947 resultados para Sustainability indicators


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The reality points to the global environmental sustainability as the only viable option for addressing the crisis at hand. The move towards sustainability calls for the generation / evaluation systems in their direction, through the incorporation of environmental requirements and in line with the National Policy on Solid Waste. Therefore, the proposed research supports the importance of social and environmental vision, complementing the technical view, the system for management of solid waste from East London, which is a municipality that has a system whose inadequacies are configured in environmental risk and health. Therefore, by observing, applying the model of sustainability indicators and content analysis of interviews, this research proposes to investigate the principles of sustainability and social participation are presented and what is the perception of risk about the inadequacies in the system. The results confirmed the hypotheses of the study and draw a picture of worrying data, such as very unfavorable indicators of sustainability, lack of channels of participation, uncommitted investments with the management system, devaluation of the collector of waste and differing perceptions about the risk by making actors act in isolation. This worrying situation is eased by the appearance of a series of elements are configured as opportunities for the integration of environmental principles in the system. And despite the inability of managers to participate in the research system, yet it behaves as an opportunity to implement public policies in the area of solid waste such as: the preparation of the municipal waste, the institutionalization of selective collection and organization of cooperative with the support of companies present in the city and educational institutions as the Federal Institute. The research is an opportunity for the implementation of policies in the area of solid waste and will collaborate with the building instruments for the quality of life of residents, for the socioeconomic conditions of collectors and the move towards a sustainable society


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In contemporary times, the urban mobility is presented as one of the main challenges of large and medium-sized Brazilian cities , it presents signs of unsustainability , above all due to the increase in motorized transport system , especially the individual . Thus , it is clear that mobility is considered of special interest for sustainable urban development , is facing a crisis that is reflected in negative externalities , particularly with regard to congestion , accidents , air pollution , social exclusion , among others. The complexity of these problems requires an integrated analysis based on the principles of sustainability . In this sense , trying to understand this problem and in the attempt to minimize its impacts, Costa (2008 ) proposed the Index of Sustainable Urban Mobility (I_SUM) with the goal of providing a methodology capable to assess relevant aspects of mobility , including social dimensions , political, economic and environmental . Given the above, was elected as the main objective of this study is to analyze urban mobility in Natal / RN from the perspective of sustainability . Like specific objectives will seek to analyze Natal´s urban mobility, using the I_SUM like a tool for both the city as a whole and for each of its four administrative regions; evaluate Natal s urban accessibility conditions and verify to what extent the access to urban services and equipment is facilitated or hindered because of the location and incomes of the population . For this, it was necessary to use bibliographic , documentary and field research . The index , which varies from 0.00 to 1.00, revealed for Natal an Global value of 0,510, and that refers to its administrative regions, it was found that there are very small percentage differences from the overall index calculated for the city . The performance of I_SUM by administrative region showed that although there are differences , the results were very similar , varying between 0,494 and 0,537. Particularly in relation to urban accessibility, it appears that Natal presents as an unequal city and this inequity , which is not only income is reflected in the issues related to accessibility and hence urban mobility


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The management of the São Paulo Metropolitan Area has as one of the challenges to bring a sustainable solution for land use in watershed protection areas, aiming at regional water resources protection. This paper has the objective to contribute to the discussion about Sustainable Development Strategy Assessment, from an analisys with focus at the environmental policies of the Santo André City - SP Brazil, in the context of water resources protection. For this, the proposal is to verify, based on the Bellagio Principles, the use of systemic approach, transparency, participatory process and social engagement in its policy formulation and implementation process. It was observed coherence within the policies, programmes and actions analysed, nevertheless, gaps were identified, which, within a strategic approach, means weakness for the construction of the local sustainability, as the lack of a consolidated sustainability indicators system.


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Competitiveness is the basis of economic progress of a country. Innovation is a cornerstone of competitiveness. The competitiveness of the countries has been assessed by studies of competitiveness through a comprehensive set of indicators, which year after year evolve and expand, with the incorporation of new indicators. Stands out in this expansion the integration of new indicators related to sustainability of cities. This short article will explore the concepts of Competitiveness, Innovation and Sustainability, and based on the description of the methodology of two major studies on Competitiveness, will demonstrate the growing importance of sustainability indicators for cities have been given for these studies. To illustrate the results of studies show Brazil. And finally, will seek to highlight the role of Information and Communication in this context. © 2012 AISTI.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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O Estuário Amazônico é uma região com condições propícias de produtividade, tornando a área favorável a pesca. As ilhas do Combu, Ilha das Onças e Mosqueiro, alvo deste estudo, fazem parte do Estuário Amazônico e a pesca é uma atividade praticada constantemente pelos moradores dessas ilhas. Baseando-se nessas informações, o objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever e comparar as diferentes modalidades de pesca das ilhas do Combu, Ilha das Onças e Mosqueiro, identificando os atributos que mais contribuem para a formação dos sistemas de produção, para o posterior acompanhamento das pescarias nas ilhas do entorno de Belém, considerando as dimensões econômica, social, ecológica e tecnológica. Deste modo espera-se auxiliar a geração de subsídios para a formulação de políticas públicas para o setor pesqueiro. Variáveis descritivas e numéricas considerando as diferentes dimensões foram utilizadas com a finalidade de descrever os sistemas de produção pesqueira de forma que tornassem comparativos tanto os sistemas quanto as ilhas estudadas. Para a análise estatística comparativa foram utilizadas apenas as variáveis numéricas (médias e porcentagens), provenientes tanto de dados coletados em campo quanto da pesquisa em dados secundários. Análise multivariada de agrupamento e ordenação (MDS), comparando os sistemas foi aplicada visando identificar os agrupamentos e as possíveis causas da semelhança entre os sistemas de pesca por ilha. Na ilha do Combu foram identificados os sistemas de matapi, emalhe consumo, tapagem, espinhel anzol médio e espinhel anzol grande. Na ilha das Onças foram observados os sistemas de matapi, emalhe consumo, emalhe comercial, tapagem, espinhel anzol médio e espinhel anzol grande. Em Mosqueiro identificou-se a pesca de matapi, emalhe comercial, espinhel anzol médio e espinhel anzol grande. As análises dos sistemas em todas as dimensões mostraram que a ilha de Mosqueiro se diferencia das demais ilhas estudadas. Quando analisadas por dimensão separadamente o sistema matapi, tapagem e emalhe consumo das ilhas do Combu e Ilha das Onças se mostraram muito similares. Entretanto os sistemas observados em Mosqueiro se diferenciam principalmente na dimensão econômica. Com base nos resultados observados pode-se afirmar que a pesca nas ilhas do Combu e Ilha das Onças é de subsistência e a atividade principal é o extrativismo vegetal enquanto em Mosqueiro a pesca caracteriza-se principalmente como comercial. Apesar da pesca nas ilhas do Combu e Ilha das Onças servirem apenas para subsistência representam importante fonte de alimento e renda extra para os moradores. Em Mosqueiro a pesca tem importância econômica elevada, porém as áreas de pesca são exploradas também por pescadores de outros locais do Estado sem que existam iniciativas de manejo por parte dos governantes.


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O conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e sua operacionalização emergem como uma necessidade de pensar em novas formas de mensurar o crescimento, daí o surgimento dos “Indicadores de Sustentabilidade”, criados para medir a sustentabilidade de um sistema, baseado em índices de diversas variáveis que apontam para a sustentabilidade ou não de uma região. Na Amazônia e no Estado do Pará, pouco se tem aplicado ferramentas de análise de sustentabilidade em suas mais diversas dimensões. Recentemente nesta região, foram criados os “Pólos de Produção do Biodiesel” através da Política Nacional de Produção do Biodiesel – PNPB e neste sentido, destaca-se o Município de Moju, no Pará, como um dos maiores produtores de dendê. Apesar da enorme expansão de cultivo de dendezeiro neste município, há dúvidas sobre a capacidade de Moju de receber uma política pública como essa, que se configura em novas territorialidades e novas dinâmicas sociais, econômicas e ambientais e trazem imensos desafios, que requerem uma capacidade de gestão ambiental forte. Dessa forma, o estudo dedica-se a analisar o nível de sustentabilidade do município de Moju e a capacidade de gestão ambiental deste município. Foram realizadas entrevistas e busca de dados secundários e para a análise de sustentabilidade usou-se como ferramenta de avaliação o Barômetro da Sustentabilidade. Observou-se que este município tende a baixa sustentabilidade com poucos avanços socioeconômicos e ambientais, o que denota a fragilidade do município nas questões socioambientais. Em geral, o município possui habilitação para exercer a gestão ambiental plena, ou seja, apresenta uma estrutura administrativa considerada desejável, porém sua estrutura operacional ainda é deficitária ou ineficaz, o que trará certamente problemas para a condução do PNPB.


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This article analyzes the inclusion of the issue of “environmental management” in the department of Production Engineering of the “Alfa” School of Engineering. For this, a case study was conducted at the School of "Alpha" Engineering, with a focus on the area of Production Engineering. Professors were interviewed; documents were reviewed as well as information collected from direct observations by of one of the authors of this article. It was observed that the department of Production Engineering at the Alpha School of Engineering has been developing activities covering all those aspects proposed by Jabbour [8]. "Environmental management" has been included in the curriculums of: (a) Teaching: in the creation of undergraduate courses (obligatory) and graduate Master's degree (optional), (b) Research: formalization of research groups in environmental management for the creation of master’s post graduation research, formalization of environmental management as one of the subjects that should be chosen by candidates for a Professorship in the area of production engineering; (c) Extension: Course in Environmental Management, Symposium (which in recent years has been focusing on environmental issues), creation of sustainability indicators for universities, (d) University Management: initiatives to raise awareness, distribution of reusable mugs and installation of special bins for selective collection in the Campus.


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Recently in Brazil cities have been suffering strong influence concerning concepts of sustainable development and urban-environmental management in order to implement public policies. These approaches combined, subsidize fair democratic construction, along with citizen participation and transparency regarding the use of resources. This study was meant to address the evaluation of performance and environmental quality through the use of sustainability indicators as a tool for planning and management of municipal urban-environmental, its advantages, disadvantages and contributions to the effectiveness in the implementation of policies aimed at local sustainable development. The main objective of the study was to do a comparative analysis of the indicators used in Piracicaba, to the national indicator system and other municipal programs, and also, its application in urban and environmental planning. To achieve this goal, initially a topic selection was made based on a bibliographic analysis in order to discuss the use of management tools and municipal evaluation systems from the perspective of sustainability, showing the management tools such as laws, agreements, documents and mainly, sustainability indicators. It was then, prepared the case study carried out in Piracicaba, São Paulo municipality. With the obtained results, it was possible to provide a model which shows strengths and weaknesses of public actions and policies for the environment, such as project suggestions that could be applied aiming greater sustainability and continuous improvement of municipal environmental performance


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Recently in Brazil cities have been suffering strong influence concerning concepts of sustainable development and urban-environmental management in order to implement public policies. These approaches combined, subsidize fair democratic construction, along with citizen participation and transparency regarding the use of resources. This study was meant to address the evaluation of performance and environmental quality through the use of sustainability indicators as a tool for planning and management of municipal urban-environmental, its advantages, disadvantages and contributions to the effectiveness in the implementation of policies aimed at local sustainable development. The main objective of the study was to do a comparative analysis of the indicators used in Piracicaba, to the national indicator system and other municipal programs, and also, its application in urban and environmental planning. To achieve this goal, initially a topic selection was made based on a bibliographic analysis in order to discuss the use of management tools and municipal evaluation systems from the perspective of sustainability, showing the management tools such as laws, agreements, documents and mainly, sustainability indicators. It was then, prepared the case study carried out in Piracicaba, São Paulo municipality. With the obtained results, it was possible to provide a model which shows strengths and weaknesses of public actions and policies for the environment, such as project suggestions that could be applied aiming greater sustainability and continuous improvement of municipal environmental performance


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Il progetto di ricerca è finalizzato allo sviluppo di una metodologia innovativa di supporto decisionale nel processo di selezione tra alternative progettuali, basata su indicatori di prestazione. In particolare il lavoro si è focalizzato sulla definizione d’indicatori atti a supportare la decisione negli interventi di sbottigliamento di un impianto di processo. Sono stati sviluppati due indicatori, “bottleneck indicators”, che permettono di valutare la reale necessità dello sbottigliamento, individuando le cause che impediscono la produzione e lo sfruttamento delle apparecchiature. Questi sono stati validati attraverso l’applicazione all’analisi di un intervento su un impianto esistente e verificando che lo sfruttamento delle apparecchiature fosse correttamente individuato. Definita la necessità dell’intervento di sbottigliamento, è stato affrontato il problema della selezione tra alternative di processo possibili per realizzarlo. È stato applicato alla scelta un metodo basato su indicatori di sostenibilità che consente di confrontare le alternative considerando non solo il ritorno economico degli investimenti ma anche gli impatti su ambiente e sicurezza, e che è stato ulteriormente sviluppato in questa tesi. Sono stati definiti due indicatori, “area hazard indicators”, relativi alle emissioni fuggitive, per integrare questi aspetti nell’analisi della sostenibilità delle alternative. Per migliorare l’accuratezza nella quantificazione degli impatti è stato sviluppato un nuovo modello previsionale atto alla stima delle emissioni fuggitive di un impianto, basato unicamente sui dati disponibili in fase progettuale, che tiene conto delle tipologie di sorgenti emettitrici, dei loro meccanismi di perdita e della manutenzione. Validato mediante il confronto con dati sperimentali di un impianto produttivo, si è dimostrato che tale metodo è indispensabile per un corretto confronto delle alternative poiché i modelli esistenti sovrastimano eccessivamente le emissioni reali. Infine applicando gli indicatori ad un impianto esistente si è dimostrato che sono fondamentali per semplificare il processo decisionale, fornendo chiare e precise indicazioni impiegando un numero limitato di informazioni per ricavarle.


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El concepto de sustentabilidad implica una relación a largo plazo entre los seres humanos y la naturaleza. Un sistema productivo sustentable es aquel capaz de permanecer en el tiempo ya que promueve la conservación de los recursos naturales, del capital social y genera una renta económica suficiente para la subsistencia de los mismos. La vitivinicultura brinda numerosos beneficios al sector agrícola, sector responsable del uso y contaminación de recursos naturales de la provincia de Mendoza (Argentina). Si bien existen algunos indicadores inherentes al sector vitivinícola, la mayoría se concentran en aspectos físicos y económicos. El trabajo consiste en elaborar indicadores para evaluar la sustentabilidad de la producción de vid en Mendoza, sobre la base del concepto de sustentabilidad que integra las tres dimensiones de un sistema: la económica, la social y la ambiental. Esto se aplicó a la producción vitícola, para lo cual se construyeron indicadores que caracterizaron al sistema siguiendo el concepto de sustentabilidad. Los indicadores se probaron con encuestas a productores (estudio de caso). Los indicadores seleccionados resultaron apropiados para determinar en qué estado de sustentabilidad está un viñedo respecto de cada una de las dimensiones (económica, social y ambiental); fáciles de obtener y de interpretar.