209 resultados para TOMATOES


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Each Agrilink kit has been designed to be both comprehensive and practical. As the kits are arranged to answer questions of increasing complexity, they are useful references for both new and experienced producers of specific crops. Agrilink integrates the technology of horticultural production with the management of horticultural enterprises. REPRINT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ! For updated information please call 13 25 23 or visit the website www.deedi.qld.gov.au (Select: Queensland Industries – Agriculture link) This publication has been reprinted as a digital book without any changes to the content published in 1998. We advise readers to take particular note of the areas most likely to be out-of-date and so requiring further research: see detailed information on first page of the kit. Even with these limitations we believe this information kit provides important and valuable information for intending and existing growers. This publication was last revised in 1998. The information is not current and the accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed by the State of Queensland. This information has been made available to assist users to identify issues involved in the production of Tomatoes. This information is not to be used or relied upon by users for any purpose which may expose the user or any other person to loss or damage. Users should conduct their own inquiries and rely on their own independent professional advice. While every care has been taken in preparing this publication, the State of Queensland accepts no responsibility for decisions or actions taken as a result of any data, information, statement or advice, expressed or implied, contained in this publication.


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Standards have been placed to regulate the microbial and preservative contents to assure that foods are safe to the consumer. In a case of a food-related disease outbreak, it is crucial to be able to detect and identify quickly and accurately the cause of the disease. In addition, for every day control of food microbial and preservative contents, the detection methods must be easily performed for numerous food samples. In this present study, quicker alternative methods were studied for identification of bacteria by DNA fingerprinting. A flow cytometry method was developed as an alternative to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, the golden method . DNA fragment sizing by an ultrasensitive flow cytometer was able to discriminate species and strains in a reproducible and comparable manner to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This new method was hundreds times faster and 200,000 times more sensitive. Additionally, another DNA fingerprinting identification method was developed based on single-enzyme amplified fragment length polymorphism (SE-AFLP). This method allowed the differentiation of genera, species, and strains of pathogenic bacteria of Bacilli, Staphylococci, Yersinia, and Escherichia coli. These fingerprinting patterns obtained by SE-AFLP were simpler and easier to analyze than those by the traditional amplified fragment length polymorphism by double enzyme digestion. Nisin (E234) is added as a preservative to different types of foods, especially dairy products, around the world. Various detection methods exist for nisin, but they lack in sensitivity, speed or specificity. In this present study, a sensitive nisin-induced green fluorescent protein (GFPuv) bioassay was developed using the Lactococcus lactis two-component signal system NisRK and the nisin-inducible nisA promoter. The bioassay was extremely sensitive with detection limit of 10 pg/ml in culture supernatant. In addition, it was compatible for quantification from various food matrices, such as milk, salad dressings, processed cheese, liquid eggs, and canned tomatoes. Wine has good antimicrobial properties due to its alcohol concentration, low pH, and organic content and therefore often assumed to be microbially safe to consume. Another aim of this thesis was to study the microbiota of wines returned by customers complaining of food-poisoning symptoms. By partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, ribotyping, and boar spermatozoa motility assay, it was identified that one of the wines contained a Bacillus simplex BAC91, which produced a heat-stable substance toxic to the mitochondria of sperm cells. The antibacterial activity of wine was tested on the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91, B. cereus type strain ATCC 14579 and cereulide-producing B. cereus F4810/72. Although the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91 were sensitive to the antimicrobial effects of wine, the spores of B. cereus strains ATCC 14579 and F4810/72 stayed viable for at least 4 months. According to these results, Bacillus spp., more specifically spores, can be a possible risk to the wine consumer.


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Finland has moved from growing vegetables by natural light to year-round greenhouse production using artificial lighting. Determination of sensory effects on greenhouse-grown vegetables is important as sensory evaluation provides information which chemical methods can not. It can tell us about the quality of samples which affects the consumers' behaviour. There are different opinions on how the quality of vegetables should be determined. The consumers are dissatisfied with the quality of vegetables and fruits, although the variety of products is larger than ever. The aim of this study was to find out how artificial lighting contributes to the sensory quality of greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers compared to traditional natural lighting, and how storage affects the sensory attributes of the samples. In this study there were two sets of tomatoes and two sets of cucumbers, representing two different harvest seasons. Sensory evaluation involved two steps. The first step was to sort the samples and the second step was to generate a profile using descriptive analysis. Sorting was found to give some approximate information on differences between tomato and cucumber samples. MDS-maps dimensions were presented by age and lighting technique. The reliability of sorting results was quite good. The quality of the natural products was inconsistent. Production technology had more of an effect on cucumber samples than tomato samples. Natural light cucumbers were, for example sweeter and softer than artificial light cucumbers. Age had an especially large effect on cucumber appearance characteristics. There were less differences between tomato samples than cucumber samples. Production technology had less of an effect on tomato samples than age, e.g. hardness decreased during storage. In this study, it was found that artificial lighting has little effect on the sensory quality of Finnish greenhouse tomatoes compared with tomatoes grown under natural light.


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Bactrocera cucumis (French 1907), the ‘cucumber fruit fly’, is a horticultural pest in Australia that primarily infests cucurbits and has also been recorded from tomatoes, papaw and several other hosts. It does not respond to known male lures, cue-lure and methyl eugenol, making monitoring and control difficult. A cucumber volatile blend lure was recently developed in Hawaii and found to be an effective female-biased attractant for the melon fly B. cucurbitae. This lure was field tested in north Queensland, Australia in McPhail traps in comparison with orange ammonia, Cera Trap® and a control, and was found to more consistently trap B. cucumis than the other lures. B. cucumis were caught at 41% of the cucumber volatile lure trap clearances, compared with 27% of the orange ammonia, 18% of the Cera Trap and 16% of the control trap clearances. The cucumber volatile lure was more attractive to B. cucumis in low population densities and also trapped B. cucumis earlier on average than the other lures. Data analysed from the site with highest trap catches (Spring Creek) showed that the cucumber volatile lure caught significantly more B. cucumis than the other traps in four of the 11 trap clearance periods, and for the remaining clearances, no other trap type caught significantly more flies than the cucumber volatile lure. The cucumber volatile lure had a strong female-biased attraction but it was not significantly more female-biased than orange ammonia or Cera Trap. Cucumber volatile lure traps were cleaner to service resulting in better quality specimens than the orange ammonia trap or Cera Trap. These findings have potential implications for market access monitoring for determining pest freedom, and for biosecurity monitoring programmes in other countries that wish to detect B. cucumis early.


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Those seeking to bring change to cultivars sold in the banana markets of the world have encountered major difficulties over the years. Change has been sought because of production difficulties caused by banana diseases such as Fusarium wilt or a desire to invigorate a stagnant market and obtain a competitive advantage by the introduction of diversity of product. Currently the world banana scene is dominated by cultivars from the Cavendish subgroup with their production in excess of 40% of total world production of banana and plantain combined, and in most western countries Cavendish is synonymous with banana. But Cavendish production usually necessitates very regular applications of pesticides, particularly fungicides for Mycosphaerella leaf spots control. So genetic resistance to these and other diseases would be very beneficial to minimizing costs of production, as well as reducing health risks to banana workers and the general population and minimizing impacts on the environment. In recent years, the overall market sales of some crops, such as tomatoes, have increased by providing diversity of cultivars to consumers. Can the same be done for banana? Perhaps a better understanding of how we have arrived at our current situation and the forces that have shaped our preference for Cavendish will allow us to plan more strategic crop improvement research which has enhanced chances of adoption by the banana industries of the world. A scoping study was recently undertaken in Australia to determine the current market opportunity for alternative cultivars and provide a roadmap for the industry to successfully develop this market. A multidisciplinary team reviewed the literature, surveyed the supply chain, analyzed gross margins and conducted consumer and sensory evaluations of 'new' cultivars. This has provided insight on why Cavendish dominates the market, which is the focus of this paper, and we believe will provide a solid foundation for future progress.


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Silverleaf whitefly (SLW), Bemisia tabaci biotype B, is a major horticultural pest that costs Queensland vegetable growers millions of dollars in lost production and control measures each year. In the Bowen and Burdekin districts of North Queensland, the major cultivated SLW host crops are tomatoes, melons, green beans, pumpkins, eggplants, and cucumbers, which cover a total production area of approximately 6500 ha. Eretmocerus hayati, an effective SLW parasitoid, was imported into Australia by CSIRO in 2002 and released from quarantine in 2004. In 2006, DAFF established a mass-rearing unit for E. hayati at Bowen Research Station to provide E. hayati for release on vegetable farms within its SLW integrated pest management research program. A total of 1.3 million E. hayati were released over three seasons on 34 vegetable farms in the Bowen and Burdekin districts (October 2006 to December 2008). Post-release samplings were conducted across the release area over this time period with parasitism levels recorded in tomatoes, melons, beans, eggplants, pumpkins, and various SLW weed hosts. Sample data show that E. hayati established at most release sites as well as some non-release sites, indicating natural spread. Overall results from these three years of evaluation clearly demonstrated that E hayati releases played a significant role in SLW control. In most crops sampled, E hayati exerted between 30 and 80% parasitism. Even in regularly sprayed crops, such as tomato and eggplant, E. hayati was able to achieve an overall average parasitism of 45%.


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Queensland fruit flies Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis are considered major quarantine pests of tomato, a major crop in the horticultural production district around Bowen, North Queensland, Australia. Preharvest and/or postharvest treatments are required to meet the market access requirements of both domestic and international trading partners. The suspension from use of dimethoate and fenthion, the two insecticides used for fruit fly control, has resulted in the loss of both pre and postharvest uses in fresh tomato. Research undertaken quantitatively at Bowen evaluated the effectiveness of pre-harvest production systems without specific fruit fly controls and postharvest mitigation measures in reducing the risk of fruit fly infestation in tomato. A district-wide trapping using cue-lure baited traps was undertaken to determine fruit fly seasonal patterns in relation to the cropping seasons. A total of 17,626 field-harvested and 11,755 pack-house tomatoes were sampled from ten farms over three cropping seasons (2006-2009). The fruit were incubated and examined for fruit fly infestation. No fruit fly infested fruit were recorded over the three seasons in either the field or the pack-house samples. Statistical analyses showed that upper infestation levels were extremely low (between 0.025 and 0.062%) at the 95% confidence level. The trap catches showed a seasonal pattern in fruit fly activity, with low numbers during the autumn and winter months, rising slightly in spring and peaking in summer. This seasonal pattern was similar over the four seasons. The main two species of fruit fly caught were B. tryoni and B. neohumeralis. Based on the results, it is clear that the risk of fruit fly infestation is extremely low under the current production systems in the Bowen region.


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For fully three decades there has been an almost steady decline in Maryland's oyster production... are alarmed for its future. Reasons for decline, data supplied,importance of brood oysters and clutch replenishment. Problems of warm weather and bacterial activity as well as tongs grinding the bottom. Conflicts in canning of early season oysters and late season crops like tomatoes. (PDF contains 16 pages)


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O tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) é considerado um alimento funcional por sua propriedade antioxidante. O fruto contém dos carotenoides, ácido L-ascórbico, vitamina E e substâncias fenólicas. Estudos indicam que o consumo do tomate pode retardar o envelhecimento e favorecer o funcionamento do sistema imunológico em humanos, embora não seja possível afirmar uma relação direta entre a prevenção ou cura de qualquer carcinoma com o consumo de produtos à base licopeno. Na década de 1990, a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) criou o projeto TOMATEC, o tomate ecologicamente cultivado. A produção é baseada em um manejo diferenciado, que objetiva a otimização do uso do solo, menor consumo de pesticidas, herbicidas e incentivo à produção familiar dos agricultores. O estudo objetiva observar a influencia dos diferentes manejos: tradicional e TOMATEC na produção de (15E)-licopeno nos frutos do tomate, em diferentes cultivares do Brasil. Assim, foi utilizada a técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a detector por arranjo de diodos (CLAE-DAD), em fase estacionária polimérica composta de 30 carbonos (C30). Esta fase estacionária é capaz de separar carotenoides, incluvise, isômeros geométricos do licopeno. As amostras foram coletadas, tratadas, extraídas e analisadas sob as mesmas condições para avaliação das concentrações de (15E)-licopeno nos frutos. Ensaios realizados foram capazes de demonstrar, de maneira objetiva, que a metodologia proposta conduziu a resultados confiáveis à qualidade desejada, de acordo com o guia de validação proposto pelo Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial (INMETRO). Foram utilizadas ferramentas estatísticas para comparar os teores de (15E)-licopeno, em diferentes Estados do Brasil, sob diferentes manejos. Os resultados indicam os maiores teores da substância em cultivares convencionais e mostram que o ensacamento do fruto é um fator decisivo para a biossíntese do (15E)-licopeno


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O feijão-de-vagem é uma hortaliça severamente atacada por Meloidogyne javanica quando cultivada após o tomate-salada. Para avaliar a viabilidade de cultivo do feijão-de-vagem após o tomate-salada, cultivou-se a Crotalaria spectabilis, em faixas, por período de quatro meses, previamente ao cultivo do tomateiro. Faixas cultivadas com quiabeiro, antes do cultivo com tomate-salada, foram mantidas para comparação. Nas faixas cultivadas anteriormente com C. spectabilis, com os índices de multiplicação (IM) variando de 11 a 76 por parcela e os números de ovos do nematóide de 1.500 a 6.000 por planta, as produtividades foram de 2 a 26% maiores em cultivares de tomateiro e de 6 a 31,5% maiores em cultivares de feijão-de-vagem, em comparação com as produtividades obtidas nas faixas de quiabeiro, onde foram obtidos IM de 17 a 165 e números de ovos do nematóide que variaram de 7.200 a 19.000 por planta em cultivares de tomateiro e de feijão-de-vagem. O cultivo prévio da C. spectabilis por quatro meses é uma tecnologia viável para o controle de M. javanica, viabilizando a seqüência de cultivos com tomate-salada e feijão-de-vagem.


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Atualmente, no Brasil, a embalagem mais usada para tomate continua sendo a caixa de madeira que era usada para transportar querosene na Segunda Guerra Mundial, há meio século, conhecida por caixa ´K´. Os aspectos desejáveis da caixa 'K' incluem o fato de ser retornável e resistente. Os aspectos indesejáveis incluem o fato de possuir superfície áspera; alojar patógenos, funcionando como fonte de inóculo; aberturas laterais cortantes; profundidade excessiva, que comporta grande número de camadas de produtos; ser tampada. Essas características favorecem às injúrias mecânicas e comprometem a durabilidade e qualidade das hortaliças. Sabendo-se que as necessidades de proteção dos produtos vegetais são diferentes, torna-se necessário que as embalagens para protegê-los sejam específicas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma embalagem apropriada para tomate. O protótipo foi testado em relação à caixa 'K' e caixa de plástico já existente no mercado. Logo após a colheita os mesmos tratamentos foram deixados no sol ou na sombra, durante duas horas, para observar se influenciariam os frutos. As características avaliadas foram: variação de matéria fresca, aferida através de balança; vida útil, pelo período em que o vegetal esteve em perfeitas condições de ser comercializado; cor, pela escala com quatro classes para pimentão; variação da firmeza, medida por "push-pull"; teor relativo de água; deterioração, pelo número e peso de frutos deteriorados. Devido à grande influência dos danos mecânicos sobre as perdas pós-colheita, provavelmente este seja o fator mais importante na avaliação do protótipo. Houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos, sendo que o protótipo apresentou as menores porcentagens de danos mecânicos, o que é desejável. Também houve diferença estatística para deterioração. Nas demais características, o protótipo não diferiu estatisticamente dos outros tratamentos.