633 resultados para Tcp
Since the appearance of downsized and simplified TCP/IP stacks, single nodes from Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become directly accessible from the Internet with commonly used networking tools and applications (e.g., Telnet or SMTP). However, TCP has been shown to perform poorly in wireless networks, especially across multiple wireless hops. This paper examines TCP performance optimizations based on distributed caching and local retransmission strategies of intermediate nodes in a TCP connection, and proposes extended techniques to these strategies. The paper studies the impact of different radio duty-cycling MAC protocols on the end-to-end TCP performance when using the proposed TCP optimization strategies in an extensive experimental evaluation on a real-world sensor network testbed.
Reliable data transfer is one of the most difficult tasks to be accomplished in multihop wireless networks. Traditional transport protocols like TCP face severe performance degradation over multihop networks given the noisy nature of wireless media as well as unstable connectivity conditions in place. The success of TCP in wired networks motivates its extension to wireless networks. A crucial challenge faced by TCP over these networks is how to operate smoothly with the 802.11 wireless MAC protocol which also implements a retransmission mechanism at link level in addition to short RTS/CTS control frames for avoiding collisions. These features render TCP acknowledgments (ACK) transmission quite costly. Data and ACK packets cause similar medium access overheads despite the much smaller size of the ACKs. In this paper, we further evaluate our dynamic adaptive strategy for reducing ACK-induced overhead and consequent collisions. Our approach resembles the sender side's congestion control. The receiver is self-adaptive by delaying more ACKs under nonconstrained channels and less otherwise. This improves not only throughput but also power consumption. Simulation evaluations exhibit significant improvement in several scenarios
Three biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) bone substitute materials with hydroxyapatite (HA)/tricalcium phosphate (TCP) ratios of 20/80, 60/40, and 80/20 were compared to coagulum, particulated autogenous bone, and deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) in membrane-protected bone defects. The defects were prepared in the mandibles of 24 minipigs that were divided into four groups of six with healing times of 4, 13, 26, and 52 weeks, respectively. The histologic and histomorphometric evaluation focused on differences in amount and pattern of bone formation, filler degradation, and the interface between bone and filler. Collapse of the expanded polytetrafluoroethylene barrier membrane into the coagulum defects underlined the necessity of a filler material to maintain the augmented volume. Quantitatively, BCP 20/80 showed bone formation and degradation of the filler material similar to autografts, whereas BCP 60/40 and BCP 80/20 rather equaled DBBM. Among the three BCP's, the amount of bone formation and degradation of filler material seemed to be inversely proportional to the HA/TCP ratio. The fraction of filler surface covered with bone was highest for autografts at all time points and was higher for DBBM than BCP 80/20 and 60/40 at the early healing phase. TRAP-positive multinucleated cells were identified on BCP and DBBM surfaces without showing typical signs of resorption lacunae.
β-Tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) ceramics are approved for the repair of osseous defects. In large defects, however, the substitution of the material by authentic bone is inadequate to provide sufficient long-term mechanical stability. We aimed to develop composites of β-TCP ceramics and receptor activator of nuclear factor κ-B ligand (RANKL) to enhance the formation of osteoclasts and promote cell mediated calcium phosphate resorption. RANKL was adsorbed superficially onto β-TCP ceramics or incorporated into a crystalline layer of calcium phosphate by the use of a co-precipitation technique. Murine osteoclast precursors were seeded onto the ceramics. After 15 days, the formation of osteoclasts was quantified cytologically and colorimetrically with tartrate-resistant acidic phosphatase (TRAP) staining and TRAP activity measurements, respectively. Additionally, the expression of transcripts encoding the osteoclast gene products cathepsin K, calcitonin receptor, and of the sodium/hydrogen exchanger NHA2 were quantified by real-time PCR. The activity of newly formed osteoclasts was evaluated by means of a calcium phosphate resorption assay. Superficially adsorbed RANKL did not induce the formation of osteoclasts on β-TCP ceramics. When co-precipitated onto β-TCP ceramics RANKL supported the formation of mature osteoclasts. The development of osteoclast lineage cells was further confirmed by the increased expression of cathepsin K, calcitonin receptor, and NHA2. Incorporated RANKL stimulated the cells to resorb crystalline calcium phosphate. Our in vitro study shows that RANKL incorporated into β-TCP ceramics induces the formation of active, resorbing osteoclasts on the material surface. Once formed, osteoclasts mediate the release of RANKL thereby perpetuating their differentiation and activation. In vivo, the stimulation of osteoclast-mediated resorption may contribute to a coordinated sequence of material resorption and bone formation. Further in vivo studies are needed to confirm the current in vitro findings.
Nowadays, we can send audio on the Internet for multiples uses like telephony, broadcast audio or teleconferencing. The issue comes when you need to synchronize the sound from different sources because the network where we are going to work could lose packets and introduce delay in the delivery. This can also come because the sound cards could be work in different speeds. In this project, we will work with two computers emitting sound (one will simulate the left channel (mono) of a stereo signal, and the other the right channel) and connected with a third computer by a TCP network. The last computer must get the sound from both computers and reproduce it in a speaker properly (without delay). So, basically, the main goal of the project is to synchronize multi-track sound over a network. TCP networks introduce latency into data transfers. Streaming audio suffers from two problems: a delay and an offset between the channels. This project explores the causes of latency, investigates the affect of the inter-channel offset and proposes a solution to synchronize the received channels. In conclusion, a good synchronization of the sound is required in a time when several audio applications are being developed. When two devices are ready to send audio over a network, this multi-track sound will arrive at the third computer with an offset giving a negative effect to the listener. This project has dealt with this offset achieving a good synchronization of the multitrack sound getting a good effect on the listener. This was achieved thanks to the division of the project into several steps having constantly a good vision of the problem, a good scalability and having controlled the latency at all times. As we can see in the chapter 4 of the project, a lack of synchronization over c. 100μs is audible to the listener. RESUMEN. A día de hoy, podemos transmitir audio a través de Internet por varios motivos como pueden ser: una llamada telefónica, una emisión de audio o una teleconferencia. El problema viene cuando necesitas sincronizar ese sonido producido por los diferentes orígenes ya que la red a la que nos vamos a conectar puede perder los paquetes y/o introducir un retardo en las entregas de los mismos. Así mismo, estos retardos también pueden venir producidos por las diferentes velocidades a las que trabajan las tarjetas de sonido de cada dispositivo. En este proyecto, se ha trabajado con dos ordenadores emitiendo sonido de manera intermitente (uno se encargará de simular el canal izquierdo (mono) de la señal estéreo emitida, y el otro del canal derecho), estando conectados a través de una red TCP a un tercer ordenador, el cual debe recibir el sonido y reproducirlo en unos altavoces adecuadamente y sin retardo (deberá juntar los dos canales y reproducirlo como si de estéreo de tratara). Así, el objetivo principal de este proyecto es el de encontrar la manera de sincronizar el sonido producido por los dos ordenadores y escuchar el conjunto en unos altavoces finales. Las redes TCP introducen latencia en la transferencia de datos. El streaming de audio emitido a través de una red de este tipo puede sufrir dos grandes contratiempos: retardo y offset, los dos existentes en las comunicaciones entre ambos canales. Este proyecto se centra en las causas de ese retardo, investiga el efecto que provoca el offset entre ambos canales y propone una solución para sincronizar los canales en el dispositivo receptor. Para terminar, una buena sincronización del sonido es requerida en una época donde las aplicaciones de audio se están desarrollando continuamente. Cuando los dos dispositivos estén preparados para enviar audio a través de la red, la señal de sonido multi-canal llegará al tercer ordenador con un offset añadido, por lo que resultará en una mala experiencia en la escucha final. En este proyecto se ha tenido que lidiar con ese offset mencionado anteriormente y se ha conseguido una buena sincronización del sonido multi-canal obteniendo un buen efecto en la escucha final. Esto ha sido posible gracias a una división del proyecto en diversas etapas que proporcionaban la facilidad de poder solucionar los errores en cada paso dando una importante visión del problema y teniendo controlada la latencia en todo momento. Como se puede ver en el capítulo 4 del proyecto, la falta de sincronización sobre una diferencia de 100μs entre dos canales (offset) empieza a ser audible en la escucha final.
This paper describes an experiment in designing, implementing and testing a Transport layer cluster scheduling and dispatching architecture. The motivation for the experiment was the hypothesis that a Transport layer clustering solution may offer advantantages over the existing industry-standard Network layer and Data Link Layer approaches. The critical success factors initially established to guide and evaluate the experiment were reduced dispatcher work load, reduced dispatcher internal state memory requirements, distributed denial of service resilience, and cluster software design simplicity. The functional design stage of the experiment produced a Transport layer strategy for scheduling and load balancing based on the specification of two new TCP options. Implementation required the introduction of the newly specified TCP options into the Linux (2.4) kernel. The implementation produced an extended Linux Socket API to facilitate user-process access to the additional TCP capability. The testing stage of the experiment confirmed the operational efficiency of the solution.
The diversity of the networks (wired/wireless) prefers a TCP solution robust across a wide range of networks rather than fine-tuned for a particular one at the cost of another. TCP parallelization uses multiple virtual TCP connections to transfer data for an application process and opens a way to improve TCP performance across a wide range of environments - high bandwidth-delay product (BDP), wireless as well as conventional networks. In particular, it can significantly benefit the emerging high-speed wireless networks. Despite its potential to work well over a wide range of networks, it is not fully understood how TCP parallelization performs when experiencing various packet losses in the heterogeneous environment. This paper examines the current TCP parallelization related methods under various packet losses and shows how to improve the performance of TCP parallelization.