999 resultados para Sus scrofa scrofa
In Brazil, the commercial breeding of wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa) is rapidly expanding. Given the significance of reference values for biochemical analysis for diagnosis of pathological processes and the limitation of data in the literature on this species, Blood samples were collected for determination of biochemical values in 160 wild boars from 180 to 300 days old, clinically healthy farms. The reference range for creatinine was similar to the normal range for swine (1,0 – 2,7mg/dL). There were differences between genders, only for the determination of urea, where the males were higher, although similar to pigs (10 – 30mg/dL). The females, with values from 13.03 to 44.78 mg / dL, do not have statistically significant.
A sample of 608 adult pigs from Cape York and adjacent islands was examined for parasites and their serum tested for livestock diseases associated with the Queensland tropics. Feral pigs from North Queensland pose a significant health threat to humans with the incidence of Spargana (the plerocercoid of Spirometra erinacei) through the consumption of undercooked pork. Meliodosis (Pseudomonas pseudomalleO. Leptospirosis (L. yar. pomona). and Brucellosis (Brucella suis) are capable of infecting humans directly during unhygienic butchering of infected carcasses. In North Queensland, the widespread intermingled distribution of feral pigs and cattle increases the potential for the transmission of Actinobacillus, Leptospirosis, and Brucellosis from feral pigs to cattle. Both Europeans and Aborigines on Cape York also raise wild-caught feral pigs for meat. It is important to realize that parasites and diseases are present in young pigs and that poor husbandry practices increase the risk of infection from several parasites, i.e., Lungworm (Metastrongylus sp.) Stomach worm (Physocephalus sexalatus. Hvostrongvlus rubidus). Thorny headed worm (Macracanthorrhynchus hirudinaceus) and Kidney worm (Stephanurus dentatus). Heavy infection of these parasites reduce growth rates and cause unthriftiness in infected ani¬mals.
Nell’ambito della patologia gastroenterica del suino sono comprese alcune malattie sostenute da batteri spirillari gram negativi, di cui sono disponibili numerose trattazioni riguardanti, soprattutto, l'aspetto epidemiologico e patogenetico. Per alcuni di questi agenti microbici, e per le relative manifestazioni patologiche, poco si conosce nel cinghiale selvatico, animale correlato filogeneticamente al suino domestico, ma compreso in un’ecologia completamente differente. Da queste premesse è nato un approccio di ricerca e studio del comportamento di questi microrganismi in una metapopolazione di cinghiali, abbattuti durante il piano di controllo della popolazione densità-dipendente nel Parco dei Gessi e Calanchi dell’Abbadessa (BO), cercando di rapportare le conoscenze riportate in letteratura sul suino domestico con quanto è scaturito dalle indagini condotte sul cinghiale selvatico. In particolare è stata indagata con metodica immunoistochimica la presenza di Lawsonia intracellularis, patogeno del suino responsabile di Enterite Proliferativa (EP), in secondo luogo sono state condotte indagini batteriologiche e istologiche da stomaco e intestino, finalizzate all’isolamento di microrganismi spirillari dei generi Campylobacter e Helicobacter, da correlare all’eventuale presenza di lesioni infiammatorie e ulcerative gastriche o enteriche valutate secondo sistemi a punteggio ottenuti dalla bibliografia o realizzati in base alla tipologia di infiltrato cellulare e alla sua localizzazione. In ultimo, a fini comparativi con uno studio condotto nel 2002-2004 nello steso Parco Regionale, sono stati monitorati i livelli di antibioticoresistenza di indicatori fecali usando metodiche internazionali standardizzate (Escherichia coli e Enterococcus faecium.) nonché su un numero significativo di isolati di Campylobacter lanienae, per ottenere indicazioni preliminari sull’andamento nei 10 anni trascorsi dello stato di inquinamento da farmaco del Parco stesso. I risultati ottenuti permettono di ampliare le conoscenze sulla flora enterica del cinghiale selvatico e pongono questioni di sicurezza pubblica sulla gestione dei mammiferi selvatici.
Enzootic pneumonia (EP) caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae has a significant economic impact on domestic pig production. A control program carried out from 1999 to 2003 successfully reduced disease occurrence in domestic pigs in Switzerland, but recurrent outbreaks suggested a potential role of free-ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) as a source of re-infection. Since little is known on the epidemiology of EP in wild boar populations, our aims were: (1) to estimate the prevalence of M. hyopneumoniae infections in wild boar in Switzerland; (2) to identify risk factors for infection in wild boar; and (3) to assess whether infection in wild boar is associated with the same gross and microscopic lesions typical of EP in domestic pigs. Nasal swabs, bronchial swabs and lung samples were collected from 978 wild boar from five study areas in Switzerland between October 2011 and May 2013. Swabs were analyzed by qualitative real time PCR and a histopathological study was conducted on lung tissues. Risk factor analysis was performed using multivariable logistic regression modeling. Overall prevalence in nasal swabs was 26.2% (95% CI 23.3-29.3%) but significant geographical differences were observed. Wild boar density, occurrence of EP outbreaks in domestic pigs and young age were identified as risk factors for infection. There was a significant association between infection and lesions consistent with EP in domestic pigs. We have concluded that M. hyopneumoniae is widespread in the Swiss wild boar population, that the same risk factors for infection of domestic pigs also act as risk factors for infection of wild boar, and that infected wild boar develop lesions similar to those found in domestic pigs. However, based on our data and the outbreak pattern in domestic pigs, we propose that spillover from domestic pigs to wild boar is more likely than transmission from wild boar to pigs.
Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a (re-)emerging disease in European countries, including Switzerland. This study assesses the seroprevalence of infection with Mycobacterium bovis and closely related agents in wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Switzerland, because wild boar are potential maintenance hosts of these pathogens. The study employs harmonised laboratory methods to facilitate comparison with the situation in other countries. Eighteen out of 743 blood samples tested seropositive (2.4%, CI: 1.5-3.9%) by ELISA, and the results for 61 animals previously assessed using culture and PCR indicated that this serological test was not 100% specific for M. bovis, cross-reacting with M. microti. Nevertheless, serology appears to be an appropriate test methodology in the harmonisation of wild boar testing throughout Europe. In accordance with previous findings, the low seroprevalence found in wild boar suggests wildlife is an unlikely source of the M. bovis infections recently detected in cattle in Switzerland. This finding contrasts with the epidemiological situation pertaining in southern Spain.
In Switzerland sarcoptic mange is frequent in free-ranging wild carnivores but until recent years no cases had been recorded in wild ungulates. Since 2010, cases have been observed in wild boar in the cantons of Solothurn, Tessin and Thurgau. Here, we report the detection of mange-like skin lesions in wild boars by photo-trapping and the post-mortem findings in 6 culled animals presenting different stages of the disease. Potential sources of infection include mangy red foxes, outdoor domestic pigs and wild boars from surrounding countries. Disease spread in the wild boar population may become relevant not only for wildlife but also for domestic pig health in the future if piggeries' biosecurity is insufficient to prevent interactions with wild boar.
Sarcoptic mange occurs in free-ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) but has been poorly described in this species. We evaluated the performance of a commercial indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for serodiagnosis of sarcoptic mange in domestic swine when applied to wild boar sera. We tested 96 sera from wild boar in populations without mange history ("truly noninfected") collected in Switzerland between December 2012 and February 2014, and 141 sera from free-ranging wild boar presenting mange-like lesions, including 50 live animals captured and sampled multiple times in France between May and August 2006 and three cases submitted to necropsy in Switzerland between April 2010 and February 2014. Mite infestation was confirmed by skin scraping in 20 of them ("truly infected"). We defined sensitivity of the test as the proportion of truly infected that were found ELISA-positive, and specificity as the proportion of truly noninfected that were found negative. Sensitivity and specificity were 75% and 80%, respectively. Success of antibody detection increased with the chronicity of lesions, and seroconversion was documented in 19 of 27 wild boar sampled multiple times that were initially negative or doubtful. In conclusion, the evaluated ELISA has been successfully applied to wild boar sera. It appears to be unreliable for early detection in individual animals but may represent a useful tool for population surveys.
El trabajo ha sido desarrollado en el Parque Natural de la Serra de Mariola, situado al Norte de la provincia de Alicante (SE de España). La superficie total del área de estudio es de 17.500 has. Se trata de una zona diversa formada por un área interior montañosa, con pequeñas cuencas dedicadas a la agricultura de secano. En este estudio se han obtenido datos acerca de las abundancias y la evolución de las poblaciones de jabalí desde los años 1980 a la actualidad. Toda esta información se incorporó a una base de datos SIG junto con otras capas de usos del suelo, estando todas ellas organizadas a nivel de cotos de caza (n=20). La mayor parte del Parque ha obtenido valores de idoneidad que oscilan entre valores medios a muy altos (80%), mientras que solamente una superficie reducida presenta valores bajos (14%) o muy bajos (6%). Por otro lado, el nivel de daños es menor en los cotos situados al sur del PN (40%) y en el resto de cotos el jabalí ocasiona daños, en ocasiones bastante (40%) o muy importantes (20%), sobre la vegetación silvestre, cultivos y sobre algunas especies animales.
El trabajo ha sido desarrollado en un agrosistema tradicional del NE de la provincia de Alicante (SE España). La superficie total del área de estudio es de aproximadamente 59.000 ha. La zona presenta grandes contrastes, con un área interior de morfología montañosa, con pequeñas cuencas dedicadas a la agricultura de secano, mientras que la zona litoral se caracteriza por un relieve menos abrupto, con núcleos de población y explotaciones agrícolas de regadío. El estudio se basa en la información extraída a partir de encuestas realizadas a los gestores cinegéticos, obteniendo datos acerca de las abundancias y la evolución de las poblaciones de jabalí entre los años 1980 y la actualidad. Se construye una base de datos SIG con un total de 15 cotos de caza. La base de datos incluye las siguientes variables: usos del suelo a nivel de coto, abundancias y evolución temporal de la especie. Los resultados muestran que dos de los cotos presentan densidades de jabalí elevadas (15-25 ind/ha), dos cotos presentan densidades medias (10-15 ind/ha), cinco cotos muestran densidades bajas (5-10 ind/ha) y otros seis cotos densidades muy bajas (0-5 ind/ha). Los valores máximos se encuentran en cotos de interior y de montaña donde todavía se mantienen en activo cultivos de secano y se intercalan con cultivos abandonados y áreas naturales. También se observan densidades elevadas en el único coto de todos los analizados que se encuentra en la costa, donde la disponibilidad de hábitat es menor y, por lo tanto, hay una mayor concentración de individuos. Finalmente, el jabalí ha aumentado sus poblaciones desde la década de los años 1980 en la totalidad de los cotos estudiados.
Financiado en parte por el proyecto de investigación de la Conselleria de Educación y Ciencia GVA-Pre-2008-036 y el Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.
In recent decades wild boar have greatly increased in Europe due a combination of environmental and human factors. Because of a high reproduction rate, wild boar cause conflicts with human activities and in particularly agriculture. However, there are concerns also about environmental impact and in particular on ground nesting birds. Our study aim to evaluate the potential impact of wild boar on pheasants nests. Predation rates were compared between two areas with different wild boar abundance and between nests placed in fenced plots with no wild boar access (but accessible to other predators) and open plots in which the wild boar gains access. Predation rate by wild boar in the area with higher wild boar abundance was 61.5% whereas in the area with lower abundance was 16.0%. In plots with free access, wild boar predation was 34.2% whereas in exclusion plots we did not registered predation by wild boar. Moreover, wild boar resulted the main nest predator (total loss 22.8%). Our findings suggest that wild boar could have e strong impact on pheasant reproductive success.
Introduced mammals are major drivers of extinction and ecosystem change. As omnivores, feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are responsible for wholesale adverse effects on islands. Here, we report on the eradication of feral pigs from Santiago Island in the Galápagos Archipelago, Ecuador, which is the largest insular pig removal to date. Using a combination of ground hunting and poisoning, over 18,000 pigs were removed during this 30-year eradication campaign. A sustained effort, an effective poisoning campaign concurrent with the hunting program, access to animals by cutting more trails, and an intensive monitoring program all proved critical to the successful eradication. While low and fluctuating control efforts may help protect select native species, current eradication methods, limited conservation funds, and the potential negative non-target impacts of sustained control efforts all favor an intense eradication effort, rather than a sustained control program. The successful removal of pigs from Santiago Island sets a new precedent, nearly doubling the current size of a successful eradication, and is leading to more ambitious projects. However, now we must turn toward increasing eradication efficiency. Given limited conservation funds, we can no longer afford to spend decades removing introduced mammals from islands.
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (PCC-05-004-2, PAI06-0094, PCI-08-0096, PEII09-0032-5329) and the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2013-48411-P) for financial support. M.J. Patiño Ropero acknowledges the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha for her PhD. fellowship.