964 resultados para Talent Management


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Small firms identify retention of staff as a significant problem. Voluntary turnover of talented staff can be costly, especially in small firms where there are few slack resources. However, there is scant research on retention in small firms. We use the concept of Job Embeddedness to understand why small firm employees stay. The concept refers to the totality of forces that embed employees in their jobs and it consists of three dimensions: fit, links, and sacrifice. Seven propositions are outlined comparing the ways fit, links and sacrifice might play out for small and large firm employees. Through testing these propositions small firm owner-managers may have a better understanding of what can be done to retain employees and maintain firm performance.


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Building on a modern careers approach, we assess the effects of working abroad on individuals’ career capital. Given the dearth of longitudinal studies, we return to a sample of economics graduates in Finland eight years later. We measure changes in three dimensions of career capital; ‘knowing how’, ‘knowing whom’, ‘knowing why’ and find that company assigned expatriates learn more than self-initiated expatriates. All three career capital areas benefit from international experience and all are increasingly valued over time. Based on our findings we conclude that a dynamic notion of career capital acquisition and use is needed. Managerial implications include the need for a wider view of talent management for international businesses.


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Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur en medelstor kommun kan arbeta strategiskt med problematiken gällande kompetensförlust samt att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare inför kommande pensionsavgångar. Vidare syftar studien till att, utifrån resultatet, arbeta fram ett förslag till HR-strategi för den problematik de förestående pensionsavgångarna för med sig. För att få svar på våra undersökningsfrågor har vi utfört en fallstudie i Falu kommun och för denna använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra personer i chefsposition och en mångfaldskommunikatör, samt en fokusgrupp bestående av fyra medarbetare från HR-avdelningen. Detta gav oss flera perspektiv på problematiken, vilket vi anser stärker tillförlitligheten i resultatet. I efterhand kan vi dock se att ett större antal intervjupersoner hade varit att föredra, detta för att få fler medarbetares tankar och åsikter om ämnet. Emellertid var detta inte möjligt då chefer i kommunen var svåra att få kontakt med.Resultatet visar att uppfattningen om pensionsavgångar är varierande då en av respondenterna menar att det inte är något att oroa sig över, medan övriga respondenter anser att det är en stor utmaning kommunen har framför sig. Resultatet visar även att Falu kommun i dagsläget arbetar strategiskt med ett flertal olika åtgärder för att stärka sitt arbetsgivarmärke externt såsom exempelvis ambassadörskap och talent management, vilket tidigare forskning visar är en nödvändighet för en organisations konkurrenskraft och således attrahera samt behålla medarbetare. Gällande kompetensöverföring visar resultatet att det idag finns en medvetenhet om riskerna för kompetensförluster. Dock utförs ett begränsat arbete för att överföra viktiga kompetenser, åtminstone med syfte att hantera den risk för kompetensförlust som väntas i och med den förestående generationsväxlingen. Tidigare forskning inom området pensionsavgångar visar dock att förlusten av viktiga kompetenser är det största hotet.Vår slutsats av denna studie är att Falu kommun är på rätt väg att hantera den problematik som förväntas uppstå, dock behöver kommunen öka medvetenheten genom kommunikation och intern marknadsföring samt arbeta samman en gemensam syn på pensionsavgångarna i alla förvaltningar. Vi menar även att det är av stor vikt att se över kompetenserna i organisationen och börja agera för att inte mista viktiga kompetenser i och med de förestående pensionsavgångarna. Detta är områden som behandlas i det förslag till HR-strategi vi har arbetat fram.


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Purpose – Skill shortages worldwide have intensified the need for talent management. Few papers examine the pattern of human resource (HR) and talent management practices that help retain competent employees among service multinational companies (MNCs) in Asia. The purpose of this paper is to map out a number of HR practices used by service companies and to examine the effect of talent retention as perceived by MNC managers on service delivery capacity and business growth.

Design/methodology/approach – A survey data of 281 service MNCs in six Asian countries (namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand) are used to compare country and sectoral differences. Standard multiple regression analysis is conducted to test the link between HR practices, employee retention, and service firm performance.

Findings – The results confirm that there are statistically significant linkages between HR practices, talent retention and firm performance. In particular, various skill training and development programs are seen to be significantly associated with capacity to deliver quality service and on firm growth as perceived by managers surveyed. Informal recruitment methods that are used more by Asian-bred firms have contributed to better retention rates. Not all formalised HR practices lead to talent retention; and the degree to which HR is perceived to have impacted on firm performance varies.

Research limitations/implications – The paper focuses on examining the perceptual impacts of human resource management (HRM) practices on firm performance, rather than actual HRM impacts. The interpretation of results should be taken with caution.

Originality/value – Talent management is influenced by country specific variables. This paper shows how important it is for service firms to focus on strategic selection of both formal and informal HR practices in order to deliver high quality service and to drive service firm growth.


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Little is known about how human resource practices contribute towards the competitiveness of people based-knowledge intensive organisations in developing countries. This paper examines the role of human resource practices in developing knowledge and learning capabilities for innovation in the Indian information technology services sector. The study draws from the experience of a sample of 11 of the largest information technology service providers (ITSPs) in India and is based on in-depth interviews. The main finding suggests that the talent management architecture of ITSPs that comprises human resource practices and the development of knowledge and learning capabilities is the main drivers of innovation. A conceptual framework showing the link between human resource practices, knowledge and learning capabilities and innovation of ITSPs is developed followed by the limitations of the study and avenues for future research.


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O presente trabalho aborda a questão da Gestão de Talentos humanos nas organizações, o principal objetivo do trabalho foi pesquisar através da perspectiva dos gestores o que são os talentos nas organizações e a melhor maneira de gerenciá-los. A pesquisa trata-se de um estudo exploratório qualitativo dividido em pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de campo por meio de entrevistas com líderes de empresas (gerentes e diretores) com o intuito de entender o processo da gestão de talentos nas organizações estudadas. Os principais resultados da pesquisa apontam a necessidade de humanizar o ambiente de trabalho para obter o real talento das pessoas.(AU)


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O presente trabalho aborda a questão da Gestão de Talentos humanos nas organizações, o principal objetivo do trabalho foi pesquisar através da perspectiva dos gestores o que são os talentos nas organizações e a melhor maneira de gerenciá-los. A pesquisa trata-se de um estudo exploratório qualitativo dividido em pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de campo por meio de entrevistas com líderes de empresas (gerentes e diretores) com o intuito de entender o processo da gestão de talentos nas organizações estudadas. Os principais resultados da pesquisa apontam a necessidade de humanizar o ambiente de trabalho para obter o real talento das pessoas.(AU)


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Technology helps the Human Resources (HR) department drive for strategic relevance. These two departments are successfully collaborating on major projects in such business-critical areas as e-recruiting, self-service, training, compensation and talent management. Technology is critical in helping increase efficiency, increase attraction and retention, reduce administration and cut costs. In recent years, HR information systems (HRIS) have become more important than ever, this time as an essential part of a company's information security and knowledge fields. Ill-suited benefits and disorganized resources are history; now is the time for customized, dynamic plans and connected systems. Employees will appreciate the HRIS, business will benefit from the HRIS and the HR department will no longer have to be the ugly duckling of the company.


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Traditionally, the awarding of cash bonuses has been one of the primary tools utilized by organizational leaders to increase employee motivation. Recent research has indicated that cash awards may successfully motivate employees. The same research presents alternative, effective techniques that have been demonstrated to improve employee motivation and performance. Results of the 2010 Society for Human Resource Management survey highlight respondents' opinions regarding alternate employee motivators in the United States. The results strongly suggest that alternate cost-effective employee motivators may be as effective as cash rewards. The results of this Capstone will demonstrate that innovative, cost-effective methods can be used by organizations to retain employees. This paper will address specific areas of research including talent management, leadership, communication, and recognition.


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Globalization and the spread of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), particularly Internet usage, have changed the practice of recruiting employees. The Internet has become an integral part of Human Resource (HR) talent management, and as a result, a majority of business organizations in Germany have adopted an online recruitment initiative. However, technology alone no longer provides a competitive advantage. To meet their talent requirements, business organizations have turned to recruiting alternatives such as electronic recruitment or e-recruitment, which is a form of recruitment using electronic media tools to attract, hire, and retain job seekers. In this investigation, the author examined the efficacy and opportunities of e-recruitment in medium-sized German business organizations.. The author determined that many medium-sized German companies are using the Internet to recruit online but not effectively enough to create and maintain a sustainable strategic advantage. The author concluded that several areas for improvements exist in e-recruitment processes.


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O presente trabalho aborda a questão da Gestão de Talentos humanos nas organizações, o principal objetivo do trabalho foi pesquisar através da perspectiva dos gestores o que são os talentos nas organizações e a melhor maneira de gerenciá-los. A pesquisa trata-se de um estudo exploratório qualitativo dividido em pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de campo por meio de entrevistas com líderes de empresas (gerentes e diretores) com o intuito de entender o processo da gestão de talentos nas organizações estudadas. Os principais resultados da pesquisa apontam a necessidade de humanizar o ambiente de trabalho para obter o real talento das pessoas.(AU)