999 resultados para Surge


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Com esta tese almejámos compreender se o corpus literário consignado aos alunos dos 11º e 12º anos do Ensino Secundário Geral – ESG, fomenta a interculturalidade, em função dos diferentes grupos étnicos moçambicanos. Cientistas sociais têm apontado como prioridade, na área de Educação Cultural, o estabelecimento de estratégias para promover a interculturalidade, uma vez que Moçambique é um país multilingue e multicultural. Verificámos que a literatura, nomeadamente, ainda não foi abordada como prática que, a partir de recursos pedagógicos específicos, pode alavancar este princípio. Assim, realizámos uma pesquisa com o objetivo de: a) analisar as formas de interpretação de interculturalidade, a partir das representações culturais constantes do corpus literário obrigatório, por parte de intervenientes do processo educativo; b) mapear as representações culturais do mosaico identitário moçambicano nesse corpus literário; c) discutir se essas representações culturais promovem a interculturalidade; d) verificar de que forma é que esse corpus literário é utilizado enquanto meio que, a partir das respectivas representações culturais, pode estimular a interculturalidade. Como metodologia de trabalho analisámos diferentes estudos que abordam a interculturalidade, o texto literário e a Educação Cultural, para apreendermos que valor acrescentar relativamente à implementação da mesma em Moçambique. Debruçámo-nos também sobre a Agenda Nacional 2025 que traça os objetivos que o país deseja alcançar em Moçambique. No tocante às diretrizes escolares, estudámos os documentos que preconizam o que é prioritário para efetivar o Sistema Nacional de Ensino; analisámos o corpus literário obrigatório para os 11º e 12º anos do ESG moçambicano; aplicámos três questionários a intervenientes do processo educativo: alunos da Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique (estudado como grupo de controle) e alunos do ESG; uma planificadora curricular e uma autora de manuais de ensino. Um quarto questionário foi aplicado a um conjunto de nativos de cada grupo étnico moçambicano. Os documentos mencionados e as perguntas abertas dos questionários tiveram uma abordagem qualitativa. As perguntas fechadas foram analisadas de acordo com o método quantitativo. Recorremos ainda a um quadro teórico assente nos Estudos Culturais e na Teoria Literária, especificamente na Estética da Receção e na Sociologia da Leitura, por colocarem o leitor no centro de hipóteses de descodificação textual. No tocante ao questionário aplicado aos alunos, medimos os resultados da formação, realizada a partir desse tipo de texto, com recurso à corrente do Interacionismo Sócio-discursivo. Os resultados dessa análise levaram-nos a constatar que, na ótica da receção ativa de textos, as práticas educativas devem estimular os alunos a interpretarem os diferentes sentidos para os quais a obra literária aponta, atendendo à literariedade do texto, no quadro de modalizações culturais, uma vez que algumas obras literárias moçambicanas assentam sobre uma escrita de base etnográfica. Este pode ser um recurso para despertar os alunos para uma consciência intercultural. A conclusão a que chegámos é a de que o atual corpus literário tem limitações na promoção da interculturalidade. Foi nesse sentido que apresentámos um cânone literário multicultural e um modelo de análise de representações culturais dos grupos étnicos moçambicanos susceptível de aplicação aos contextos educativos


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Increased tidal levels and storm surges related to climate change are projected to result in extremely adverse effects on coastal regions. Predictions of such extreme and small-scale events, however, are exceedingly challenging, even for relatively short time horizons. Here we use data from observations, ERA-40 reanalysis, climate scenario simulations, and a simple feature model to find that the frequency of extreme storm surge events affecting Venice is projected to decrease by about 30% by the end of the twenty-first century. In addition, through a trend assessment based on tidal observations we found a reduction in extreme tidal levels. Extrapolating the current +17 cm/century sea level trend, our results suggest that the frequency of extreme tides in Venice might largely remain unaltered under the projected twenty-first century climate simulations.


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In this paper, electromagnetic emission at the frequency range of 30MHz to 300MHz is used to detect physical defects on the 22kV outdoor zinc-oxide (ZnO) surge arresters. Different weather conditions combining with artificially created pollution were produced in a laboratory environment and measurements were recorded over a fixed period of time. Pollution due to fine dust particles has been created according to IEC standard under both wet and dry conditions. The aim is to detect the defects (bushing damage) when the surge arrester is subjected to various weather and surface condition. The collected electromagnetic signals were sampled and analyzed using analysis tools such as the autocorrelation coefficient and Wigner-Ville distribution. The results from the present paper indicate that electromagnetic radiation from the defects on surge arrester combining with the adequate analysis tools can be used as a valuable diagnostic tool for power system operator.


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Stress disrupts the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge in females, but the mechanisms are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that cortisol compromises the ability of estrogen to induce a preovulatory-like LH surge in ovariectomized ewes in both the breeding and nonbreeding season. Luteinizing hormone surges were induced in ovariectomized ewes by treatment with progesterone followed by a surge-inducing estradiol-17β (E2) stimulus using a crossover design. The experiment was replicated in the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Cortisol reduced the incidence of LH surges irrespective of season. Cortisol increased the latency from E2 stimulus to the onset of the surge in the breeding season only and suppressed the LH surge amplitude during both seasons (P < 0.01). We conclude that cortisol can interfere with the LH surge in several ways: delay, blunt, and in extreme cases prevent the E2-induced LH surge. Furthermore, the effect of cortisol to delay the E2-induced LH surge is more pronounced in the breeding season. These results show that cortisol disrupts the positive feedback effect of E2 to trigger an LH surge and suggest the involvement of multiple mechanisms.


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Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that cortisol interferes with the positive feedback action of estradiol that induces the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. Ovariectomized sheep were treated sequentially with progesterone and estradiol to create artificial estrous cycles. Cortisol or vehicle (saline) was infused from 2 h before the estradiol stimulus through the time of the anticipated LH surge in the artificial follicular phase of two successive cycles. The plasma cortisol increment produced by infusion was ∼1.5 times greater than maximal concentrations seen during infusion of endotoxin, which is a model of immune/inflammatory stress. In experiment 1, half of the ewes received vehicle in the first cycle and cortisol in the second; the others were treated in reverse order. All ewes responded with an LH surge. Cortisol delayed the LH surge and reduced its amplitude, but both effects were observed only in the second cycle. Experiment 2 was modified to provide better control for a cycle effect. Four treatment sequences were tested (cycle 1-cycle 2): vehicle-vehicle, cortisol-cortisol, vehicle-cortisol, cortisol-vehicle. Again, cortisol delayed but did not block the LH surge, and this delay occurred in both cycles. Thus, an elevation in plasma cortisol can interfere with the positive feedback action of estradiol by delaying and attenuating the LH surge.


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Glucocorticoids can inhibit pulsatile LH secretion and can delay or even block the preovulatory LH surge. Previous work in ovariectomized ewes has indicated that cortisol can delay the estradiol-induced LH surge in an artificial follicular phase model but the results suggest this effect may be influenced by prior exposure to ovarian steroids. Here we tested the hypothesis that this disruptive effect of cortisol on the positive feedback action of estradiol is dependent on prior exposure to the ovarian steroidal milieu of the estrous cycle. Using long-term ovariectomized ewes, sequential artificial estrous cycles were created in the anestrous season by treatment and subsequent withdrawal of progesterone (CIDRs inserted for 9 d) followed by estradiol implants simulating the pre-ovulatory estradiol rise that induces the LH surge. Following the first artificial estrous cycle, a second cycle was initiated. Progesterone was again administered for 9 d followed by a second artificial follicular phase two weeks later. Beginning 2 hr prior to estradiol administration and ending at 40 hr, animals received either a cortisol infusion (elevate plasma levels to ∼170 ng/ml) or vehicle. Jugular blood was sampled hourly to assess occurrence and timing of the LH surge. Four different treatment sequences were tested (Cycle 1-Cycle 2): cortisol-cortisol; vehicle-cortisol; cortisol-vehicle; and vehicle-vehicle (n=5-6/sequence). If prior exposure to the ovarian steroidal milieu of the estrous cycle was necessary for cortisol to interfere with the positive feedback action of estradiol, then we would predict that cortisol would only delay the LH surge when it was delivered in Cycle 2 but not Cycle 1. Our results failed to support this prediction. Cortisol delayed the surge in both cycles (p<0.01), and the extent of the delay was the same in both Cycles 1 and 2 (4 hrs). Cortisol did not significantly affect surge amplitude in either cycle. These findings reinforce our previous conclusion that cortisol can delay the estradiol-induced LH surge but they do not support the hypothesis that this action of cortisol is dependent upon exposure to the ovarian steroidal milieu of the previous estrous cycle. (NIH-HD-30773)


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We tested the hypothesis that sustained and repeated acute elevation of cortisol would impair the LH surge, estrus, and ovulation in gilts. Cortisol was injected intramuscularly, to achieve a sustained elevation of plasma concentrations of cortisol, or intravenously, to achieve an acute elevation of plasma concentrations of cortisol. Control gilts received i.m. injections of oil and i.v. injections of saline. These treatments were administered to gilts (n = 6 per treatment) at 12-h intervals from Days 7 to 11 of the estrous cycle until after estrus ceased or until Day 27 or 28 of the estrous cycle, whichever came first. The repeated acute elevation of cortisol had no effect on the LH surge, estrus, or ovulation. In contrast, when the elevation of cortisol was sustained, the LH surge, estrus, and ovulation were inhibited. We conclude that cortisol is capable of direct actions to impair reproductive processes in female pigs but that plasma concentrations of cortisol need to be elevated for a substantial period for this to occur.


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Considering that there is limited information about the preovulatory LH surge in Zebu cattle (Bos indicus), the purpose of the present work was to assess the LH surge in Nelore cows during the estrous cycle and after ovarian superestimulation of ovarian follicular development with FSH. This information is particularly important to improve superovulatory protocols associated with fixed-time artificial insemination. Nelore cows (n = 12) had their estrus synchronized with an intravaginal device containing progesterone (CIDR-B ®) associated with estradiol benzoate administration (EB, 2.5 mg, i.m., Day 0). Eight days later all animals were treated with PGF2α (Day 8) in the morning (8:00 h) and at night, when CIDR devices were removed (20:00 h). Starting 38 h after the first PGF2α injection, blood sampling and ovarian ultrasonography took place every 4 h, during 37 consecutive hours. Frequent handling may have resulted in a stress-induced suppression of LH secretion resulting in only 3 of 12 cows having ovulations at 46.7 ± 4.9 and 72.3 ± 3.8 h, respectively, after removal of CIDR-B. Thirty days later, the same animals received the described hormonal treatment associated with FSH (Folltropin ®, total dose = 200 mg) administered twice a day, during 4 consecutive days, starting on Day 5. Thirty-six hours after the first injection of PGF2α, to minimize stress, only seven blood samples were collected at 4 h interval each, and ultrasonography was performed every 12 h until ovulation. In 11 of 12 cows (92%) the LH surge and ovulation were observed 34.6 ± 1.6 and 59.5 ± 1.9 h, respectively, after removal of progesterone source. The maximum values for LH in those animals were 19.0 ± 2.6 ng/ml (mean ± S.E.M.). It is concluded that, in Nelore cows submitted to a ovarian superstimulation protocol, the LH surge occurs approximately 35 h after removal of intravaginal device containing progesterone, and approximately 12 h before the LH surge observed after an induced estrus without ovarian superstimulation. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Includes bibliography