982 resultados para Sustainability reporting


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An outcome of the international climate conference in Copenhagen (COP 15, 2009) was that a number of governments have undertaken to reduce their nations' greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and some have provided targets and deadlines for the achievement of their stated goals. While the transition to a low-carbon environment has the potential to stimulate growth, create jobs and opportunities, and to bring benefits to the economy, there are many challenges in the process. This is an exploratory paper aimed at identifying the major regulatory and governance issues associated with the move to a low-carbon environment. In terms of business governance, CEOs and other executives responsible for corporate oversight will need to monitor, assess, and manage compliance with climate change and carbon-related regulation. In the transition period government regulation encouraging appropriate carbon costs classification and measurement, financial sustainability reporting and disclosure, and responsible carbon citizenship are expected to be predominant.


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Dada a relevância cada vez maior das questões sociais e ambientais, várias iniciativas vêm sendo cobradas das corporações por parte da sociedade. Frente a essa demanda tem-se uma resposta por parte das corporações, inclusive de entidades financeira, como, por exemplo, a divulgação de relatórios de sustentabilidade e a criação dos investimentos socialmente responsáveis, mais comumente conhecidos como Socially Responsible Investing (na sigla em inglês, SRI). Além disso, cada vez mais questões sociais e ambientais são importantes dimensões de análise para a obtenção de recursos vindos tanto de instituições bilaterais quanto unilaterais. Tais fatos vêm provocando a busca por evidências de associação das questões socioambientais com o desempenho financeiro da empresa. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar o nível de integração entre questões socioambientais e o desempenho financeiro nas informações públicas de empresas líderes mundiais do setor de mineração. O setor de mineração foi escolhido como foco dessa pesquisa, principalmente, devido à sua alta importância para a economia mundial e brasileira, e dado o seu alto impacto social e ambiental. Para tanto, fez-se uma análise das três maiores mineradoras globais em valor de mercado, BH Billiton, Vale e Rio Tinto, utilizando-se como base a metodologia proposta por Epstein e Roy (2003), na qual a integração entre questões socioambientais e desempenho financeiro é classificada em quatro níveis. Dentre as informações analisadas, identificou-se que apenas 1% dessas foram classificadas como nível 4, por se tratarem de informações monetizadas sobre os benefícios de investimentos socioambientais. Esse estudo, portanto, concluiu que a integração entre as ações socioambientais e o desempenho financeiro nas informações públicas das empresas analisadas é praticamente inexistente.


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The increase of the world population and their consumption power requires companies to increase their production capacity to meet demand. This production process is often performed without control and degrades the environment. In view of the stiffness of the legal requirements and the increasing of environmental concerns, companies need to act in a sustainable way to continue existing. The main objective of this study is to investigate how sustainability reports that follow the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) can bring benefits to companies in the continuous improvement of its processes and the competitiveness of the sector. The sector chosen for the study was the automotive industry, due to its importance in the national economy and the significant impacts caused to the population and to the environment. The methodology consists of reading the GRI sustainability reports of companies and then performing a comparison among them and the bibliography of the subject. The results confirm the importance of the GRI sustainability reporting for companies and show how the selected indicators can contribute to the corporate management and to the control of its processes


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The present production aims to approach environmental sustainability and communication to demonstrate that the public relations´s professional is capable of legitimation process´s assistance of ethics and coherent speechs and capable of sense´s construction´s assistance for environmental sustainability on contemporary organizations. This position shows that organization´s consistent speechs are connected with its institutional mission and effort besides, it is value and sensitive to interested parts that emphasis the environmental preservation and environmental project´s introduction, integrating organization with community. On this context it is constructed a discussion about Sustainability Report´s content and guidelines used for sustainability reporting framework, as where as main environmental organizational activities, analyzing three different companies and its respective Sustainability Reports on 2009. Thereby, it is pointed out relevance of efficient communication which deal with opposite interests between organizations and its stakeholders so that public relations focus on strategic management trying to include negotiation, dialogue, transparency and ethics to line up both interests


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Sustainability has been moving up on the business agenda in recent decades, and many methods to assess corporate sustainability have already been created. One of the most used and reliable methods is the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Given the importance of sustainability for society and organizations, this study examined sustainability reports published by mining companies – Alcoa, Vale and Samarco – since 2006. The objective was to verify the indicators that contribute most to the minimization of environmental impacts and the improvement of environmental performance. The methodology consisted of collecting and analyzing data from the GRI sustainability reports. It was discovered that the sustainability reports helped the companies to identify improvement opportunities and it is essential companies provide in their reports an economic, environmental and social context of their activities. Furthermore, it was found out that the indicators related to atmospheric emissions, solid waste generation, environmental protection expenditure, and the consumption of raw materials, energy and water are the ones more attached to the production process, which means they are the main contributors for the environmental performance improvement


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L'elaborato si impegna ad esporre i risultati derivanti da una revisione estensiva della letteratura riguardante le pratiche di misurazione della sostenibilità in azienda. Si è scelto un approccio al problema di impostazione bibliometrico, consistente in analisi statistiche di dati bibliografici ricavabili osservando le relazioni tra documenti. Si sono utilizzati strumenti di clustering per categorizzare la letteratura ed individuare le aree di maggior interesse potenziali per aziende che desiderino investire con successo nella sostenibilità. Come risultato, si è ottenuta una chiara identificazione delle principali tematiche che devono essere tenute in considerazione nell’affrontare valutazioni relative alla misurazione e valorizzazione dei concetti di sostenibilità e impatto ambientale in ambito aziendale. Il presente lavoro si presenta inoltre come guida metodologica per un approccio quantitativo alla revisione della letteratura, adattabile ed applicabile in maniera iterativa per un continuo monitoraggio del tema o per indagini in altri ambiti. Questa tesi si pone dunque come base per ricerche e analisi successive finalizzate alla comprensione della letteratura.


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Bakgrund Denna uppsats behandlar de nya EU-kraven som föreslås träda i kraft från och med det räkenskapsår som inleds närmast efter den 31 december 2016. Uppsatsen har undersökt hur Stora Enso arbetar med hållbarhetsrapportering enligt Global Reporting Initiatives riktlinjer. Detta eftersom att Stora Enso var det första börsnoterade företaget i Sverige vars hållbarhetsrapportering granskats av en tredje part. Vidare siktar denna uppsats på att ge de företag som ej tidigare har erfarenhet från hållbarhetsrapportering en inspirationskälla, som stöd i upprättningen av egna hållbarhetsrapporter. Syfte Syftet med den här fallstudien är att beskriva hur ett företag som redan innan EU-kraven börjat tillämpats rapporterat i enlighet med dessa, och hur de aktivt arbetar med hållbarhetsrapportering. Metod Fallstudie: intervjuer och dokumentanalys. Slutsats Det är viktigt att hela tiden fortsätta förbättra företagets hållbara utveckling och dess mål. Stora Ensos hållbarhetsrapportering kopplades ihop med den hållbara utvecklingen i stort, och här sågs att rapporteringen har hjälpt Stora Enso att uppnå och utveckla sina hållbarhetsmål. Utan hållbarhetsrapporteringen skulle Stora Ensos positiva utveckling inte varit lika omfattande. Utifrån de intervjuer som genomfördes konstaterades det att GRI:s riktlinjer medför både en fördel och en nackdel: de är väldigt omfattande.


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O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um modelo de gestão da cadeia de abastecimento sustentável, posteriormente operacionalizado num conjunto de empresas. O principal elemento diferenciador do modelo apresentado é o seu cariz operacional, focado na fase da implementação com a integração de um conjunto de práticas de apoio à sustentabilidade. Para responder às pressões da conjuntura económica atual, das alterações climáticas, da escassez de recursos e das desigualdades sociais é necessário desenvolver de forma consolidada e abrangente um novo paradigma de gestão nas empresas. Muitas destas pressões fazem-se sentir nas atividades da Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento. O grande desafio é conseguir que as empresas obtenham bons resultados económicos, sociais e ambientais. A sustentabilidade tem sido abordada como a área de estudo donde deverá emergir este novo paradigma de gestão. Atendendo a esta problemática, a principal questão de investigação do presente trabalho é “Como se implementa a Sustentabilidade na Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento?” A metodologia de investigação partiu da revisão da literatura que permitiu estruturar um conjunto de pressupostos teóricos, estruturados num modelo conceptual sobre a implementação da sustentabilidade na Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento. O modelo foi aplicado em dois grupos de estudos empíricos: Análise Qualitativa de Relatórios de Sustentabilidade publicados por seis empresas com atividade em Portugal (Sonae; Lipor, Galp; EDP; Portucel e AutoEuropa); e o desenvolvimento de dois Estudos de Caso nas empresas Bosch Termotecnologia e Gestamp Aveiro. Os resultados permitiram o desenvolvimento de um Modelo Teórico de Implementação da Sustentabilidade na Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento. Bem como, um modelo de classificação das ferramentas de apoio à implementação da sustentabilidade adequadas a cada etapa que constitui o modelo de implementação. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho, acreditou-se que o caminho da sustentabilidade é possível e tangível. Os modelos desenvolvidos explicam que a integração da sustentabilidade se enceta pela estruturação da área da sustentabilidade na organização, prosseguindo com o processo de implementação constituído por quatro etapas: Envolvimento, Execução, Monitorização e Comunicação. A implementação necessita de ser abrangente a toda a cadeia de valor e apoiada num conjunto de ferramentas adequadas a cada fase de implementação.


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This article examines sustainability disclosures by the major banks in the Asia-Pacific region (the six largest banks from each of four countries: Australia, Japan, China and India) during the period 2005–2012. The findings show sustainability disclosures by banks that participate in the global reporting initiative (GRI) are significantly higher than disclosures by those banks that have not participated in the GRI. Amongst those banks that have participated in the GRI there is a higher rate of disclosure by externally assured banks than by non-externally assured banks. Among the GRI participating banks, there was significant variation of disclosures between countries. Disclosures by Australian banks appeared to be significantly higher than disclosures by banks in any other countries under observation. The findings are discussed from a moral legitimacy perspective. Consistent with this view, the banks under study were responsive to the GRI, which is seen as an influential actor that shapes and reflects the expectations of the broader community. However, the role of the GRI in minimising country differences in disclosure by banks is not significant.


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This study aims to analyse the extent of online social responsibility (SR) information disclosure by Portuguese municipalities and to identify related determinant factors, based on Institutional Theory and Legitimacy Theories. A content analysis was performed on webpages from 60 sampled municipalities, and an information disclosure index was created.Descriptive statistics obtained indicate the Total Disclosure Index (TDI) value was 0.46. The Economic Information sub-category exhibits the highest value (0.66), followed by the Social and Environmental Information categories (0.61 and 0.36, respectively). The multivariate analysis results indicate that LA21 implementation the existence of tax burdens, the characterisation of a municipality as urban and environmental/SR certification application positively influence SR information disclosure. TDI is negatively affected by the existence of an inactive population (i.e. by the percentage of individuals ≤19 and ≥65 years of age).


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Many infrastructure agencies adopt sustainability objectives at a corporate level and incorporate sustainability targets and indicators as part of corporate reporting processes. These objectives are expected to translate to all stages of the project delivery process, including project selection. For infrastructure capital works projects and programs, a robust project management approach involves the development of a business case to guide investment decision making. A key tool in the assessment of project options and selection of a delivery strategy is Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). Infrastructure providers are required to undertake cost benefit analysis to support project selection through regulatory approval and budgetary processes. This tool has emerged through the prism of economic analysis rather than sustainability. A literature review reveals the limitations of CBA alone to effectively evaluate economic, environmental and social externalities or impacts that apply over a long time frame, and that are ultimately irreversible. Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) has been introduced as a means to incorporate a wider array of factors into decision making such as sustainability. This, however, presents new challenges with issues around how to transparently represent wider community values in the selection of a preferred solution. Are these tools effective in assessing the wider sustainability costs and benefits taking into account that these are public works with long life spans and significant impacts across institutional boundaries? The research indicates a need to develop clear guidelines for investment decision making in order to better align with corporate sustainability objectives. Findings from the literature review indicate that a more sustainable approach to investment decision-making framework should include: the incorporation of sustainability goals from corporate planning documents; problem definition and option generation using best practice investment management guidelines; improved guidelines for Business Case development using a combination of both Cost Benefit Analysis and Multi-Criteria Analysis; and an integrated public participation process.