156 resultados para Swap
天然免疫分子TRIM5α(tripartite motif protein 5α)是近年来发现的一种重要的宿主细胞内逆转录病毒限制因子。在灵长类动物细胞中,TRIM5α蛋白可以在病毒进入细胞后、逆转录前的阶段抑制HIV-1、N-MLV和EIAV等逆转录病毒的复制。由于TRIM5α分子的作用,绝大部分旧大陆猴(Old World monkey)都不能感染HIV-1。而在新大陆猴(New World monkey)中,鹰猴是唯一不感染HIV-1的灵长类动物。研究证明,鹰猴细胞中存在的TRIM5-CypA融合蛋白(owl monkey TRIM5-CypA,omTRIMCyp)介导了抗HIV-1的作用,从而使鹰猴不能感染HIV-1。研究证明,平顶猴是旧大陆猴中唯一报道可以感染HIV-1的灵长类动物,但是其感染HIV-1的机制并不清楚。根据现行的灵长类动物分类学,原属平顶猴群体(M. nemestrina group)的三个亚种分为猕猴属的三个不同种:巽他平顶猴(Sunda pig-tailed macaque,M. nemestrina),北平顶猴(Northern pig-tailed macaque,M. leonina)和明打威猴(Mentawai macaque,M. pagensis)。本论文对中国云南境内北平顶猴TRIM5基因座和感染HIV-1的相关性进行了研究。通过PCR和测序对北平顶猴基因组TRIM5基因座进行分析,发现一个CypA假基因的cDNA通过逆转座机制插入至TRIM5基因座的3’-UTR区域,形成了一个不同于鹰猴TRIM5-CypA的新型融合基因npmTRIMCyp(northern pig-tailed macaque TRIM5-CypA)。通过RT-PCR对npmTRIMCyp融合基因的转录本进行分析,我们鉴定出npmTRIMCyp共有3种不同的选择性剪接产物,分别为npmTRIMCypV1-V3。进一步克隆和测序这3种不同选择性剪接体,通过丰度和序列分析证实:npmTRIMCypV2是优势剪接体,可能在该融合基因产物的功能中发挥作用。研究发现北平顶猴npmTRIMCyp融合基因主要转录本中外显子7和8均被剪切掉。外显子7剪接丢失机制源于TRIM5第6内含子内 3’剪接位点的G/T突变。我们克隆了npmTRIMCyp融合基因cDNA的蛋白编码区ORF,并构建了重组表达npmTRIMCyp的载体,转染HeLa和HeLa-T4细胞并获得稳定表达的细胞株。通过感染HIV-1证实,npmTRIMCyp融合蛋白不能够限制HIV-1的感染和复制,这可能是北平顶猴作为旧大陆猴中唯一对HIV-1易感的灵长类动物的重要分子机制之一。通过HIV-1感染灵长类动物PBMCs实验证实,北平顶猴可以感染HIV-1。npmTRIMCyp可以有效地限制HIV-2ROD的复制,但对SIVmac239只有十分微弱的限制活性。通过构建鹰猴omTRIMCyp和北平顶猴npmTRIMCyp的置换剪接体(SWAP-1和SWAP-2),转染融合基因及其置换剪接体的CRFK细胞激光共聚焦实验证明,npmTRIMCyp、SWAP1和SWAP2在细胞内主要存在于胞浆中。稳定表达融合蛋白和置换剪接体的CRFK细胞感染HIV-1-GFP-VSVG分析表明,含omTRIMCyp外显子7的SWAP-1和SWAP-2均具有限制HIV-1活性,但SWAP-1的活性更强一些,这表明TRIM5结构域的外显子7可能在介导对HIV-1的限制活性中发挥了协同辅助作用。免疫共沉淀研究表明,npmTRIMCyp不能识别和结合HIV-1的衣壳蛋白。对北平顶猴中介导识别逆转录病毒区域的基因组部分进行了测序,共鉴定出46个多态性位点,表明在北平顶猴识别逆转录病毒衣壳区域存在较高的多态性。
利用SWAP(Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant)模型对黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区坡地土壤-植被-大气系统中的水循环进行数值模拟。结果显示,SWAP模型很好的模拟了不同土地利用方式条件下的土壤水循环过程。根据模拟结果,水蚀风蚀交错区的丰水年份,农地和种植第一年的紫花苜蓿地季末土壤水分稍有盈余,谷子和紫花苜蓿的日蒸散量分别为1.2~2.6 mm和1.2~2.5 mm。
SWAP-70-like adapter of T cells (SLAT) is a novel guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rho GTPases that is upregulated in Th2 cells, but whose physiological function is unclear. We show that SLAT-/- mice displayed a developmental defect at one of the earliest stages of thymocyte differentiation, the double-negative 1 (DN1) stage, leading to decreased peripheral T cell numbers. SLAT-/- peripheral CD4+ T cells demonstrated impaired TCR/CD28-induced proliferation and IL-2 production, which was rescued by the addition of exogenous IL-2. Importantly, SLAT-/- mice were grossly impaired in their ability to mount not only Th2, but also Th1-mediated lung inflammatory responses, as evidenced by reduced airway neutrophilia and eosinophilia, respectively. Levels of Th1 and Th2 cytokine in the lungs were also markedly reduced, paralleling the reduction in pulmonary inflammation. This defect in mounting Th1/Th2 responses, which was also evident in vitro, was traced to a severe reduction in Ca2+ mobilization from ER stores, which consequently led to defective TCR/CD28-induced translocation of nuclear factor of activated T cells 1/2 (NFATc1/2). Thus, SLAT is required for thymic DN1 cell expansion, T cell activation, and Th1 and Th2 inflammatory responses.
First paragraph: In 1993, a peat-cutter, Bruce Field, working on the blanket peat bank he rented from the Sutherland Estate by Loch Farlary, above Golspie in Sutherland (fig 1), reported to Scottish Natural Heritage and Historic Scotland several pieces of pine wood bearing axe marks. Their depth in the peat suggested the cut marks to be prehistoric. This paper summarizes the work undertaken to understand the age and archaeological significance of this find (see also Tipping et al 2001 in press). The pine trees were initially thought to be part of a population that flourished briefly across northern Scotland in the middle of the Holocene period from c 4800 cal BP (Huntley, Daniell & Allen 1997). The subsequent collapse across northernmost Scotland of this population, the pine decline, at around 4200-4000 cal BP is unexplained: climate change has been widely assumed (Dubois & Ferguson 1985; Bridge, Haggart & Lowe 1990; Gear & Huntley 1991) but anthropogenic activity has not been disproved (Birks 1975; Bennett 1995). It was hypothesized that the Farlary find would allow for the first time the direct link between human woodland clearance and the Early Bronze Age pine decline.
Recently Ziman et al. [Phys. Rev. A 65, 042105 (2002)] have introduced a concept of a universal quantum homogenizer which is a quantum machine that takes as input a given (system) qubit initially in an arbitrary state rho and a set of N reservoir qubits initially prepared in the state xi. The homogenizer realizes, in the limit sense, the transformation such that at the output each qubit is in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of the state xi irrespective of the initial states of the system and the reservoir qubits. In this paper we generalize the concept of quantum homogenization for qudits, that is, for d-dimensional quantum systems. We prove that the partial-swap operation induces a contractive map with the fixed point which is the original state of the reservoir. We propose an optical realization of the quantum homogenization for Gaussian states. We prove that an incoming state of a photon field is homogenized in an array of beam splitters. Using Simon's criterion, we study entanglement between outgoing beams from beam splitters. We derive an inseparability condition for a pair of output beams as a function of the degree of squeezing in input beams.
Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Engenharia Informática), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This thesis proposes a Monte Carlo valuation method for Worst-of Auto-callable equity swaps. The valuation of this type of swap usually requires complex numerical methods which are implemented in “black-box” valuation systems. The method proposed is an alternative benchmark tool that is relatively simple to implement and customize. The performance of the method was evaluated according to the variance and bias of the output and to the accuracy when compared to a leading valuation system in the market.
Abstract Market prices of corporate bond spreads and of credit default swap (CDS) rates do not match each other. In this paper, we argue that the liquidity premium, the cheapest-to-deliver (CTD) option and actual market segmentation explain the pricing differences. Using the European transaction data from Reuters and Bloomberg, we estimate the liquidity premium that is time- varying and firm-specific. We show that when time-dependent liquidity premiums are considered, corporate bond spreads and CDS rates behave in a much closer way than previous studies have shown. We find that high equity volatility drives pricing differences that can be explained by the CTD option.
Nous introduisons un nouveau modèle de la communication à deux parties dans lequel nous nous intéressons au temps que prennent deux participants à effectuer une tâche à travers un canal avec délai d. Nous établissons quelques bornes supérieures et inférieures et comparons ce nouveau modèle aux modèles de communication classiques et quantiques étudiés dans la littérature. Nous montrons que la complexité de la communication d’une fonction sur un canal avec délai est bornée supérieurement par sa complexité de la communication modulo un facteur multiplicatif d/ lg d. Nous présentons ensuite quelques exemples de fonctions pour lesquelles une stratégie astucieuse se servant du temps mort confère un avantage sur une implémentation naïve d’un protocole de communication optimal en terme de complexité de la communication. Finalement, nous montrons qu’un canal avec délai permet de réaliser un échange de bit cryptographique, mais que, par lui-même, est insuffisant pour réaliser la primitive cryptographique de transfert équivoque.
Recently, research projects such as PADLR and SWAP have developed tools like Edutella or Bibster, which are targeted at establishing peer-to-peer knowledge management (P2PKM) systems. In such a system, it is necessary to obtain provide brief semantic descriptions of peers, so that routing algorithms or matchmaking processes can make decisions about which communities peers should belong to, or to which peers a given query should be forwarded. This paper proposes the use of graph clustering techniques on knowledge bases for that purpose. Using this clustering, we can show that our strategy requires up to 58% fewer queries than the baselines to yield full recall in a bibliographic P2PKM scenario.
Heutzutage haben selbst durchschnittliche Computersysteme mehrere unabhängige Recheneinheiten (Kerne). Wird ein rechenintensives Problem in mehrere Teilberechnungen unterteilt, können diese parallel und damit schneller verarbeitet werden. Obwohl die Entwicklung paralleler Programme mittels Abstraktionen vereinfacht werden kann, ist es selbst für Experten anspruchsvoll, effiziente und korrekte Programme zu schreiben. Während traditionelle Programmiersprachen auf einem eher geringen Abstraktionsniveau arbeiten, bieten funktionale Programmiersprachen wie z.B. Haskell, Möglichkeiten zur fortgeschrittenen Abstrahierung. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war es, zu untersuchen, wie gut verschiedene Arten der Abstraktion das Programmieren mit Concurrent Haskell unterstützen. Concurrent Haskell ist eine Bibliothek für Haskell, die parallele Programmierung auf Systemen mit gemeinsamem Speicher ermöglicht. Im Mittelpunkt der Dissertation standen zwei Forschungsfragen. Erstens wurden verschiedene Synchronisierungsansätze verglichen, die sich in ihrem Abstraktionsgrad unterscheiden. Zweitens wurde untersucht, wie Abstraktionen verwendet werden können, um die Komplexität der Parallelisierung vor dem Entwickler zu verbergen. Bei dem Vergleich der Synchronisierungsansätze wurden Locks, Compare-and-Swap Operationen und Software Transactional Memory berücksichtigt. Die Ansätze wurden zunächst bezüglich ihrer Eignung für die Synchronisation einer Prioritätenwarteschlange auf Basis von Skiplists untersucht. Anschließend wurden verschiedene Varianten des Taskpool Entwurfsmusters implementiert (globale Taskpools sowie private Taskpools mit und ohne Taskdiebstahl). Zusätzlich wurde für das Entwurfsmuster eine Abstraktionsschicht entwickelt, welche eine einfache Formulierung von Taskpool-basierten Algorithmen erlaubt. Für die Untersuchung der Frage, ob Haskells Abstraktionsmethoden die Komplexität paralleler Programmierung verbergen können, wurden zunächst stencil-basierte Algorithmen betrachtet. Es wurde eine Bibliothek entwickelt, die eine deklarative Beschreibung von stencil-basierten Algorithmen sowie ihre parallele Ausführung erlaubt. Mit Hilfe dieses deklarativen Interfaces wurde die parallele Implementation vollständig vor dem Anwender verborgen. Anschließend wurde eine eingebettete domänenspezifische Sprache (EDSL) für Knoten-basierte Graphalgorithmen sowie eine entsprechende Ausführungsplattform entwickelt. Die Plattform erlaubt die automatische parallele Verarbeitung dieser Algorithmen. Verschiedene Beispiele zeigten, dass die EDSL eine knappe und dennoch verständliche Formulierung von Graphalgorithmen ermöglicht.
Free-word order languages have long posed significant problems for standard parsing algorithms. This thesis presents an implemented parser, based on Government-Binding (GB) theory, for a particular free-word order language, Warlpiri, an aboriginal language of central Australia. The words in a sentence of a free-word order language may swap about relatively freely with little effect on meaning: the permutations of a sentence mean essentially the same thing. It is assumed that this similarity in meaning is directly reflected in the syntax. The parser presented here properly processes free word order because it assigns the same syntactic structure to the permutations of a single sentence. The parser also handles fixed word order, as well as other phenomena. On the view presented here, there is no such thing as a "configurational" or "non-configurational" language. Rather, there is a spectrum of languages that are more or less ordered. The operation of this parsing system is quite different in character from that of more traditional rule-based parsing systems, e.g., context-free parsers. In this system, parsing is carried out via the construction of two different structures, one encoding precedence information and one encoding hierarchical information. This bipartite representation is the key to handling both free- and fixed-order phenomena. This thesis first presents an overview of the portion of Warlpiri that can be parsed. Following this is a description of the linguistic theory on which the parser is based. The chapter after that describes the representations and algorithms of the parser. In conclusion, the parser is compared to related work. The appendix contains a substantial list of test cases ??th grammatical and ungrammatical ??at the parser has actually processed.
El Festival de Cine + Latina se concibe como un espacio vital para fomentar, rescatar y permutar las múltiples prácticas culturales y realidades; brindan un escenario de convergencia, articulación y difusión del cine creado, realizado y producido por mujeres. La finalidad del festival es realizar una compilación de materiales audiovisuales que puedan ser difundidos y expuestos a una gran cantidad de personas para que queden grabados en el tiempo, el espacio y memoria de los espectadores. Es así, como de esta manera se construirá una herramienta de comunicación educativa que nos hará pensar con otras sensibilidades.
Este paper estudia la relación entre algunos de los eventos más importantes del conflicto colombiano con la percepción extranjera de riesgo soberano, medido por los Credit Default Swaps (CDS) de los bonos del Gobierno Colombiano. Usando dos metodologías relativamente recientes, yo estimo el efecto causal de los eventos de conflicto ampliamente cubierto por los medios internacionales. En primer lugar construyo un grupo de control sintético que funciona como contra factual de la serie real de los CDS colombianos pero en ausencia de eventos de conflicto. Segundo, estimo el efecto acumulado del evento bajo la metodología de retornos anormales acumulados. Los resultados sugieren que los efectos de los eventos de conflicto sobre la percepción extranjera de riesgo soberano dependen de las especificaciones de cada evento.