982 resultados para Sustained attention


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Objetivos. Caracterizar el perfil neuropsicológico de una muestra de 22 pacientes diagnosticados con VIH/SIDA, de un hospital de 4to nivel de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo de tipo exploratorio. Se hizo una descripción de las características neuropsicológicas de las personas con VIH/SIDA. Los resultados de la evaluación neuropsicológica de los sujetos se analizaron con el programa SPSS. Las variables registradas fueron edad, genero, escolaridad, tiempo de diagnóstico y funciones cognitivas superiores. Se incluyeron en el estudio los sujetos con diagnóstico de VIH/SIDA y con reportes de quejas subjetivas de memoria. No se excluyeron aquellos sujetos con antecedentes o presencia de alteraciones psiquiátricas. Resultados. Se creó una base de datos de 22 sujetos, de los cuales predominaron participantes del sexo masculino (77.3%); edad promedio 53,5 años. Se encontró que las funciones con mayor compromiso, sin importar tiempo de diagnóstico, fueron la atención sostenida, la memoria declarativa y la función ejecutiva (control inhibitorio). Las funciones más preservadas fueron las visoespaciales. Conclusiones. Es fundamental que los sujetos con diagnóstico de VIH/SIDA, sean valorados desde un inicio por neuropsicología para incluirlos en un protocolo de prevención y rehabilitación cognitiva específico para dicha población. Se recomienda que el protocolo sea diseñado por un equipo multidisciplinar de diferentes profesionales de la salud.


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Acute doses of Ginkgo biloba have been shown to improve attention and memory in young, healthy participants, but there has been a lack of investigation into possible effects on executive function. In addition, only one study has investigated the effects of chronic treatment in young volunteers. This study was conducted to compare the effects of ginkgo after acute and chronic treatment on tests of attention, memory and executive function in healthy university students. Using a placebo-controlled double-blind design, in experiment 1, 52 students were randomly allocated to receive a single dose of ginkgo (120 mg, n=26) or placebo (n=26), and were tested 4h later. In experiment 2, 40 students were randomly allocated to receive ginkgo (120 mg/day; n=20) or placebo (n=20) for a 6-week period and were tested at baseline and after 6 weeks of treatment. In both experiments, participants underwent tests of sustained attention, episodic and working memory, mental flexibility and planning, and completed mood rating scales. The acute dose of ginkgo significantly improved performance on the sustained-attention task and pattern-recognition memory task; however, there were no effects on working memory, planning, mental flexibility or mood. After 6 weeks of treatment, there were no significant effects of ginkgo on mood or any of the cognitive tests. In line with the literature, after acute administration ginkgo improved performance in tests of attention and memory. However, there were no effects after 6 weeks, suggesting that tolerance develops to the effects in young, healthy participants.


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Visual reaction time (RT) was measured in 10 older men (mean age, 71.1 years) and gender-matched controls (mean age, 26.3 years) when standing (single task) and when walking on a motor-driven treadmill (dual task). There were 90 quasirandomly presented trials over 15 min in each condition. Longer mean and median RTs were observed in the dual task compared to the single task. Older males had significantly slower mean and median RTs (315 and 304 ms, respectively) than the younger group (273 and 266 ms, respectively) in both task conditions. There were no age or condition effects on with in-subject variability. Both groups showed a trend of increasing RT over the 90 single task trials but when walking only the younger group slowed. These novel findings demonstrate high but sustained attention by older adults when walking. It is proposed that the motor task's attentional demands might contribute to their slower preferred walking speed.


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The therapeutic relationship has been considered foundational to psychiatric nursing practice since at least the mid-20th century. However, this does not, in itself, guarantee either its continuity or relevance to current practice. Concepts such as the therapeutic relationship require sustained attention, both in theory and in practice, to illustrate ongoing relevance to the discipline. This paper addresses the therapeutic relationship in psychiatric nursing via aspects of psychoanalytic theory, particularly the notion of transference, as theorized by both Freud and Lacan. Two case fragments provide practice material, through which transference in the nurse–patient relationship is explored. The nurse, in the context of his/her relationship with the patient, a sick stranger, offers both a listening and the potential development of transference. This transference can be experienced, in part, as a form of attachment to the nurse, one that is not regarded pejoratively as dependency. There is the potential, within the nurse–patient relationship, for a psychical holding to develop, one from within which both the patient can speak and transference might arise. It is argued that listening to the patient has the potential to assist the patient and, with the development of transference, can provide the context for important work.


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Bipolar disorder is characterized by progressive changes in cognition with declines in executive functioning, memory and sustained attention. Current pharmacotherapies for bipolar disorder target mood symptoms but have not addressed these cognitive changes resulting in euthymic individuals who still experience cognitive deficits. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) has been shown to have effects on antioxidant status, glutamate transmission, inflammation and neurogenesis. Adjunctive treatment with NAC improves the symptoms experienced by those with bipolar disorder, particularly depression, and it was hypothesized that cognition may also be improved following NAC treatment.

As part of a larger randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, participants in the current report were tested at baseline and 6 months to assess changes in cognitive function following either 2000 mg of NAC daily or placebo.

This study failed to find changes in cognitive function following treatment with NAC compared to placebo.

While an important pilot study, this study had a small sample size and included a limited battery of cognitive tests. Further investigations on the effects of NAC on cognitive performance in bipolar disorder are required.


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Many grandparents play a significant role as educators and carers of children in the preschool years. Recently, this role has become the focus of much early childhood research as challenges facing grandparent carers and grandparent-headed households increasingly become an economic and social issue. Using survey data from China we explore the role of grandparents who have a primary care responsibility for a young child and discuss this contribution to the family in relation to quality of care and education. We argue that grandparents play a significant role in terms of home education of the young, workforce support for young parents, cultural identity within families and community capacity building. Grandparents are therefore deserving of more sustained attention from policy makers and educators when considering the young child's developmental environment.


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OBJETIVO: caracterizar e comparar, por meio de testes comportamentais, o processamento auditivo de escolares com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de (I) distúrbio da aprendizagem, (II) dislexia e (III) escolares com bom desempenho acadêmico. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 30 escolares na faixa etária de 8 a 16 anos de idade, de ambos os gêneros, de 2ª a 4ª séries do ensino fundamental, divididos em três grupos: GI composto por 10 escolares com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de distúrbio de aprendizagem, GII: composto por 10 escolares com diagnóstico interdisciplinar de dislexia e GIII composto por 10 escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem, pareados segundo gênero e faixa etária com os grupos GI e GII. Foram realizadas avaliação audiológica e de processamento auditivo. RESULTADOS: os escolares de GIII apresentaram desempenho superior nos testes de processamento auditivo em relação aos escolares de GI e GII. GI apresentou desempenho inferior nas habilidades auditivas avaliadas para testes dicóticos de dígitos e dissílabos alternados, logoaudiometria pediátrica, localização sonora, memória verbal e não-verbal, ao passo que GII apresentou as mesmas alterações de GI, com exceção do teste de logoaudiometria pediátrica. CONCLUSÃO: os escolares com transtornos de aprendizagem apresentaram desempenho inferior nos testes de processamento auditivo, sendo que os escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem apresentaram maior número de habilidades auditivas alteradas, em comparação com os escolares com dislexia, por terem apresentado atenção sustentada reduzida. O grupo de escolares com dislexia apresentou alterações decorrentes da dificuldade relacionada à codificação e decodificação de estímulos sonoros.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) é um distúrbio específico do desenvolvimento, de alta prevalência, observado em crianças e adultos, compreendendo prejuízos na inibição comportamental, atenção sustentada, resistência à distração e na regulação do nível de atividade do indivíduo diante de determinadas situações, sendo frequente o comportamento motor excessivo e inadequado. Devido a estas características, alunos com o transtorno têm acumulado prejuízos em diversas, principalmente quando se trata de desenvolvimento acadêmico. Isto tem fomentado pesquisas como forma de desenvolver tecnologia comportamental para minimizar o impacto do transtorno na vida do indivíduo. Pesquisadores da área de educação musical também tem se interessado por entender de que forma a educação musical pode auxiliar alunos com TDAH a desenvolver estratégias que reduzam o custo do aprendizado para eles. O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar como a educação musical pode funcionar como ferramenta de intervenção para a promoção de mudanças no repertório comportamental de alunos com características de risco para TDAH. A pesquisa foi dividida em três estudos: triagem de prevalência do transtorno, análise de mudanças comportamentais em alunos com características de risco para TDAH e avaliação do aprendizado musical. Os resultados indicam que dentro da amostra estudada (N=320), 52,18% apresentaram escore de características compatíveis com o transtorno. Em relação a mudanças comportamentais, observou-se ampliação do repertório de comportamentos adequados e redução no repertório de comportamentos inadequados. Quando se estabeleceu a avaliação do aprendizado musical e comparação com um aluno com desenvolvimento típico, observou-se que ambos apresentaram desenvolvimento semelhante.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate whether healthy first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients show reduced sensitivity performance, higher intra-individual variability (IIV) in reaction time (RT), and a steeper decline in sensitivity over time in a sustained attention task. Healthy first-degree relatives of schizophrenia patients (n=23) and healthy control subjects (n=46) without a family history of schizophrenia performed a demanding version of the Rapid Visual Information Processing task (RVIP). RTs, hits, false alarms, and the sensitivity index A' were assessed. The relatives were significantly less sensitive, tended to have higher IIV in RT, but sustained the impaired level of sensitivity over time. Impaired performance on the RVIP is a possible endophenotype for schizophrenia. Higher IIV in RT, apparently caused by impaired context representations, might result in fluctuations in control and lead to more frequent attentional lapses.


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OBJECTIVE: To study the neurocognitive profile and its relationship to prefrontal dysfunction in non-demented Parkinson's disease (PD) with deficient haptic perception. METHODS: Twelve right-handed patients with PD and 12 healthy control subjects underwent thorough neuropsychological testing including Rey complex figure, Rey auditory verbal and figural learning test, figural and verbal fluency, and Stroop test. Test scores reflecting significant differences between patients and healthy subjects were correlated with the individual expression coefficients of one principal component, obtained in a principal component analysis of an oxygen-15-labeled water PET study exploring somatosensory discrimination that differentiated between the two groups and involved prefrontal cortices. RESULTS: We found significantly decreased total scores for the verbal learning trials and verbal delayed free recall in PD patients compared with normal volunteers. Further analysis of these parameters using Spearman's ranking correlation showed a significantly negative correlation of deficient verbal recall with expression coefficients of the principal component whose image showed a subcortical-cortical network, including right dorsolateral-prefrontal cortex, in PD patients. CONCLUSION: PD patients with disrupted right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex function and associated diminished somatosensory discrimination are impaired also in verbal memory functions. A negative correlation between delayed verbal free recall and PET activation in a network including the prefrontal cortices suggests that verbal cues and accordingly declarative memory processes may be operative in PD during activities that demand sustained attention such as somatosensory discrimination. Verbal cues may be compensatory in nature and help to non-specifically enhance focused attention in the presence of a functionally disrupted prefrontal cortex.


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BACKGROUND Orthostatic hypotension is common in Lewy body disorders and may be related to disease progression and the spread of Lewy body pathology. We therefore hypothesize that PD patients with orthostatic hypotension (OH) have a different cognitive profile compared to PD patients without OH. METHODS This cross-sectional study included 175 PD patients. Blood pressure (BP) was measured with a validated digital blood pressure monitor and patients with a systolic BP drop of > or =20 mmHg or a systolic pressure of <90 mm Hg after standing were considered to have OH. Cognition was assessed using MMSE extended by a selection of computerized cognitive tests focusing on reaction time, sustained attention, working memory and episodic verbal and visual memory. RESULTS Eighty-seven (49.7%) of the PD patients had OH. These patients were significantly more impaired in sustained attention and visual episodic memory compared to PD patients without OH. CONCLUSION We conclude that there are differences in the neuropsychological performance of patients with PD and OH, supporting the hypothesis that OH might be a marker for disease progression and cognitive decline in PD.


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Many meditation exercises aim at increased awareness of ongoing experiences through sustained attention and at detachment, i.e., non-engaging observation of these ongoing experiences by the intent not to analyze, judge or expect anything. Long-term meditation practice is believed to generalize the ability of increased awareness and greater detachment into everyday life. We hypothesized that neuroplasticity effects of meditation (correlates of increased awareness and detachment) would be detectable in a no-task resting state. EEG recorded during resting was compared between Qigong meditators and controls. Using LORETA (low resolution electromagnetic tomography) to compute the intracerebral source locations, differences in brain activations between groups were found in the inhibitory delta EEG frequency band. In the meditators, appraisal systems were inhibited, while brain areas involved in the detection and integration of internal and external sensory information showed increased activation. This suggests that neuroplasticity effects of long-term meditation practice, subjectively described as increased awareness and greater detachment, are carried over into non-meditating states.


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The way in which the huge Australian parasite fauna is described (discovery and naming) is the subject of this address. The approach to the task has never been well-organised so that a few groups of parasites are now relatively well-known because of the efforts of small groups of workers who have made sustained efforts in these groups, but equally some host-parasite systems have been almost completely ignored in that no worker has ever given them sustained attention. A high proportion of Australian parasites have been described by international workers; The sustaining of interest in a group of parasites over a long period is the key to real progress being made. The nature of the organisation of Australian science presently means that few positions are available for parasite taxonomists and funding for taxonomic research is scarce. Thus, parasite taxonomy (like the taxonomy of many groups of Australian plants and animals) can only be considered to be in crisis. (C) 2003 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although advertising is pervasive in our daily, it proves to be not necessarily efficient all the times due to bad conditions or bad contexts of reception. Indeed, the communication process might be jeopardized at its very last stage because of advertising exposure quality. However critical it may be, ad exposure quality is not very much examined by researchers or practitioners. In this paper, we investigate how tiredness combined with ad complexity might influence the way consumers extract and process ad elements. Investigating tiredness is useful because it is a common daily state experienced by everyone at various moments of the day. And although it might drastically alter ad reception, it has not been studied in advertising for the moment. In this regards, we observe eye movement patterns of consumers viewing simple or complex advertisements being tired or not. We surprisingly find that tired subjects viewing complex ads don’t adopt a lessening effort visual strategy. They rather use a resource demanding one. We assume that the Sustained Attention strategy occurring is a kind of adaptive strategy allowing to deal with an anticipated lack of resource.