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AIM Nursing leaders from six countries engaged in a year-long discussion on global leadership development. The purpose of these dialogues was to strengthen individual and collective capacity as nursing leaders in a global society. Field experiences in practice and education were shared. Perspectives on global leadership can strengthen nurses' contributions to practice, workplace and policy issues worldwide. BACKGROUND Transformational leadership empowers nurses' increasing confidence. Mentoring is needed to stimulate leadership development but this is lacking in many settings where nurses practice, teach and influence policy. Organizations with global mission provide opportunity for nurses' professional growth in leadership through international dialogues. PROCEDURES Dialogues among participants were held monthly by conference calls or videoconferences. Example stories from each participant illustrated nursing leadership in action. From these exemplars, concepts were chosen to create a framework. Emerging perspectives and leadership themes represented all contexts of practice, education, research and policy. The cultural context of each country was reflected in the examples. RESULTS Themes emerged that crossed global regions and countries. Themes were creativity, change, collaboration, community, context and courage. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING AND HEALTH POLICY Relationships initially formed in professional organizations can be extended to intentionally facilitate global nursing leadership development. Exemplars from the dialogues demonstrated nursing leadership in health policy development within each cultural context. Recommendations are given for infrastructure development in organizations to enhance future collaborations.


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report the first empirical test of the recently proposed ambidexterity theory of leadership for innovation (Rosing et al., 2011). This theory proposes that the interaction between two complementary leadership behaviors – opening and closing – predicts team innovation, such that team innovation is highest when both opening and closing leadership behaviors are high. Design/methodology/approach Multi-source survey data came from 33 team leaders of architectural and interior design firms and 90 of their employees. Findings Results supported the interaction hypothesis, even after controlling for leaders’ transformational leadership behavior and general team success. Research limitations/implications The relatively small sample size and the cross-sectional design are potential limitations of the study. The findings provide initial support for the central hypothesis of the ambidexterity theory of leadership for innovation. Practical implications The results suggest that organizations could train team leaders’ ambidextrous leadership behaviors to increase team innovation. Social implications Identifying ways to facilitate organizational innovation is important, as it contributes to employment and company growth as well as individual and societal well-being. Originality/value This multi-source study contributes to the literatures on leadership and innovation in organizations by showing that ambidextrous leadership behaviors predict team innovation above and beyond transformational leadership behavior.


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Age and age-related motivations have been neglected in leadership research. This study examined the moderating influence of legacy beliefs on the relationships between age and transformational, transactional, and passive-avoidant leadership behaviors. Legacy beliefs involve individuals' convictions about whether they and their actions will be remembered, have an enduring influence, and leave something behind after death. It was expected that at higher ages, low legacy beliefs impede transformational and transactional leadership behaviors and boost passive-avoidant leadership behaviors. One hundred and six university professors, between 30 and 70 years old, provided ratings of their legacy beliefs; each professor's leadership behaviors were evaluated by one of his or her employees. Results confirmed the assumptions for overall transformational leadership and its charisma subdimension as well as for overall transactional leadership and its active management-by-exception subdimension but not for passive-avoidant leadership.


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Leadership and creativity have received increasing attention from researchers in the field of higher education; however, empirical studies investigating these topics simultaneously are rare. In this study, the authors examined relationships between PhD students' perceptions of their advising professors' passive-avoidant, transactional, and transformational leadership behaviors and professors' ratings of their students' work-related creativity. Data were provided by 71 dyads of professors and PhD students. Consistent with expectations based on the leadership literature on followers' identification with their leaders, results showed that students' perceptions of professors' transformational leadership positively predicted professors' ratings of their students' creativity above and beyond students' perceptions of professors' passive-avoidant and transactional leadership. Contrary to expectations, students' perceptions of professors' passive-avoidant and transactional leadership did not significantly predict professors' ratings of students' creativity. Implications for future research on leadership and creativity as well as tentative practical applications of the findings in higher education settings are discussed.


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Effective leaders are believed to inspire followers by providing inclusive visions of the future that followers can identify with. In the present study, we examined the neural mechanisms underlying this process, testing key hypotheses derived from transformational and social identity approaches to leadership. While undergoing functional MRI, supporters from the two major Australian political parties (Liberal vs. Labor) were presented with inspirational collective-oriented and noninspirational personal-oriented statements made by in-group and out-group leaders. Imaging data revealed that inspirational (rather than noninspirational) statements from in-group leaders were associated with increased activation in the bilateral rostral inferior parietal lobule, pars opercularis, and posterior midcingulate cortex: brain areas that are typically implicated in controlling semantic information processing. In contrast, for out-group leaders, greater activation in these areas was associated with noninspirational statements. In addition, noninspirational statements by in-group (but not out-group) leaders resulted in increased activation in the medial prefrontal cortex, an area typically associated with reasoning about a person’s mental state. These results show that followers processed identical statements qualitatively differently as a function of leaders’ group membership, thus demonstrating that shared identity acts as an amplifier for inspirational leadership communication.


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This study contributes to current research on voice behaviour by investigating several under-explored drivers that motivate employees’ expression of constructive ideas about work-related issues. It draws from the concept of psychological climate to examine how voice behaviour is influenced by employees’ (1) personal resources (tenacity and passion for work), (2) perceptions of social interdependence (task and outcome interdependence), and (3) supervisor leadership style (transformational and transactional). Using a multi-source research design, surveys were administered to 226 employees and to 24 supervisors at a Canadian-based not-for-profit organization. The hypotheses are tested with hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicate that employees are more likely to engage in voice behaviour to the extent that they exhibit higher levels of passion for work. Further, their voice behaviour is lower to the extent that their supervisor adopts a transformational leadership style characterized by high performance expectations or a transactional leadership style based on contingent rewards and contingent punishment behaviours. The study reveals that there are no significant effects of tenacity, social interdependence, and behaviour-focused transformational leadership on voice. The findings have significant implications for organizations that seek to encourage employee behaviours that help improve current work practices or undo harmful situations.


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Ce mémoire a pour objet l’influence du groupe informel sur la relation entre le leadership transformationnel et le climat organisationnel. Dans un premier temps, nous examinerons la théorie sur le leadership transformationnel. Le lien entre ce style de leadership et le climat organisationnel est à l’étude, car il semble que ces deux variables sont liés aux perceptions qu’ont les employés de leur vécu en organisation. Les résultats de notre étude confirment effectivement cette première hypothèse. L’objectif central de notre recherche consiste à voir comment le groupe informel agit sur la relation entre le leadership transformationnel et le climat organisationnel. D’abord, nous nous intéresserons sur l’appartenance à un groupe informel comme variable modératrice de la relation entre nos deux autres variables. Par contre, les résultats des analyses présentés n’ont pas réussi à confirmer ce modèle. Ensuite, nous étudierons le groupe informel en tant que variable médiatrice, où le chemin entre le leadership transformationnel et le climat organisationnel serait plutôt indirecte. Nos analyses démontrent que nos trois variables sont corrélées entre-elles, mais qu’en contrôlant pour l’effet du leadership transformationnel, le groupe informel n’est plus lié au climat organisationnel. Nous sommes amenés à proposer que le leadership transformationnel contribue à un contexte organisationnel qui satisfait aux besoins des employés, de sorte que le soutien social fourni par le groupe informel ne comble pas un manque. Ceci viendrait nuancer la dynamique à l’intérieur d’un groupe informel par rapport à ce qu’il apporte à ses membres.


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Cette recherche vise à examiner les relations entre la perception que des membres du personnel enseignant ont des pratiques du leadership transformationnel de la direction d’école, du contexte scolaire et des conditions favorisant leur engagement à implanter le renouveau pédagogique dans leur école. Le schéma conceptuel et le questionnaire qui sous-tendent cette recherche sont une adaptation de ceux élaborés par Yu, Leithwood et Jantzi (2002). Le questionnaire a été complété par 31 membres du personnel enseignant de quatre écoles primaires montréalaises appartenant à des commissions scolaires anglophones et francophones. À partir de ces données, nous avons calculé des moyennes et nous avons comparé les écoles, à l’aide des tests Mann-Whitney, selon leur niveau d’implantation du renouveau pédagogique, leur niveau socioéconomique et la langue de la commission scolaire d’appartenance. De plus, pour compléter nos données quantitatives, nous avons repris quelques citations des entrevues faites auprès des directions de ces écoles que les professeurs du département d’Administration et fondements de l’éducation de l’Université de Montréal, qui font partie du Groupe de recherche sur l’éducation en milieux défavorisés (GRÉMD), ont effectuées dans le cadre d’une autre étude. Les comparaisons des écoles selon leur niveau d’implantation du renouveau pédagogique révèlent que le personnel enseignant des deux écoles en changement se distingue de celui des deux écoles peu engagées dans le changement sur un seul point majeur : il a évalué moins positivement le contexte scolaire, un résultat appuyé par les analyses non paramétriques. Il semble que, dans les écoles qui ont participé à notre étude, le fait de soutenir l’implantation du renouveau pédagogique serait associé à une évaluation plus faible du contexte scolaire ; la culture de l’école et l’environnement étant les conditions les plus touchées. Un autre résultat de cette recherche est le fait que les enseignantes de l’école favorisée ont évalué le contexte scolaire, notamment la culture, l’environnement et les stratégies pour le changement, moins positivement que les enseignantes des écoles défavorisées. Enfin, les comparaisons des écoles en fonction de la langue de la commission scolaire indiquent qu’il n’existe pas de différence significative dans les évaluations faites des trois variables, que les enseignantes travaillent dans une école appartenant à une commission scolaire anglophone ou francophone. Étant donné que l’échantillon d’enseignantes qui a participé à notre étude est modeste, les résultats de cette recherche ne peuvent pas être généralisés, cependant ils pourraient constituer une base pour des recherches ultérieures dans ce domaine.


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Purpose: To consider how leadership theories have helped or hindered raising the profile of women in management and leadership roles.

Design/methodology/approach: This paper traces the earlier leadership theories through to the contemporary research on transactional and transformational leadership styles and offers a viewpoint on how each theory has contributed, or otherwise, to an awareness and acceptance of women in management and leadership roles.

Findings:  In 1990, research began to report gender differences in leadership styles with female managers being seen in positive terms as participative, democratic leaders. More recent work reports that women are believed to exhibit more transformational leadership style than their male colleagues, and this is equated with effective leadership.

Research limitations/implications
:  All of the earlier theories on leadership excluded women and this exacerbated the problem of women not being seen as an appropriate fit in a management or leadership role. Recent findings clearly describe that the transformational qualities of leadership that women exhibit are required by the flatter organisational structures of today. Therefore, a more positive outcome for women advancing to senior roles of management or leadership may be observed in the future.

Originality/value:  The paper reviews the major leadership theories, and links these to a timeframe to illustrate how women were not visible in a management context until relatively recently. Such an omission may have contributed to the continuing low numbers of women who advance to senior management and leadership roles.


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This paper outlines the rise of women in management worldwide, and considers why so few women achieve senior or executive management positions. This slow advance of women into senior roles is unexpected given that the changes in organisations today are believed to require more ‘feminine leadership’. A decrease in the emphasis on masculine characteristics for managers is reported, and a requirement that more ‘feminine leadership’ needs to be adopted by organisations in order to ensure their survival in the future (Powell, Butterfield & Parent, 2002, p.189). Recent empirical research reports that there are differences in leadership style between male and female managers, and the findings suggest that women exhibit more transformational leadership than their male counterparts, with this style being strongly equated with effective leadership (Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, van Engen, 2003). However, these findings are based on western research, and it may be that cross cultural research will yield a different picture (House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman, & Gupta, 2004). Leadership and leadership styles may be conceptualised differently in a more paternalistic society. To explore this possibility, a cross cultural study was conducted in Malaysia and Australia. It is hypothesised that countries that are paternalistic in cultural values will exhibit a stronger constraint on women in management roles, which may impact on workplace attitudes, aspirations for promotion and style of leadership exhibited. Therefore, it is possible that the career advancement of women may be more problematic for Malaysian managerial women than their Australian counterparts. Results from an initial pilot study in Malaysia and Australia are outlined, and highlight some interesting similarities and differences to what are reported in the western literature.


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Research has suggested that effective leadership, specifically the utilisation of transformational leadership behaviours, is heavily entrenched in a leader’s interpersonal skills. However, few studies have investigated the interpersonal factors that drive appropriate use of transformational and transactional leadership in leader-follower settings. Attachment theory provides a robust framework in which to chart the developmental precursors of effective leadership that underpin positive leader-follower relationships and potential organisational outcomes. In this study, 46 manager-non manager dyads recruited from a Victorian education institution, a national telecommunications company and a Victorian real-estate business (managers – Mean age = 48.5 years, SD = 7.78, non-managers – Mean age 43.92 years, SD = 8.72) took part in an online questionnaire. Participants completed measures of attachment, leadership behaviour and organisational citizenship behaviour. Path analysis revealed that manager’s attachment style significantly predicted follower ratings of transformational and transactional leadership behaviours. Additionally, follower ratings of leadership were associated with organisational citizenship behaviour. Thus, it is concluded that attachment theory provides a valid framework in which to understand follower perceptions of leadership behaviour and subsequent organisational outcomes. These findings are discussed within the context of attachment theory and the leadership literature.


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Purpose – This paper seeks to examine whether cultural context facilitates the emergence of different leadership styles. The key objective of the paper is to consider whether leadership styles are
culturally-linked and/or culturally-biased.
Design/methodology/approach – A multifactor leadership questionnaire was utilised to measure differences in leadership styles and to offer explanations as to why the “one size fits all” view is not appropriate. Analysis of variance and t-tests were utilised to compare means for more than two managerial groups.
Findings – The analysis found significant differences between leadership styles and cultural groups, hence, supporting the argument that culture and leadership interact in different ways in diverse
contexts. Transactional leadership was found to be strongly aligned with the ratings of managers from Malaysia, and transformational leadership scales correlated with the Australian respondents’ mean
Practical implications – Variations in leadership styles are due to cultural influences because people have different beliefs and assumptions about characteristics that are deemed effective for leadership. Therefore, it is fundamental to know what leadership skills and knowledge are valued most by managers on a global level. This information is critical as it offers insight into developing competencies in different workplaces, especially as organisations expand their geographical boundaries into international markets.
Originality/value – The findings of the study provide empirical understanding for culturally-linked leadership styles. The paper contributes to understanding the importance of workforce diversity and attention to other cultures and, thus, enhances our appreciation of today’s “global village”.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how leadership has the capacity to both positively influence learning processes and negatively inhibit organizational learning.

Design/methodology/approach – This is a conceptual paper that brings together an analysis of leadership and organizational learning literature. The argument is centered on transformational leadership and the responsibility for creating an organizational learning culture.

Findings – There is a conventional belief that leaders have solitary control and influence when it comes to setting up organizational learning processes. However, a top-down approach to facilitate and implement learning in organizations is not always an effective method because learning should be a collaborative practice. Thus, to rely fully on leaders to initiate and sustain the learning processes can be counter-productive.

Practical implications – Good and effective leadership is the key to organizational learning. Learning is the only sustainable method of achieving competitive advantage for contemporary organizations because of rapidly changing environmental forces. Corporations with aspirations for long-term survival must facilitate, through their leadership, “the impulse to learn” amongst their members.

Originality/value – Knowledge is lacking in the area where leadership is linked to learning. Such knowledge is important because leaders play a central role in the learning framework and leaders also offer the required guidance for organizations to integrate and sustain learning processes through policy and practice.


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Instructional and transformational leadership is reportedly required to improve the mathematics outcomes of students in low socio-economic status school communities. This study of 43 schools in two networks of schools in rural Victoria explored leadership practices and found evidence to support both these leadership approaches along with distributed leadership practice. School leaders established network and school structures and relationships at various levels of the network and school organisation to enable and support ongoing improvement in teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and teaching practice and to build the leadership capacity of teachers within their schools. The leaders’ knowledge of effective mathematics teaching practice enabled them to mentor teachers in their school or team and to support the practices of professional learning teams within their school.


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This study advances prior theoretical research by investigating the influence of cultural forces in our understanding of leadership. The research provides new insights by linking transformational and transactional leadership to the Malaysian cultural environment. Using a quantitative approach by administering the multifactor leadership questionnaire MLQ-5x-short, 138 usable responses were analysed. Findings indicate that cultural foundations contribute significantly to transformational leadership behaviours to facilitate the creation of a harmonious leader–subordinate relationship. Furthermore, this study contributes to an understanding of how specific leaders' behaviours are affected by cultural forces, and reveals leadership attributes that are contingent upon dynamic environmental conditions. The study extends beyond the obvious, and reveals subtle yet important culture-specific differences. The Malaysian managers, regardless of gender, show a preference for leading within the transformational leadership framework. This has led us to infer that cultural forces do indeed play an important role in determining leadership styles.