971 resultados para Technical networks


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Epistasis refers to the interaction between genes. Although high-throughput epistasis data from model organisms are being generated and used to construct genetic networks(1-3), the extent to which genetic epistasis reflects biologically meaningful interactions remains unclear(4-6). We have addressed this question through in silico mapping of positive and negative epistatic interactions amongst biochemical reactions within the metabolic networks of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae using flux balance analysis. We found that negative epistasis occurs mainly between nonessential reactions with overlapping functions, whereas positive epistasis usually involves essential reactions, is highly abundant and, unexpectedly, often occurs between reactions without overlapping functions. We offer mechanistic explanations of these findings and experimentally validate them for 61 S. cerevisiae gene pairs.


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This technical note studies global asymptotic state synchronization in networks of identical systems. Conditions on the coupling strength required for the synchronization of nodes having a cyclic feedback structure are deduced using incremental dissipativity theory. The method takes advantage of the incremental passivity properties of the constituent subsystems of the network nodes to reformulate the synchronization problem as one of achieving incremental passivity by coupling. The method can be used in the framework of contraction theory to constructively build a contracting metric for the incremental system. The result is illustrated for a network of biochemical oscillators. © 2011 IEEE.


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Understanding how and why changes propagate during engineering design is critical because most products and systems emerge from predecessors and not through clean sheet design. This paper applies change propagation analysis methods and extends prior reasoning through examination of a large data set from industry including 41,500 change requests, spanning 8 years during the design of a complex sensor system. Different methods are used to analyze the data and the results are compared to each other and evaluated in the context of previous findings. In particular the networks of connected parent, child and sibling changes are resolved over time and mapped to 46 subsystem areas. A normalized change propagation index (CPI) is then developed, showing the relative strength of each area on the absorber-multiplier spectrum between -1 and +1. Multipliers send out more changes than they receive and are good candidates for more focused change management. Another interesting finding is the quantitative confirmation of the "ripple" change pattern. Unlike the earlier prediction, however, it was found that the peak of cyclical change activity occurred late in the program driven by systems integration and functional testing. Patterns emerged from the data and offer clear implications for technical change management approaches in system design. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.


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IEEE Computer Society; IEEE Technical Committee on Simulation (TCSIM)


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This technical report describes a new protocol, the Unique Token Protocol, for reliable message communication. This protocol eliminates the need for end-to-end acknowledgments and minimizes the communication effort when no dynamic errors occur. Various properties of end-to-end protocols are presented. The unique token protocol solves the associated problems. It eliminates source buffering by maintaining in the network at least two copies of a message. A token is used to decide if a message was delivered to the destination exactly once. This technical report also presents a possible implementation of the protocol in a worm-hole routed, 3-D mesh network.


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For communication-intensive parallel applications, the maximum degree of concurrency achievable is limited by the communication throughput made available by the network. In previous work [HPS94], we showed experimentally that the performance of certain parallel applications running on a workstation network can be improved significantly if a congestion control protocol is used to enhance network performance. In this paper, we characterize and analyze the communication requirements of a large class of supercomputing applications that fall under the category of fixed-point problems, amenable to solution by parallel iterative methods. This results in a set of interface and architectural features sufficient for the efficient implementation of the applications over a large-scale distributed system. In particular, we propose a direct link between the application and network layer, supporting congestion control actions at both ends. This in turn enhances the system's responsiveness to network congestion, improving performance. Measurements are given showing the efficacy of our scheme to support large-scale parallel computations.


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Accurate knowledge of traffic demands in a communication network enables or enhances a variety of traffic engineering and network management tasks of paramount importance for operational networks. Directly measuring a complete set of these demands is prohibitively expensive because of the huge amounts of data that must be collected and the performance impact that such measurements would impose on the regular behavior of the network. As a consequence, we must rely on statistical techniques to produce estimates of actual traffic demands from partial information. The performance of such techniques is however limited due to their reliance on limited information and the high amount of computations they incur, which limits their convergence behavior. In this paper we study a two-step approach for inferring network traffic demands. First we elaborate and evaluate a modeling approach for generating good starting points to be fed to iterative statistical inference techniques. We call these starting points informed priors since they are obtained using actual network information such as packet traces and SNMP link counts. Second we provide a very fast variant of the EM algorithm which extends its computation range, increasing its accuracy and decreasing its dependence on the quality of the starting point. Finally, we evaluate and compare alternative mechanisms for generating starting points and the convergence characteristics of our EM algorithm against a recently proposed Weighted Least Squares approach.


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We study the impact of heterogeneity of nodes, in terms of their energy, in wireless sensor networks that are hierarchically clustered. In these networks some of the nodes become cluster heads, aggregate the data of their cluster members and transmit it to the sink. We assume that a percentage of the population of sensor nodes is equipped with additional energy resources-this is a source of heterogeneity which may result from the initial setting or as the operation of the network evolves. We also assume that the sensors are randomly (uniformly) distributed and are not mobile, the coordinates of the sink and the dimensions of the sensor field are known. We show that the behavior of such sensor networks becomes very unstable once the first node dies, especially in the presence of node heterogeneity. Classical clustering protocols assume that all the nodes are equipped with the same amount of energy and as a result, they can not take full advantage of the presence of node heterogeneity. We propose SEP, a heterogeneous-aware protocol to prolong the time interval before the death of the first node (we refer to as stability period), which is crucial for many applications where the feedback from the sensor network must be reliable. SEP is based on weighted election probabilities of each node to become cluster head according to the remaining energy in each node. We show by simulation that SEP always prolongs the stability period compared to (and that the average throughput is greater than) the one obtained using current clustering protocols. We conclude by studying the sensitivity of our SEP protocol to heterogeneity parameters capturing energy imbalance in the network. We found that SEP yields longer stability region for higher values of extra energy brought by more powerful nodes.


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Wireless sensor networks have recently emerged as enablers of important applications such as environmental, chemical and nuclear sensing systems. Such applications have sophisticated spatial-temporal semantics that set them aside from traditional wireless networks. For example, the computation of temperature averaged over the sensor field must take into account local densities. This is crucial since otherwise the estimated average temperature can be biased by over-sampling areas where a lot more sensors exist. Thus, we envision that a fundamental service that a wireless sensor network should provide is that of estimating local densities. In this paper, we propose a lightweight probabilistic density inference protocol, we call DIP, which allows each sensor node to implicitly estimate its neighborhood size without the explicit exchange of node identifiers as in existing density discovery schemes. The theoretical basis of DIP is a probabilistic analysis which gives the relationship between the number of sensor nodes contending in the neighborhood of a node and the level of contention measured by that node. Extensive simulations confirm the premise of DIP: it can provide statistically reliable and accurate estimates of local density at a very low energy cost and constant running time. We demonstrate how applications could be built on top of our DIP-based service by computing density-unbiased statistics from estimated local densities.


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Wireless sensor networks are characterized by limited energy resources. To conserve energy, application-specific aggregation (fusion) of data reports from multiple sensors can be beneficial in reducing the amount of data flowing over the network. Furthermore, controlling the topology by scheduling the activity of nodes between active and sleep modes has often been used to uniformly distribute the energy consumption among all nodes by de-synchronizing their activities. We present an integrated analytical model to study the joint performance of in-network aggregation and topology control. We define performance metrics that capture the tradeoffs among delay, energy, and fidelity of the aggregation. Our results indicate that to achieve high fidelity levels under medium to high event reporting load, shorter and fatter aggregation/routing trees (toward the sink) offer the best delay-energy tradeoff as long as topology control is well coordinated with routing.


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Routing protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSN) face two main challenges: first, the challenging environments in which WSNs are deployed negatively affect the quality of the routing process. Therefore, routing protocols for WSNs should recognize and react to node failures and packet losses. Second, sensor nodes are battery-powered, which makes power a scarce resource. Routing protocols should optimize power consumption to prolong the lifetime of the WSN. In this paper, we present a new adaptive routing protocol for WSNs, we call it M^2RC. M^2RC has two phases: mesh establishment phase and data forwarding phase. In the first phase, M^2RC establishes the routing state to enable multipath data forwarding. In the second phase, M^2RC forwards data packets from the source to the sink. Targeting hop-by-hop reliability, an M^2RC forwarding node waits for an acknowledgement (ACK) that its packets were correctly received at the next neighbor. Based on this feedback, an M^2RC node applies multiplicative-increase/additive-decrease (MIAD) to control the number of neighbors targeted by its packet broadcast. We simulated M^2RC in the ns-2 simulator and compared it to GRAB, Max-power, and Min-power routing schemes. Our simulations show that M^2RC achieves the highest throughput with at least 10-30% less consumed power per delivered report in scenarios where a certain number of nodes unexpectedly fail.


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Recent work in sensor databases has focused extensively on distributed query problems, notably distributed computation of aggregates. Existing methods for computing aggregates broadcast queries to all sensors and use in-network aggregation of responses to minimize messaging costs. In this work, we focus on uniform random sampling across nodes, which can serve both as an alternative building block for aggregation and as an integral component of many other useful randomized algorithms. Prior to our work, the best existing proposals for uniform random sampling of sensors involve contacting all nodes in the network. We propose a practical method which is only approximately uniform, but contacts a number of sensors proportional to the diameter of the network instead of its size. The approximation achieved is tunably close to exact uniform sampling, and only relies on well-known existing primitives, namely geographic routing, distributed computation of Voronoi regions and von Neumann's rejection method. Ultimately, our sampling algorithm has the same worst-case asymptotic cost as routing a point-to-point message, and thus it is asymptotically optimal among request/reply-based sampling methods. We provide experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of our algorithm on both synthetic and real sensor topologies.


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The quality of available network connections can often have a large impact on the performance of distributed applications. For example, document transfer applications such as FTP, Gopher and the World Wide Web suffer increased response times as a result of network congestion. For these applications, the document transfer time is directly related to the available bandwidth of the connection. Available bandwidth depends on two things: 1) the underlying capacity of the path from client to server, which is limited by the bottleneck link; and 2) the amount of other traffic competing for links on the path. If measurements of these quantities were available to the application, the current utilization of connections could be calculated. Network utilization could then be used as a basis for selection from a set of alternative connections or servers, thus providing reduced response time. Such a dynamic server selection scheme would be especially important in a mobile computing environment in which the set of available servers is frequently changing. In order to provide these measurements at the application level, we introduce two tools: bprobe, which provides an estimate of the uncongested bandwidth of a path; and cprobe, which gives an estimate of the current congestion along a path. These two measures may be used in combination to provide the application with an estimate of available bandwidth between server and client thereby enabling application-level congestion avoidance. In this paper we discuss the design and implementation of our probe tools, specifically illustrating the techniques used to achieve accuracy and robustness. We present validation studies for both tools which demonstrate their reliability in the face of actual Internet conditions; and we give results of a survey of available bandwidth to a random set of WWW servers as a sample application of our probe technique. We conclude with descriptions of other applications of our measurement tools, several of which are currently under development.