982 resultados para TROPHIC STRUCTURE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O reservatório da UHE Coaracy Nunes no rio Araguari esta localizado entre os municípios de Ferreira Gomes e Porto Grande no estado do Amapá-Brasil, distando 200 km do Oceano Atlântico. A usina Coaracy Nunes foi a primeira hidrelétrica a ser construída na Amazônia brasileira, tendo suas obras iniciadas em 1967. O rio Araguari e o principal rio do estado do Amapá e representa fonte de geração de renda através da pesca, atividades agropecuárias em sua várzea, navegação, mineração, geração de energia e lazer. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as alterações impostas pela construção do reservatório da UHE Coaracy Nunes, através das assembleias de peixes de quatro áreas de influencia direta desta usina. Para isso, no período de maio de 2009 a julho de 2010, foram realizadas coletas bimensais, de peixes, com redes de malhas padronizadas variando de 1,0 a 10,0 cm entre nos adjacentes e outras técnicas auxiliares. A partir destas coletas, no capitulo 1 foi verificado a composição, abundancia (CPUEn) e biomassa (CPUEp) relativas da ictiofauna, eficiência amostral (curva do coletor, curva de rarefação e Jacknife) e descritores ecológicos de comunidades (riqueza, diversidade, equitabilidade e dominância) das assembleias das quatro áreas. Foram efetuadas analises de variância (ANOVA: bifatorial), Kruskal-Wallis, teste-T e Mann-Whitney para verificar se havia diferenças significativas dos descritores entre as áreas e períodos sazonais. Estas análises foram corroboradas por analises multivariadas de agrupamento (cluster), ordenamento (MDS), Anosim e Simper. No capitulo 2, os estados ecológicos das quatro áreas foram verificados utilizando como indicadores: curvas espécie abundancia, curvas K-dominância e curvas ABC, assim como modelos espécie-abundancia serie geométrica, log serie, log normal e broken stick, e modelo de regressão linear de espectros de tamanho. No capitulo 3, a estrutura trófica foi estimada a partir da categorização das espécies de cada área em 5 guildas: piscívora, onívora, detritívora, carnívora e herbívora. A abundancia, biomassa e índices ecológicos destas guildas foram estimados e verificados suas variações espaço-temporais, por analises de variância (ANOVA: bifatorial e Kruskal-Wallis) e teste t. No capitulo 4, a dieta das espécies mais abundantes das assembleias de cada área foi verificada e suas variações espaço-temporais detectadas por analise de variância (ANOVA: bifatorial e Kruskal-Wallis). Também foram estimados a amplitude e sobreposição de nicho das espécies mais abundantes, assim como a existência de competição entre as espécies através de modelagem nula. No capitulo 5 foi realizada a avaliação ecossistêmica das quatro áreas através de modelos de fluxo de biomassa na rede trófica do ecossistema, usando como instrumento de modelação o software Ecopath. Essas análises tinham por objetivo descrever as variações dos atributos ecológicos que quantificam as propriedades de maturidade, estabilidade e resiliência ecossistêmica que pudessem refletir os estados ecológicos dessas áreas. O modelo incluiu compartimentos funcionais desde produtores primários ate predadores de topo. No geral, todas as análises indicaram sensíveis alterações na ictiofauna atribuídas a implantação da UHE Coaracy Nunes, que se refletem nos três níveis de organização: ecossistema, comunidade (assembleia) e guilda. Os resultados indicaram a captura de 1.977 peixes distribuídos em 2 classes, 9 ordens, 23 famílias, 73 gêneros e 108 espécies. As curvas de acumulação de espécies e curvas de rarefação individualizadas demonstraram que houve suficiência amostral nas áreas Reservatório e Lacustre. Os resultados mostraram que a área Jusante foi mais rica, diversa e equitativa em relação as demais e que a sazonalidade não influenciou na variação destes índices. A abundancia relativa (CPUEn) foi superior nas áreas Reservatório e Lacustre e a biomassa relativa (CPUEb) foi superior na área Jusante, não havendo diferenças sazonais para esses descritores em todas as áreas. As analises de agrupamento (cluster) e ordenamento (MDS) da ictiofauna permitiram identificar a formação de três assembleias distintas: Jusante, Montante e uma assembleia que compreende as áreas Reservatório e Lacustre, ratificando a similaridade dessas duas áreas. Os resultados das curvas whitakeplot, ABC e K-dominância, assim como o ajuste satisfatório do modelo broken stick e os padrões das curvas de espectro de tamanho para a assembleia da área a jusante indicam que esta área foi a mais equilibrada em termos ecológicos. Nas áreas Lacustre e Reservatório, os resultados tanto do ajuste ao modelo serie geométrica, quanto os resultados das curvas whitake-plot, ABC e K-dominância e o espectro de tamanho, assim como os resultados das curvas e ajustes ao modelo série e menor espectro de tamanho para a assembleia da área Reservatório, refletem que os peixes destas áreas, em sua maioria, são indivíduos pequenos com elevada dominância e baixa equitabilidade, caracterizando comunidades típicas de áreas impactadas. A estrutura trófica das assembleias de peixes das áreas represadas (Reservatório e Lacustre) foram formatadas em função do barramento do rio, que isolou e fragmentou o ambiente, determinando sua modificação física, impondo o estabelecimento de uma ictiofauna de espécies pré-adaptadas as condições ambientais de represamento, diferente, em parte, da estrutura da ictiofauna fluvial pre-barramento, destacando as piscívoras, onívoras e detritívoras, que foram as mais ricas e abundantes em função da disponibilidade, nas duas áreas, dos recursos alimentares de sua preferencia. Os resultados demonstraram que as dietas das assembleias de todas as áreas foram similares quanto ao predomínio do consumo de peixes e detritos, seguidos de alimento vegetal aloctone, revelando um padrão com poucos nichos amplos e uma concentração maior de espécies com nichos mais estreitos. Contudo, o padrão de baixa amplitude trófica foi evidenciado pelo predomínio da guilda piscívora, somada as guildas detritívora e herbívora. A sazonalidade pouco influenciou na alimentação da maioria das espécies em todas as áreas. Os padrões comparativos da dieta entre as áreas Montante e Jusante com as áreas Reservatório e Lacustre indicam que a maioria das espécies das áreas represadas pertenciam as guildas piscívora, onívora e detritívora antes do barramento do rio, que colonizaram estes ambientes, influenciadas, principalmente, pela abundancia dos recursos alimentares de suas preferencias e das condições físicas ambientais favoráveis. Interações competitivas foram evidenciadas pelos modelos nulos, sugerindo que a competição também foi um fator importante na estruturação das assembleias. Ecossistemicamente, os quatro modelos de fluxo de biomassa representam ecossistemas com elevada produção primaria oriunda da floresta riparia e algas filamentosas, que são utilizadas parcialmente. A cadeia trófica baseada em detrito apresentou ser mais importante que a que tem como base a produção primaria nas áreas Reservatório e Lacustre. A maioria dos fluxos ocorre nos compartimentos de níveis tróficos baixos. As propriedades ecossistêmicas da área Jusante indicam que este ambiente se encontra mais desenvolvido e maduro em relação aos outros, caracterizado por resiliência e entropia altas. As áreas represadas (Reservatório e Lacustre) apresentaram atributos ecossistêmicos que lhe conferiram características de menos resiliente e menos maduro que as áreas de rio. A área Montante apresentou um padrão intermediário de resiliência, estabilidade e maturidade. Esses resultados evidenciam que apos quarenta anos da construção da barragem do reservatório de Coaracy Nunes, a fragmentação do ambiente proporcionou alterações ecossistêmicas negativas, refletidas nas assembleias de peixes das áreas acima do barramento e na analise ecossistêmica, evidenciando que a área jusante apresenta características de ambiente em bom estado ecológico, com baixa alteração de origem antrópica e capaz de suportar distúrbios.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Plant-frugivore interactions are essential elements in ecosystem and their knowledge can becomes an important tool for the biodiversity maintenance. This study focused on analyzing the trophic structure of volant frugivore community and its implications for conservation. Bats and birds interactions events with plants were taken from three studies realized in Mata da Bica, a fragment of semideciduous seasonal forest in Botucatu- SP, and arranged in a matrix. A total of 40 interactions with 14% of connectance were found and only one dietary overlap between birds and bats was registrated. Carollia perspicillata (Phyllostomidae) bat showed the highest importance index (I=0,33) among the animals and Pereskia aculeata (Cactaceae) was the most important plant species (I=0,42). Birds and bats complemented each other in a possible dispersal process emphasizing different classes of animals’ role in an unique ecological process


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Organic matter quality, expressed as the proportion of chlorophyll a (Chl a) to degraded organic material (i.e. phaeopigments), is known to influence the structure of benthic associations and plays an important role in the functioning of the ecosystem. This study investigates the vertical distribution of microbial biomass, meiofauna and macrofauna with respect to organic matter variation in Ubatuba, Brazil, a southeastern, subtropical coastal area. On three occasions, samples were collected in exposed and sheltered stations, at high and low hydrodynamic conditions. We hypothesize that benthic assemblages will have high meio- and macrofaunal densities and high microbial biomass at the sediment surface at the sheltered site, and lower and vertically homogeneous microbial biomass and densities of meio- and macrofauna are expected at the exposed site. The accumulation of fresh organic matter at the sediment surface was observed at both stations over the three sampling dates, which contributed to the higher densities of meiofauna in the first layers of the sediment column. Macrofauna followed the same trend only at the exposed station, but changes in the number of species, biodiversity and feeding groups were registered for both stations. Microbial biomass increased at the sheltered station over the three sampling dates, whereas at the exposed station, microbial biomass was nearly constant. Physical exposure did not influence organic matter loading at the sites and therefore did not affect overall structure of benthic assemblages, which negates our original hypothesis. Most of the benthic system components reacted to organic matter quality and quantity, but relationships between different-sized organisms (i.e. competition and/or predation) may explain the unchanged microbial profiles at the exposed site and homogeneous vertical distribution of macrofauna at the sheltered site. In conclusion, the high quality of organic matter was a crucial factor in sustaining and regulating the benthic system, but coupled results showed that interactions between micro-, meio- and macrofauna can be highly complex.


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The feeding ecology of Merluccius hubbsi was investigated in 2 regions of SE Brazil. The major food sources for the hakes were fish, crustaceans, and squid. In the upwelling system of Cabo Frio, the diet was very similar in the summers of 2001/2002 and spring 2002; fish were the most important prey followed by crustaceans. In Ubatuba, euphausiids were an important prey during the winter 2001 (100 m), while in the summer 2002, fish and amphipods predominated in the diet in the shallower site (40 m) and squid in the deeper site (100 m). The hakes showed temporal differences in stable isotope signatures in both regions, while C:N ratios varied only in Cabo Frio. delta(15)N and delta(13)C (bulk and corrected for lipid content) increased with fish length, which seems to be related to the increasing importance of fish and decreasing importance of euphausiids and amphipods in the diet of larger hakes. The mean trophic level of 3.7 for M. hubbsi was estimated using delta(15)N of bivalves as baseline and the fractionation of 3.4aEuro degrees between trophic levels.


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Thirty-eight stations were sampled in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to assess the spatio-temporal diversity and biomass of sublittoral polychaetes. Samples were collected during the dry (September 2000) and rainy season (May 2001) in shallow sublittoral sediments. The polychaete spatial composition showed a heterogeneous distribution throughout the bay. A negative gradient of diversity and biomass was observed towards the inner parts of the bay and sheltered areas. A wide azoic area was found inside the bay. Some high-biomass and low-diversity spots were found near a sewage-discharge point. In these areas, the polychaete biomass increased after the rainy season. A diversified polychaete community was identified around the bay mouth, with no dramatic changes of this pattern between the two sampling periods. Deposit-feeders were dominant in the entire study area. The relative importance of carnivores and omnivores increased towards the outer sector, at stations with coarse sediment fractions. Guanabara Bay can be divided into three main zones with respect to environmental conditions and polychaete diversity and biomass patterns: A) High polychaete diversity, hydrodynamically exposed areas composed of sandy, oxidized or moderately reduced sediments with normoxic conditions in the water column. B) Low diversity and high biomass of deposit and suspension-feeding polychaete species in the middle part of the bay near continental inflows, comprising stations sharing similar proportions of silt, clay and fine sands. C) Azoic area or an impoverished polychaete community in hydrodynamically low-energy areas of silt and clay with extremely reduced sediments, high total organic matter content and hypoxic conditions in the water column, located essentially from the mid-bay towards the north sector. High total organic matter content and hypoxic conditions combined with slow water renewal in the inner bay seemed to play a key role in the polychaete diversity and biomass. Sedimentation processes and organic load coming from untreated sewage into the bay may have negatively affected the survivorship of the fauna.


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Data on distribution of zoobenthos in the Kemskaya Guba (or Kemskaya Bay - the estuary of the Kem' River entering the Onega Bay of the White Sea), which is strongly influenced by river runoff, are presented. The number of species at sampling stations varied from 4 to 65. Density of communities and zoobenthos biomass varied from 342±68 to 4293±96 #/m**2 and from 0.418±0.081 to 1975.22±494.36 g/m**2, respectively. Shannon index values varied between 1.19 to 4.7 bit/ind. At the upper part of the estuary, detritivores dominated, while in the central part and at outlets sestonophages prevailed. Changes in quantitative parameters of the zoobenthos along gradient of water salinity were traced, and relations of these parameters with seven other environmental factors were revealed. It was found that species composition, biodiversity, and trophic structure of the zoobenthos significantly correlated with some of parameters mentioned above. Multiple regression analysis was used to assess combined effect of factors, and it revealed which of them played a determining role in Kemskaya Guba: for species composition - depth, water color, and total concentration of suspended matter; for number of species - contents of <0.01 mm grain size (pelite) fraction and organic carbon in bottom sediments. Biomass depended on water salinity, water chromaticity, and organic carbon contents in bottom sediments and suspended matter. Values of the Shannon index of diversity are determined by water color, and contents of organic carbon and pelite fraction in bottom sediments. Calculations of ecological stress values revealed two zones with unstable state of the zoobenthos.


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The book is devoted to investigations of benthic fauna and geology of the Southern Atlantic Ocean. These works have been carried out in terms of exploring biological structure of the ocean and are of great importance for development of this fundamental problem. They are based on material collected during Cruise 43 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov in 1985-1986 and Cruise 43 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev in 1989. Problems of quantitative distribution, group composition and trophic structure of benthos in the Southern Scotia Sea, along the east-west Transatlantic section along 31°30'S, and offshore Namibia in the area of the Benguela upwelling are under consideration in the book. Authors present new data on fauna of several groups of deep-sea bottom animals and their zoogeography. Much attention is paid to analysis of morphological structure of the Scotia Sea floor considered in terms of plate tectonics. Bottom sediments along the Transatlantic section and facial variation of sediments in the area of South Shetland Islands and of the continental margin of Namibia are under consideration.


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Submarine canyon systems provide a heterogeneous habitat for deep-sea benthos in terms of topography, hydrography, and the quality and quantity of organic matter present. Enhanced meiofauna densities as found in organically enriched canyon sediments suggest that nematodes, as the dominant metazoan meiobenthic taxon, may play an important role in the benthic food web of these sediments. Very little is known about the natural diets and trophic biology of deep-sea nematodes, but enrichment experiments can shed light on nematode feeding selectivity and trophic position. An in-situ pulse-chase experiment (Feedex) was performed in the Nazaré Canyon on the Portuguese margin in summer 2007 to study nematode feeding behaviour. 13C-labelled diatoms and bacteria were added to sediment cores which were then sampled over a 14-day period. There was differential uptake by the nematode community of the food sources provided, indicating selective feeding processes. 13C isotope results revealed that selective feeding was less pronounced at the surface, compared to the sediment subsurface. This was supported by a higher trophic diversity in surface sediments compared to the subsurface, implying that more food items may be used by the nematode community at the sediment surface. Predatory and scavenging nematodes contributed relatively more to biomass than other feeding types and can be seen as key contributors to the nematode food web at the canyon site. Non-selective deposit feeding nematodes were the dominant trophic group in terms of abundance and contributed substantially to total nematode biomass. The high levels of 'fresh' (bioavailable) organic matter input and moderate hydrodynamic disturbance of the canyon environment lead to a more complex trophic structure in canyon nematode communities than that found on the open continental slope, and favours predator/scavengers and non-selective deposit feeders.


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Human-induced habitat destruction, overexploitation, introduction of alien species and climate change are causing species to go extinct at unprecedented rates, from local to global scales. There are growing concerns that these kinds of disturbances alter important functions of ecosystems. Our current understanding is that key parameters of a community (e.g. its functional diversity, species composition, and presence/absence of vulnerable species) reflect an ecological network's ability to resist or rebound from change in response to pressures and disturbances, such as species loss. If the food web structure is relatively simple, we can analyse the roles of different species interactions in determining how environmental impacts translate into species loss. However, when ecosystems harbour species-rich communities, as is the case in most natural systems, then the complex network of ecological interactions makes it a far more challenging task to perceive how species' functional roles influence the consequences of species loss. One approach to deal with such complexity is to focus on the functional traits of species in order to identify their respective roles: for instance, large species seem to be more susceptible to extinction than smaller species. Here, we introduce and analyse the marine food web from the high Antarctic Weddell Sea Shelf to illustrate the role of species traits in relation to network robustness of this complex food web. Our approach was threefold: firstly, we applied a new classification system to all species, grouping them by traits other than body size; secondly, we tested the relationship between body size and food web parameters within and across these groups and finally, we calculated food web robustness. We addressed questions regarding (i) patterns of species functional/trophic roles, (ii) relationships between species functional roles and body size and (iii) the role of species body size in terms of network robustness. Our results show that when analyzing relationships between trophic structure, body size and network structure, the diversity of predatory species types needs to be considered in future studies.