882 resultados para TIN COMPOUNDS


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The capability of molecular mechanics for modeling the wide distribution of bond angles and bond lengths characteristic of coordination complexes was investigatecl. This was the preliminary step for future modeling of solvent extraction. Several tin-phosphine oxide COrnI)le:){es were selected as the test groUl) for t.he d,esired range of geometry they eX!libi ted as \-vell as the ligands they cOD.tained r Wllich were c\f interest in connection with solvation. A variety of adjustments were made to Allinger's M:M2 force·-field ill order to inl.prove its performance in the treatment of these systems. A set of u,nique force constants was introduced for' those terms representing the metal ligand bond lengths, bond angles, and, torsion angles. These were significantly smaller than trad.itionallY used. with organic compounds. The ~1orse poteIlt.ial energ'Y function was incorporated for the M-X l')ond lE~ngths and the cosine harmonic potential erlerg-y function was invoked for the MOP bond angle. These functions were found to accomodate the wide distribution of observed values better than the traditional harmonic approximations~ Crystal packing influences on the MOP angle were explored thr"ollgh ttle inclusion of the isolated molecule withil1 a shell cc)ntaini11g tl1e nearest neigl1'bors duri.rlg energy rninimization experiments~ This was found to further improve the fit of the MOP angle.


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During the past few decades, a wide spread interest in the structural, optical, electrical and other physical properties of the transition metal dichalcogenide layer compounds has evolved. The members of this family of compounds can be regarded as strongly bonded two dimensional chalcogen-metal~chalcogen layers which are loosely coupled to one another by the weak ven der Waal's forces. Because of this type of bonding, the crystals are easily cleavable along the basal plane and show highly anisotropic properties. This thesis contains the growth and the study of the physical properties of certain tin dichalcogenide crystals (SnS2 and SnSe2). Tin disulphide and tin diselenide crystallize in the hexagonal CdI2 type crystal structure. This structure consists of layers of tin atoms sandwiched between two layers of chalcogen atoms. A tin atom is surrounded by six chalcogen atoms octahedrally.In the layers the atoms are held together by covalent bonding and in between the layers there is van der Waal's bonding.


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During the past few decades, a wide spread interest in the structural, optical, electrical and other physical properties of the transition metal dichalcogenide layer compounds has evolved. The members of this family of compounds can be regarded as stronglybonded two dimensional chalcogen-metal-chalcogen layers which are loosely coupled to one another by the weak van der Waal's forces. Because of this type of bonding, the crystals are easily cleavable along the basal plane and show highly anisotropic properties. This thesis contains the growth and the study of the physical properties of certain tin dichalcogenide crystals (SnS2 and Snsea). Tin disulphide and tin diselenide crystallize in the hexagonal CdI2 type crystalstructure. This structure consists of layers of tin atoms sandwiched between two layers of chalcogen atoms. Aitin atom is surrounded by six chalcogen atoms octahedrally. In the layers the atoms are held together by covalent bonding and in between the layers there is van der Waal's bonding.


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The work reported in this thesis is the preparation, and the structural, electrical and optical properties of reactively evaporated lead sulphide and tin telluride thin films. The three temperature method had been used for the preparation of these semiconductor thin films. In this preparation technique constituent elements are evaporated from separate sources with the substrate kept at a particular temperature. when one of the constituent element is a gas near room temperature, the method is often called reactive evaporation. It has been found for many materials that a stoichiometric interval exists with a limited range of flux and substrate temperature. Usually this technique is used for the preparation of thin films of high melting point compounds or of materials which decompose during evaporation. Tin telluride and lead sulphide are neither high melting point materials nor do they decompose on melting. But even than reactive evaporation offers the possibility of changing the ratios of the flux of the constituent elements within a wide range and studying its effect on the properties of the films


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Increasing legislation has steadily been introduced throughout the world to restrict the use of heavy metals, particularly cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in high temperature pigments, ceramics, and optoelectronic material applications. Removal of cadmium from thin-film optical and semiconductor device applications has been hampered by the absence of viable alternatives that exhibit similar properties with stability and durability. We describe a range of tin-based compounds that have been deposited and characterized in terms of their optical and mechanical properties and compare them with existing cadmium-based films that currently find widespread use in the optoelectronic and semiconductor industries. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Reaction of Li(CPhCMe2) with SnCl4 or CrCl3·3thf (thf = tetrahydrofuran) affords the isoleptic compounds Sn(CPhCMe2)4 or [Cr(CPhCMe2)4] respectively. The mode of formation and chemical properties are reported for the chromium species, and the structures of the new compounds, both of which have been determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis, are described.


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Reactions of [Fe3(CO)12] with diaryltin species SnR2(R1= 2,4,6-triisopropylphenyl, R2= 2,6-diethylphenyl, R3= pentamethylphenyl) and with Sn[CH(PPh2)2]2 have been investigated. The tin reagents SnR2(R = R1 or R2) reacted under mild conditions to give in moderate yields the trinuclear species [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR12)]1 or [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR22)]2, as orange-red crystalline solids, which decompose in air on prolonged exposure. The compound [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR42)]3(R4= 2,4,6-triphenylphenyl) can be similarly obtained. Prolonged treatment of the carbonyl with the novel tin reagent SnR32, by contrast, afforded the known compound spiro-[(OC)8Fe2SnFe2(CO)8]4 for which data are briefly reported. Reactions with tin or lead reagents M[CH(PPh2)2]2(M = Sn or Pb) afforded [Fe2(CO)6(µ-CO)(µ-dppm)][dppm = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)methane] rapidly and almost quantitatively. Full crystal and molecular structural data are reported for [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR12)] and [Fe2(CO)8(µ-SnR22)]. Mössbauer data are also presented for compounds 1–3, and interpreted in terms of the structural data for these and other systems.


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Tin(II) complexes with 8-hydroxyquinolinate in solid state have been obtained by adding aqueous ammonium to a solution containing stannous chloride and 8-hydroxiquinoline in medium of HCl and acetone up to pH 5 and 9, respectively. The products obtained show the same composition, Sn(C9H6ON)(2); however there are some differences regarding both the thermal behaviour in an oxidant atmosphere and morphology. These products were characterised by elemental and complexometric analysis, TG and DTA curves, infrared and X-ray diffractometry. TG curves show, above 448 K, the partial oxidation on air atmosphere of Sn(II) complexes to Sn(IV) complexes, SnO(C9H6ON)(2). This behaviour does not depend only on pH in which the compounds were obtained but also on the heating rate in TG curves. Sn(II) complexes volatilise almost completely on nitrogen atmosphere and partially on air atmosphere depending on the oxidation degree of the compound.


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The protection efficiency against water corrosion of fluorozirconate glass, ZBLAN, dip-coated by nanocrystalline tin oxide film containing the organic molecule Tiron® was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The chemical bonding structure of the surface region and morphology were studied before and after two water exposure periods of 5 and 30 min. The results of the analysis for the as-grown sample revealed a SnO1.6 phase containing carbon and sulfur, related to Tiron®, and traces of elements related to ZBLAN (Zr, F, Ba). This fact and the clear evidence of the presence of tin oxifluoride specie (SnOxF y) indicates a diffusion of the glass components into the porous coating. After water exposure, the increase of the oxygen concentration accompanied by a strong increase of Zr, F, Ba and Na content is interpreted as filling of the nanopores of the film by glass compounds. The formation of a compact protective layer is supported by the morphological changes observed by AFM. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Due to their high hardness and wear resistance Si3N4 based ceramics are one of the most suitable cutting tool materials for machining hardened materials. Therefore, their high degree of brittleness usually leads to inconsistent results and sudden catastrophic failures. Improvement of the functional properties these tools and reduction of the ecological threats may be accomplished by employing the technology of putting down hard coatings on tools in the state-of-the-art PVD processes, mostly by improvement of the tribological contact conditions in the cutting zone and by eliminating the cutting fluids. However in this paper was used a Si3N4 based cutting tool commercial with a layer TiN coating. In this investigation, the performance of TiN coating was assessed on turning used to machine an automotive grade compacted graphite iron. As part of the study were used to characterise the performance of cutting tool, flank wear, temperature and roughness. The results showed that the layer TiN coating failed to dry compacted graphite iron under aggressive machining conditions. However, using the measurement of flank wear technique, the average tool life of was increased by VC=160 m/min.The latter was also observed using a toolmakers microscope and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


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Hydrogen oxidation on the surfaces of the intermetallic compounds Pt 3Sn, PtSn and PtSn2 has been studied by the rotating disc electrode technique. Pt3Sn and PtSn were found to be good catalysts, about as good as Pt, while PtSn2 was inactive over the investigated range of potentials. Underpotential deposition of hydrogen is observed only on Pt3Sn. These results are explained by theoretical calculations based on a theory developed within our own group, and by density functional theory. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The arene-ruthenium complex [Ru(eta(6)-C10H14)(dppf)Cl]PF6 (1) was used as a precursor for the syntheses of the [Ru(eta(6)-C10H14)(dppf)Br]PF6 (2), [Ru(eta(6)-C10H14)(dppf)I]PF6 (3). [Ru(eta(6)-C10H14)(dppf)SnF3]PF6 (4) and [Ru(eta(6)-C10H14)(dppf)Cl][SnCl3]center dot 0.45CH(2)Cl(2) (5) complexes by its reactions with KBr, Kl, SnF2 and SnCl2. respectively. All of the compounds were characterized by NMR, IR, Fe-57 and Sn-119-Mossbauer spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry. The single-crystal X-ray structure analysis of the [Ru(eta(6)-C10H14)(dppf)Cl] [SnCl3]center dot 0.45CH(2)Cl(2) complex revealed the expected piano-stool geometry. Cyclic voltammograms of the complexes showed only one quasi-reversible electrochemical process, involving the oxidation of Fe(II) and Ru(II) at the same potential, which was confirmed by exhaustive electrolysis experiments. Fe-57-Mossbauer parameters obtained for the complexes (1-5) were fitted with one doublet corresponding to a site of one iron(II). The Sn-119-Mossbauer parameters of the complex (4) indicate that tin is tetra covalent. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-erosive effects of different fluoride compounds and one tin compound in the context of the complex pathohistology of dentine erosion, with particular emphasis on the role of the organic portion. Samples were subjected to two experiments including erosive acid attacks (0.05 molar citric acid, pH 2.3; 6 x 2 min/day) and applications (6 x 2 min/day) of the following test solutions: SnCl(2) (815 ppm Sn), NaF (250 ppm F), SnF(2) (250 ppm F, 809 ppm Sn), amine fluoride (AmF, 250 ppm F), AmF/NaF (250 ppm F), and AmF/SnF(2) (250 ppm F, 409 ppm Sn). The demineralised organic fraction was enzymatically removed either at the end of the experiment (experiment 1) or continuously throughout the experiment (experiment 2). Tissue loss was determined profilometrically after 10 experimental days. In experiment 1, the highest erosive tissue loss was found in the control group (erosion only); the AmF- and NaF-containing solutions reduced tissue loss by about 60%, reductions for SnCl(2), AmF/SnF(2), and SnF(2) were 52, 74 and 89%, respectively. In experiment 2, loss values generally were significantly higher, and the differences between the test solutions were much more distinct. Reduction of tissue loss was between 12 and 34% for the AmF- and NaF-containing preparations, and 11, 67 and 78% for SnCl(2), AmF/SnF(2), and SnF(2), respectively. Stannous fluoride-containing solutions revealed promising anti-erosive effects in dentine. The strikingly different outcomes in the two experiments suggest reconsidering current methodologies for investigating anti-erosive strategies in dentine.


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The conversion of alkylboranes to the corresponding alkanes is classically performed via protonolysis of alkylboranes. This simple reaction requires the use of severe reaction conditions, that is, treatment with a carboxylic acid at high temperature (>150 degrees C). We report here a mild radical procedure for the transformation of organoboranes to alkalies. 4-tert-Butylcatechol, a well-established radical inhibitor and antioxidant, is acting as a source of hydrogen atoms. An efficient chain reaction is observed due to the exceptional reactivity of phenoxyl radicals toward alkylboranes. The reaction has been applied to a wide range of organoboron derivatives such as B-alkylcatecholboranes, trialkylboranes, pinacolboronates, and alkylboronic acids. Furthermore, the so far elusive rate constants for the hydrogen transfer between secondary alkyl radical and catechol derivatives have been experimentally determined. Interestingly, they are less than 1 order of magnitude slower than that of tin hydride at 80 degrees C, making catechols particularly attractive for a wide range of transformations involving C-C bond formation.


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Tin is a notable anti-erosive agent, and the biopolymer chitosan has also shown demineralisation-inhibiting properties. Therefore, the anti-erosive/anti-abrasive efficacy of the combination of both compounds was tested under in situ conditions. Twenty-seven volunteers were included in a randomised, double-blind, three-cell crossover in situ trial. Enamel specimens were recessed on the buccal aspects of mandibular appliances, extraorally demineralised (6 × 2 min/day) and intraorally treated with toothpaste slurries (2 × 2 min/day). Within the slurry treatment time, one-half of the specimens received additional intraoral brushing (5 s, 2.5 N). The tested toothpastes included a placebo toothpaste, an experimental NaF toothpaste (1,400 ppm F(-)) and an experimental F/Sn/chitosan toothpaste (1,400 ppm F(-), 3,500 ppm Sn(2+), 0.5% chitosan). The percentage reduction of tissue loss (slurry exposure/slurry exposure + brushing) compared to placebo was 19.0 ± 47.3/21.3 ± 22.4 after use of NaF and 52.5 ± 30.9/50.2 ± 34.3 after use of F/Sn/chitosan. F/Sn/chitosan was significantly more effective than NaF (p ≤ 0.001) and showed good efficacy against erosive and erosive-abrasive tissue loss. This study suggests that the F/Sn/chitosan toothpaste could provide good protection for patients who frequently consume acidic foodstuffs.