986 resultados para Szymanowski, Józef, 1748-1801.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Depuis les quatre dernières décennies, des publications célèbres analysent l’histoire, l’art et l’architecture de la psychiatrie de la fin du dix-neuvième siècle afin de dénoncer les aspects négatifs de la science psychiatrique : voyeurisme sur la personne du fou, déshumanisation de l’asile, autoglorification du psychiatre, abus de pouvoir. C’est ce regard à sens unique que j’ai voulu déjouer dans cette thèse en consacrant ma recherche aux œuvres produites en amont de cette période. Leur analyse a permis de prendre conscience de l’autre versant de la science psychiatrique, celui qui est philanthropique, bienveillant et animé d’un réel espoir de guérison. Mon objectif a été de construire, par l’analyse de ce domaine iconographique inédit ou négligé, une nouvelle histoire de la naissance de la psychiatrie, celle de sa culture visuelle. Une histoire qui révèle ses idéaux du début du siècle et les écarts à ses propres aspirations par son besoin de légitimation et de professionnalisation. Ma thèse propose une enquête épistémologique de l’histoire de l’aliénisme français, par le biais du discours porté par les œuvres d’art commandées par ses fondateurs. Le premier chapitre est consacré aux premiers asiles conçus comme le prolongement du corps du psychiatre et ils sont analysés selon les valeurs de la nouvelle science. Je me suis appliquée à y démontrer que le concept même d’asile, agissant sur nos sensations et sur notre cognition, relève autant des théories architecturales des Lumières que des besoins spécifiques de l’aliénisme. Le deuxième chapitre identifie, pour la première fois, un ensemble de portraits de la première génération d’aliénistes et de leurs disciples. J’argumente que ce corpus voulait imposer l’image de l’aliéniste comme modèle de raison et établir sa profession. Pour ce faire, il s’éloigne des premières représentations des aliénistes, paternalistes, et philanthropiques. Le troisième chapitre analyse les représentations des aliénés produites pour les traités fondateurs de la psychiatrie publiés en France. Le vecteur de mon analyse et le grand défi pour l’art et la science viennent de l’éthique des premiers psychiatres : comment représenter la maladie mentale sans réduire le malade à un être essentiellement autre ? Une première phase de production accorde à l’aliéné autonomie et subjectivité. Mais la nécessité d’objectiver le malade pour répondre aux besoins scientifiques de l’aliénisme a, à nouveau, relégué l’aliéné à l’altérité. Le sujet du quatrième et dernier chapitre est le cycle décoratif de la chapelle de l’hospice de Charenton (1844-1846), principal asile parisien de l’époque. J’y interroge comment l’art religieux a pu avoir un rôle face à la psychiatrie, en empruntant à l’iconographie religieuse sa force et sa puissance pour manifester l’autorité de l’aliéniste jusque dans la chapelle de l’asile. Le dix-neuvième siècle a été porteur d’espoirs en la reconnaissance de la liberté des êtres et de l’égalité des droits entre les personnes. Ces espoirs ont pourtant été déçus et les œuvres de l’aliénisme montrent un nouvel aspect de ces promesses non tenues envers les groupes fragilisés de la société, promesses de reconnaissance de leur subjectivité, de leur autonomie et de leur dignité.


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Fish, a natural resource, has received great attention from all over the world. since it provides a cheap protein, employment and income to the millions of people for centuries. So fishermen, industrialist and multinationals are trying to exploit the marine resources to their maximum benefit by using modern craft, advance fishing equipments and efficient gear. Fishery resources in the open system particularly in oceans, were considered to be unlimited. However, recent developments in the innovation of efficient craft and gear using well tested material fitted with modern equipments that have greatly enhanced the mobility of craft, agility of gear and the ability of equipments to locate fishery resources have proved otherwise. Hence as the exploitation increases with more effort entering the fishery, the catch per unit of fishing effort starts to decline due to the limitness of the resources. The heavy fishing pressure in the recent past led to commercial extinction of a number of stocks such as. the North Sea herring, California sardine, Japanese Sardine and Peruvian anchovy (FAO. 1968: Gulland, 1974). In India, seer fish from Palk-Bay declined due to uncontrolled fishing (Devaraj 1983).


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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A two-factor experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of cage colour (black or white 0.5 m3 experiment cages) and light environment (natural sunlight or reduced level of natural sunlight) on the skin colour of darkened Australian snapper. Each treatment was replicated four times and each replicate cage was stocked with five snapper (mean weight=351 g). Snapper exposed to natural sunlight were held in experimental cages located in outdoor tanks. An approximately 70% reduction in natural sunlight (measured as PAR) was established by holding snapper in experimental cages that were housed inside a 'shade-house' enclosure. The skin colour of anaesthetized fish was measured at stocking and after a 2-, 7- and 14-day exposure using a digital chroma-meter (Minolta CR-10) that quantified skin colour according to the L*a*b* colour space. At the conclusion of the experiment, fish were killed in salt water ice slurry and post-mortem skin colour was quantified after 0.75, 6 and 22 h respectively. In addition to these trials, an ad hoc market appraisal of chilled snapper (mean weight=409 g) that had been held in either white or in black cages was conducted at two local fish markets. Irrespective of the sampling time, skin lightness (L*) was significantly affected by cage colour (P<0.05), with fish in white cages having much higher L* values (L*≈64) than fish held in black cages (L*≈49). However, the value of L* was not significantly affected by the light environment or the interaction between cage colour and the light environment. In general, the L* values of anaesthetized snapper were sustained post mortem, but there were linear reductions in the a* (red) and b* (yellow) skin colour values of chilled snapper over time. According to the commercial buyers interviewed, chilled snapper that had been reared for a short period of time in white cages could demand a premium of 10–50% above the prices paid for similar-sized snapper reared in black cages. Our results demonstrate that short-term use of white cages can reduce the dark skin colour of farmed snapper, potentially improving the profitability of snapper farming.


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Three 2-factor experiments were conducted to determine the effects of background colour and synthetic carotenoids on the skin colour of Australian snapper Pagrus auratus. Initially, we evaluated the effects on skin colour of supplementing diets for 50 days with 60 mg kg−1 of either astaxanthin (LP; Lucantin®Pink), canthaxanthin (LR; Lucantin® Red), apocarotenoic acid ethyl ester (LY; Lucantin® Yellow), selected combinations of the above or no carotenoids and holding snapper (mean weight=88 g) in either white or black cages. In a second experiment, all snapper (mean weight=142 g) from Experiment 1 were transferred from black to white, or white to white cages to measure the short-term effects of cage colour on skin L*, a* and b* colour values. Skin colour was measured after 7 and 14 days, and total carotenoid concentrations were determined after 14 days.

Cage colour was the dominant factor affecting the skin lightness of snapper with fish from white cages much lighter than fish from black cages. Diets containing astaxanthin conferred greatest skin pigmentation and there were no differences in redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) values between snapper fed 30 or 60 mg astaxanthin kg−1. Snapper fed astaxanthin in white cages displayed greater skin yellowness than those in black cages. Transferring snapper from black to white cages increased skin lightness but was not as effective as growing snapper in white cages for the entire duration. Snapper fed astaxanthin diets and transferred from black to white cages were less yellow than those transferred from white to white cages despite the improvement in skin lightness (L*), and the total carotenoid concentration of the skin of fish fed astaxanthin diets was lower in white cages. Diets containing canthaxanthin led to a low level of deposition in the skin while apocarotenoic acid ethyl ester did not alter total skin carotenoid content or skin colour values in snapper.

In a third experiment, we examined the effects of dietary astaxanthin (diets had 60 mg astaxanthin kg−1 or no added carotenoids) and cage colour (black, white, red or blue) on skin colour of snapper (mean weight=88 g) after 50 days. Snapper fed the astaxanthin diet were more yellow when held in red or white cages compared with fish held in black or blue cages despite similar feed intake and growth. The skin lightness (L* values) was correlated with cage L* values, with the lightest fish obtained from white cages. The results of this study suggest that snapper should be fed 30 mg astaxanthin kg−1 in white cages for 50 days to increase lightness and the red colouration prized in Australian markets.


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The unnaturally dark pigmentation of cultured Australian snapper Pagrus auratus can be improved through dietary astaxanthin supplementation and by holding fish in tanks with a white background. The practical application of these  laboratory-based findings was examined with two experiments to establish if the advantages of transferring fish to light coloured tanks before harvest could be achieved on-farm using white cages and to determine the effects of fish density on skin colour. For the first experiment, snapper (mean TL=29.7 cm) were transferred from a commercial snapper sea cage to black or white netted cages and fed diets supplemented with unesterified astaxanthin (supplied as Lucantin® Pink, BASF) at 0 or 39 mg kg−1 for 42 days. Skin colour was measured using the CIE L* (black–white), a* (green–red), b* (blue–yellow) colour scale. Snapper held in white netting cages became significantly lighter (higher L* ) than snapper held in black cages; however, values were not as high as previous laboratory-based studies in which snapper were held in white plastic-lined cages. Snapper fed astaxanthin displayed significantly greater a*and b* values, and total carotenoid concentrations after 42 days. In addition, total carotenoids were higher in fish from black than white cages. The second experiment was designed to investigate whether density reduced the improvements in skin colour achieved by holding fish in white coloured cages and whether cage colour affected stress. Snapper (mean weight=435 g) were acclimated to black cages and fed 39 mg kg−1 astaxanthin for 44 days before transferring to black or white plastic-lined cages at 14 (low), 29 (mid) or 45 (high) kg m−3 for 7 days after which time skin colour, plasma cortisol and plasma glucose concentrations were measured. Skin lightness (L* ) was greater in snapper transferred to white plastic-lined cages with the lightest coloured fish obtained from the lowest density after 7 days. Density had no effect on plasma cortisol or glucose levels after 7 days, although plasma cortisol was elevated in snapper from black cages. For improved skin colouration we recommend feeding unesterified astaxanthin at 39 mg kg−1 for approximately 6 weeks and transferring snapper to white plastic-lined cages or similar at low densities for short periods before harvest rather than producing fish in white netting sea cages subject to biofouling.


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In an attempt to improve post-harvest skin colour in cultured Australian snapper Pagrus auratus, a two-factor experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of a short-term change in cage colour before harvest, followed by immersion in K+-enriched solutions of different concentrations. Snapper supplemented with 39 mg unesterified astaxanthin kg−1 for 50 days were transferred to black (for 1 day) or white cages (for 1 or 7 days) before euthanasia by immersing fish in seawater ice slurries supplemented with 0, 150, 300, 450 or 600 mmol L−1 K+ for 1 h. Each treatment was replicated with five snapper (mean weight=838 g) held individually within 0.2 m3 cages. L*, a* and b* skin colour values of all fish were measured after removal from K+ solutions at 0, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h. After immersion in K+ solutions, fish were stored on ice. Both cage colour and K+ concentration significantly affected post-harvest skin colour (P<0.05), and there was no interaction between these factors at any of the measurement times (P>0.05). Conditioning dark-coloured snapper in white surroundings for 1 day was sufficient to significantly improve skin lightness (L*) after death. Although there was no difference between skin lightness values for fish held for either 1 or 7 days in white cages at measurement times up to 12 h, fish held in white cages for 7 days had significantly higher L* values (i.e. they were lighter) after 24 and 48 h of storage on ice than those held only in white cages for 1 day. K+ treatment also affected (improved) skin lightness post harvest although not until 24 and 48 h after removal of fish from solutions. Before this time, K+ treatment had no effect on skin lightness. Snapper killed by seawater ice slurry darkened (lower L*) markedly during the first 3 h of storage in contrast with all K+ treatments that prevented darkening. After 24 and 48 h of storage on ice, fish exposed to 450 and 600 mmol L−1 K+ were significantly lighter than fish from seawater ice slurries. In addition, skin redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) were strongly dependent on K+ concentration. The initial decline in response to K+ was overcome by a return of a* and b* values with time, most likely instigated by a redispersal of erythrosomes in skin erythrophores. Fish killed with 0 mmol L−1 K+ maintained the highest a* and b* values after death, but were associated with darker (lower L*) skin colouration. It is concluded that a combination of conditioning snapper in white surroundings for 1 day before harvest, followed by immersion in seawater ice slurries supplemented with 300–450 mmol L−1 K+ improves skin pigmentation after >24 h of storage on ice.


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A single-factor experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary astaxanthin concentration on the skin colour of snapper. Snapper (mean weight=129 g) were held in white cages and fed one of seven dietary levels of unesterified astaxanthin (0, 13, 26, 39, 52, 65 or 78 mg astaxanthin kg−1) for 63 days. Treatments comprised four replicate cages, each containing five fish. The skin colour of all fish was quantified using the CIE L*, a*, b* colour scale after 21, 42 and 63 days. In addition, total carotenoid concentrations of the skin of two fish cage−1 were determined after 63 days. Supplementing diets with astaxanthin strongly affected redness (a*) and yellowness (b*) values of the skin at all sampling times. After 21 days, the a* values increased linearly as the dietary astaxanthin concentration was increased before a plateau was attained between 39 and 78 mg kg−1. The b* values similarly increased above basal levels in all astaxanthin diets. By 42 days, a* and b* values increased in magnitude while a plateau remained between 39 and 78 mg kg−1. After 63 days, there were no further increases in measured colour values, suggesting that maximum pigmentation was imparted in the skin of snapper fed diets >39 mg kg−1 after 42 days. Similarly, there were no differences in total carotenoid concentrations of the skin of snapper fed diets >39 mg kg−1 after 63 days. The plateaus that occurred in a* and b* values, while still increasing in magnitude between 21 and 42 days, indicate that the rate of astaxanthin deposition in snapper is limited and astaxanthin in diets containing >39 mg astaxanthin kg−1 is not efficiently utilized. Astaxanthin retention after 63 days was greatest from the 13 mg kg−1 diet; however, skin pigmentation was not adequate. An astaxanthin concentration of 39 mg kg−1 provided the second greatest retention in the skin while obtaining maximum pigmentation. To efficiently maximize skin pigmentation, snapper growers should commence feeding diets containing a minimum of 39 mg unesterified astaxanthin kg−1 at least 42 days before sale.


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A two-factor experiment was carried out to investigate the change in skin colour and plasma cortisol response of cultured Australian snapper Pagrus auratus to a change in background colour. Snapper (mean weight=437 g) were held in black or white tanks and fed diets containing 39 mg unesterified astaxanthin kg−1 for 49 days before being transferred from white tanks to black cages (WB) or black tanks to white cages (BW). Skin colour values [L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness)] of all snapper were measured at stocking (t=0 days) and from cages of fish randomly assigned to each sampling time at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days. Plasma cortisol was measured in anaesthetized snapper following colour measurements at 0, 1 and 7 days. Fish from additional black-to-black (BB) and white-to-white (WW) control treatments were also sampled for colour and cortisol at those times. Rapid changes occurred in skin lightness (L* values) after altering background colour with maximum change in L* values for BW and WB treatments occurring within 1 day. Skin redness (a*) of BW snapper continued to steadily decrease over the 7 days (a*=7.93 × e−0.051 × time). Plasma cortisol concentrations were highest at stocking when fish were held at greater densities and were not affected by cage colour. The results of this study suggest that transferring dark coloured snapper to white cages for 1 day is sufficient to affect the greatest benefit in terms of producing light coloured fish while minimizing the reduction in favourable red skin colouration.


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Para Rhinoclemmys punctularia punctularia (DAUDIN, 1801), até o presente trabalho, não existiam estudos mais aprofundados que abordassem sua ecologia em ambiente natural. Em geral, os trabalhos existentes são baseados em poucos registros em diferentes locais de abrangência da espécie e dados de animais em de cativeiro, tais trabalhos descrevem a espécie como generalista em relação à sua alimentação e ao uso de ambientes. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o uso de ambientes, a estrutura populacional e estimar as constantes de crescimento de Rhinoclemmys punctularia punctularia na Ilha de Algodoal/Maiandeua. Como metodologia foram realizadas pescarias experimentais em diferentes ambientes da APA de Algodoal/Maiandeua, entre os anos de 2008 e 2009. Dos ambientes amostrados foram capturados espécimes somente ambientes sem influência de águas marinhas e com abundantes recursos alimentares, tais como frutos de Annona sp. e Chysobalanus sp.. Dos ambientes utilizados por R. p. punctularia (igapó, poças temporárias e lagoas de região de planície), os maiores rendimentos foram encontrados nos lagoas de região de planície, onde há uma maior disponibilidade de frutos de Annona sp. e Chysobalanus sp nos corpos d’água que a espécie ocupa. A população de R. p. punctularia em Algodoal/Maiandeua é composta principalmente por indivíduos adultos e é levemente desviada para fêmeas (0.43 machos). O comprimento médio das fêmeas é de 195.42±18 mm (amplitude de 43-226 mm) (n=68) enquanto os machos é de 167±12.7 mm (amplitude de 133-197mm) (n=64), sendo as fêmeas estatisticamente maiores que os machos (U=454.02; GL= 132; p=0.0001; n=132). Em ambos os sexos houve uma relação significativamente negativa entre a taxa de crescimento e comprimento da carapaça. Através do modelo de von Bertallanfy foi estimado um valor de k=0.19 ano-1 para os machos e de k=0.16 ano-1 para as fêmeas, já os valores de L∞ foram de 207.36 mm e 237.89 mm para os machos e para as fêmeas, respectivamente. Ao alcançarem o CRC de 237 mm para as fêmeas e de 207 mm para os machos, a espécie atinge a idade de aproximadamente 33 anos em ambos os sexos.


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A dieta e a ecologia alimentar de juvenis de Lutjanus jocu foram verificadas em 92 espécimes coletados em quatro canais de maré do estuário do rio Curuçá, Norte do Brasil, entre setembro de 2003 e julho de 2004. O comprimento total dos peixes coletados não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os meses amostrados. A intensidade alimentar foi elevada conforme indicado pelos altos valores do índice de repleção estomacal e os baixos valores do índice de vacuidade. A presa mais importante foi Penaeidae, seguida por Grapsidae e Porcellanidae. A dieta de juvenis de L. jocu apresentou diferenças sazonais evidentes. Os espécimes da estação seca (setembro e novembro) e transição seca/chuvosa (janeiro) foram considerados especialistas alimentando-se exclusivamente de Penaeidae. No entanto, os espécimes da estação chuvosa (março e maio) e da transição chuvosa/seca (julho), que alimentaram-se principalmente de Grapsidae, Penaeidae e Porcellanidae, foram considerados generalistas. Esta mudança sazonal na dieta poderia estar relacionada com a disponibilidade do alimento.