961 resultados para TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)


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Cognitive radio (CR) was developed for utilizing the spectrum bands efficiently. Spectrum sensing and awareness represent main tasks of a CR, providing the possibility of exploiting the unused bands. In this thesis, we investigate the detection and classification of Long Term Evolution (LTE) single carrier-frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) signals, which are used in uplink LTE, with applications to cognitive radio. We explore the second-order cyclostationarity of the LTE SC-FDMA signals, and apply results obtained for the cyclic autocorrelation function to signal detection and classification (in other words, to spectrum sensing and awareness). The proposed detection and classification algorithms provide a very good performance under various channel conditions, with a short observation time and at low signal-to-noise ratios, with reduced complexity. The validity of the proposed algorithms is verified using signals generated and acquired by laboratory instrumentation, and the experimental results show a good match with computer simulation results.


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Nowadays there is a huge evolution in the technological world and in the wireless networks. The electronic devices have more capabilities and resources over the years, which makes the users more and more demanding. The necessity of being connected to the global world leads to the arising of wireless access points in the cities to provide internet access to the people in order to keep the constant interaction with the world. Vehicular networks arise to support safety related applications and to improve the traffic flow in the roads; however, nowadays they are also used to provide entertainment to the users present in the vehicles. The best way to increase the utilization of the vehicular networks is to give to the users what they want: a constant connection to the internet. Despite of all the advances in the vehicular networks, there were several issues to be solved. The presence of dedicated infrastructure to vehicular networks is not wide yet, which leads to the need of using the available Wi-Fi hotspots and the cellular networks as access networks. In order to make all the management of the mobility process and to keep the user’s connection and session active, a mobility protocol is needed. Taking into account the huge number of access points present at the range of a vehicle for example in a city, it will be beneficial to take advantage of all available resources in order to improve all the vehicular network, either to the users and to the operators. The concept of multihoming allows to take advantage of all available resources with multiple simultaneous connections. This dissertation has as objectives the integration of a mobility protocol, the Network-Proxy Mobile IPv6 protocol, with a host-multihoming per packet solution in order to increase the performance of the network by using more resources simultaneously, the support of multi-hop communications, either in IPv6 or IPv4, the capability of providing internet access to the users of the network, and the integration of the developed protocol in the vehicular environment, with the WAVE, Wi-Fi and cellular technologies. The performed tests focused on the multihoming features implemented on this dissertation, and on the IPv4 network access for the normal users. The obtained results show that the multihoming addition to the mobility protocol improves the network performance and provides a better resource management. Also, the results show the correct operation of the developed protocol in a vehicular environment.


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Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is emerging as a promising multiple access technology for the fifth generation cellular networks to address the fast growing mobile data traffic. It applies superposition coding in transmitters, allowing simultaneous allocation of the same frequency resource to multiple intra-cell users. Successive interference cancellation is used at the receivers to cancel intra-cell interference. User pairing and power allocation (UPPA) is a key design aspect of NOMA. Existing UPPA algorithms are mainly based on exhaustive search method with extensive computation complexity, which can severely affect the NOMA performance. A fast proportional fairness (PF) scheduling based UPPA algorithm is proposed to address the problem. The novel idea is to form user pairs around the users with the highest PF metrics with pre-configured fixed power allocation. Systemlevel simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is significantly faster (seven times faster for the scenario with 20 users) with a negligible throughput loss than the existing exhaustive search algorithm.


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In next generation Internet-of-Things, the overhead introduced by grant-based multiple access protocols may engulf the access network as a consequence of the proliferation of connected devices. Grant-free access protocols are therefore gaining an increasing interest to support massive multiple access. In addition to scalability requirements, new demands have emerged for massive multiple access, including latency and reliability. The challenges envisaged for future wireless communication networks, particularly in the context of massive access, include: i) a very large population size of low power devices transmitting short packets; ii) an ever-increasing scalability requirement; iii) a mild fixed maximum latency requirement; iv) a non-trivial requirement on reliability. To this aim, we suggest the joint utilization of grant-free access protocols, massive MIMO at the base station side, framed schemes to let the contention start and end within a frame, and succesive interference cancellation techniques at the base station side. In essence, this approach is encapsulated in the concept of coded random access with massive MIMO processing. These schemes can be explored from various angles, spanning the protocol stack from the physical (PHY) to the medium access control (MAC) layer. In this thesis, we delve into both of these layers, examining topics ranging from symbol-level signal processing to succesive interference cancellation-based scheduling strategies. In parallel with proposing new schemes, our work includes a theoretical analysis aimed at providing valuable system design guidelines. As a main theoretical outcome, we propose a novel joint PHY and MAC layer design based on density evolution on sparse graphs.


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In this work, a wide analysis of local search multiuser detection (LS-MUD) for direct sequence/code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems under multipath channels is carried out considering the performance-complexity trade-off. It is verified the robustness of the LS-MUD to variations in loading, E(b)/N(0), near-far effect, number of fingers of the Rake receiver and errors in the channel coefficients estimates. A compared analysis of the bit error rate (BER) and complexity trade-off is accomplished among LS, genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Based on the deterministic behavior of the LS algorithm, it is also proposed simplifications over the cost function calculation, obtaining more efficient algorithms (simplified and combined LS-MUD versions) and creating new perspectives for the MUD implementation. The computational complexity is expressed in terms of the number of operations in order to converge. Our conclusion pointed out that the simplified LS (s-LS) method is always more efficient, independent of the system conditions, achieving a better performance with a lower complexity than the others heuristics detectors. Associated to this, the deterministic strategy and absence of input parameters made the s-LS algorithm the most appropriate for the MUD problem. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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This work aims at proposing the use of the evolutionary computation methodology in order to jointly solve the multiuser channel estimation (MuChE) and detection problems at its maximum-likelihood, both related to the direct sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA). The effectiveness of the proposed heuristic approach is proven by comparing performance and complexity merit figures with that obtained by traditional methods found in literature. Simulation results considering genetic algorithm (GA) applied to multipath, DS/CDMA and MuChE and multi-user detection (MuD) show that the proposed genetic algorithm multi-user channel estimation (GAMuChE) yields a normalized mean square error estimation (nMSE) inferior to 11%, under slowly varying multipath fading channels, large range of Doppler frequencies and medium system load, it exhibits lower complexity when compared to both maximum likelihood multi-user channel estimation (MLMuChE) and gradient descent method (GrdDsc). A near-optimum multi-user detector (MuD) based on the genetic algorithm (GAMuD), also proposed in this work, provides a significant reduction in the computational complexity when compared to the optimum multi-user detector (OMuD). In addition, the complexity of the GAMuChE and GAMuD algorithms were (jointly) analyzed in terms of number of operations necessary to reach the convergence, and compared to other jointly MuChE and MuD strategies. The joint GAMuChE-GAMuD scheme can be regarded as a promising alternative for implementing third-generation (3G) and fourth-generation (4G) wireless systems in the near future. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This paper analyzes the complexity-performance trade-off of several heuristic near-optimum multiuser detection (MuD) approaches applied to the uplink of synchronous single/multiple-input multiple-output multicarrier code division multiple access (S/MIMO MC-CDMA) systems. Genetic algorithm (GA), short term tabu search (STTS) and reactive tabu search (RTS), simulated annealing (SA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and 1-opt local search (1-LS) heuristic multiuser detection algorithms (Heur-MuDs) are analyzed in details, using a single-objective antenna-diversity-aided optimization approach. Monte- Carlo simulations show that, after convergence, the performances reached by all near-optimum Heur-MuDs are similar. However, the computational complexities may differ substantially, depending on the system operation conditions. Their complexities are carefully analyzed in order to obtain a general complexity-performance framework comparison and to show that unitary Hamming distance search MuD (uH-ds) approaches (1-LS, SA, RTS and STTS) reach the best convergence rates, and among them, the 1-LS-MuD provides the best trade-off between implementation complexity and bit error rate (BER) performance.


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European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 18


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This paper analyzes the asymptotic performance of maximum likelihood (ML) channel estimation algorithms in wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) scenarios. We concentrate on systems with periodic spreading sequences (period larger than or equal to the symbol span) where the transmitted signal contains a code division multiplexed pilot for channel estimation purposes. First, the asymptotic covariances of the training-only, semi-blind conditional maximum likelihood (CML) and semi-blind Gaussian maximum likelihood (GML) channelestimators are derived. Then, these formulas are further simplified assuming randomized spreading and training sequences under the approximation of high spreading factors and high number of codes. The results provide a useful tool to describe the performance of the channel estimators as a function of basicsystem parameters such as number of codes, spreading factors, or traffic to training power ratio.


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In this paper, two probabilistic adaptive algorithmsfor jointly detecting active users in a DS-CDMA system arereported. The first one, which is based on the theory of hiddenMarkov models (HMM’s) and the Baum–Wech (BW) algorithm,is proposed within the CDMA scenario and compared withthe second one, which is a previously developed Viterbi-basedalgorithm. Both techniques are completely blind in the sense thatno knowledge of the signatures, channel state information, ortraining sequences is required for any user. Once convergencehas been achieved, an estimate of the signature of each userconvolved with its physical channel response (CR) and estimateddata sequences are provided. This CR estimate can be used toswitch to any decision-directed (DD) adaptation scheme. Performanceof the algorithms is verified via simulations as well as onexperimental data obtained in an underwater acoustics (UWA)environment. In both cases, performance is found to be highlysatisfactory, showing the near–far resistance of the analyzed algorithms.


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This paper proposes a convenient signaling scheme-orthogonal on-off BPSK (O3BPSK)-for near-far (NF) resistant detection in asynchronous direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS/CDMA) systems (uplink). The temporally adjacent bits from different users in the received signals are decoupled by using the on-off signaling, and the original data rate is maintained with no increase in transmission rate by adopting an orthogonal structure. The detector at the receiver is a one-shot linear decorrelating detector, which depends upon neither hard decision nor specific channel coding. The application of O3 strategy to the differentially encoded BPSK (D-BPSK) sequences is also presented. Finally, some computer simulations are shown to confirm the theoretical analysis.


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The Gram-Schmidt (GS) orthogonalisation procedure has been used to improve the convergence speed of least mean square (LMS) adaptive code-division multiple-access (CDMA) detectors. However, this algorithm updates two sets of parameters, namely the GS transform coefficients and the tap weights, simultaneously. Because of the additional adaptation noise introduced by the former, it is impossible to achieve the same performance as the ideal orthogonalised LMS filter, unlike the result implied in an earlier paper. The authors provide a lower bound on the minimum achievable mean squared error (MSE) as a function of the forgetting factor λ used in finding the GS transform coefficients, and propose a variable-λ algorithm to balance the conflicting requirements of good tracking and low misadjustment.


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The blind minimum output energy (MOE) adaptive detector for code division multiple access (CDMA) signals requires exact knowledge of the received spreading code of the desired user. This requirement can be relaxed by constraining the so-called surplus energy of the adaptive tap-weight vector, but the ideal constraint value is not easily obtained in practice. An algorithm is proposed to adaptively track this value and hence to approach the best possible performance for this class of CDMA detector.


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Adaptive filters used in code division multiple access (CDMA) receivers to counter interference have been formulated both with and without the assumption of training symbols being transmitted. They are known as training-based and blind detectors respectively. We show that the convergence behaviour of the blind minimum-output-energy (MOE) detector can be quite easily derived, unlike what was implied by the procedure outlined in a previous paper. The simplification results from the observation that the correlation matrix determining convergence performance can be made symmetric, after which many standard results from the literature on least mean square (LMS) filters apply immediately.


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Single-carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) has appeared to be a promising technique for high data rate uplink communications. Aimed at SC-FDMA applications, a cyclic prefixed version of the offset quadrature amplitude modulation based OFDM (OQAM-OFDM) is first proposed in this paper. We show that cyclic prefixed OQAMOFDM CP-OQAM-OFDM) can be realized within the framework of the standard OFDM system, and perfect recovery condition in the ideal channel is derived. We then apply CP-OQAMOFDM to SC-FDMA transmission in frequency selective fading channels. Signal model and joint widely linear minimum mean square error (WLMMSE) equalization using a prior information with low complexity are developed. Compared with the existing DFTS-OFDM based SC-FDMA, the proposed SC-FDMA can significantly reduce envelope fluctuation (EF) of the transmitted signal while maintaining the bandwidth efficiency. The inherent structure of CP-OQAM-OFDM enables low-complexity joint equalization in the frequency domain to combat both the multiple access interference and the intersymbol interference. The joint WLMMSE equalization using a prior information guarantees optimal MMSE performance and supports Turbo receiver for improved bit error rate (BER) performance. Simulation resultsconfirm the effectiveness of the proposed SC-FDMA in termsof EF (including peak-to-average power ratio, instantaneous-toaverage power ratio and cubic metric) and BER performances.