940 resultados para T-Lymphocyte Subsets -- secretion
Taking advantage of homeostatic mechanisms to boost tumor-specific cellular immunity is raising increasing interest in the development of therapeutic strategies in the treatment of melanoma. Here, we have explored the potential of combining homeostatic proliferation, after transient immunosuppression, and antigenic stimulation of Melan-A/Mart-1 specific CD8 T-cells. In an effort to develop protocols that could be readily applicable to the clinic, we have designed a phase I clinical trial, involving lymphodepleting chemotherapy with Busulfan and Fludarabine, reinfusion of Melan-A specific CD8 T-cell containing peripheral blood mononuclear cells (exempt of growth factors), and Melan-A peptide vaccination. Six patients with advanced melanoma were enrolled in this outpatient regimen that demonstrated good feasibility combined with low toxicity. Consistent depletion of lymphocytes with persistent increased CD4/CD8 ratios was induced, although the proportion of circulating CD4 regulatory T-cells remained mostly unchanged. The study of the immune reconstitution period showed a steady recovery of whole T-cell numbers overtime. However, expansion of Melan-A specific CD8 T-cells, as measured in peripheral blood, was mostly inconsistent, accompanied with marginal phenotypic changes, despite vaccination with Melan-A/Mart-1 peptide. On the clinical level, 1 patient presented a partial but objective antitumor response following the beginning of the protocol, even though a direct effect of Busulfan/Fludarabine cannot be completely ruled out. Overall, these data provide further ground for the development of immunotherapeutic approaches to be both effective against melanoma and applicable in clinic.
OBJECTIVE: A distinct subset of proinflammatory CD4+ T cells that produce interleukin-17 was recently identified. These cells are implicated in different autoimmune disease models, such as experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and collagen-induced arthritis, but their involvement in human autoimmune disease has not yet been clearly established. The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency and functional properties of Th17 cells in healthy donors and in patients with different autoimmune diseases. METHODS: Peripheral blood was obtained from 10 psoriatic arthritis (PsA), 10 ankylosing spondylitis (AS), 10 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and 5 vitiligo patients, as well as from 25 healthy donors. Synovial tissue samples from a separate group of patients were also evaluated (obtained as paraffin-embedded sections). Peripheral blood cells were analyzed by multiparameter flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Cytokine production was examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and intracellular cytokine staining using specific monoclonal antibodies. Synovial tissue was examined for infiltrating T cells by immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: We found increased numbers of circulating Th17 cells in the peripheral blood of patients with seronegative spondylarthritides (PsA and AS), but not in patients with RA or vitiligo. In addition, Th17 cells from the spondylarthritis patients showed advanced differentiation and were polyfunctional in terms of T cell receptor-driven cytokine production. CONCLUSION: These observations suggest a role of Th17 cells in the pathogenesis of certain human autoimmune disorders, in particular the seronegative spondylarthritides.
Senescence is a normal biological process that occurs in all organisms and involves a decline in cell functions. This process is caused by molecular regulatory machinery alterations, and it is closely related to telomere erosion in chromosomes. In the context of the immune system, this phenomenon is known as immunosenescence and refers to the immune function deregulation. Therefore, functions of several cells involved in the innate and adaptive immune responses are severely compromised with age progression (e.g., changes in lymphocyte subsets, decreased proliferative responses, chronic inflammatory states, etc.). These alterations make elderly individuals prone to not only infectious diseases but also to malignancy and autoimmunity. This review will explore the molecular aspects of processes related to cell aging, their importance in the context of the immune system, and their participation in elderly SLE patients
Lymphocyte subsets, activation markers and apoptosis were assessed in 20 HIV-exposed noninfected (ENI) children born to HIV-infected women who were or not exposed to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs during pregnancy and early infancy. ENI children and adolescents were aged 6-18 years and they were compared to 25 age-matched healthy non-HIV-exposed children and adolescents (Control). ENI individuals presented lower CD4(+) T cells/mm(3) than Control group (control: 1120.3 vs. ENI: 876.3; t-test, p=0.030). ENI individuals had higher B-cell apoptosis than Control group (Control: 36.6%, ARV exposed: 82.3%, ARV nonexposed: 68.5%; Kruskal-Wallis, p < 0.05), but no statistical difference was noticed between those exposed and not exposed to ARV. Immune activation in CD4(+) T, CD8(+) T and in B cells was comparable in ENI and in Control children and adolescents. Subtle long-term immune alterations might persist among ENI individuals, but the clinical consequences if any are unknown, and these children require continued monitoring.
Background: Inhibitory signals mediated via molecules such as programmed death-1 (PD-1) play a critical role in downmodulating immune responses and maintaining peripheral tolerance. We investigated the involvement of cytokines and PD-1 engagement in mediating the T-cell unresponsiveness to bacterial and ubiquitous antigens in periodontal diseases. Methods: Gingival and peripheral blood samples from healthy individuals and patients with chronic periodontitis were collected and used for the subsequent assays. Leukocytes in the lesion site and blood were evaluated using flow cytometry. The production of interferon-gamma, interleukin-10, and transforming growth factor-P proteins was evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the presence of PD-1+cells in the inflamed gingiva was confirmed by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy for CD4 and PD-1 colocalization. Results: T cells from patients with chronic periodontitis proliferated poorly in response to Aggregatibacter actinomycetem comitans (previously Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans) antigen. T-cell unresponsiveness was not associated with imbalanced cytokine production. However, T cells from patients with chronic periodontitis expressed significantly higher levels of PD-1 either upon isolation or after culture with antigens. Moreover, PD-1 blocking did not result in significant T-cell proliferation in cells cultured with phytohemagglutinin or bacterial antigens. The blockade of PD-1 resulted in the increased production of IFN-gamma. In addition, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing PD-1 accumulated in lesions with chronic periodontitis. Conclusion: These data show that PD-1 engagement could be involved in the modulation of IFN-gamma production by T cells in patients with chronic periodontitis. J Periodontol 2009,80:1833-1844.
Strains of mice with maximal and minimal acute inflammatory responsiveness (AIRmax and AIRmin, respectively) were developed through selective breeding based on their high- or low-acute inflammatory responsiveness. Previous reports have shown that AIRmax mice are more resistant to the development of a variety of tumours than AIRmin mice, including spontaneous metastasis of murine melanoma. Natural killer activity is involved in immunosurveillance against tumour development, so we analysed the number and activity of natural killer cells (CD49b(+)), T-lymphocyte subsets and in vitro cytokine production by spleen cells of normal AIRmax and AIRmin mice. Analysis of lymphocyte subsets by flow cytometry showed that AIRmax mice had a higher relative number of CD49b(+) cells than AIRmin mice, as well as cytolytic activity against Yac.1 target cells. The number of CD3(+) CD8(+) cells was also higher in AIRmax mice. These findings were associated with the ability of spleen cells from AIRmax mice in vitro to produce higher levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-12p40 and interferon-gamma but not the anti-inflammatory interleukin-10. Taken together, our data suggest that the selective breeding to achieve the AIRmax and AIRmin strains was able to polarize the genes associated with cytotoxic activity, which can be responsible for the antitumour resistance observed in AIRmax mice.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o perfil da deficiência imune em um grupo bem definido de epilepsia: crianças com síndrome de West (SW) e seus padrões EEG de evolução, idade-dependentes, como os complexos onda-aguda- onda lenta generalizadas da síndrome de Lenox-Gastaut (SLG) e as pontas multifocais independentes (PMI). MÉTODO: Um grupo de 50 crianças, 33 com SW, 10 com SLG, 7 com PMI e 20 crianças sadias (controle) foram avaliadas em relação aos seguintes parâmetros:determinação de subpopulações de linfócitos T (CD1, CD3, CD4 e CD8), relação CD4/CD8 e resposta proliferativa de linfócitos frente a fitohemaglutinina (PHA), na presença de plasma autólogo ou de plasma AB (homólogo). A prova cutânea de sensibilização ao Dinitroclorobenzeno (DNCB) foi realizada apenas nos pacientes. Os níveis séricos de IgG, IgA e IgM foram comparados aos valores normais em crianças Brasileiras, em diferentes faixas etárias. RESULTADOS: A resposta ao DNCB foi ausente ou fracamente reativa em 76% dos pacientes. Níveis séricos elevados de IgG (45,7%) e de IgM (61,4%) e baixos de IgA (23,9%) foram detectados nos pacientes. A determinação das subpopulações de linfócitos T em sangue periférico mostrou: deficiência nas proporções de células CD3+ (p<0,05) e de CD4+ (p<0,05), aumento de CD8+ (p<0,01) e diminuição da relação CD4 / CD8 (p<0,001). A proporção de células CD1+ no grupo controle manteve-se menor que 3%, enquanto que em 18% dos pacientes esses níveis variaram entre 3 e 11%. A resposta proliferativa de linfócitos frente a PHA revelou índices blastogênicos significativamente mais baixos apenas quando células dos pacientes foram cultivadas na presença do próprio plasma (plasma autólogo). Quando estas células foram cultivadas na presença de plasma AB, não se evidenciou diferença significativa em relação ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: A imunodeficiência na SW caracterizou-se por: anergia, alteração de imunidade mediada por células e dos níveis de imunoglobulinas, presença de timócitos imaturos na circulação periférica e deficiência funcional de linfócitos T induzida por fatores plasmáticos inibidores. Discutem-se as principais evidências de disfunção imune como imunodeficiência e autoimunidade.
A citometria de fluxo é um método emergente na medicina veterinária que permite a identificação e quantificação de células em suspensão. Apesar do custo elevado e da necessidade de técnicos especializados para realização da avaliação citofluorométrica, esta técnica tem uma ampla aplicação na hematologia veterinária, incluindo a avaliação de células-tronco hematopoiéticas, eritrócitos, leucócitos e plaquetas. O grande potencial de aplicação clínica da citometria de fluxo inclui a quantificação das células CD34+ como indicação da capacidade de reconstituição hematopoiética após o transplante de células-tronco e das subpopulações linfocitárias para avaliação da resposta imune frente aos transplantes e às doenças que acometem os animais. Projetos científicos sobre a avaliação citofluorométrica das células-tronco e subpopulações linfocitárias de cães têm sido desenvolvidos com sucesso por pesquisadores da área de hematologia veterinária na Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Campus de Jaboticabal. Portanto, no futuro, a citometria de fluxo deve se tornar uma técnica de rotina em laboratórios veterinários no Brasil.
The alcoholic liver cirrhosis usually causes overall immunological changes which might be attributed to either the hepatic disease itself, to ethanol action and/or to malnourishment of the patient. These immune abnormalities comprise both cellular and humoral immunity, consisting of increased immunoglobulin levels, depressed late-skin response to antigens, lowered proliferative response of lymphocytes to mitogens, lower plasma levels of complement proteins (C3 and C4) and by either lower (IL2 and gamma IF) or increased (IL1, TNF, IL6 and IL8) cytokine levels. Parallel to the systemic immune suppression found in most patients, there is also a concomitant local, genetically based, immune stimulation at the liver level which leads to hepatic self-aggression. The systemic immune-suppression could be responsible for periodical infections or neoplasia found in these patients. The possible factors for the immune exhaustion are: a) lower hepatic clearance of toxins and/or bacteria; b) lower hepatic synthesis of complement components; c) cytokines (IL2 and gamma IF) deficiencies, and d) deficiencies of nutrients related to the antioxidant and/or immune defense mechanisms. The immune stimulation of the liver self aggression is characterized by the preferential migration of cytotoxic T cell and neutrophils to the liver, following stimulatory factors such as Mallory bodies, acetaldehyde and/or antibodies. Moreover, the local increase of cytokines (IL1, TNF, IL6 and IL8) levels would be liable for the local phagocyte chemotaxy (IL8) or part of liver injury (TNF) eased by the lower antioxidant defense of the cirrhotic liver.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The aim of the present investigation was to study the distribution of T-cell subsets in peripheral blood defined by monoclonal antibodies and by the lymphocyte proliferative response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in 30 children with febrile seizures and in 14 age-matched control subjects. Frequent respiratory, urinary and dermatologic infections were observed in 22 patients. The immunologic parameters showed that 64% of the patients presented an increased number of CD8+ cells and a low helper/suppressor ratio was observed in 60% of the patients. In addition, the proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA was impaired in the patients It was observed the presence of inhibitory activity on lymphocyte function in the plasma of 33% of children with febrile seizures. These results suggest that patients with febrile seizures have an impairment of cellular immunity that may be connected with this epileptic syndrome and explain the infections observed.
Kala-azar is the visceral form of leishmaniasis and it is caused by intracellular parasites from the complex Leishmania donovani. Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) infected with Leishmania donovani develop a disease very similar to human Kala-azar. There is conspicuous hipergammaglobulinaemia and their T cells do not respond to stimulation with parasite antigens. We used this experimental model to evaluate the natural killer (NK) activity during the initial phase of the disease. Outbred hamsters infected by intravenous route with 5.106 amastigotes of L. donovani 1S showed a concurrent increase in the spleen weight and in the spleen cell number. Using the single cell assay we detected a significant increase in the percentage of NK effector cells on the 4th day of infection. Imprints from spleen and liver showed at days 14 and 28 a significant increase in the parasite burden. These results show that the increased NK activity in the beginning of the infection was not able to restrain the progression of the disease in this experimental model.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Considering the importance of umbilical cord blood as a potential source of stem cell and, on the other hand, the use of the domestic swine (Sus scrofa) as a useful model for biomedical research in regenerative medicine and aiming to contribute about the quantification of lymphocyte subsets in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of newborn piglets, this study aimed to quantify CD4+, CD5+ and CD8+ cells from umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood from pigs at term blood samples. Were analyzed samples of the umbilical cord blood and peripheral of 48 piglets of Topigs lineage, from healthy mothers, artificially inseminated and natural birth. Blood samples were collected from the umbilical cord at birth, by the umbilical vein, and peripheral blood by venous sinus retro-ophthalmic. The immunological measurements of CD4+, CD5+ and CD8+ were obtained by flow cytometry. The relative average values for the CD4+, CD5+ e CD8+ counts in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of newborn piglets were inferior to those reported for peripheral blood in adult pigs, suggesting immunological immaturity. The ratio CD4+:CD8+ in umbilical cord blood (3.2±1.2%) and peripheral blood (3.2±1.7%) showed a predominance of TCD4+ over TCD8+. The percentage of CD4+ and CD8+ cells was 1.37±0.86% and 1.15±0.57%, respectively, in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood.