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Background: Inadequate intraoperative cerebral perfusion has been suggested as a possible cause of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD). Methods: We investigated 35 patients aged 65 or older undergoing elective major non-cardiac surgery under standardized general anaesthesia (thiopental, sevoflurane, fentanyl, atracurium). Intraoperative cerebral perfusion was monitored with transcranial Doppler, and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Arterial blood pressure was monitored continuously with a Finapres device. Mx, an index allowing continuous monitoring of cerebrovascular autoregulation based on the changes in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and cerebral blood flow velocity was calculated. Mx >0.5 was defined as disturbed cerebrovascular autoregulation. Cognitive function was measured preoperatively and 7 days postoperatively using the CERAD-NAB Plus test battery. A postoperative decline >1 z-score in at least two of the tested domains was defined as POCD. Data are shown as mean } SD. Results: Mean age was 75 } 7 yrs. Sixteen patients (46%) developed POCD. These patients were older (77 } 8 vs 73 } 7 yrs), had lower MAP (77 } 12 vs 81 } 11 mm Hg), lower cerebral tissue oxygenation indices measured by NIRS (66.8 } 6.0 vs 68.6 } 4.3%) and less efficient cerebrovascular autoregulation (Mx 0.54 } 0.17 and 0.44 } 0.22) than patients without POCD. Disturbed intraoperative cerebrovascular autoregulation was found more often (56 vs 37%) in patients with POCD. However, none of these differences reached statistical significance. Conclusions: Our data show a trend towards subtle changes in intraoperative cerebral perfusion in elderly patients who develop POCD. However, a cause effect relationship must not be assumed and a greater number of patients needs to be investigated patients. However, more patients need to be investigated to confirm and characterize these differences.


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Although reductions in cerebral blood flow (CBF) may be implicated in the development of central fatigue during environmental stress, the contribution from hypocapnia-induced reductions in CBF versus reductions in CBF per se has yet to be isolated. The current research program examined the influence of CBF, with and without consequent hypocapnia, on neuromuscular responses during hypoxia and passive heat stress. To this end, neuromuscular responses, as indicated by motor evoked potentials (MEP), maximal M-wave (Mmax) and cortical voluntary activation (cVA) of the flexor carpi radialis muscle during isometric wrist flexion, was assessed in three separate projects: 1) hypocapnia, independent of concomitant reductions in CBF; 2) altered CBF during severe hypoxia and; 3) thermal hyperpnea-mediated reductions in CBF, independent of hypocapnia. All projects employed a custom-built dynamic end-tidal forcing system to control end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2), independent of the prevailing environmental conditions, and cyclooxygenase inhibition using indomethacin (Indomethacin, 1.2 mg·Kg-1) to selectively reduce CBF (estimated using transcranial Doppler ultrasound) without changes in PETCO2. A primary finding of the present research program is that the excitability of the corticospinal tract is inherently sensitive to changes in PaCO2, as demonstrated by a 12% increase in MEP amplitude in response to moderate hypocapnia. Conversely, CBF mediated reductions in cerebral O2 delivery appear to decrease corticospinal excitability, as indicated by a 51-64% and 4% decrease in MEP amplitude in response to hypoxia and passive heat stress, respectively. The collective evidence from this research program suggests that impaired voluntary activation is associated with reductions in CBF; however, it must be noted that changes in cVA were not linearly correlated with changes in CBF. Therefore, other factors independent of CBF, such as increased perception of effort, distress or discomfort, may have contributed to the reductions in cVA. Despite the functional association between reductions in CBF and hypocapnia, both variables have distinct and independent influence on the neuromuscular system. Therefore, future studies should control or acknowledge the separate mechanistic influence of these two factors.


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Nous avons mené une étude prospective randomisée dans le but de comparer l'effet de l'irrigation du cathéter de type PICC avec deux types d'anticoagulants: Héparine standard et Tinzaparine, une héparine de faible poids moléculaire. Notre étude s'adresse aux patients de la clinique externe d'oncologie de l'hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont. Entre début Mai 2005 et Mars 2008, nous avons recruté 131 patients dont 70 ont été randomisés. Parmi les 61 patients exclus, 23 n'ont pas rencontré les critères d'inclusion, 30 ont refusé de participer et 8 ne sont pas inclus pour d'autres raisons. Sur les 70, 36 sujets sont randomisés dans le groupe Héparine standard et 34 dans le groupe Tinzaparine. La population en intention de traiter comprend 65 sujets dont 32 dans le groupe Héparine standard et 33 dans le groupe Tinzaparine. Le médicament a été administré pendant un mombre maximal de 30 jours et les sujets ont été suivis pendant 90 jours. La thrombose veineuse associée au cathéter (TVAC) a été objectivée par une phlébographie ou une échographie-Doppler à la fin de la période de 30 jours suivant l'installation du cathéter. L'incidence de la TVAC sur 30 jours est de 14,39 par 1000 cathéter-jours (IC à 95%:[9,0;19,79]/1000 cathéter-jours ou 41,5% (27/65). L'incidence de la thrombose veineuse profonde (TVP) symptômatique du membre supérieur sur la période de suivi de 90 jours est de 0,41 par 1000 cathéter-jours (IC à 95%:[0,08;0,81]/1000 cathéter-jours ou 3% (2/65). Nous n'avons observé aucune différence entre les deux groupes par rapport à la fréquence de la TVAC ni de la TVP. Nous ne pouvons conclure à une différence dans l'efficacité de la Tinzaparine par rapport à l'Héparine standard dans la prévention de la TVAC.


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Objectives The administration of unfractionated heparin (UFH) prior to carotid clamping during carotid endarterectomy (CEA) transiently increases the platelet aggregation response to arachidonic acid (AA) despite the use of aspirin. We hypothesized that this phenomenon might be reduced by using low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) resulting in fewer emboli in the early post-operative period. Methods 183 aspirinated patients undergoing CEA were randomised to 5000 IU UFH (n = 91) or 2500 IU LMWH (dalteparin, n = 92) prior to carotid clamping. End-points were: transcranial Doppler (TCD) measurement of embolisation, effect on bleeding and platelet aggregation to AA and adenosine 5′-diphosphate (ADP). Results Patients randomised to UFH had twice the odds of experiencing a higher number of emboli in the first 3 h after CEA, than those randomised to LMWH (p = 0.04). This was not associated with increased bleeding (mean time from flow restoration to operation end: 23 min (UFH) vs. 24 min (LMWH), p = 0.18). Platelet aggregation to AA increased significantly following heparinisation, but was unaffected by heparin type (p = 0.90). The platelets of patients randomised to LMWH exhibited significantly lower aggregation to ADP compared to UFH (p < 0.0001). Conclusions Intravenous LMWH is associated with a significant reduction in post-operative embolisation without increased bleeding. The higher rate of embolisation seen with UFH may be mediated by increased platelet aggregation to ADP, rather than to AA.


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Objetivo: A trombose da veia porta é uma causa importante de hiper-tensão porta em crianças e adolescentes, porém, em uma proporção importante dos casos, não apresenta fator etiológico definido. O objetivo desse estudo é determinar a freqüência de deficiência das proteínas inibidoras da coagulação – proteínas C, S e antitrombina − e das mutações fator V Leiden, G20210A no gene da protrombina e C677T da metileno-tetraidrofolato redutase em crianças e adolescentes com trom-bose da veia porta, definir o padrão hereditário de uma eventual deficiência das pro-teínas inibidoras da coagulação nesses pacientes e avaliar a freqüência da deficiên-cia dessas proteínas em crianças e adolescentes com cirrose. Casuística e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo com 14 crianças e adolescentes com trombose da veia porta, seus pais (n = 25) e dois gru-pos controles pareados por idade, constituídos por um grupo controle sem hepato-patia (n = 28) e um com cirrose (n = 24). A trombose da veia porta foi diagnosticada por ultra-sonografia abdominal com Doppler e/ou fase venosa do angiograma celíaco seletivo. A dosagem da atividade das proteínas C, S e antitrombina foi determinada em todos os indivíduos e a pesquisa das mutações fator V Leiden, G20210A da pro-trombina e C677T da metileno-tetraidrofolato redutase, nas crianças e adolescentes com trombose da veia porta, nos pais, quando identificada a mutação na criança, e nos controles sem hepatopatia. Resultados: Foram avaliados 14 pacientes caucasóides, com uma média e desvio padrão de idade de 8 anos e 8 meses ± 4 anos e 5 meses e do diagnóstico de 3 anos e 8 meses ± 3 anos e seis meses. Metade dos pacientes pertenciam ao gênero masculino. O motivo da investigação da trombose da veia porta foi hemorra-gia digestiva alta em 9/14 (64,3%) e achado de esplenomegalia ao exame físico em 5/14 (35,7%). Anomalias congênitas extra-hepáticas foram identificadas em 3/14 (21,4%) e fatores de risco adquiridos em 5/14 (35,7%) dos pacientes. Nenhum pa-ciente tinha história familiar de consangüinidade ou trombose venosa. A deficiência das proteínas C, S e antitrombina foi constatada em 6/14 (42,9%) (p < 0,05 vs con-troles sem hepatopatia), 3/14 (21,4%) (p > 0,05) e 1/14 (7,1%) (p > 0,05) pacientes com trombose da veia porta, respectivamente. A deficiência dessas proteínas não foi identificada em nenhum dos pais ou controles sem hepatopatia. A mutação G20210A no gene da protrombina foi identificada em um paciente com trombose da veia porta e em um controle sem hepatopatia (p = 0,999), mas em nenhum desses foi identificado a mutação fator V Leiden. A mutação C677T da metileno-tetraidrofo-lato redutase foi observada na forma homozigota, em 3/14 (21,4%) dos pacientes com trombose da veia porta e em 5/28 (17,9%) controles sem hepatopatia (p = 0,356). A freqüência da deficiência das proteínas C, S e antitrombina nos pacientes com cir-rose foi de 14/24 (58,3%), 7/24 (29,2%) e 11/24 (45,8%), respectivamente (p < 0,05 vs controles sem hepatopatia), sendo mais freqüente nos pacientes do subgrupo Child-Pugh B ou C, que foi de 11/12 (91,7%), 5/12 (41,7%) e 9/12 (75%), respectivamente (p < 0,05 vs controles sem hepatopatia). Conclusões: A deficiência de proteína C foi freqüente nas crianças e adolescentes com trombose da veia porta e não parece ser de origem genética. A deficiência de proteína S, antitrombina e as presenças das mutações G20210A da protrombina e C677T da metileno-tetraidrofolato redutase foram observadas mas não apresentaram diferença estatística significativa em relação ao grupo controle sem hepatopatia. O fator V Leiden não foi identificado. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a deficiência da proteína C pode ocorre como conseqüência da hiper-tensão porta. Os distúrbios pró-trombóticos hereditários não parecem apresentar um papel importante em relação à trombose nas crianças e adolescentes estudadas.


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A disfunção autonômica está associada com aumento da mortalidade em pacientes diabéticos, especialmente naqueles com doença cardiovascular. Neuropatia periférica, mau controle glicêmico, dislipidemia e hipertensão são alguns dos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de doença vascular periférica (DVP) nestes pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os fatores de risco associados com a presença de DVP em pacientes com DM tipo 2. Um estudo transversal foi realizado em 84 pacientes com DM tipo 2 ( 39 homens, idade média de 64,9 ± 7,5 anos). Os pacientes foram submetidos a uma avaliação clínica e laboratorial. A presença de DVP foi definida, utilizando-se um um aparelho manual de ultrasom com doppler (índice perna-braço < 0,9). A atividade autonômica foi avaliada através da análise da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca (HRV) por métodos no domínio do tempo e da freqüência (análise espectral), e pelo mapa de retorno tridimensional durante o período do dia e da noite. Para a análise da HRV, um eletrocardiograma de 24 horas foi gravado e as fitas analisadas em um analisador de Holter Mars 8000 (Marquete). A potência espectral foi quantificada pela área em duas bandas de freqüência: 0,04-0,15 Hz – baixa freqüência (BF), 0,015-0,5 Hz – alta freqüência (AF). A razão BF/AF foi calculada em cada paciente. O mapa de retorno tridimensional foi construído através de um modelo matemático onde foram analisados os intervalos RR versus a diferença entre os intervalos RR adjacentes versus o número de contagens verificadas, e quantificado por três índices refletindo a modulação simpática (P1) e vagal (P2 e P3). DVP estava presente em 30 (36%) pacientes. Na análise univariada, pacientes com DVP apresentaram índices que refletem a modulação autonômica (análise espectral) diminuídos quando comparados aos pacientes sem DVP, respectivamente: BF = 0,19 ± 0,07 m/s2 vs. 0,29 ± 0,11 m/s2 P = 0,0001; BF/AF = 1,98 ± 0,9 m/s2 vs. 3,35 ± 1,83 m/s2 p = 0,001. Além disso, o índice que reflete a atividade simpática no mapa de retorno tridimensional (P1), foi mais baixo em pacientes com DVP (61,7 ± 9,4 vs. 66,8 ± 9,7 unidades arbitrárias, P = 0,04) durante a noite, refletindo maior ativação simpática neste período. Estes pacientes também apresentavam uma maior duração do diabetes (20 ± 8,1 vs. 15,3 ± 6,7 anos, P = 0,006), níveis de pressão arterial sistólica (154 ± 20 vs. 145 ± 20 mmHg, P = 0,04), razão cintura-quadril ( 0,98 ± 0,09 vs.0,92 ± 0,08, P = 0,01), e níveis de HbA1c mais elevados (7,7 ± 1,6 vs. 6,9 ± 1,7 %, P = 0,04), bem como valores de triglicerídeos ( 259 ± 94 vs. 230 ± 196 mg/dl, P= 0,03) e de excreção urinária de albumina ( 685,5 ± 1359,9 vs. 188,2 ± 591,1 μ/min, P = 0,02) superiores aos dos pacientes sem DVP.. Nos pacientes com DVP observou-se uma presença aumentada de nefropatia diabética (73,3% vs. 29,6% P = 0,0001), de retinopatia (73,3% vs. 44,4% P = 0,02) e neuropatia periférica (705 vs. 35,1% P = 0,006). Os grupos não diferiram quanto à idade, índice de massa corporal, tabagismo e presença de doença arterial coronariana. Na análise logística multivariada, a DVP permaneceu associada com a disfunção autonômica, mesmo após ter sido controlada pela pressão arterial sistólica, duração do DM, HbA1c, triglicerídeos e excreção urinária de albumina. Concluindo, pacientes com DVP e DM tipo 2 apresentam índices que refletem a modulação autonômica diminuídos, o que pode representar um fator de risco adicional para o aumento da mortalidade nestes pacientes.


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This is a case report of a true and dissecting aneurysm of the superior labial artery in a 51-year-old patient without risk factors for vascular pathology. The patient complained of swelling of the upper lip, mostly on the left side. A Doppler ultrasonography was used in the diagnosis. The definitive treatment was surgical resection, and the histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis. The progress of the patient was satisfactory, leaving a slight change in sensitivity in the area. This seems to be the first reported case of true and dissecting aneurysm of the superior labial artery in the medical literature.


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Objetivo: avaliar os efeitos da histerectomia total abdominal (HTA) sobre o fluxo sangüíneo ovariano, em mulheres no menacme, por meio da dopplervelocimetria e ultra-sonografia transvaginal. Métodos: estudo prospectivo no qual foram incluídas 61 mulheres, com idade igual ou inferior a 40 anos. As pacientes foram divididas em dois grupos: G1, com 31 pacientes submetidas à HTA, e G2, com 30 mulheres normais não submetidas à cirurgia. Somente foram incluídas pacientes eumenorréicas, ovulatórias, não-obesas ou fumantes, sem cirurgias ou doenças ovarianas prévias. Avaliou-se o fluxo sangüíneo das artérias ovarianas, inicialmente e aos 6 e 12 meses, pelo índice de pulsatilidade (IP) na dopplervelocimetria, e o volume ovariano pela ultra-sonografia transvaginal (US). Para análise estatística empregou-se teste t pareado, análise de perfil, teste de Friedman e teste de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: na comparação estatística inicial os grupos foram homogêneos quanto às características epidemiológicas e quanto aos demais parâmetros avaliados neste estudo. Nas pacientes submetidas à histerectomia, observaram-se aos 6 e 12 meses aumento do volume ovariano ao US e diminuição do IP avaliado pela dopplervelocimetria (p<0,05), quando confrontadas ao controle. Aos 12 meses, em 8 das 31 pacientes pós-HTA (25,5%) verificou-se ocorrência de cistos ovarianos de aspecto benigno. No grupo controle não houve alteração de nenhum desses parâmetros. Conclusão: a redução do IP na dopplervelocimetria das artérias ovarianas sugere aumento do fluxo sangüíneo ovariano pós-histerectomia total abdominal em mulheres no menacme.


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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of maternal hydration with oral isotonic solution and water on the amniotic fluid (AF) index of women with normohydramnios. Women with a normal AF index and gestational age between 33 and 36 weeks without maternal complications were randomized into three groups [isotonic solution (Gatorade (R)), water, control]. The isotonic solution and water groups were instructed to drink 1.5 L of the respective solution and the control group was instructed to drink 200 mL water over a period of 2 to 4 h. AF index was measured before and after hydration by Doppler ultrasonography. The investigator performing the AF index measurement was blind to the subject's group. Ninety-nine women completed the study without any adverse maternal effects. The median increase in AF index after hydration was significantly greater for the isotonic solution and water groups than for the control group. There was no significant difference between the isotonic solution and water groups. Hydration with isotonic solution and water caused a 10-fold (95% CI: 2.09-49.89) and 6-fold (95% CI: 1.16-30.95) increase in the chance of a 20% increase of AF index, respectively. Maternal hydration with isotonic solution or water increased the AF index in women with normohydramnios.


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Background: Doppler ultrasonography is an important tool for evaluating hepatic portal hemodynamics. However, no study in dogs of different body weights, in the range encountered in routine clinical veterinary practice, has been reported. It can be difficult to obtain an ideal insonation angle when evaluating the main portal vein, so evaluation of the right portal vein branch has been described in humans as an alternative. The aim of this study was to analyze, through Doppler ultrasonography, the hemodynamics in the right portal vein branch in dogs of different body weights.Methods: Thirty normal dogs were divided in three groups by weight, in order to establish normal values for mean velocity, flow volume and portal congestion index of the right portal vein branch by means of Doppler ultrasonography.Results: In all dogs ideal insonation angles were obtained for the right portal vein branch. The average velocity was similar in the three groups, but the portal congestion index and the flow volume differed, showing that the weight of the dog can influence these values.Conclusion: Doppler ultrasonography for the evaluation of flow in the right branch of the portal vein could be a viable alternative, or complement, to examining the main vessel segment. This is especially so in those animals in which an ideal insonation angle for examination of the main portal vein is hard to obtain. In addition, the weight of the dog must be considered for the correct evaluation of the portal system hemodynamics, particularly for portal blood flow and the congestion index.


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of total abdominal hysterectomy on ovarian blood supply using transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography in women of reproductive age. Methods. This prospective study included 61 women aged 40 years or younger who were divided into 2 groups: group 1, comprising 31 patients who underwent total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), and group 2, comprising 30 women with no abnormalities. Inclusion criteria included normal ovarian function at baseline, with basal follicle-stimulating hormone levels of less than 15 mUI/mL, normal body weight, no tobacco use, and no history of laparotomy or ovarian disease. Ovarian arterial blood supply by determination of the pulsatility index (PI) on Doppler analysis and ovarian volume on transvaginal ultrasonography were assessed at baseline and at 6 and 12 postoperative months. The Student t test, profile analysis, and Friedman and Mann-Whitney tests were used in the statistical analysis of data. Results. Statistical analysis of baseline data revealed that both groups were homogeneous. At months 6 and 12, greater ovarian volumes and lower PI values were observed in patients who underwent TAH (P < .05). By the end of the study, in 8 of the 31 patients who underwent TAH (25.5%), benign ovarian cysts were observed. in the control group, all the parameters studied remained unchanged. Conclusions. The reduced PI values observed on Doppler ultrasonography suggested a decrease in the resistance flow in the ovarian arteries in women of reproductive age who underwent TAH.


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Background: Doppler ultrasound (DUS) examination provides quantitative and qualitative information concerning the blood flow in veins and arteries, enabling their morphological evaluation and the collection of hemodynamic data. Dogs and cats as well as humans may display neurological signs of brain hypoperfusion secondary to common carotid alterations. Hence, DUS examination might aid in the differential diagnosis of neurological disorders of ischemic origin, among other causes. The objective of this study was to register normal values for systolic peak velocity, minimum diastolic velocity, diameter and resistance index of both common carotid arteries of 12 healthy Labrador retriever dogs between 2 and 5 years of age. By gathering these values, we might be able to improve the sensitivity of hemodynamic studies in clinically important brain disorders. Results: There were no statistical differences between the values for the right and left vessels: the systolic peak velocity was 75.8 ± 16 cm/s, minimum diastolic velocity was 12.2 ± 4 cm/s, common carotid diameter was 0.545 ± 0.063 cm, and resistance index was 0.83 ± 0.07. Conclusions: The results of this study might be used to establish normal parameters for Labrador retriever dogs and thus help in the diagnosis of neurological disorders associated with alterations of the carotid arteries. Similar studies must be performed to evaluate the same parameters in other dog breeds of different sizes and skull conformations. © 2013 Svicero et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ