887 resultados para Tariff on wool


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Transglutaminases have the ability to incorporate primary amines and to graft peptides (containing glutamine or lysine residues) into proteins. These properties enable transglutaminases to be used in the grafting of a range of compounds including peptides and/or proteins onto wool fibres, altering their functionality. In this paper we investigated the transglutaminase mediated grafting of silk proteins into wool and its effect on wool properties. A commercial hydrolysed silk preparation was compared with silk sericin. The silk sericin protein was labelled with a fluorescent probe which was used to demonstrate the efficiency of the TGase grafting of such proteins into wool fibres. The TGase mediated grafting of these proteins led to a significant effect on the properties of wool yarn and fabric, resulting in increased bursting strength, as well as reduced levels of felting shrinkage and improved fabric softness. Also observed was an accumulation of deposits on the surface of the treated wool fibres when monitored by SEM and alterations in the thermal behaviour of the modified fibres, in particular for mTGase/sericin treated fibres which, with the confocal studies, corroborate the physical changes observed on the treated wool fabric. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Photoyellowing of wool is a serious problem for the wool industry. This study assessed the role of photocatalytic nanocrystalline titanium dioxide (P-25) as a potential antagonist or catalyst in the photoyellowing of wool. Untreated, bleached and bleached and fluorescent-whitened wool slivers were processed into fine wool powders for the purpose of even and intimate mixing with the TiO2 nanoparticles in the solid state. Pure wool and wool/TiO2 mixtures were then compressed into solid discs for a photoyellowing study under simulated sunlight and under UVB and UVC radiations. Yellowness and photo-induced chemiluminescence (PICL) measurements showed that nanocrystalline TiO2 could effectively reduce the rate of photoyellowing by inhibiting free radical generation in doped wool, and that a higher concentration of TiO2 contributed to a lower rate of photooxidation and reduced photoyellowing. Hence nanocrystalline TiO2 acts primarily as a UV absorber on wool in dry conditions and not as a photocatalyst.


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The mean fibre diameter (MFD) of wool is the primary determinant of price, processing performance and textile quality. This study determines the primary influences on MFD as Saxon Merino sheep age, by allometrically relating MFD to fleece-free liveweight (FFLwt). In total, 79 sheep were grazed in combinations of three stocking rates and two grazing systems (GS: sheep only; mixed with Angora goats) and studied over 3 years. Measurements were made over 14 consecutive periods (Segments), including segments of FFLwt gain or FFLwt loss. Using shearing and liveweight records and dye-bands on wool, the FFLwt and average daily gain (ADG) of each sheep were determined for each segment. The mean and range in key measurements were as follows: FFLwt, 40.1 (23.1 to 64.1) kg; MFD, 18.8 (12.7 to 25.8) μm. A random coefficient restricted maximum likelihood (REML) regression mixed model was developed to relate the logarithm of MFD to the logarithm of FFLwt and other effects. The model can be written in the form of ${\rm MFD}\,{\equals}\,\rkappa \left( {{\rm GS,}\,{\rm A}{\rm ,}\,{\rm Segment}{\rm .Plot,}\,{\rm Segment,}\,{\rm ADG}} \right){\times}{\rm FFLwt}^{{\left( {\ralpha \left( {{\rm GS}} \right){\plus}\rbeta \left(\rm A \right){\plus}\rgamma \left( {{\rm Segment}{\rm .Plot}} \right)} \right)}} $ , where $\ralpha \left( {{\rm GS}} \right)\,{\equals}\,\;\left\{ {\matrix{\!\! {0.32\left( {{\rm SE}\,{\equals}\,{\rm 0}{\rm .038}} \right)\,{\rm when}\,{\rm sheep}\,{\rm are}\,{\rm grazed}\,{\rm alone}} \hfill \cr \!\!\!\!{0.49\left( {{\rm SE}\,{\equals}\,{\rm 0}{\rm .049}} \right)\,{\rm when}\,{\rm sheep}\,{\rm are}\,{\rm mixed}\,{\rm with}\,{\rm goats}} \hfill \cr } } \right.$ β(A) is a random animal effect, γ(Segment.Plot) a random effect associated with Segment.plot combinations, and κ a constant that depends on GS, random animal effects, random Segment.plot combination effects, Segment and ADG. Thus, MFD was allometrically related to the cube root of FFLwt over seasons and years for sheep, but to the square root of FFLwt for sheep grazed with goats. The result for sheep grazed alone accords with a primary response being that the allocation of nutrients towards the cross-sectional growth of wool follicles is proportional to the changes in the skin surface area arising from changes in the size of the sheep. The proportionality constant varied systematically with ADG, and in sheep only grazing, was about 5 when sheep lost 100 g/day and about 6 when sheep gained 100 g/day. The proportionality constant did not systematically change with chronological age. The variation in the allometric coefficient between individual sheep indicates that some sheep were more sensitive to changes in FFLwt than other sheep. Key practical implications include the following: (a) the reporting of systematic increases in MFD with age is likely to be a consequence of allowing sheep to increase in size during shearing intervals as they age; (b) comparisons of MFD between sheep are more likely to have a biological basis when standardised to a common FFLwt and not just to a common age;


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Wool is the most important animal fiber used in textile industries, but its photostability is very low. Scientists have searched for new ways to increase the photostability of wool. As TiO2 nano particles have features suitable for new applications, the UV-blocking power of nano TiO2 may be used for protecting fabrics against UV rays. Treatment of wool with TiO 2 can be effective for controlling photodegradation. This study focused on protecting wool fabric against UV rays using nano TiO2. To this end, oxidized and raw wool were treated with citric acid as the cross-linking agent and different concentrations of nano TiO2. The whiteness and yellowness of wool fabric samples were reported. XRD patterns proved the existence of TiO2 nano-particles on the wool surface. Finally, the results revealed that nano TiO2 is a suitable UV absorber on wool fabric and its effect depends on concentration.


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This study is based on the multidiciplinary approach of using natural colorants as textile dyes. The author was interested in both the historical and traditional aspects of natural dyeing as well as the modern industrial applications of the pure natural compounds. In the study, the anthraquinone compounds were isolated as aglycones from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Dermocybe sanguinea. The endogenous beta-glucosidase of the fungus was used to catalyse the hydrolysis of the O-glycosyl linkage in emodin- and dermocybin-1-beta-D-glucopyranosides. The method, in which 10.45 kg of fresh fungi was starting material, yielded two fractions: 56.0 g of Fraction 1 (94% of the total amount of pigment,) consisting almost exclusively of the main pigments emodin and dermocybin, and 3.3 g of Fraction 2 (6%) consisting mainly of the anthraquinone carboxylic acids. The anthraquinone compounds in Fractions 1 and 2 were separated by one- and two-dimensional thin-layer-chromatography (TLC) using silica plates. 1D TLC showed that neither an acidic nor a basic solvent system alone separated completely all the anthraquinones isolated from D. sanguinea, in spite of the variation of the rations of the solvent components in the systems. Thus, a new 2D TLC technique was developed, applying n-pentanol-pyridine-methanol (6:4:3, v/v/v) and toluene-ethyl acetate-ethanol-formic acid (10:8:1:2, v/v/v/v) as eluents. Fifteen different anthraquinone derivatives were completely separated from one another. Emodin, physcion, endocrocin, dermolutein, dermorubin, 5-chlorodermorubin, emodin-1-beta-D-glucopyranoside, dermocybin-1-beta-D-glucopyranoside and dermocybin, and five new compounds, not earlier identified in D. sanguinea, 7-chloroemodin, 5,7-dichloroemodin, 5,7-dichloroendocrocin, 4-hydroxyaustrocorticone and austrocorticone, were separated and identified on the basis of their Rf-values, UV/Vis spectra and mass spectra. One substance remained unidentified, because of its very low concentration. The anthraquinones in Fractions 1 and 2 were preparatively separeted by liquid-liquid partition, with isopropylmethyl ketone and aqueous phosphate buffer as the solvent system. Advantage was taken of the principle of stepwise pH-gradient elution. The multiple liquid-liquid partition (MLLP) offered an excellent method for the preparative separation of compounds, which contain acidic groups such as the phenolic OH and COOH groups. Due to their strong aggregation properties, these compounds are, without derivatization, very difficult to separate on a preparative scale by chromatographic methods. By the MLLP method remarkable separations were achieved for the components in each mixture. Emodin and dermocybin were both obtained from Fraction 1 in a purity of at least 99%. Pure emodin and dermocybin were applied as mordant dyes to wool and polyamide and as disperse dyes to polyester and polyamide, using the high temperature (HT) technique. A mixture of dermorubin and 5-chlorodermorubin was applied as an acid dye to wool. In these experiments, synthetic dyes were used as references. Experiments were also performed using water extract of the air-dried fungi as dye liquor for wool and silk. The main colouring compounds in the crude water extract were emodin and dermocybin, which indicated that the O-glycosyl linkages in emodin- and dermocybin-1-beta-D-glucopyranosides were broken by the beta-glucosidase enzyme. Apparently, the hydrolysis occurred during the drying of the fungi and during the soaking of the dried fruit bodies overnight when preparing the dyebath. The colour of each dyed material was investigated in terms of the CIELAB L*, a* and b* values, and the colour fastness to light, washing and rubbing was tested according to the ISO standards. In the mordant dyeing experiments, emodin dyed wool and polyamide yellow and red, depending on the pH of the dyebath. Dermocybin gave purple and violet colours. The colour fastness of the mordant-dyed fabrics varied from good to moderate. The fastness properties of the natural anthraquinone carboxylic acids on wool were good, indicating the strength of the ionic bonds between the COO- groups of the dyes and the NH3+ groups of the fibres. In the disperse dyeing experiments, emodin dyed polyester bright yellow and dermocybin bright reddish-orange, and the fabrics showed excellent colour fastness. In contrast, emodin and dermocybin successfully dyed polyamide brownish-orange and wine-red, respectively, but with only moderate fastness. In industrial dyeing processes, natural anthraquinone aglycone mixtures dyed wool and silk well even at low concentrations of mordants, i.e. with 10% of the weight of the fibre (owf) of KAl(SO4)2 and 1 or 0.5% owf of other mordants. This study showed that purified natural anthraquinone compounds can produce bright hues with good colour-fastness properties in different textile materials. Natural anthraquinones have a significant potential for new dyeing techniques and will provide useful alternatives to synthetic dyes.


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In this paper, we study an international market model in which the home government imposes a tariff on the imported goods. The model has two stages. In the first stage, the home government chooses an import tariff to maximize a function that cares about the home firm’s profit and the total revenue. Then, the firms engage in a Cournot or in a Stackelberg competition. We compare the results obtained in the three different ways of moving on the decision make of the firms.


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This paper analyses the effects of tariffs on an international economy with a monopolistic sector with two firms, located in two countries, each one producing a homogeneous good for both home consumption and export to the other identical country. We consider a game among governments and firms. First, the government imposes a tariff on imports and then we consider the two types of moving: simultaneous (Cournot-type model) and sequential (Stackelberg-type model) decisions by the firms. We also compare the results obtained in each model.


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Cette thèse est constituée de trois articles. Le premier étudie le problème de pollution globale dans un contexte environnemental incertain. Le deuxième article traite des accords internationaux sur l'environnement. Le troisième article montre comment la libéralisation du commerce peut affecter le bien-être et les taxes sur la pollution dans un monde où les pays sont hétérogènes et la pollution transfrontalière. Dans le premier article, je considère un monde dans lequel les pays souffrent uniformément de la pollution globale. Ils font face à une menace continuelle de voir les dommages causés par cette pollution globale s'accroître subitement de façon irréversible. Je caractérise le niveau des émissions, le stock de pollution, et le niveau de bien-être actualisé en équilibres coopératif et non-coopératif. L'objectif visé est d'analyser l'impact de ce type d'incertitude sur les équilibres issus des comportements stratégiques des pays. Je trouve que cette incertitude peut avoir un effet significatif sur ces équilibres. Les pays réduisent leurs émissions pour atténuer leur exposition à cette menace. Plus la menace est grande, plus les pays ajustent leurs émissions afin de réduire le stock de pollution globale. Cependant, en dépit du fait que cette incertitude diminue le bien-être net initial, elle peut à long terme avoir un effet net positif sur le bien-être. Le deuxième article étend la classe des modèles dynamiques standards traitant des accords internationaux sur l'environnement au cas où la durée de la période d'engagement à de tels accords est un paramètre que l'on peut varier de façon exogène. Nous y étudions les évolutions dans le temps de la taille des coalitions stables, du stock de pollution et du taux d'émissions en fonction de la durée d'engagement. Nous montrons que la longueur de la période d'engagement a un effet très significatif sur l'équilibre. Trois intervalles de durée d'engagement sont identifiés pour lesquels l'équilibre et sa dynamique diffèrent considérablement. Alors que pour des durées de la période d'engagement très longues on observe des coalitions stables constituées d'un petit nombre de pays, si ces durées sont suffisamment courtes on peut observer un niveau de coopération élevé. Les durées d'engagement entre ces deux extrêmes sont caractérisées par une relation inverse entre la durée de la période d'engagement et la taille des coalitions stables. Ces faits portent à croire qu'il faudrait accorder une attention toute particulière au choix de la durée d'engagement lors de l'élaboration de tels accords internationaux. Le troisième article s'inscrit dans un contexte où les activités de production des pays potentiellement hétérogènes génèrent de la pollution qui peut traverser les frontières et nuire au bien-être des pays impliqués. Dans chacun de ces pays, l'état impose des taxes sur la pollution aux firmes polluantes et des tarifs à l'importation afin de corriger cette distorsion. Ce papier a pour but d'évaluer les effets que pourrait avoir une diminution des tarifs douaniers sur la production, les taxes sur la pollution et le bien-être de ces pays. La littérature existante a étudié ce problème, mais seulement dans le cadre d'un commerce bilatéral entre pays identiques. Cet article fournit un cadre d'analyse plus réaliste dans lequel les pays ne seront pas nécessairement identiques et où le commerce pourra être multilatéral. Il devient alors possible de mettre en évidence le biais introduit en négligeant ces deux facteurs. Dans ce nouveau contexte, je montre qu'une réduction des tarifs d'importation n'augmente pas nécessairement la production; elle peut aussi nuire au bien-être, même si la pollution est purement locale.