578 resultados para Teague Granite


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Petrografia, suscetibilidade magnética e geoquímica do Granito Rio Branco, Província Carajás, sudeste do Pará, Brazil. O Granito Rio Branco é um stock paleoproterozoico intrusivo no biotita-monzogranito arqueano Cruzadão. Ocorre a oeste da cidade de Canaã dos Carajás, nas proximidades da mina de cobre do Sossego na Província Carajás. É constituído por sienogranitos não deformados e isotrópicos, hololeucocráticos, em geral de granulação média. A mineralogia é formada por feldspato alcalino pertítico, quartzo e plagioclásio. A biotita, intensamente cloritizada, é a principal fase máfica, acompanhada por flluorita, allanita, zircão, pirita e calcopirita como minerais acessórios. Albitização e, com menor intensidade greisenização, afetaram o granito, sendo a mineralogia secundária albita, fluorita, topázio, clorita, muscovita, siderofilita e óxidos e/ou hidróxidos de ferro. O Granito Rio Branco apresenta valores sistematicamente baixos de suscetibilidade magnética (SM) variando de 1,3 x 10-5 a 6,96 x 10-4 (SI). Geoquimicamente, é metaluminoso a peraluminoso, possui altas razões FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) e mostra afinidades com granitos ferrosos, tipo-A do subtipo A2. Os padrões dos ETR revelam um ligeiro enriquecimento de ETR leves em relação ao ETR pesados e anomalia negativa acentuada de Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0,08 - 0,13), resultando feição em "gaivota", característica de granitos evoluídos. O conjunto de dados obtidos demonstra o caráter evoluído do Granito Rio Branco e sua derivação a partir de líquidos reduzidos e enriquecidos em voláteis, causadores das transformações hidrotermais tardias. O estudo comparativo deste corpo com aqueles das suítes anorogênicas da Província Carajás sugere que o Granito Rio Branco possui maior afinidade com os granitos das suítes Velho Guilherme e, em menor grau, Serra dos Carajás. Por outro lado, é claramente distinto da Suíte Jamon. Embora apresente características similares às dos granitos especializados em estanho, não há mineralizações desta natureza associadas ao corpo.


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Este trabalho apresenta dados geológicos, petrográficos e mineralógicos referentes ao granito que hospeda o depósito aurífero Tocantinzinho e objetivou contribuir ao entendimento dos processos hidrotermais associados à sua gênese. O depósito ocorre em biotita monzogranito tardi a pós-tectônico, do subtipo oxidado da série ilmenita, que foi alojado a profundidades de 6 - 9 km. Esse granitoide encontra-se bastante fraturado e localmente brechado, tendo experimentado processos hidrotermais de grau fraco a moderado, os quais geraram duas principais variedades (salame e smoky) sem diferenças mineralógicas ou químicas importantes, porém macroscopicamente muito distintas. Vários tipos de alteração hidrotermal foram reconhecidos nas rochas granitoides, sendo representados principalmente por vênulas e pela substituição de minerais primários. A história hidrotermal teve início com a microclinização, durante a qual o protólito granítico foi em parte transformado na variedade salame. A temperaturas em torno de 330 oC ocorreu a cloritização, que produziu chamosita com XFe na faixa de 0,55 - 0,70. Seguiu-se a sericitização, durante a qual os fluidos mineralizadores precipitaram pirita, calcopirita, esfalerita, galena e ouro. À medida que a alteração progrediu, as soluções se saturaram em sílica e precipitaram quartzo em vênulas. No estágio mais tardio (carbonatação), provavelmente houve mistura entre fluidos aquosos e aquocarbônicos, de que teria resultado a reação entre Ca2+ e CO2 e formação de calcita. A maioria dos sulfetos encontra-se em vênulas, algumas em trama stockwork. O ouro é normalmente muito fino e ocorre principalmente como inclusões submicroscópicas ou ao longo de microfraturas em pirita e quartzo. O depósito Tocantinzinho é muito similar aos depósitos Batalha, Palito e São Jorge, e aos do campo Cuiú-Cuiú. Tipologicamente poderia ser classificado como depósito relacionado a intrusões.


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The transcript of John J. Janovy Jr.'s speech upon acceptance of the American Society of Parasitologists' Clark P. Read Mentor Award, 2003.


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The Paraguay Belt in central South America is part of a larger chain of orogenic belts, including the Araguaia Belt to the northeast and potentially the Pampean Belt to the south, which are believed to mark the suture zone of the Clymene Ocean - interpreted amongst the youngest of the Gondwana amalgamation orogens. The post-orogenic Sao Vicente Granite crops out in the northern Paraguay Belt and cuts the basal unit of the deformed and metamorphosed Cuiaba Group. The age of this granite therefore provides a long sort after minimum age for orogenesis within the belt. Dating crystallisation of this important intrusion is challenging due to the presence of considerable common-Pb. However, based on LA-ICPMS dating of more than 100 zircons from three separate samples we interpret a robust crystallisation age for the Sao Vicente batholith at 518 +/- 4 Ma. This age constrains the termination of deformation within the Paraguay Belt and the final accretion of the supercontinent Gondwana. (C) 2011 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Epidote-group minerals, together with albite, quartz, fluorite, Al-poor and Fe-rich phyllosilicates, zircon, and minor oxides and sulphides, are typical hydrothermal phases in peralkaline alkali-feldspar granites from the Corupá Pluton, Graciosa Province, South Brazil. The epidote-group minerals occur as single crystals and as aggregates filling in rock interstices and miarolitic cavities. They display complex recurrent zoning patterns with an internal zone of ferriallanite-(Ce), followed by allanite-(Ce), then epidote-ferriepidote, and an external zone with allanite-(Ce), with sharp limits, as shown in BSE and X-ray images. REE patterns show decreasing fractionation degrees of LREE over HREE from ferriallanite to epidote. The most external allanite is enriched in MREE. LA-ICP-MS data indicate that ferriallanite is enriched (>10-fold) in Ti, Sr and Ga, and depleted in Mg, Rb, Th and Zr relative to the host granite. Allanite has lower Ga and Mn and higher Zr, Nb and U contents as compared to ferriallanite, while epidote is enriched in Sr, U and depleted in Pb, Zr, Hf, Ti and Ga. The formation of these minerals is related to the variable concentrations of HFSE, Ca, Al, Fe and F in fluids remaining from magmatic crystallization, in an oxidizing environment, close to the HM buffer. L-MREE were in part released by the alteration of chevkinite, their main primary repository in the host rocks.


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Most available studies of interconnected matrix porosity of crystalline rocks are based on laboratory investigations; that is, work on samples that have undergone stress relaxation and were affected by drilling and sample preparation. The extrapolation of the results to in situ conditions is therefore associated with considerable uncertainty, and this was the motivation to conduct the ‘in situ Connected Porosity’ experiment at the Grimsel Test Site (Central Swiss Alps). An acrylic resin doped with fluorescent agents was used to impregnate the microporous granitic matrix in situ around an injection borehole, and samples were obtained by overcoring. The 3-D structure of the porespace, represented by microcracks, was studied by U-stage fluorescence microscopy. Petrophysical methods, including the determination of porosity, permeability and P -wave velocity, were also applied. Investigations were conducted both on samples that were impregnated in situ and on non-impregnated samples, so that natural features could be distinguished from artefacts. The investigated deformed granites display complex microcrack populations representing a polyphase deformation at varying conditions. The crack population is dominated by open cleavage cracks in mica and grain boundary cracks. The porosity of non-impregnated samples lies slightly above 1 per cent, which is 2–2.5 times higher than the in situ porosity obtained for impregnated samples. Measurements of seismic velocities (Vp ) on spherical rock samples as a function of confining pressure, spatial direction and water saturation for both non-impregnated and impregnated samples provide further constraints on the distinction between natural and induced crack types. The main conclusions are that (1) an interconnected network of microcracks exists in the whole granitic matrix, irrespective of the distance to ductile and brittle shear zones, and (2) conventional laboratory methods overestimate the matrix porosity. Calculations of contaminant transport through fractured media often rely on matrix diffusion as a retardation mechanism.


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The Gangdese belt, Tibet, records the opening and closure of the Neo-Tethyan ocean and the resultant collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates. Mesozoic magmatic rocks generated through subduction of the Tethyan oceanic slab constitute the main component of the Gangdese belt, and play a crucial role in understanding the formation and evolution of the Neo-Tethyan tectonic realm. U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic data for tonalite and granodiorite from the Xietongmen-Nymo segment of the Gangdese belt indicate a significant pulse of Jurassic magmatism from 184 Ma to 168 Ma. The magmatic rocks belong to metaluminous medium-K calc-alkaline series, characterized by regular variation in major element compositions with SiO2 of 61.35%-73.59 wt%, low to moderate MgO (0.31%-2.59%) with Mg# of 37-45. These magmatic rocks are also characterized by LREE enrichment with concave upward trend in MREE on the chondrite-normalized REE patterns, and also LILE enrichment and depletion in Nb, Ta and Ti in the primitive mantle normalized spidergrams. These rocks have high zircon ?Hf(t) values of + 10.94 to + 15.91 and young two-stage depleted mantle model ages (TDM2) of 192 Ma to 670 Ma. The low MgO contents and relatively depleted Hf isotope compositions, suggest that the granitoid rocks were derived from the partial melting of the juvenile basaltic lower crust with minor mantle materials injected. In combined with the published data, it is suggested that northward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan slab beneath the Lhasa terrane began by the Late-Triassic, which formed a major belt of arc-related magmatism.