927 resultados para TUBE RECONSTRUCTION
Free-piston-driven expansion tubes are capable of generating flaw conditions over a wide range of enthalpies ranging from orbital up to superorbital velocities. Initial optical measurements aimed at investigating the flow in such a facility are presented. Emission studies were used to identify impurities in the how and to investigate spectral regions that are accessible by optical techniques. At moderate enthalpies, it was found that significant radiation resulted from metallic contaminants. At high enthalpies, the spectrum consisted of a number of atomic lines together with a broadband background component indicative of the presence of electrons. The presence of this radiation may limit the applicability of optical techniques that require spectral regions free from the influence of atomic transitions or background radiation. Emission spectroscopy (through Stark broadened hydrogen lines) and two-wavelength holographic interferometry were used to measure the electron number density behind a bow shock on a blunt body at conditions where significant ionization was observed. They yielded average concentrations of (3 +/- 1) x 10(17) cm(-3) from the emission measurements and (3.8 +/- 0.6) x 10(17) cm(-3) from the interferometry.
Axial X-ray Computed tomography (CT) scanning provides a convenient means of recording the three-dimensional form of soil structure. The technique has been used for nearly two decades, but initial development has concentrated on qualitative description of images. More recently, increasing effort has been put into quantifying the geometry and topology of macropores likely to contribute to preferential now in soils. Here we describe a novel technique for tracing connected macropores in the CT scans. After object extraction, three-dimensional mathematical morphological filters are applied to quantify the reconstructed structure. These filters consist of sequences of so-called erosions and/or dilations of a 32-face structuring element to describe object distances and volumes of influence. The tracing and quantification methodologies were tested on a set of undisturbed soil cores collected in a Swiss pre-alpine meadow, where a new earthworm species (Aporrectodea nocturna) was accidentally introduced. Given the reduced number of samples analysed in this study, the results presented only illustrate the potential of the method to reconstruct and quantify macropores. Our results suggest that the introduction of the new species induced very limited chance to the soil structured for example, no difference in total macropore length or mean diameter was observed. However. in the zone colonised by, the new species. individual macropores tended to have a longer average length. be more vertical and be further apart at some depth. Overall, the approach proved well suited to the analysis of the three-dimensional architecture of macropores. It provides a framework for the analysis of complex structures, which are less satisfactorily observed and described using 2D imaging. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This article intends to rationally reconstruct Locke`s theory of knowledge as incorporated in a research program concerning the nature and structure of the theories and models of rationality. In previous articles we argued that the rationalist program can be subdivided into the classical rationalistic subprogram, which includes the knowledge theories of Descartes, Locke, Hume and Kant, the neoclassical subprogram, which includes the approaches of Duhem, Poincare and Mach, and the critical subprogram of Popper. The subdivision results from the different views of rationality proposed by each one of these subprograms, as well as from the tools made available by each one of them, containing theoretical instruments used to arrange, organize and develop the discussion on rationality, the main one of which is the structure of solution of problems. In this essay we intend to reconstruct the assumptions of Locke`s theory of knowledge, which in our view belongs to the classical rationalistic subprogram because it shares with it the thesis of the identity of (scientific) knowledge and certain knowledge.
A sensitive, selective, and reproducible in-tube solid-phase microextraction and liquid chromatographic (in-tube SPME/LC-UV) method for simultaneous determination of mirrazapine, citalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline in human plasma was developed, validated and further applied to the analysis of plasma samples from elderly patients undergoing therapy with antidepressants. Important factors in the optimization of in-tube SPME efficiency are discussed, including the sample draw/eject volume, draw/eject cycle number, draw/eject flow-rate, sample pH, and influence of plasma proteins. The quantification limits of the in-tube SPME/LC method varied between 20 and 50 ng/mL, with a coefficient of variation lower than 10%. The response of the in-tube SPME/LC method for most of the drugs was linear over a dynamic range from 50 to 500 ng/mL, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.9985. The in-tube SPME/LC can be successfully used to analyze plasma samples from ageing patients undergoing therapy with nontricyclic antidepressants. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A sensitive, selective, and reproducible in-tube polypyrrole-coated capillary (PPY) solid-phase microextraction and liquid chromatographic method for fluoxetine and norfluoxetine enantiomers analysis in plasma samples has been developed, validated, and further applied to the analysis of plasma samples from elderly patients undergoing therapy with antidepressants. Important factors in the optimization of in-tube SPME efficiency are discussed, including the sample draw/eject volume, draw/eject cycle number, draw/eject flow-rate, sample pH, and influence of plasma proteins. Separation of the analytes was achieved with a Chiralcel OD-R column and a mobile phase consisting of potassium hexafluorophosphate 7.5 mM and sodium phosphate 0.25 M solution, pH 3.0, and acetonitrile (75:25, v/v) in the isocratic mode, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. Detection was carried out by fluorescence absorbance at Ex/Em 230/290 nm. The multifunctional porous surface structure of the PPY-coated film provided high precision and accuracy for enantiomers. Compared with other commercial capillaries, PPY-coated capillary showed better extraction efficiency for all the analytes. The quantification limits of the proposed method were 10 ng/mL for R- and S-fluoxetine, and 15 ng/mL for R- and S-norfluoxetine, with a coefficient of variation lower than 13%. The response of the method for enantiomers is linear over a dynamic range, from the limit of quantification to 700ng/mL, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.9940. The in-tube SPME/LC method can therefore be successfully used to analyze plasma samples from ageing patients undergoing therapy with fluoxetine. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A sensitive and automated method is described for determination of rifampicin in plasma samples for therapeutic drug monitoring by in-tube solid-phase microextraction coupled with liquid chromatography (in-tube SPME/LC). Important factors in the optimization of in-tube SPME are discussed, such as coating type, sample pH, sample draw/eject volume, number of draw/eject cycles, and draw/eject flow rate. Analyte pre-concentrated in the polyethylene glycol phase was directly transferred to the liquid chromatographic column by percolation of the mobile phase, without carryover. The method was linear over the 0.1-100 mu g/mL range, with a linear coefficient value (r(2)) of 0.998. The inter-assay precision presented coefficient of variation <= 1.7%. The effectiveness and practicability of the proposed method are proven by analysis of plasma samples from ageing patients undergoing therapy with rifampicin. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives: Lung hyperinflation may be assessed by computed tomography (CT). As shown for patients with emphysema, however, CT image reconstruction affects quantification of hyperinflation. We studied the impact of reconstruction parameters on hyperinflation measurements in mechanically ventilated (MV) patients. Design: Observational analysis. Setting: A University hospital-affiliated research Unit. Patients: The patients were MV patients with injured (n = 5) or normal lungs (n = 6), and spontaneously breathing patients (n = 5). Interventions: None. Measurements and results: Eight image series involving 3, 5, 7, and 10 mm slices and standard and sharp filters were reconstructed from identical CT raw data. Hyperinflated (V-hyper), normally (V-normal), poorly (V-poor), and nonaerated (V-non) volumes were calculated by densitometry as percentage of total lung volume (V-total). V-hyper obtained with the sharp filter systematically exceeded that with the standard filter showing a median (interquartile range) increment of 138 (62-272) ml corresponding to approximately 4% of V-total. In contrast, sharp filtering minimally affected the other subvolumes (V-normal, V-poor, V-non, and V-total). Decreasing slice thickness also increased V-hyper significantly. When changing from 10 to 3 mm thickness, V-hyper increased by a median value of 107 (49-252) ml in parallel with a small and inconsistent increment in V-non of 12 (7-16) ml. Conclusions: Reconstruction parameters significantly affect quantitative CT assessment of V-hyper in MV patients. Our observations suggest that sharp filters are inappropriate for this purpose. Thin slices combined with standard filters and more appropriate thresholds (e.g., -950 HU in normal lungs) might improve the detection of V-hyper. Different studies on V-hyper can only be compared if identical reconstruction parameters were used.
Objectives: The high incidence of respiratory disorders is one of the main problems in perinatal medical care. With the increased use of intubation, the incidence of laryngeal injury causing stenosis has also increased. The principal constriction point in the infant`s larynx is the midcricoid area. We sought to provide detailed morphometric data on the anatomy of the cricoid cartilage and its relationship with growth and body characteristics of fetuses at 5 to 9 months of gestational age. Methods: Nineteen larynges obtained from 17 stillborn infants and 2 newborn infants ranging in gestational age from 5 to 9 months were studied. Measurements of the cricoid cartilage were made with a millimeter-graded caliper. Results: Weight was the variable most correlated with cricoid measurements. The cricoid lumen configuration showed an almost elliptic shape and did not change with gestational age. The mean inner subglottic cricoid area was 19.27 +/- 9.62 mm(2) and was related to weight and body surface area. Cricoid growth was more pronounced at the outer portion of the cartilage. Conclusions: The cricoid lumen configuration was elliptic, and its mean area was smaller than that of available endotracheal tubes. This lumen area was most influenced by weight and height.
Background: Surgical resection in locally advanced breast cancer produces large defects that may not be suitable for primary closure. Immediate reconstruction is controversial and presents a complicated scenario for breast surgeons and plastic surgeons. Methods: In this study, a different design was planned for the latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap with primary closure in V-Y for the correction of major lesions in the anterior chest wall. Twenty-five patients underwent immediate locally advanced breast cancer reconstruction with a V-Y latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap. This flap was raised from adjacent tissue located on the lateral and posterior thoracic region and presented a triangular shape whose base was the lateral aspect of the mastectomy wound. The technique was indicated in patients with large thoracic wounds. Results: Mean follow-up time was 16 months. Closure was obtained in the donor and recipient sites without the use of skin grafts or other more major procedures. Complications occurred in nine patients (36 percent), including dorsal wound dehiscence in five patients and seroma in three. All cases except one were treated by a conservative approach with a good result. No total flap loss was reported. All patients achieved a satisfactory thoracic reconstruction and adequate wound care. Conclusions: The V-Y latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap is a reliable technique for immediate locally advanced breast cancer reconstruction. The technique is advantageous because the V-Y design allows primary closure of the chest wound and donor defect. Success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the breast cancer surgeon, and careful intraoperative management. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 127: 2186, 2011.)
The main aim of this study is to evaluate the capacity of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSC), isolated from deciduous teeth, to reconstruct large-sized cranial bone defects in nonimmunosuppressed (NIS) rats. To our knowledge, these cells were not used before in similar experiments. We performed two symmetric full-thickness cranial defects (5 x 8 mm) on each parietal region of eight NIS rats. In six of them, the left side was supplied with collagen membrane only and the right side (RS) with collagen membrane and hDPSC. In two rats, the RS had collagen membrane only and nothing was added at the left side (controls). Cells were used after in vitro characterization as mesenchymal cells. Animals were euthanized at 7, 20, 30, 60, and 120 days postoperatively and cranial tissue samples were taken from the defects for histologic analysis. Analysis of the presence of human cells in the new bone was confirmed by molecular analysis. The hDPSC lineage was positive for the four mesenchymal cell markers tested and showed osteogenic, adipogenic, and myogenic in vitro differentiation. We observed bone formation 1 month after surgery in both sides, but a more mature bone was present in the RS. Human DNA was polymerase chain reaction-amplified only at the RS, indicating that this new bone had human cells. The us e of hDPSC in NIS rats did not cause any graft. rejection. Our findings suggest that hDPSC is an additional cell resource for correcting large cranial defects in rats and constitutes a promising model for reconstruction of human large cranial defects in craniofacial surgery.
Introduction: A resorbable collagen matrix with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP-2) was compared with traditional iliac crest bone graft for the closure of alveolar defects during secondary dental eruption. Methods: Sixteen patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate, aged 8 to 12 years, were selected and randomly assigned to group 1 (rhBMP-2) or group 2 (iliac crest bone graft). Computed tomography was performed to assess both groups preoperatively and at months 6 and 12 postoperatively. Bone height and defect volume were calculated through Osirix Dicom Viewer (Pixmeo, Apple Inc.). Overall morbidity was recorded. Results: Preoperative and follow-up examinations revealed progressive alveolar bone union in all patients. For group 1, final completion of the defect with a 65.0% mean bone height was detected 12 months postoperatively. For group 2, final completion of the defect with an 83.8% mean bone height was detected 6 months postoperatively. Dental eruption routinely occurred in both groups. Clinical complications included significant swelling in three group 1 patients (37.5%) and significant donor-site pain in seven group 2 patients (87.5%). Conclusions: For this select group of patients with immature skeleton, rhBMP-2 therapy resulted in satisfactory bone healing and reduced morbidity compared with traditional iliac crest bone grafting.
Reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex (NAC) is the last stage of breast reconstruction and represents the search for symmetry in regard to the contralateral breast. The objective of this study was to present an areola reconstruction technique with local skin graft to improve the texture and aspect of the reconstructed areola, searching for a natural look. This technique was performed on 122 patients who in the period from January 2000 to December 2005 were submitted to nipple and areola reconstruction. Once the position of the new nipple was determined, markings were made for the reconstruction of the areola. Then the external limit of the new areola was incised and the skin was centripetally deepidermized up to 85% of its diameter. After this procedure the detached skin was repositioned in its bed as a graft and sutured with 4.0 mononylon thread. Incisions with an 11-blade scalpel were then made in V and C forms associated with the detachment of this skin of the receptor area along the local graft so that at the end of the healing process they would determine alterations in the areolar texture mimicking the texture of a normal areola. All patients underwent tattooing 3 months after reconstruction of the NAC taking into account the different shades of the contralateral areola and nipple colors. The use of a local skin graft associated with C and V incisions allowed alteration in the texture of the reconstructed areola. The use of different ink shades for tattooing helped to give a tridimensional aspect to this areola. These factors determined a good aesthetic result in these patients. This areola reconstruction using a local skin graft allows change in the areola texture and a tridimensional aspect similar to that of a normal areola without the inconvenience of grafting from a distance.
Background: Although the role of cartilage grafts in reconstruction of the posterior eyelid lamella is well established, spontaneous conjunctival epithelialization on such grafts has yet to be fully proven. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of the influence of perichondrium on conjunctival epithelialization over conchal cartilage grafts used in eyelid reconstruction in rabbits. Methods: The posterior lamellae of 100 lower eyelids from 50 rabbits were reconstructed with autogenous grafts of conchal ear cartilage. In the right eyelids, cartilage was grafted with the perichondrium in direct contact with the eyeball, and the left eyelids were reconstructed in a similar manner but using cartilage grafts without perichondrium. The animals were killed after 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks, and their lower eyelids were analyzed macroscopically and histologically. Results: The percentage difference in conjunctival epithelialization on the cartilage with perichondrium and that without perichondrium was 11.41 percent in the first week of the experiment, 13.64 percent in the second week, 18.69 percent in the third week, 10.38 percent in the fourth week, and 6.17 percent in the fifth week. The average percentage conjunctival epithelialization in the eyelids reconstructed with a cartilage graft with perichondrium was significantly higher throughout the 5 weeks of the experiment than in the eyelids reconstructed with cartilage without perichondrium (p < 0.0002). Conclusion: It was found that the perichondrium had an important role in conjunctival epithelialization in eyelids reconstructed with a cartilage graft in the present study. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 123: 55, 2009.)
A novel flow-tagging technique is presented which was employed to measure gas velocities in the free stream of a shock tube. This method is based on the laser spectroscopic techniques of Laser-Enhanced Ionisation (LEI) and Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The flow in the shock tube is seeded with small amounts of sodium, and LEI is used to produce a substantial depletion of neutral sodium atom concentration in a well-defined region of the flow, by using two wavelength-resonance excitation and subsequent collisional ionisation. At a specific time delay, single-laser-pulse planar LIF is utilised to produce a two-dimensional (2-D) inverse image of the depleted tagged region downstream of the flow. By measuring the displacement of the tagged region, free stream velocities in a shock tube were determined. Large variations in the concentration of sodium seeded into the flow were observed and even in the presence of these large variations accurate free-stream velocity measurements were obtained. The experimentally determined value for velocity compares very well with the predicted velocity.
Background and aims: Assess longer-term (12 weeks) effects of a diabetes-specific feed on postprandial glucose response, glycaemic control (HbA1c), lipid profile, (pre)-albumin, clinical course and tolerance in diabetic patients. Methods: In this randomized, controlled, double-blind, parallel group study 25 type 2 diabetic patients on tube feeding were included. Patients received a soy-protein based, multi-fibre diabetes-specific feed or isocaloric, fibre-containing standard feed for 12 weeks, while continuing on their anti-diabetic medication. At the beginning, after 6 and 12 weeks, several (glycaemic) parameters were assessed. Results: The postprandial glucose response (iAUC) to the diabetes-specific feed was lower at the 1st assessment compared with the standard feed (p = 0.008) and this difference did not change over time. HbA1c decreased over time in the diabetes-specific and not in the standard feed group (treatment*time:p = 0.034): 6.9 +/- 0.3% (mean +/- SEM) at baseline vs. 6.2 +/- 0.4% at 12 weeks in the diabetes-specific group compared to 7.9 +/- 0.3% to 8.7 +/- 0.4% in the standard feed group. No significant treatment*time effect was found for fasting glucose, insulin, (pre-) albumin or lipid profile, except for increase of HDL in the diabetes-specific group. Conclusions: The diabetes-specific feed studied significantly improved longer-term glycaemic control in diabetic patients. This was achieved in addition to on-going anti-diabetic medication and may affect clinical outcome. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.