguarda il potere antiossidante degli steroli e dei 4- metilsteroli, vi sono ancora poche informazioni. Per questo è stata da noi valutata la composizione sterolica in oli extravergini di oliva ottenuti con diverse tecnologie di estrazione e l’influenza di questa sostanza sulla loro stabilità ossidativa (paper 2). E’ stato recentemente riportato in letteratura come lipidi cellulari evidenziati attraverso la spettroscopia di risonanza nucleare magnetica (NMR) rivestano una importanza strategica da un punto di vista funzionale e metabolico. Questi lipidi, da un lato un lato sono stati associati allo sviluppo di cellule neoplastiche maligne e alla morte cellulare, dall’altro sono risultati anche messaggeri di processi benigni quali l’attivazione e la proliferazione di un normale processo di crescita cellulare. Nell’ambito di questa ricerca è nata una collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Biochimica “G. Moruzzi” ed il Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti dell’Università di Bologna. Infatti, il gruppo di lipochimica del Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti, a cui fa capo il Prof. Giovanni Lercker, da sempre si occupa dello studio delle frazioni lipidiche, mediante le principali tecniche cromatografiche. L’obiettivo di questa collaborazione è stato quello di caratterizzare la componente lipidica totale estratta dai tessuti renali umani sani e neoplastici, mediante l’utilizzo combinato di diverse tecniche analitiche: la risonanza magnetica nucleare (1H e 13C RMN), la cromatografia su strato sottile (TLC), la cromatografia liquida ad alta prestazione (HPLC) e la gas cromatografia (GC) (paper 5-6-7)


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The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of driving conditions and suspension parameters on dynamic load-sharing of longitudinal-connected air suspensions of a tri-axle semi-trailer. A novel nonlinear model of a multi-axle semi-trailer with longitudinal-connected air suspension was formulated based on fluid mechanics and thermodynamics and was validated through test results. The effects of driving conditions and suspension parameters on dynamic load-sharing and road-friendliness of the semi-trailer were analyzed. Simulation results indicate that the road-friendliness metric-DLC (dynamic load coefficient) is not always in accordance with the load-sharing metric-DLSC (dynamic load-sharing coefficient). The effect of employing larger air lines and connectors on the DLSC optimization ratio gives varying results as road roughness increases and as driving speed increases. When the vehicle load reduces, or the static pressure increases, the DLSC optimization ratio declines monotonically. The results also indicate that if the air line diameter is always assumed to be larger than the connector diameter, the influence of air line diameter on load-sharing is more significant than that of the connector.


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In recent years, the ecological degradation, loss of technological sustenance and other multidimensional consequences caused by shrimp farming have made the experts and authorities bound to rethink about the development of the industry. The present study describes the water and sediment quality, and culture and management techniques in five selected shrimp farms at Paikgacha, Khulna throughout a production cycle from March to September 1997. The water quality parameters were found to be more or less suitable throughout the cycle. The concentration of the limiting major nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus and minor nutrients such as calcium and magnesium were satisfactorily high, concentrations of the organic matter content were also high. Remarkable negative correlation of shrimp production with secchi depth was observed among the farms. Production per cycle ranged between 273 kg/ha and as low as 63 kg/ha.


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This thesis Entitled Studies on transport and magnetic properties of nano particle doped mgb2 superconductor for technological applications.The thesis ahead focuses on the establishment of enhanced superconducting properties in bulk MgB2 via nano particle doping and its conversion into mono/multifilamentary wires. Further, an attempt has also been made to develop prototypes of MgB2 coil and conduction cooled current lead for technological applications. The thesis is configured into 6 chapters. The opening chapter gives an idea on the phenomenon of superconductivity, the various types of superconductors and its applications in different fields. The second chapter is an introduction on MgB2 superconductor and its relevance which includes crystal and electronic structure, superconducting mechanism, basic superconducting properties along with its present international status. The third chapter provides details on the preparation and characterization techniques followed through out the study on MgB2. Fourth chapter discusses the effect of processing temperature and chemical doping using nano sized dopants on the superconducting properties of MgB2• Fifth chapter deals with the optimization of processing parameters and novel preparation techniques for wire fabrication. Sixth chapter furnishes the preparation of multifilamentary wires with various filament configurations, their electromechanical properties and it also incorporates the development of an MgB2 coil and a general purpose conduction cooled current lead.


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Trawling, despite being heavily energy expensive, still continues to be the most energy expensive fishing method particularly so in View of the export oriented nature of the Indian seafood industry. This study therefore aims at analyzing the efficiency of trawls operation from Cochin, an important fishing center along the southwest coast of India. The analysis is made along two perspectives - economic and technological. Even though technological efficiency complement economic efficiency, in the fishing parlance, parameters like the size composition of the catch, selectivity factors, etc., will have a direct bearing on the technological qualities of the trawl, and which parameters will have a significant impact on the effective exploitation of a fishery stock. Whereas the technological analysis aims at improving the efficiency with regard to the effective utilization of fuel and fishery stocks, economic analysis ascertains the present status of the trawling operations from the commercial angle.


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Portugal has a strong tradition of cheesemaking from raw ewe's milk; most of these cheeses are still made on a traditional farmhouse scale. Their production is protected by Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) but the specific biochemical aspects of the majority still need to be characterised. Two different cheesemaking procedures, traditional and semi-industrial, were compared technologically, biochemically and microbiologically. It was observed that, despite the highly significant difference between artisanal and semi-industrial cheeses (P < 0.001), both products were within the limits of national regulations for most parameters except maturation temperature, humidity and the value for the maturation index. Although the present study was not fully representative of the region, the results obtained suggest that the specific regulations for Serpa cheese should be revised and that other parameters, such as moisture and salt-in-moisture content, which are very much dependent on the cheesemaking process, should be included in order to characterise better this traditional cheese.