195 resultados para Superstructure


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The behavior of pile foundations in non liquefiable soil under seismic loading is considerably influenced by the variability in the soil and seismic design parameters. Hence, probabilistic models for the assessment of seismic pile design are necessary. Deformation of pile foundation in non liquefiable soil is dominated by inertial force from superstructure. The present study considers a pseudo-static approach based on code specified design response spectra. The response of the pile is determined by equivalent cantilever approach. The soil medium is modeled as a one-dimensional random field along the depth. The variability associated with undrained shear strength, design response spectrum ordinate, and superstructure mass is taken into consideration. Monte Carlo simulation technique is adopted to determine the probability of failure and reliability indices based on pile failure modes, namely exceedance of lateral displacement limit and moment capacity. A reliability-based design approach for the free head pile under seismic force is suggested that enables a rational choice of pile design parameters.


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The Winkler spring model is the most convenient representation of soil support in the domain of linear elasticity for framed structure-soil interaction analyses. The closeness of the analytical results obtained using this model with those corresponding to the elastic half-space continuum has been investigated in the past for foundation beams. The findings, however, are not applicable to framed structures founded on beam or strip footings. Moreover, the past investigations employ the concept of characteristic length which does not adequately account for the stiffness contribution of the superstructure. A framed structure on beam foundation can be described parametrically by the ratios of stiffnesses of superstructure and foundation beams to that of soil. For a practical range of soil allowable pressures, the ranges of these relative stiffness ratios have been established. The present study examines the variation between interactive analyses based on Winkler springs with those using the half-space continuum over these ranges of relative stiffness ratios. The findings enable the analyst to undertake a Winkler spring-based-interaction analysis with knowledge of the likely variation of values with those derived for the more computation-intensive half-space continuum.


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Anion-deficient perovskite oxides of the formula AM(1-x)Al(x)O(3-x) (A = Na or K; M = Nb or Ta) have been prepared for 0 < x less than or equal to 0.5. Diffraction experiments reveal that while the potassium compounds adopt orthorhombic/cubic perovskite structures similar to the parent KNbO3/KTaO3, the sodium compound, NaNb0.5Al0.5O2.5, possesses a brownmillerite/LaSr-CuAlO5-like superstructure. Al-27 NMR spectra show an exclusive tetrahedral oxygen coordination for AI(III) in Na-Nb0.5Al0.5O2.5 (I) and both tetrahedral and octahedral coordination for Al(III) in KNb0.5Al0.5O2.5 (II). The results suggest a long-range and short-range ordering of oxide ion vacancies in I and II respectively. Electrical conductivity measurements show a significant oxide ion conduction for KNb1-xAlxO3-x, with the conductivity increasing with x up to x = 0.5. The differences in the Arrhenius plots of the ionic conductivity of I and II have been rationalized in terms of the long-range and short-range ordering of oxide ion vacancies in the anion-deficient perovskite oxides.


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The synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of mixed-metal oxides of ABO(3) composition in the La-B-V-O (B = Ni, Cu) systems are described in the present paper. While the B = Ni oxides adopt GdFeO3-like perovskite structure containing disordered nickel and vanadium at the octahedral B site, La3Cu2VO9 crystallizes in a YAlO3-type structure. A detailed investigation of the superstructure of nominal La3Cu2VO9 by WDS analysis and Rietveld refinement of powder XRD data reveal that the likely composition of the phase is La13Cu9V4O38.5, where the Cu and V atoms are ordered in a root13a(h) (a(h) = hexagonal a parameter of YAlO3-like subcell) superstructure. Magnetic susceptibility data support the proposed superstructure consisting of triangular Cu-3 clusters. At low temperatures, the magnetic moment corresponds to S = 1/2 per Cu-3 cluster, while at high temperatures the behavior is Curie-Weiss like, showing S = 1/2 per copper. The present work reveals the contrasting behavior of La-Cu-V-O and La-Ni-V-O systems: while a unique line-phase related to YAlO3 structure is formed around La3Cu2VO9 Composition in the copper system, a continuous series of perovskite-GdFeO3 solid solutions, LaNi1-xVxO3 for 0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 1/3 seems to be obtained in the nickel system, where the oxidation state of nickel varies from 3+ to 2+.


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Two heterometallic coordination polymers (CPs) have been prepared using (NiL)-L-II](2)Co-II (where H2L = N,N'-bis(salicylidene)-1,3-propanediamine) as nodes and dicyanamido spacers by varying the solvent for synthesis. Structural characterizations revealed that methanol assisted the formation of a two-dimensional (4,4) connected rhombic grid network of (NiL)(2)Co(NCNCN)2](infinity) (1a) whereas relatively less polar acetonitrile afforded a different superstructure {(NiL)(2)Co(NCNCN)(2)]center dot CH3CN}(infinity) (1b) with a two-dimensional (4,4) connected square grid network. The presence of acetonitrile molecules in the structure of 1b seems to change the spatial orientation of the terminal metalloligands NiL] from pseudo-eclipsed in 1a to staggered-like in 1b around the central Co(II). These structural changes in the nodes together with the conformationally flexible dicyanamido spacers, which are cis coordinated to the Co(II) in both trinuclear units, led to the differences in the final 2D network. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements revealed that this supramolecular isomerism led to a drastic transition from spin-frustrated antiferromagnetism for 1a to a dominant ferromagnetic behaviour for 1b. The geometrical differences in Ni2Co coordination clusters (CCs) which are scalene triangular in 1a but nearly linear in 1b, are held responsible for the changes of the magnetic properties. The DFT calculations of exchange interactions between metal centres provide a clear evidence of the role played by the fundamental geometrical factors on the nature and magnitude of the magnetic coupling in these pseudo-polymorphic CPs.


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Precise control of supercoiling homeostasis is critical to DNA-dependent processes such as gene expression, replication, and damage response. Topoisomerases are central regulators of DNA supercoiling commonly thought to act independently in the recognition and modulation of chromosome superstructure; however, recent evidence has indicated that cells tightly regulate topoisomerase activity to support chromosome dynamics, transcriptional response, and replicative events. How topoisomerase control is executed and linked to the internal status of a cell is poorly understood. To investigate these connections, we determined the structure of Escherichia coil gyrase, a type HA topoisomerase bound to YacG, a recently identified chromosomally encoded inhibitor protein. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that YacG is frequently associated with coenzyme A (CoA) production enzymes, linking the protein to metabolism and stress. The structure, along with supporting solution studies, shows that YacG represses gyrase by sterically occluding the principal DNA-binding site of the enzyme. Unexpectedly, YacG acts by both engaging two spatially segregated regions associated with small-molecule inhibitor interactions (fluoroquinolone antibiotics and the newly reported antagonist GSK299423) and remodeling the gyrase holo enzyme into an inactive, ATP-trapped configuration. This study establishes a new mechanism for the protein-based control of topoisomerases, an approach that may be used to alter supercoiling levels for responding to changes in cellular state.


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In this paper particular investigation is directed towards the combined effects of horizontal and vertical motions of real earthquakes to structures resting on sliding base. A simplified method is presented to treat the nonlinear effects of time dependent frictional force of the sliding base as a function of the vertical reaction produced by the foundation. As an example, the El Centro 1940 earthquake record is used on a structural model to show the structural responses due to a sliding base with different frictional and stiffness characteristics. The study shows that vertical ground motion does affect both the superstructure response and the base sliding displacement. Nevertheless, the sliding base isolator is shown to be effective for the reduction of seismic response of a superstructure.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo o estudo da narrativa dedicada ao público infanto-juvenil através de seus sumários e das estratégias textuais e discursivas que levaram a coleção ao grande recorde de venda no período de 2007. Trata-se de uma narrativa, de autoria a Dav Pilkey, intitulada As Aventuras do Capitão Cueca. Fazem parte deste corpus os quatro volumes iniciais da coleção e seus respectivos sumários analisados dentro da teoria laboviana sobre as narrativas. O estudo proposto analisa o tipo de texto e que estruturas podem justificar o porquê de os volumes serem considerados um romance épico. Analisa-se, a importância das construções metafóricas e referenciais para a construção dos personagens e para a progressão textual. Postulam-se três tipos de metáforas - a do poder, a da ação e a da aventura, que, participam na superestrutura textual, construindo a história como um conjunto de elementos composto, tanto pelos referentes quanto pelas escolhas lexicais, já que, por meio do léxico, são delineadas as pistas necessárias à progressão textual o que, consequentemente, propicia um texto com articulação e suspense, o que torna a leitura mais próxima do público que a coleção deseja atingir. Mostrou-se necessário, também, um estudo mais acurado do gênero e da tipologia textual, visto que, nesse momento, nos utilizamos da própria denominação do subtítulo da coleção: romance épico. A organização da microestrutura do texto na perspectiva da relação metáfora e referentes permitiu o reconhecimento de uma tríade na organização da macroestrutura da narrativa, justificando a referência à narrativa épica e às peripécias vividas pelos personagens. É essa complexidade textual que torna a coleção tão singular e atrativa aos olhos do público a que se destina, confirmando a essência do processo de interação entre texto/ leitor/ produtor, em um processo dialógico. Embasam esse estudo as teorias sócio-cognitivas de Lakoff e Johnson (2002) e Sardinha (2007), Koch (2002), Cavalcante (2011), Marcuschi (2008). Concluí-se que a arquitetura do texto pode, de fato, interferir no processo de desenvolvimento da competência de leitura dos estudantes, prendendo seu interesse, o que faz com que haja uma construção de interação. Essa possibilidade, por analogia, pode ser, de um lado, um ponto de desvendamento para o sucesso de alguns livros publicados e que se tornam absoluto sucesso em um dado tempo entre os jovens; de outro lado, pode colocar o professor e a escola do século XXI à frente de novos desafios não só no que tange ao desenvolvimento das diferentes habilidades de leitura, mas também frente ao que é importante do ponto de vista discursivo para o incentivo à leitura, em um mundo marcado semioticamente pela imagem


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A tese analisa redações produzidas por candidatos ao vestibular de 2008 da UERJ, nas quais são investigados aspectos concernentes à superestrutura do gênero dissertação de vestibular e às categorias do modo argumentativo de organização do texto, a saber: a tomada de posição, a presença de argumentos orientados para a tese do argumentador, a presença de contra-argumentos e as estratégias argumentativas que se destacam. Busca-se entender a relação entre as falhas redacionais e o ensino desse modo argumentativo do texto, apontando-se os estudos recentes em teoria da argumentação, semântica argumentativa, linguística textual e análise do discurso, que podem oferecer subsídios ao ensino da argumentação escrita, sobretudo os de Oliveira (2010), Charaudeau (2008) e Bernardo (2007 e 2010). Este trabalho interessa-se particularmente pelas contribuições passíveis de aplicação no ensino de redação em nível médio. Tanto os aspectos textuais, quanto os situacionais são analisados com vistas a que as conclusões advindas de tal análise possam convergir para contribuições ao ensino de produção de textos, o que se materializa no capítulo em que se apresentam sugestões de atividades


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Este trabalho propõe uma adaptação na metodologia de utilização dos indicadores da qualidade, em conjunto com as ferramentas da qualidade, a fim de obter melhorias no processo construtivo predial. Pretende-se elevar o nível de controle na chegada dos materiais à obra para a construção da superestrutura de concreto armado moldadas in loco e eliminar gradativamente as não-conformidades nas peças acabadas nesta etapa construtiva por meio dos princípios do controle de qualidade e dando ênfase ao ciclo PDCA. As ferramentas da qualidade são utilizadas na indústria, especialmente no setor automobilístico, onde auxiliam no rastreamento e eliminação das causas de nãoconformidade ocorridas em seus produtos. Estas ferramentas permitem também um acompanhamento dos resultados, a fim de reduzir custos e aumentar a qualidade e confiabilidade dos produtos. Contudo, na indústria da construção civil do Brasil ainda são pouco utilizadas onde, aliadas aos princípios da qualidade e a utilização de indicadores de qualidade, identificam as fontes geradoras de não-conformidades no produto final auxiliando na eliminação incremental dos desperdícios e conseqüentemente nos atrasos e redução de custos nas construções. Os resultados do estudo mostram que, o uso de indicadores da qualidade em conjunto com as ferramentas da qualidade torna possível implantar um fluxo de atividades de controle, que permite rastrear as causas de não-conformidade na fase de execução da superestrutura predial de concreto armado.


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This paper describes four centrifuge tests investigating the performance of non-structural inclined micro-piles as a liquefaction remediation method for existing buildings. Two soil profiles with the same superstructure founded on each were tested under earthquakes of different magnitudes and durations. The first profile consisted of a deep, homogeneous layer of loose, liquefiable sand. The second comprised a shallow layer of loose sand overlying dense sand. Centrifuge tests were carried out with and without inclined micro-piles in each soil profile. The superstructure was modelled as an idealised single degree of freedom (SDOF) system. It is found that the micro-piles have no detrimental effect on the performance of the structure during and after earthquakes. It is also possible that their presence may decrease structural settlements in earthquakes which cause liquefaction to a depth less than that of the improved zone. However, no conclusive evidence is obtained to show that the micro-piles significantly restrain lateral soil movement due to monotonic shearing from the structure or impede the migration of excess pore pressures from the free field to the foundation zone. Both these processes have critical effects on structural settlement. The use of inclined micro-piles for liquefaction remediation should therefore be considered with caution.


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Many typical liquefaction remediation techniques are not appropriate for application under existing buildings and more novel techniques are required. This paper describes centrifuge tests investigating the performance of cementation as a liquefaction remediation method. Two soil profiles with the same superstructure were tested under earthquake shaking. The first profile consisted of a deep layer of loose, liquefiable sand. The second comprised a shallow layer of loose sand overlying dense sand. Centrifuge tests were carried out with a cemented zone underneath the structure, through the full depth of the liquefiable layers and also partial depth. The superstructure was modelled as a single-degree-offreedom system. It is found that a cemented zone through the full depth of a liquefiable layer results in considerable reduction of structural settlements. Increased magnitude and higher frequency accelerations are transmitted to the structure but, depending on the building characteristics, it is likely that improved overall seismic performance can be achieved. Improvements in structural settlements can also be obtained with partialdepth remediation, if the depth of the cemented zone is greater than the depth of liquefaction. This type of remediation seems to have little effect on the accelerations transmitted to the structure.


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Pile reuse has become an increasingly popular option in foundation design, mainly due to its potential cost and environmental benefits and the problem of underground congestion in urban areas. However, key geotechnical concerns remain regarding the behavior of reused piles and the modeling of foundation systems involving old and new piles to support building loads of the new structure. In this paper, a design and analysis tool for pile reuse projects will be introduced. The tool allows coupling of superstructure stiffness with the foundation model, and includes an optimization algorithm to obtain the best configuration of new piles to work alongside reused piles. Under the concept of Pareto Optimality, multi-objective optimization analyses can also reveal the relationship between material usage and the corresponding foundation performance, providing a series of reuse options at various foundation costs. The components of this analysis tool will be discussed and illustrated through a case history in London, where 110 existing piles are reused at a site to support the proposed new development. The case history reveals the difficulties faced by foundation reuse in urban areas and demonstrates the application of the design tool to tackle these challenges. © ASCE 2011.


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The failure of piled foundations has been observed in many earthquake events. The manner in which a pile is able to support its applied superstructure loading during an earthquake is not yet fully understood, particularly with respect to the shaft friction capacity. In this paper, new pile group is presented which has been instrumented to measure the shaft friction distribution along the length of a pile. In addition, this pile group is able to measure the pore pressures directly beneath the pile tips. The pile group was tested in dynamic centrifuge experiments and showed differing shaft friction behaviour in dense and loose soil layers as well as strong dilation beneath the pile tips at the start of earthquake loading. A reduction in shaft friction was observed after the earthquake due to soil down-drag. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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Half of the world's annual production of steel is used in constructing buildings and infrastructure. Producing this steel causes significant amounts of carbon dioxide to be released into the atmosphere. Climate change experts recommend this amount be halved by 2050; however steel demand is predicted to have doubled by this date. As process efficiency improvements will not reach the required 75% reduction in emissions per unit steel output, new methods must be examined to deliver service using less steel production. To apply such methods successfully to construction, it must first be known where steel is used currently within the industry. This information is not available so a methodology is proposed to estimate it from known data. Results are presented for steel flows by product for ten construction sectors for both the UK and the world in 2006. An estimate for steel use within a 'typical' building is also published for the first time. Industrial buildings and utility infrastructure are identified as the largest end-uses of steel, while superstructure is confirmed as the main use of steel in a building. The results highlight discrepancies in previous steel estimates and life-cycle assessments, and will inform future research on lowering demand for steel, hence reducing carbon emissions. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.