996 resultados para TOOTH ENAMEL


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a collective term used to describe phenotypically diverse forms of defective tooth enamel development. AI has been reported to exhibit a variety of inheritance patterns, and several loci have been identified that are associated with AI. We have performed a genome-wide scan in a large Brazilian family segregating an autosomal dominant form of AI and mapped a novel locus to 8q24.3. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 7.5 was obtained at marker D8S2334 (146,101,309 bp). The disease locus lies in a 1.9 cM (2.1 Mb) region according to the Rutgers Combined Linkage-Physical map, between a VNTR marker (at 143,988,705 bp) and the telomere (146,274,826 bp). Ten candidate genes were identified based on gene ontology and microarray-facilitated gene selection using the expression of murine orthologues in dental tissue, and examined for the presence of a mutation. However, no causative mutation was identified.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the clinical use of the gallium-aluminum-arsenium (GaAlAs) laser at the maximum and minimum energies recommended by the manufacturer for the treatment of dentine hypersensitivity. Background Data: Dentine hypersensitivity (DH) is a response to a stimulus that would not usually cause pain in a healthy tooth. It is characterized by sharp pain of short duration from the denuded dentin. Its etiology is unknown. The dentin only begins to show sensitivity when exposed to the buccal environment. This exposure can result after removal of the enamel and/or dental cement, or after root denudation. Different treatments are proposed for this disorder. Materials and Methods: In this study, 25 patients, with a total number of 106 cases of DH, were treated with GaAlAs low-level laser therapy (LLLT). 65% of the teeth were premolars; 14% were incisors and molars; 6.6% were canines. The teeth were irradiated with 3 and 5 J/cm 2 for up to six sessions, with an interval of 72 h between each application, and they were evaluated initially, after each application, and at 15 and 60 days follow-up post-treatment. Results: The treatment was effective in 86.53% and 88.88% of the irradiated teeth, respectively, with the minimum and maximum energy recommended by the manufacturer. There was a statistically significant difference between DH and after a follow-up of 60 days for both groups. The difference among the energy maximum and minimum was not significant. Conclusion: The GaAlAs low-level laser was effective in reducing initial DH. A significant difference was found between initial values of hypersensitivity and after 60 days follow-up post-treatment. No significant difference was found between minimum (3 J/cm 2) and maximum (5 J/cm 2) applied energy.


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Developmental disturbances of permanent teeth can result from trauma to primary teeth because of the proximity of the root of the primary teeth to their permanent successors. We describe the case of a 14-month-old boy who was referred to the baby clinic of the School of Dentistry, Universidad Estadual Paulista, Araçatuba, Brazil, after sustaining a severe trauma that led to intrusion of the right primary central incisor. Radiographic examination 4 years after the trauma showed a developing morphological change in the germ of the permanent successor. On eruption of the permanent central incisor, a crown malformation along with enamel hypoplasia was observed. We concludethat radiographic follow-up is indicated after trauma to monitor possible sequelae in the permanent successors even before their eruption. © 2011 Canadian Dental Association.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Odontólogica - FOA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Amelogenesis imperfecta is a hereditary condition that can alter the thickness, color, and shape of tooth enamel. Recent adhesive materials and techniques have provided less invasive treatment options. This case report presents the treatment of a patient whose anterior teeth had color alterations, white spots, pits, and shape defects. Using a more conservative technique, the mandibular and maxillary anterior teeth were restored using veneer direct composite restorations. After 6 years, the restorations demonstrated no deterioration, and no pathology was seen in association with the rehabilitation.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the 12-month clinical performance of glass ionomer restorations in teeth with MIH. First permanent molars affected by MIH (48) were restored with glass ionomer cement (GIC) and evaluated at baseline, at 6 and at 12 months, by assessing tooth enamel breakdown, GIC breakdown and caries lesion associations. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test and actuarial survival analysis. The likelihood of a restored tooth remaining unchanged at the end of 12 months was 78%. No statistically significant difference was observed in the association between increased MIH severity and caries at baseline (p > 0.05) for a 6-month period, or between increased MIH severity and previous unsatisfactory treatment at baseline (p > 0.05) for both a 6- and 12-month period. A statistically significant difference was observed in the association between increased MIH severity and extension of the restoration, involving 2 or more surfaces (p < 0.05) at both periods, and between increased MIH severity and caries at baseline (p < 0.05) at a 12-month period. Because the likelihood of maintaining the tooth structures with GIC restorations is high, invasive treatment should be postponed until the child is sufficiently mature to cooperate with the treatment, mainly of teeth affected on just one face.


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Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a defect in the tooth enamel of systemic origin and may affect one or all four first permanent molars frequently associated with the permanent incisors. This case reports a 7-year-old child with severe MIH in the permanent molars associated with tooth decay and intense pain. In the first stage of treatment, therapy was performed with fluoride varnish and restoration with glass ionomer cement (GIC). After 6 years of clinical and radiographic follow-up, the restorations presented wear and fractures on the margins, indicating their replacement with composite resin. Severe cases of MIH in the early permanent molars can be treated with varnish and GIC to restore the patient's comfort and strengthen the hypomineralized dental structures. The clinical and radiographic monitoring frequently indicated when the restoration with composite resin should be performed.


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Intensity of the 150 degrees C thermoluminescence peak of beta-irradiated carbonated synthetic A-type hydroxyapatite is approximately 12 times higher than that of the noncarbonated material. Deconvolution of the glow curve showed that this peak is a result of a trap distribution. An attempt was made to relate this thermoluminescence peak enhanced by carbonation with the ESR signal of the CO2- radical in natural or synthetic hydroxyapatite. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Die Analyse funktioneller Zusammenhänge zwischen Ernährung und Zahnmorphologie ist ein wichtiger Aspekt primatologischer und paläontologischer Forschung. Als überdauernder Teil des Verdauungssystems geben Zähne die bestmöglichen Hinweise auf die Ernährungsstrategien (ausgestorbener) Arten und eine Fülle weiterer Informationen. Aufgrund dessen ist es für die wissenschaftliche Arbeit von größter Bedeutung, die Zähne so detailliert und exakt wie möglich in ihrer gesamten Struktur zu erfassen. Bisher wurden zumeist zweidimensionale Parameter verwendet, um die komplexe Kronenmorphologie von Primatenmolaren vergleichend zu untersuchen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte das Ziel, Zähne verschiedener Arten von Altweltaffen mittels computerbasierter Methoden dreidimensional zu erfassen und neue Parameter zu definieren, mit denen die Form dieser Zähne objektiv erfasst und funktionell interpretiert werden kann. Mit einem Oberflächen-Scanner wurden die Gebisse einer Stichprobe von insgesamt 48 Primaten von fünf verschiedenen Arten eingescannt und mit Bildverarbeitungsmethoden so bearbeitet, dass dreidimensionale digitale Modelle einzelner Backenzähne zur Analyse vorlagen. Es wurden dabei sowohl Arten ausgewählt, die eine für ihre Gattung typische Ernährungsweise besitzen - also Frugivorie bei den Cercopithecinen und Folivorie bei den Colobinen - als auch solche, die eine davon abweichende Alimentation bevorzugen. Alle Altweltaffen haben sehr ähnliche Molaren. Colobinen haben jedoch höhere und spitzere Zahnhöcker, dünneren Zahnschmelz und scheinen ihre Zähne weniger stark abzukauen als die Meerkatzen. Diese Beobachtungen konnten mit Hilfe der neuen Parameter quantifiziert werden. Aus der 3D-Oberfläche und der Grundfläche der Zähne wurde ein Index gebildet, der die Stärke des Oberflächenreliefs angibt. Dieser Index hat bei Colobinen deutlich höhere Werte als bei Cercopithecinen, auch bei Zähnen, die schon stark abgekaut sind. Die Steilheit der Höcker und ihre Ausrichtung wurden außerdem gemessen. Auch diese Winkelmessungen bestätigten das Bild. Je höher der Blätteranteil an der Ernährung ist, desto höher sind die Indexwerte und umso steiler sind die Höcker. Besonders wichtig war es, dies auch für abgekaute Zähne zu bestätigen, die bisher nicht in funktionelle Analysen miteinbezogen wurden. Die Ausrichtung der Höckerseiten gibt Hinweise auf die Kaubewegung, die zum effizienten Zerkleinern der Nahrung notwendig ist. Die Ausrichtung der Höcker der Colobinen deutet darauf hin, dass diese Primaten flache, gleitende Kaubewegungen machen, bei denen die hohen Höcker aneinander vorbei scheren. Dies ist sinnvoll zum Zerschneiden von faserreicher Nahrung wie Blättern. Cercopithecinen scheinen ihre Backenzähne eher wie Mörser und Stößel zu verwenden, um Früchte und Samen zu zerquetschen und zu zermahlen. Je nachdem, was neben der hauptsächlichen Nahrung noch gekaut wird, unterscheiden sich die Arten graduell. Anders als bisher vermutet wurde, konnte gezeigt werden, dass Colobinen trotz des dünnen Zahnschmelzes ihre Zähne weniger stark abkauen und weniger Dentin freigelegt wird. Dies gibt eindeutige Hinweise auf die Unterschiede in der mechanischen Belastung, die während des Kauvorgangs auf die Zähne wirkt, und lässt sich gut mit der Ernährung der Arten in Zusammenhang bringen. Anhand dieser modellhaften Beobachtungen können in Zukunft ausgestorbene Arten hinsichtlich ihrer Ernährungsweise mit 3D-Techniken untersucht werden.