979 resultados para TONGUE PAPILLAE


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Consonant imprecision has been reported to be a common feature of the dysarthric speech disturbances exhibited by individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Inaccurate tongue placements against the hard palate during consonant articulation may be one factor underlying the imprecision. To investigate this hypothesis, electropalatography (EPG) was used to assess the spatial characteristics of the tongue-to-palate contacts exhibited by three males (aged 23-29 years) with dysarthria following severe TBI. Five nonneurologically impaired adults served as control subjects. Twelve single-syllable words of CV or CVC construction (where initial C = /t, d, S, z, k, g/, V=/i, a/) were read aloud three times by each subject while wearing an EPG palate. Spatial characteristics were analyzed in terms of the location, pattern, and amount of tongue-to-palate contact at the frame of maximum contact during production of each consonant. The results revealed that for the majority of consonants, the patterns and locations of contacts exhibited by the TBI subjects were consistent with the contacts generated by the group of control subjects. One notable exception was one subject's production of the alveolar fricatives in which complete closure across the palate was demonstrated, rather than the characteristic groove configuration. Major discrepancies were also noted in relation to the amount of tongue-to-palate contact exhibited, with two TBI subjects consistently demonstrating increased contacts compared to the control subjects. The implications of these findings for the development of treatment programs for dysarthric speech disorders subsequent to TBI are highlighted.


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Primary objective : To investigate the speed and accuracy of tongue movements exhibited by a sample of children with dysarthria following severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) during speech using electromagnetic articulography (EMA). Methods and procedures : Four children, aged between 12.75-17.17 years with dysarthria following TBI, were assessed using the AG-100 electromagnetic articulography system (Carstens Medizinelektronik). The movement trajectories of receiver coils affixed to each child's tongue were examined during consonant productions, together with a range of quantitative kinematic parameters. The children's results were individually compared against the mean values obtained by a group of eight control children (mean age of 14.67 years, SD 1.60). Main outcomes and results : All four TBI children were perceived to exhibit reduced rates of speech and increased word durations. Objective EMA analysis revealed that two of the TBI children exhibited significantly longer consonant durations compared to the control group, resulting from different underlying mechanisms relating to speed generation capabilities and distances travelled. The other two TBI children did not exhibit increased initial consonant movement durations, suggesting that the vowels and/or final consonants may have been contributing to the increased word durations. Conclusions and clinical implications : The finding of different underlying articulatory kinematic profiles has important implications for the treatment of speech rate disturbances in children with dysarthria following TBI.


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The tongue is the most important and dynamic articulator for speech formation, because of its anatomic aspects (particularly, the large volume of this muscular organ comparatively to the surrounding organs of the vocal tract) and also due to the wide range of movements and flexibility that are involved. In speech communication research, a variety of techniques have been used for measuring the three-dimensional vocal tract shapes. More recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) becomes common; mainly, because this technique allows the collection of a set of static and dynamic images that can represent the entire vocal tract along any orientation. Over the years, different anatomical organs of the vocal tract have been modelled; namely, 2D and 3D tongue models, using parametric or statistical modelling procedures. Our aims are to present and describe some 3D reconstructed models from MRI data, for one subject uttering sustained articulations of some typical Portuguese sounds. Thus, we present a 3D database of the tongue obtained by stack combinations with the subject articulating Portuguese vowels. This 3D knowledge of the speech organs could be very important; especially, for clinical purposes (for example, for the assessment of articulatory impairments followed by tongue surgery in speech rehabilitation), and also for a better understanding of acoustic theory in speech formation.


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The mechanisms of speech production are complex and have been raising attention from researchers of both medical and computer vision fields. In the speech production mechanism, the articulator’s study is a complex issue, since they have a high level of freedom along this process, namely the tongue, which instigates a problem in its control and observation. In this work it is automatically characterized the tongues shape during the articulation of the oral vowels of Portuguese European by using statistical modeling on MR-images. A point distribution model is built from a set of images collected during artificially sustained articulations of Portuguese European sounds, which can extract the main characteristics of the motion of the tongue. The model built in this work allows under standing more clearly the dynamic speech events involved during sustained articulations. The tongue shape model built can also be useful for speech rehabilitation purposes, specifically to recognize the compensatory movements of the articulators during speech production.


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Com este estudo pretende-se avaliar, através de dosimetria fotográfica e com a ajuda do software RIT v5.1, a existência do efeito de Tongue and Groove em IMRT e quantificá-lo.


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The treatment of vascular lesions of the tongue is a very challenging procedure since the maintenance of the lingual tissue is of critical importance. Numerous treatment options have been described in literature but the Nd:YAG Laser appears to be one of the safest therapeutic options. We described a successful treatment of vascular lesions of the tongue with an excellent clinical result after only one treatment session with the Nd:YAG laser, with conservation of the lingual tissue and its functionality.


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Based on a case of gastric antral vascular ectasia (watermelon stomach) that was associated with hemorrhagic pericarditis, small cell lung carcinoma with mediastinal lymph node metastases and a synchronous squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue, the authors made a review of the clinical, endoscopic and histopathological aspects of this type of gastropathy, and its association with other diseases, and of the results of its endoscopic therapy. The causes of hemorrhagic pericarditis are considered, emphasizing the necessity to know if the effusion has a malignant etiology. To the best of our knowledge the association of watermelon stomach to small cell lung carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the base of the tongue has not yet been described. Extensive metastases to mediastal lymph nodes are common to small cell lung carcinoma.


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Nowadays the main honey producing countries require accurate labeling of honey before commercialization, including floral classification. Traditionally, this classification is made by melissopalynology analysis, an accurate but time-consuming task requiring laborious sample pre-treatment and high-skilled technicians. In this work the potential use of a potentiometric electronic tongue for pollinic assessment is evaluated, using monofloral and polyfloral honeys. The results showed that after splitting honeys according to color (white, amber and dark), the novel methodology enabled quantifying the relative percentage of the main pollens (Castanea sp., Echium sp., Erica sp., Eucaliptus sp., Lavandula sp., Prunus sp., Rubus sp. and Trifolium sp.). Multiple linear regression models were established for each type of pollen, based on the best sensors sub-sets selected using the simulated annealing algorithm. To minimize the overfitting risk, a repeated K-fold cross-validation procedure was implemented, ensuring that at least 10-20% of the honeys were used for internal validation. With this approach, a minimum average determination coefficient of 0.91 ± 0.15 was obtained. Also, the proposed technique enabled the correct classification of 92% and 100% of monofloral and polyfloral honeys, respectively. The quite satisfactory performance of the novel procedure for quantifying the relative pollen frequency may envisage its applicability for honey labeling and geographical origin identification. Nevertheless, this approach is not a full alternative to the traditional melissopalynologic analysis; it may be seen as a practical complementary tool for preliminary honey floral classification, leaving only problematic cases for pollinic evaluation.


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Olive oils may be commercialized as intense, medium or light, according to the intensity perception of fruitiness, bitterness and pungency attributes, assessed by a sensory panel. In this work, the capability of an electronic tongue to correctly classify olive oils according to the sensory intensity perception levels was evaluated. Cross-sensitivity and non-specific lipid polymeric membranes were used as sensors. The sensor device was firstly tested using quinine monohydrochloride standard solutions. Mean sensitivities of 14±2 to 25±6 mV/decade, depending on the type of plasticizer used in the lipid membranes, were obtained showing the device capability for evaluating bitterness. Then, linear discriminant models based on sub-sets of sensors, selected by a meta-heuristic simulated annealing algorithm, were established enabling to correctly classify 91% of olive oils according to their intensity sensory grade (leave-one-out cross-validation procedure). This capability was further evaluated using a repeated K-fold cross-validation procedure, showing that the electronic tongue allowed an average correct classification of 80% of the olive oils used for internal-validation. So, the electronic tongue can be seen as a taste sensor, allowing differentiating olive oils with different sensory intensities, and could be used as a preliminary, complementary and practical tool for panelists during olive oil sensory analysis.


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Olive oil quality grading is traditionally assessed by human sensory evaluation of positive and negative attributes (olfactory, gustatory, and final olfactorygustatory sensations). However, it is not guaranteed that trained panelist can correctly classify monovarietal extra-virgin olive oils according to olive cultivar. In this work, the potential application of human (sensory panelists) and artificial (electronic tongue) sensory evaluation of olive oils was studied aiming to discriminate eight single-cultivar extra-virgin olive oils. Linear discriminant, partial least square discriminant, and sparse partial least square discriminant analyses were evaluated. The best predictive classification was obtained using linear discriminant analysis with simulated annealing selection algorithm. A low-level data fusion approach (18 electronic tongue signals and nine sensory attributes) enabled 100 % leave-one-out cross-validation correct classification, improving the discrimination capability of the individual use of sensor profiles or sensory attributes (70 and 57 % leave-one-out correct classifications, respectively). So, human sensory evaluation and electronic tongue analysis may be used as complementary tools allowing successful monovarietal olive oil discrimination.


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Natural mineral waters (still), effervescent natural mineral waters (sparkling) and aromatized waters with fruit-flavors (still or sparkling) are an emerging market. In this work, the capability of a potentiometric electronic tongue, comprised with lipid polymeric membranes, to quantitatively estimate routinely quality physicochemical parameters (pH and conductivity) as well as to qualitatively classify water samples according to the type of water was evaluated. The study showed that a linear discriminant model, based on 21 sensors selected by the simulated annealing algorithm, could correctly classify 100 % of the water samples (leave-one out cross-validation). This potential was further demonstrated by applying a repeated K-fold cross-validation (guaranteeing that at least 15 % of independent samples were only used for internal-validation) for which 96 % of correct classifications were attained. The satisfactory recognition performance of the E-tongue could be attributed to the pH, conductivity, sugars and organic acids contents of the studied waters, which turned out in significant differences of sweetness perception indexes and total acid flavor. Moreover, the E-tongue combined with multivariate linear regression models, based on sub-sets of sensors selected by the simulated annealing algorithm, could accurately estimate waters pH (25 sensors: R 2 equal to 0.99 and 0.97 for leave-one-out or repeated K-folds cross-validation) and conductivity (23 sensors: R 2 equal to 0.997 and 0.99 for leave-one-out or repeated K-folds cross-validation). So, the overall satisfactory results achieved, allow envisaging a potential future application of electronic tongue devices for bottled water analysis and classification.


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The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the etiological agent of oral hairy leukoplakia (OHL), an oral lesion with important diagnostic and prognostic value in acquired immunodeficiency disease syndrome. The two EBV genotypes, EBV-1 and EBV-2, can be distinguished by divergent gene sequences encoding the EBNA-2, 3A, 3B, and 3C proteins. The purpose of this study was to identify the EBV genotype prevalent in 53 samples of scrapings from the lateral border of the tongue of HIV-1 seropositive patients, with and without OHL, and to correlate the genotypes with presence of clinical or subclinical OHL with the clinic data collected. EBV-1 and EBV-2 were identified through PCR and Nested-PCR based on sequence differences of the EBNA-2 gene. EBV-1 was identified in the 31 samples (15 without OHL, 7 with clinical OHL and 9 with subclinical OHL), EBV-2 in 12 samples (10 without OHL, 1 with clinical and 1 subclinical OHL), and a mixed infection in 10 samples (2 without OHL, 3 with clinical and 5 with subclinical OHL). The presence of EBV-1 was higher in women, but a significant statistical result relating one the EBV genotypes to the development of OHL was not found. We conclude that the oral epithelium in HIV-1 seropositive patients can be infected by EBV-1, EBV-2 or by a mixed viral population.