161 resultados para TAPER


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Neste trabalho foram conduzidos testes preliminares sobre o uso do método altura relativa, desenvolvido originalmente por Andrade & Leite (1997), para condução de inventário florestal. O método proposto foi comparado com um dos métodos usuais, que consiste em medir o diâmetro de todas as árvores, a altura de cerca de 15 árvores e a altura de cerca de cinco árvores dominantes por parcela. Para processamento desses dados são utilizadas equações hipsométricas e volumétricas, sendo estas últimas geradas com dados de cubagem de árvores no povoamento. No método da altura relativa são utilizados apenas dados obtidos nas parcelas, não sendo necessário cubar árvores no povoamento. Os dados de quatro parcelas e de 277 árvores-amostra foram utilizados para comparação das duas metodologias (usual e altura relativa). Os volumes estimados pelos dois métodos foram iguais (156,21 e 156,19 m³/ha). Portanto, pode-se concluir que o método alternativo é promissor, resultando ainda em algumas vantagens, como: redução do número de alturas medidas nas parcelas e eliminação das atividades de cubagem de árvores-amostra e de ajuste de modelos volumétricos e, ou, de taper.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma metodologia para estimação do volume em estéreos sem uma amostragem prévia do empilhamento das toras. Os dados necessários são provenientes do inventário florestal e do transporte da madeira. Foi adotado o "método dos espaços vazios" para ilustrar o emprego das informações supracitadas. Foram utilizados dados de 91 parcelas de inventário pré-corte e de transporte do volume de um plantio de híbrido Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla, com uma área de 243,1 ha. As equações geradas para estimar o volume em estéreos resultaram em um erro de -0,76% ou -2,34 st/ha para a equação advinda de deduções do método dos espaços vazios e de 4,54% ou 11,61 st/ha para a equação gerada com o emprego do modelo de taper de Demaerschalk. Estes resultados evidenciam que a metodologia apresentada gera resultados promissores, permitindo utilizar informações representativas da situação de uso da unidade estéreos.


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Neste trabalho é apresentado um teste do método Altura Relativa em povoamentos de pinus. No primeiro estudo de caso foram utilizados dados de 1.200 árvores cubadas do híbrido entre Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden e Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake, para inferir sobre a acurácia proporcionada pelo método e desenvolver uma fórmula que permitisse eliminar ou reduzir o número de árvores-amostra em um inventário florestal. A fórmula desenvolvida foi hr= (Ht - 2)/ 2. Informações geradas por essa fórmula, juntamente com informações de dap e altura total, foram utilizadas para gerar equações de taper empregando-se procedimentos de geometria analítica. Em um segundo caso, testou-se o método Altura Relativa na condução de um inventário florestal de um povoamento de pinus. Esse mesmo povoamento foi inventariado, também, por um processo usual. Por meio das avaliações efetuadas, foi possível concluiu que o método altura relativa resulta em estimativas precisas e não tendenciosas do taper e do volume sólido, podendo ser utilizado em substituição ao usual.


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Neste estudo foram conduzidos testes preliminares com o objetivo de avaliar um modelo de taper, proposto a partir da adaptação dos modelos desenvolvidos por Ormerod (1973) e Turnbull (1979), caracterizados pela sua simplicidade e facilidade de ajuste. Em comparação com modelos já consagrados, observou-se que o modelo alternativo apresentou consistência nos ajustes realizados. Portanto, pode-se concluir que o modelo apresentado é recomendável para a quantificação de multiprodutos de árvores individuais.


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Os modelos polinomiais são mais difundidos no meio florestal brasileiro na descrição do perfil de árvores devido à sua facilidade de ajuste e precisão. O mesmo não ocorre com os modelos não-lineares, os quais possuem maior dificuldade de ajuste. Dentre os modelos não-lineares clássicos, na descrição do perfil, podem-se citar o de Gompertz, o Logístico e o de Weibull. Portanto, este estudo visou comparar os modelos lineares e não lineares para a descrição do perfil de árvores. As medidas de comparação foram o coeficiente de determinação (R²), o erro-padrão residual (s yx), o coeficiente de determinação corrigido (R²ajustado), o gráfico dos resíduos e a facilidade de ajuste. Os resultados ressaltaram que, dentre os modelos não-lineares, o que obteve melhor desempenho, de forma geral, foi o modelo Logístico, apesar de o modelo de Gompertz ser melhor em termos de erro-padrão residual. Nos modelos lineares, o polinômio proposto por Pires & Calegario foi superior aos demais. Ao comparar os modelos não-lineares com os lineares, o modelo Logístico foi melhor em razão, principalmente, do fato de o comportamento dos dados ser não-linear, à baixa correlação entre os parâmetros e à fácil interpretação deles, facilitando a convergência e o ajuste.


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Composite flooring systems supported by tapered (varying web depth) beams are very attractive from an economic point of view. However, the tapered beam sections are fabricated from plate by welding, and are susceptible to imperfection effects. These may interact with the localised compressive stress field that is generated in the web at a slope change in the lower flange to cause local web buckling. A substantial parametric study using a non-linear elasto-plastic finite element program and covering practical ranges of the important parameters including the area of the tension flange, taper slope and web thickness is reported. Moment-rotation relations, peak moments and failure mechanisms have been predicted. The validity of the work is supported by the good correlation obtained between the results of the parametric study and experimental data.


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The Woodruff Family Collection: From the time the Woodruff Family came to Canada from the United States in 1795, they took an active role in the forming of their communities both in a civic and social manner. This is evident through the documents contained in this collection. The Woodruffs played an active role in the battles fought in Upper Canada and they were an integral part of the Village of St. Davids. They were educated, business-minded and socially engaged. They accumulated much of their fortune through land dealings. Much of this collection focuses on Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff who was principally a businessman. His dedication to his work is shown through his numerous undertakings. He made his mark on the Niagara Peninsula through his work on the railways, roads, marsh land revisions, canals and the paper industry. He was also involved with the founding of the Long Point Company and he took control of building DeVeaux Hall down to the last detail. His offspring inherited his work ethic and his business acumen. The people who married into the Woodruff Family also possessed key social, political and business ties. Anne and Margaret Clement were from a staunch Loyalist background. Samuel Zimmerman was instrumental to the founding of Niagara Falls and Judge Samuel DeVeaux left behind a legacy for poor and homeless boys in Niagara Falls, New York. The Woodruff Family undoubtedly left a mark on the Niagara Peninsula. This collection brings to light many endeavours of the family and their varied contributions.


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Brass Surveying Compass with a 6 1/2 inch diameter silvered brass dial signed E. and G.W. Blunt of New York. There is a fleur-de-lis at the north point and the outer needle ring is engraved 0-90 in four quadrants. There is an engraved central pattern, blue steel hand and brass lifter, shaped limbs and a brass dial cover. This belonged to Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff who was a Civil Engineer. It also belonged to R.D.W. Band who was also a Civil Engineer. Also, One 13 cm. brass spindle taper for the surveying compass, n.d


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Le terme beat deafness désigne une forme d’amusie congénitale spécifique à l’aspect temporel en musique qui a été découverte récemment par l’étude d’un cas unique (Phillips-Silver et al., 2011). L’objectif principal de ce mémoire était d’identifier de nouveaux cas. Nous avons évalué, chez 100 étudiants universitaires, les capacités à percevoir le beat à se synchroniser sur celui-ci. Les capacités de perception ont été évaluées au moyen de deux tests: un test de détection de perturbations rythmiques et un test de classification de courts extraits musicaux en marches et valses. Les capacités de synchronisation ont été évaluées au moyen d’une tâche consistant à taper du doigt sur les temps forts des mêmes marches et valses. Quatre personnes se sont démarquées du groupe par des difficultés de perception et de synchronisation, et sont dès lors considérées comme des nouveaux cas de beat deafness.


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In this thesis, the applications of the recurrence quantification analysis in metal cutting operation in a lathe, with specific objective to detect tool wear and chatter, are presented.This study is based on the discovery that process dynamics in a lathe is low dimensional chaotic. It implies that the machine dynamics is controllable using principles of chaos theory. This understanding is to revolutionize the feature extraction methodologies used in condition monitoring systems as conventional linear methods or models are incapable of capturing the critical and strange behaviors associated with the metal cutting process.As sensor based approaches provide an automated and cost effective way to monitor and control, an efficient feature extraction methodology based on nonlinear time series analysis is much more demanding. The task here is more complex when the information has to be deduced solely from sensor signals since traditional methods do not address the issue of how to treat noise present in real-world processes and its non-stationarity. In an effort to get over these two issues to the maximum possible, this thesis adopts the recurrence quantification analysis methodology in the study since this feature extraction technique is found to be robust against noise and stationarity in the signals.The work consists of two different sets of experiments in a lathe; set-I and set-2. The experiment, set-I, study the influence of tool wear on the RQA variables whereas the set-2 is carried out to identify the sensitive RQA variables to machine tool chatter followed by its validation in actual cutting. To obtain the bounds of the spectrum of the significant RQA variable values, in set-i, a fresh tool and a worn tool are used for cutting. The first part of the set-2 experiments uses a stepped shaft in order to create chatter at a known location. And the second part uses a conical section having a uniform taper along the axis for creating chatter to onset at some distance from the smaller end by gradually increasing the depth of cut while keeping the spindle speed and feed rate constant.The study concludes by revealing the dependence of certain RQA variables; percent determinism, percent recurrence and entropy, to tool wear and chatter unambiguously. The performances of the results establish this methodology to be viable for detection of tool wear and chatter in metal cutting operation in a lathe. The key reason is that the dynamics of the system under study have been nonlinear and the recurrence quantification analysis can characterize them adequately.This work establishes that principles and practice of machining can be considerably benefited and advanced from using nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory.


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Populations of Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) have declined markedly in North America since the early 1980s. When considering alternatives for achieving population recovery, it would be useful to understand how the rate of population growth is functionally related to the underlying vital rates and which vital rates affect population growth rate the most if changed (which need not be those that influenced historical population declines). To establish a more quantitative basis for learning about life history and population dynamics of Lesser Scaup, we summarized published and unpublished estimates of vital rates recorded between 1934 and 2005, and developed matrix life-cycle models with these data for females breeding in the boreal forest, prairie-parklands, and both regions combined. We then used perturbation analysis to evaluate the effect of changes in a variety of vital-rate statistics on finite population growth rate and abundance. Similar to Greater Scaup (Aythya marila), our modeled population growth rate for Lesser Scaup was most sensitive to unit and proportional change in adult female survival during the breeding and non-breeding seasons, but much less so to changes in fecundity parameters. Interestingly, population growth rate was also highly sensitive to unit and proportional changes in the mean of nesting success, duckling survival, and juvenile survival. Given the small samples of data for key aspects of the Lesser Scaup life cycle, we recommend additional research on vital rates that demonstrate a strong effect on population growth and size (e.g., adult survival probabilities). Our life-cycle models should be tested and regularly updated in the future to simultaneously guide science and management of Lesser Scaup populations in an adaptive context.


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This paper seeks to analyse and discuss, from the perspective of the owners of agricultural land, the main changes to the Capital Gains Tax regime introduced in the Finance Act 1998 and subsequently amended in the Finance Act 2000. The replacement of indexation with a new Taper relief is examined, along with the phasing out of Retirement relief, and the interaction of Taper relief with Rollover relief. The opportunity for tax mitigation by the owners of agricultural land is critically examined.


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This paper seeks to analyse and discuss, from the perspective of the owners of agricultural land, the main changes to the Capital Gains Tax regime introduced in the Budget of March 1998 and contained in the Finance Act 1998. The immediate replacement of indexation with a new Taper relief is examined, along with the phasing out of Retirement relief, and the interaction of Taper relief with Rollover relief.


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Introduction: The aim of the present study was to determine the disinfection of preparations carried out by using the Protaper or MTwo system in canals infected with Enterococcus faecalis. Methods: Twenty-eight distobuccal canals of upper molars were used, in which the canals were sterilized after being enlarged to #20 file and then contaminated with an inoculation of a culture of E. faecalis. After the incubation period, bacterial samples were collected and were seeded on plates for analysis of colony-forming units (CFU)/mL. The teeth were divided into 2 groups according to the rotary system used for instrumentation; 2 noninstrumented teeth served as the control group. Then bacterial samples were collected and were seeded on plates for analysis of CFU/mL again. The data obtained were evaluated by the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U tests. Results: Bacterial reduction was 81.94% and 84.29%, respectively, in Pro Taper and Mtwo systems, and there was no statistically significant difference (P > .05). Conclusions: Both systems, Pro Taper and Mtwo, reduced the amount of bacteria in the mechanical disinfection of the root canal system, demonstrating that they are suitable for this purpose. (J Endod 2010;36:1238-1240)


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Objectives: The vertical location of the implant-abutment connection influences the periimplant bone morphology. It is unknown, however, whether different microgap configurations cause different bone reactions. Therefore, in this study the bone morphologies of two different implant systems were compared.Material and methods: Three months after tooth extraction in eight mongrel dogs, two grit-blasted screw implants with internal Morse taper connection (ANK group) were placed on one side whereas the contralateral side received two oxidized screw implants with external hex (TIU group). One implant on each side was placed level with the bone (equicrestal), the second implant was inserted 1.5mm below bone level (subcrestal). After 3 months the implants were uncovered. Three months after stage two surgery, histometrical evaluations were performed in order to assess the periimplant bone levels (PBL), the first bone-to-implant contact points (BICP), the width (HBD) and the steepness (SLO) of the bone defect.Results: All implants osseointegrated clinically and histologically. Bone overgrowth of the microgap was seen in ANK implants only. No significant differences between ANK and TIU could be detected in neither vertical position for PBL and BICP. However, a tendency in favor of ANK was visible when the implants were placed subcrestally. In the parameters HBD (ANK equicrestal -0.23mm; TIU equicrestal -0.51mm; ANK subcrestal +0.19mm; TIU subcrestal -0.57mm) and SLO (ANK equicrestal 35.36 degrees; TIU equicrestal 63.22 degrees; ANK subcrestal 20.40 degrees; TIU subcrestal 44.43 degrees) more pronounced and significant differences were noted.Conclusions: Within the limits of this study, it is concluded that different microgap designs cause different shapes and sizes of the periimplant ('dish-shaped') bone defect in submerged implants both in equicrestal and subcrestal positions.