994 resultados para Symmetric Quantum-mechanics
A quaternionic version of Quantum Mechanics is constructed using the Schwinger's formulation based on measurements and a Variational Principle. Commutation relations and evolution equations are provided, and the results are compared with other formulations.
We consider the scattering of a photon by a weak gravitational field, treated as an external field, up to second order of the perturbation expansion. The resulting cross section is energy dependent which indicates a violation of Galileo's equivalence principle (universality of free fall) and, consequently, of the classical equivalence principle. The deflection angle theta for a photon passing by the sun is evaluated afterward and the likelihood of detecting Delta theta/theta(E) theta-theta(E)/theta(E) (where theta(E) is the value predicted by Einstein's geometrical theory for the light bending) in the foreseeable future, is discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The importance and usefulness of renormalization are emphasized in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The momentum space treatment of both two-body bound state and scattering problems involving some potentials singular at the origin exhibits ultraviolet divergence. The use of renormalization techniques in these problems leads to finite converged results for both the exact and perturbative solutions. The renormalization procedure is carried out for the quantum two-body problem in different partial waves for a minimal potential possessing only the threshold behaviour and no form factors. The renormalized perturbative and exact solutions for this problem are found to be consistent with each other. The useful role of the renormalization group equations for this problem is also pointed out.
There is a four-parameter family of point interactions in one-dimensional quantum mechanics. They represent all possible self-adjoint extensions of the kinetic energy operator. If time-reversal invariance is imposed, the number of parameters is reduced to three. One of these point interactions is the familiar delta function potential but the other generalized ones do not seem to be widely known. We present a pedestrian approach to this subject and comment on a recent controversy in the literature concerning the so-called delta' interaction. We emphasize that there is little resemblance between the delta' interaction and what its name suggests.
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics can be used to obtain the spectrum and eigenstates of one-dimensional Hamiltonians. It is particularly useful when applied to partially solvable potentials because a superalgebra allows us to compute the spectrum state by state. Some solutions for the truncated Coulomb potential, an asymptotically linear potential, and a nonpolynomial potential are shown to exemplify the method.
In the usual supersymmetric quantum mechanics, the supercharges change the eigenfunction from the bosonic to fermionic sector and conversely. The classical correspondent of this transformation is shown to be the addition of a total time derivative of a purely imaginary function to the Lagrangian function of the system.
The formalism of supersymmetric quantum mechanics supplies a trial wave function to be used in the variational method. The screened Coulomb potential is analyzed within this approach. Numerical and exact results for energy eigenvalues are compared.
The energy states of the confined harmonic oscillator and the Hulthén potentials are evaluated using the Variational Method associated to Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics.
It is commonly assumed that the equivalence principle can coexist without conflict with quantum mechanics. We shall argue here that, contrary to popular belief, this principle does not hold in quantum mechanics. We illustrate this point by computing the second-order correction for the scattering of a massive scalar boson by a weak gravitational field, treated as an external field. The resulting cross-section turns out to be mass-dependent. A way out of this dilemma would be, perhaps, to consider gravitation without the equivalence principle. At first sight, this seems to be a too much drastic attitude toward general relativity. Fortunately, the teleparallel version of general relativity - a description of the gravitational interaction by a force similar to the Lorentz force of electromagnetism and that, of course, dispenses with the equivalence principle - is equivalent to general relativity, thus providing a consistent theory for gravitation in the absence of the aforementioned principle. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
As far as external gravitational fields described by Newton's theory are concerned, theory shows that there is an unavoidable conflict between the universality of free fall (Galileo's equivalence principle) and quantum mechanics - a result confirmed by experiment. Is this conflict due perhaps to the use of Newton's gravity, instead of general relativity, in the analysis of the external gravitational field? The response is negative. To show this we compute the low corrections to the cross-section for the scattering of different quantum particles by an external gravitational field, treated as an external field, in the framework of Einstein's linearized gravity. To first order the cross-sections are spin-dependent; if the calculations are pushed to the next order they become dependent upon energy as well. Therefore, the Galileo's equivalence and, consequently, the classical equivalence principle, is violated in both cases. We address these issues here.
We derive an infinite set of conserved charges for some Z(N) symmetric quantum spin models by constructing their Lax pairs. These models correspond to the Potts model, Ashkin-Teller model and the particular set of self-dual Z(N) models solved by Fateev and Zamolodchikov [6]. The exact ground state energy for this last family of hamiltonians is also presented. © 1986.
An extensive investigation of strontium titanate, SrTiO3 (STO), nanospheres synthesized via a microwave-assisted hydrothermal (MAH) method has been conducted to gain a better insight into thermodynamic, kinetic, and reaction phenomena involved in STO nucleation and crystal growth processes. To this end, quantum chemical modeling based on the density functional theory and periodic super cell models were done. Several experimental techniques were employed to get a deep characterization of structural and optical features of STO nanospheres. A possible formation mechanism was proposed, based on dehydration of titanium and strontium clusters followed by mesoscale transformation and a self-assembly process along an oriented attachment mechanism resulting in spherical like shape. Raman and XANES analysis renders a noncentrosymmetric environment for the octahedral titanium, while infrared and first order Raman modes reveal OH groups which are unsystematically incorporated into uncoordinated superficial sites. These results seem to indicate that the key component is the presence of distorted TiO6 clusters to engender a luminescence property. Analysis of band structure, density Of states, and charge map shows that there is a close relationship among local broken symmetry, polarization, and energy split of the 3d orbitals of titanium. The interplay among these electronic and structural features provides necessary conditions to evaluate its luminescent properties under two energy excitation.