987 resultados para Suplemento dietético
Foram utilizadas 30 vacas gestantes da raça Canchim, mantidas em sistema de pastejo rotativo intensivo de capim-marandu, que receberam suplemento alimentar para manutenção de peso corporal durante a estação seca. Para avaliar as recomendações do Agricultural and Food Research Council, quanto ao fornecimento de substrato dietético para o crescimento da microbiota ruminal, os animais foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso (três tratamentos x dez repetições), de acordo com os seguintes tratamentos: controle (sem restrição do requerimento microbiano de proteína degradável e energia fermentável); restrição do requerimento microbiano de proteína degradável; e restrição do requerimento microbiano de energia metabolizável fermentável. Os suplementos foram compostos com silagem de milho, milho moído e soja integral, cujas quantidades predeterminadas foram fornecidas aos animais diariamente às 10 h. O período de avaliação teve duração de 192 dias, durante o qual foram efetuadas pesagens dos animais no início/término de cada um dos quatro subperíodos experimentais estabelecidos. A avaliação dos resultados indicou que não houve diferença no desempenho dos animais que receberam os diferentes suplementos com médias de ganho de peso corporal de 0,18; 0,02; e 0,12 kg/cab/dia para os respectivos tratamentos descritos. Concluiu-se que a limitação do crescimento da microbiota ruminal por meio da redução dos aportes de energia fermentável ou proteína degradável não interferiu no desempenho de vacas Canchim durante o período seco.
Thirty two Canchim suckling calves, maintained on rotational grazing system of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, were divided in three groups corresponding to three evaluated treatments: control (without creep-feeding); SAL5 (addition of 5% of NaCl to concentrate fed in creep-feeding); and SAL10 (addition of 10% of NaCl to concentrate fed in creep-feeding). Feeding in a creep-feeding system lasted 90 days, divided in three subperiods of 30 days. The body weight gain was greater in the subperiods 1 and 2 for SAL10 and SAL5 treatments, respectively. There were no differences in the third subperiod and, in the overall period, the SAL10 treatment (0.91 kg.animal-1.day-1) was better than control treatment (0.81 kg,animal-1.day-1). The monthly remuneration provided by the treatments SAL5 e SAL10 related to the control group were-12.5 and 6.0%, respectively. The body weight differentials at weaning, compared to the control group, for creep-feeding provide a monthly net profit of 0, 0.6, 1.2, and 6.0% should be 10.8, 11.0, 11.2, and 12.8 kg.animal-1 for SAL5 and 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, and 9.0 kg.animal-1 for SAL10. It was concluded that the limited supplement intake in creep-feeding was necessary to obtain economic viability.
The development in the area of creates was studied of 14 nuclei with four mass off cells from the division of nine beehives of africanized Apis mellifera honeybees, distributed in two treatments: TPL - nuclei fed with inverted sugar + 3.5ml of the vitaminic amino acid supplement (Promotor L® ), composition for six nuclei and TAI - nuclei fed with composed inverted sugar for eight nuclei. The nuclei had been fed weekly in individual feeder's type tray, and the evaluations carried through in four periods, totalizing 74 days. The treatments had not presented significant difference, being that, number the TPL presented area of creates inferior to TAI (233.63 versus. 273.02cm 2, respectively). How much to the periods the four was superior (P<0.05) to the first and as second, being that the third did not present significant difference (P<0.05) in relation to the others. The use of the TAI was economically more favorable in relation to the TPL in R$0.21 in relation to the cost for production of 1kg of food.
Objective: This research was performed with the objective of investigating the renal effects on premature newborn infants of fortifying banked donor human milk. Methods: Clinical intervention trial, of the before-and-after type, involving 28 premature newborn infants split into two groups by postconceptional age at the start of the study: GI < 34 weeks (n = 14) and GII ≥ 34 weeks (n = 14), and assessed at three sample points: S1, on unfortified donor human milk, S2, after 3 days, and S3, after 10-13 days on fortified donor human milk. Nutrient intake, weight gain, fractional sodium excretion, urinary osmolality and specific density were compared with two-way ANOVA for repeated measures. Results: Fluids, energy and sodium intakes were similar for both groups, and weight gain was satisfactory. Among the preterms with < 34 weeks postconceptional age, serum sodium was lower at the end of the study and the fractional sodium excretion was elevated at the start and at the end of the study (S1 = 2.11±1.05; S2 = 1.25±0.64; S3 = 1.62±0.88), with a significant difference in relation to GII (S1 = 1.34±0.94; S2 = 0.90±0.54; S3 = 0.91±0.82). Osmolality and urinary specific density were normal, with no differences between groups or collection dates. Conclusions: No adverse effects on the renal function of these preterms were detected as a result of being fed fortified donor human milk. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
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