995 resultados para Super Short Pulse Laser


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The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the failure caused by electrical discharge on commercial ZnO varistor doped with oxide of Bi, Sb, Si, Cr, Co utilized in electric transmission systems. In order to observe the effect of electrical discharge over the microstructure and electrical properties of the varistors, two kinds of pulses were applied: long pulse (2000 ms) and short pulse (8/20 mu s). In both cases, a decrease in grain size and increase in micropores and leakage current were observed. The degraded samples present oxygen defficiency mainly in the grain boundary and phase tranformation from the bismuth oxide phase. (c) 2005 Springer Science+ Business Media, Inc.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We have recorded reflection profiles of firn through large areas of West Antarctica and part of the East Antarctic plateau using 400 MHz short-pulse radar. The locations show accumulation rates that vary from well above to well below the vertical radar resolution. Most reflection horizons have extensive lateral continuity, and are composed of distinctive wavelets with a consistent phase polarity sequence within their successive half-cycles. We modeled these waveforms, and conclude that they arise from thin, double layers of ice over hoar, which is consistent with the standard model of firn stratification. In addition, we conclude that ice/hoar layers are extensive throughout West Antarctica and also present (although more sparsely) beneath the Antarctic Plateau.


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The purpose of this research was to elucidate the mechanism of assembly of retroviruses, specifically of murine leukemia virus, as studied through the treatment of virus-infected cells with interferon and through the use of temperature sensitive (ts) mutants. Our studies have shown a rapid and specific association of Rauscher murine leukemia virus (R-MuLV) precursor polyprotein Pr65('gag) with cytoskeletal elements in infected mouse fibroblasts. The Pr65('gag) associated with Nonidet P-40 (NP40)-insoluble cytoskeletal structures appeared to be subphosphorylated in comparison to NP40-soluble Pr65('gag). The association of Pr65('gag) with skeletal elements could be disrupted by extraction of the cytoskeleton with sodium deoxycholate, an ionic detergent. Both the skeleton-associated Pr65('gag) and its NP40-soluble counterpart were labeled with {('3)H}-palmitate, indicating their probable association with lipids presumably in the plasma membrane. Pr65('gag) molecules bound to skeletal elements in the infected cell appeared to be more stable to proteolytic processing than NP40-soluble Pr65('gag). Our studies with certain ts mutants of murine leukemia virus, defective in virus assembly, including Mo-MuLV ts3 and R-MuLV ts17, ts24, ts25 and ts26, have shown that virions released at 39(DEGREES)C (nonpermissive temperature) had high levels of uncleaved Pr65('gag) relative to that seen in virions released at 33(DEGREES)C (permissive temperature). Examination of cell extracts revealed that Pr54('gag) was more stable to processing at 39(DEGREES)C than at 33(DEGREES)C, whereas the 'env' and glycosylated 'gag' proteins were processed to the same extent at both temperatures. Detergent extraction of pulse-labeled cells to generate an NP40-insoluble cytoskeleton-enriched fraction showed that in ts3-, ts17- and ts24-infected cells, Pr65('gag) accumulated in the cytoskeleton-enriched fraction. In contrast, cells infected with ts25 or ts26 showed no preferential localization of Pr65('gag) in the cytoskeleton in a short pulse, but instead, Pr65('gag) accumulated in both the NP40-soluble and -insoluble fractions during a chase-incubation. The association of Pr65('gag) with cytoskeletal elements in the cell was neither increased nor decreased by blocking virus assembly and release with interferon. Based on these and other results, we have proposed a model for the active role of cytoskeleton-associated Pr65('gag) in retrovirus assembly.^


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Three marine sediment cores distributed along the Norwegian (MD95-2011), Barents Sea (JM09-KA11-GC), and Svalbard (HH11-134-BC) continental margins have been investigated in order to reconstruct changes in the poleward flow of Atlantic waters (AW) and in the nature of upper surface water masses within the eastern Nordic Seas over the last 3000 yr. These reconstructions are based on a limited set of coccolith proxies: the abundance ratio between Emiliania huxleyi and Coccolithus pelagicus, an index of Atlantic vs. Polar/Arctic surface water masses; and Gephyrocapsa muellerae, a drifted coccolith species from the temperate North Atlantic, whose abundance changes are related to variations in the strength of the North Atlantic Current. The entire investigated area, from 66 to 77° N, was affected by an overall increase in AW flow from 3000 cal yr BP (before present) to the present. The long-term modulation of westerlies' strength and location, which are essentially driven by the dominant mode of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), is thought to explain the observed dynamics of poleward AW flow. The same mechanism also reconciles the recorded opposite zonal shifts in the location of the Arctic front between the area off western Norway and the western Barents Sea-eastern Fram Strait region. The Little Ice Age (LIA) was governed by deteriorating conditions, with Arctic/Polar waters dominating in the surface off western Svalbard and western Barents Sea, possibly associated with both severe sea ice conditions and a strongly reduced AW strength. A sudden short pulse of resumed high WSC (West Spitsbergen Current) flow interrupted this cold spell in eastern Fram Strait from 330 to 410 cal yr BP. Our dataset not only confirms the high amplitude warming of surface waters at the turn of the 19th century off western Svalbard, it also shows that such a warming was primarily induced by an excess flow of AW which stands as unprecedented over the last 3000 yr.


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La fisuración iniciada en la superficie de los pavimentos asfálticos constituye uno de los más frecuentes e importantes modos de deterioro que tienen lugar en los firmes bituminosos, como han demostrado los estudios teóricos y experimentales llevados a cabo en la última década. Sin embargo, este mecanismo de fallo no ha sido considerado por los métodos tradicionales de diseño de estos firmes. El concepto de firmes de larga duración se fundamenta en un adecuado seguimiento del proceso de avance en profundidad de estos deterioros y la intervención en el momento más apropiado para conseguir mantenerlos confinados como fisuras de profundidad parcial en la capa superficial más fácilmente accesible y reparable, de manera que pueda prolongarse la durabilidad y funcionalidad del firme y reducir los costes generalizados de su ciclo de vida. Por lo tanto, para la selección de la estrategia óptima de conservación de los firmes resulta esencial disponer de metodologías que posibiliten la identificación precisa in situ de la fisuración descendente, su seguimiento y control, y que además permitan una determinación fiable y con alto rendimiento de su profundidad y extensión. En esta Tesis Doctoral se presentan los resultados obtenidos mediante la investigación sistemática de laboratorio e in situ llevada a cabo para la obtención de datos sobre fisuración descendente en firmes asfálticos y para el estudio de procedimientos de evaluación de la profundidad de este tipo de fisuras empleando técnicas de ultrasonidos. Dichos resultados han permitido comprobar que la metodología no destructiva propuesta, de rápida ejecución, bajo coste y sencilla implementación (principalmente empleada hasta el momento en estructuras metálicas y de hormigón, debido a las dificultades que introduce la naturaleza viscoelástica de los materiales bituminosos) puede ser aplicada con suficiente fiabilidad y repetibilidad sobre firmes asfálticos. Las medidas resultan asimismo independientes del espesor total del firme. Además, permite resolver algunos de los inconvenientes frecuentes que presentan otros métodos de diagnóstico de las fisuras de pavimentos, tales como la extracción de testigos (sistema destructivo, de alto coste y prolongados tiempos de interrupción del tráfico) o algunas otras técnicas no destructivas como las basadas en medidas de deflexiones o el georradar, las cuales no resultan suficientemente precisas para la investigación de fisuras superficiales. Para ello se han realizado varias campañas de ensayos sobre probetas de laboratorio en las que se han estudiado diferentes condiciones empíricas como, por ejemplo, distintos tipos de mezclas bituminosas en caliente (AC, SMA y PA), espesores de firme y adherencias entre capas, temperaturas, texturas superficiales, materiales de relleno y agua en el interior de las grietas, posición de los sensores y un amplio rango de posibles profundidades de fisura. Los métodos empleados se basan en la realización de varias medidas de velocidad o de tiempo de transmisión del pulso ultrasónico sobre una única cara o superficie accesible del material, de manera que resulte posible obtener un coeficiente de transmisión de la señal (mediciones relativas o autocompensadas). Las mediciones se han realizado a bajas frecuencias de excitación mediante dos equipos de ultrasonidos diferentes dotados, en un caso, de transductores de contacto puntual seco (DPC) y siendo en el otro instrumento de contacto plano a través de un material especialmente seleccionado para el acoplamiento (CPC). Ello ha permitido superar algunos de los tradicionales inconvenientes que presenta el uso de los transductores convencionales y no precisar preparación previa de las superficies. La técnica de autocalibración empleada elimina los errores sistemáticos y la necesidad de una calibración local previa, demostrando el potencial de esta tecnología. Los resultados experimentales han sido comparados con modelos teóricos simplificados que simulan la propagación de las ondas ultrasónicas en estos materiales bituminosos fisurados, los cuales han sido deducidos previamente mediante un planteamiento analítico y han permitido la correcta interpretación de dichos datos empíricos. Posteriormente, estos modelos se han calibrado mediante los resultados de laboratorio, proporcionándose sus expresiones matemáticas generalizadas y gráficas para su uso rutinario en las aplicaciones prácticas. Mediante los ensayos con ultrasonidos efectuados en campañas llevadas a cabo in situ, acompañados de la extracción de testigos del firme, se han podido evaluar los modelos propuestos. El máximo error relativo promedio en la estimación de la profundidad de las fisuras al aplicar dichos modelos no ha superado el 13%, con un nivel de confianza del 95%, en el conjunto de todos los ensayos realizados. La comprobación in situ de los modelos ha permitido establecer los criterios y las necesarias recomendaciones para su utilización sobre firmes en servicio. La experiencia obtenida posibilita la integración de esta metodología entre las técnicas de auscultación para la gestión de su conservación. Abstract Surface-initiated cracking of asphalt pavements constitutes one of the most frequent and important types of distress that occur in flexible bituminous pavements, as clearly has been demonstrated in the technical and experimental studies done over the past decade. However, this failure mechanism has not been taken into consideration for traditional methods of flexible pavement design. The concept of long-lasting pavements is based on adequate monitoring of the depth and extent of these deteriorations and on intervention at the most appropriate moment so as to contain them in the surface layer in the form of easily-accessible and repairable partial-depth topdown cracks, thereby prolonging the durability and serviceability of the pavement and reducing the overall cost of its life cycle. Therefore, to select the optimal maintenance strategy for perpetual pavements, it becomes essential to have access to methodologies that enable precise on-site identification, monitoring and control of top-down propagated cracks and that also permit a reliable, high-performance determination of the extent and depth of cracking. This PhD Thesis presents the results of systematic laboratory and in situ research carried out to obtain information about top-down cracking in asphalt pavements and to study methods of depth evaluation of this type of cracking using ultrasonic techniques. These results have demonstrated that the proposed non-destructive methodology –cost-effective, fast and easy-to-implement– (mainly used to date for concrete and metal structures, due to the difficulties caused by the viscoelastic nature of bituminous materials) can be applied with sufficient reliability and repeatability to asphalt pavements. Measurements are also independent of the asphalt thickness. Furthermore, it resolves some of the common inconveniences presented by other methods used to evaluate pavement cracking, such as core extraction (a destructive and expensive procedure that requires prolonged traffic interruptions) and other non-destructive techniques, such as those based on deflection measurements or ground-penetrating radar, which are not sufficiently precise to measure surface cracks. To obtain these results, extensive tests were performed on laboratory specimens. Different empirical conditions were studied, such as various types of hot bituminous mixtures (AC, SMA and PA), differing thicknesses of asphalt and adhesions between layers, varied temperatures, surface textures, filling materials and water within the crack, different sensor positions, as well as an ample range of possible crack depths. The methods employed in the study are based on a series of measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocities or transmission times over a single accessible side or surface of the material that make it possible to obtain a signal transmission coefficient (relative or auto-calibrated readings). Measurements were taken at low frequencies by two short-pulse ultrasonic devices: one equipped with dry point contact transducers (DPC) and the other with flat contact transducers that require a specially-selected coupling material (CPC). In this way, some of the traditional inconveniences presented by the use of conventional transducers were overcome and a prior preparation of the surfaces was not required. The auto-compensating technique eliminated systematic errors and the need for previous local calibration, demonstrating the potential for this technology. The experimental results have been compared with simplified theoretical models that simulate ultrasonic wave propagation in cracked bituminous materials, which had been previously deduced using an analytical approach and have permitted the correct interpretation of the aforementioned empirical results. These models were subsequently calibrated using the laboratory results, providing generalized mathematical expressions and graphics for routine use in practical applications. Through a series of on-site ultrasound test campaigns, accompanied by asphalt core extraction, it was possible to evaluate the proposed models, with differences between predicted crack depths and those measured in situ lower than 13% (with a confidence level of 95%). Thereby, the criteria and the necessary recommendations for their implementation on in-service asphalt pavements have been established. The experience obtained through this study makes it possible to integrate this methodology into the evaluation techniques for pavement management systems.


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This paper reports an investigation of the machinability of a Ni50.6Ti49.4 alloy by two machining methods: electrical discharge machining and femtosecond laser machining. The electrical discharge wire cutting used resulted in an average surface roughness of similar to 1.2 mu m and a heat-affected layer of 150 mu m depth. In the laser machining, an ultrashort pulse laser with a width of 150 A was used to minimize the effect of laser-generated heat on the surface integrity. This resulted in a much smaller surface roughness of similar to 0.4 mm and a heat-affected layer of only 50 mu m. The two machining methods were compared as regards machined surface integrity.


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In this paper, we present experimental results for monitoring long distance WDM communication links using a line monitoring system suitable for legacy optically amplified long-haul undersea systems. This monitoring system is based on setting up a simple, passive, low cost high-loss optical loopback circuit at each repeater that provides a connection between the existing anti-directional undersea fibres, and can be used to define fault location. Fault location is achieved by transmitting a short pulse supervisory signal along with the WDM data signals where a portion of the overall signal is attenuated and returned to the transmit terminal by the loopback circuit. A special receiver is used at the terminal to extract the weakly returned supervisory signal where each supervisory signal is received at different times corresponding to different optical repeaters. Therefore, the degradation in any repeater appears on its corresponding supervisory signal level. We use a recirculating loop to simulate a 4600 km fibre link, on which a high-loss loopback supervisory system is implemented. Successful monitoring is accomplished through the production of an appropriate supervisory signal at the terminal that is detected and identified in a satisfactory time period after passing through up to 45 dB attenuation in the loopback circuit. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present experimental results for monitoring long distance WDM communication links using a line monitoring system suitable for legacy optically amplified long-haul undersea systems. This monitoring system is based on setting up a simple, passive, low cost high-loss optical loopback circuit at each repeater that provides a connection between the existing anti-directional undersea fibres, and can be used to define fault location. Fault location is achieved by transmitting a short pulse supervisory signal along with the WDM data signals where a portion of the overall signal is attenuated and returned to the transmit terminal by the loopback circuit. A special receiver is used at the terminal to extract the weakly returned supervisory signal where each supervisory signal is received at different times corresponding to different optical repeaters. Therefore, the degradation in any repeater appears on its corresponding supervisory signal level. We use a recirculating loop to simulate a 4600 km fibre link, on which a high-loss loopback supervisory system is implemented. Successful monitoring is accomplished through the production of an appropriate supervisory signal at the terminal that is detected and identified in a satisfactory time period after passing through up to 45 dB attenuation in the loopback circuit. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present experimental results for monitoring long distance WDM communication links using a line monitoring system suitable for legacy optically amplified long-haul undersea systems. This monitoring system is based on setting up a simple, passive, low cost high-loss optical loopback circuit at each repeater that provides a connection between the existing anti-directional undersea fibres, and can be used to define fault location. Fault location is achieved by transmitting a short pulse supervisory signal along with the WDM data signals where a portion of the overall signal is attenuated and returned to the transmit terminal by the loopback circuit. A special receiver is used at the terminal to extract the weakly returned supervisory signal where each supervisory signal is received at different times corresponding to different optical repeaters. Therefore, the degradation in any repeater appears on its corresponding supervisory signal level. We use a recirculating loop to simulate a 4600 km fibre link, on which a high-loss loopback supervisory system is implemented. Successful monitoring is accomplished through the production of an appropriate supervisory signal at the terminal that is detected and identified in a satisfactory time period after passing through up to 45 dB attenuation in the loopback circuit. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Underwater sound is very important in the field of oceanography where it is used for remote sensing in much the same way that radar is used in atmospheric studies. One way to mathematically model sound propagation in the ocean is by using the parabolic-equation method, a technique that allows range dependent environmental parameters. More importantly, this method can model sound transmission where the source emits either a pure tone or a short pulse of sound. Based on the parabolic approximation method and using the split-step Fourier algorithm, a computer model for underwater sound propagation was designed and implemented. This computer model differs from previous models in its use of the interactive mode, structured programming, modular design, and state-of-the-art graphics displays. In addition, the model maximizes the efficiency of computer time through synchronization of loosely coupled dual processors and the design of a restart capability. Since the model is designed for adaptability and for users with limited computer skills, it is anticipated that it will have many applications in the scientific community.


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Background: Recently, the erbium-doped:yttrium, aluminum, and garnet (Er:YAG) laser has been used for periodontal therapy. This study compared Er:YAG laser irradiation (100 mJ/pulse, 10 Hz, 12.9 J/cm(2)) with or without conventional scaling and root planing (SRP) to SRP only for the treatment of periodontal pockets affected with chronic periodontitis.Methods: Twenty-one subjects with pockets from 5 to 9 mm in non-adjacent sites were studied. In a split-mouth design, each site was randomly allocated to a treatment group: SRP and laser (SRPL), laser only (L), SRP only (SRP), or no treatment (C). The plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing (BOP), and interleukin (IL)-1 beta levels in crevicular fluid were evaluated at baseline and at 12 and 30 days postoperatively, whereas probing depth (PD), gingival recession (GR), and clinical attachment level (CAL) were evaluated at baseline and 30 days after treatment. A statistical analysis was conducted (P<0.05).Results: Twelve days postoperatively, the PI decreased for SRPL and SRP groups (P<0.05); the GI increased for L, SRP, and C groups but decreased for the SRPL group (P<0.05); and BOP decreased for SRPL, L, and SRP groups (P<0.01). Thirty days postoperatively, BOP decreased for treated groups and was lower than the C group (P<0.05). PD decreased in treated groups (P<0.001), and differences were found between SRPL and C groups (P<0.05). CAL gain was significant only for the SRP group (P<0.01). GR increased for SRPL and L groups (P<0.05). No difference in IL-1 beta was detected among groups and periods.Conclusion: Er:YAG laser irradiation may be used as an adjunctive aid for the treatment of periodontal pockets, although a significant CAL gain was observed with SRP alone and not with laser treatment.


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We report on the ion acceleration mechanisms that occur during the interaction of an intense and ultrashort laser pulse ( λ > μ I 2 1018 W cm−2 m2) with an underdense helium plasma produced from an ionized gas jet target. In this unexplored regime, where the laser pulse duration is comparable to the inverse of the electron plasma frequency ωpe, reproducible non-thermal ion bunches have been measured in the radial direction. The two He ion charge states present energy distributions with cutoff energies between 150 and 200 keV, and a striking energy gap around 50 keV appearing consistently for all the shots in a given density range. Fully electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations explain the experimental behaviors. The acceleration results from a combination of target normal sheath acceleration and Coulomb explosion of a filament formed around the laser pulse propagation axis


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This paper describes physics of nonlinear ultra-short laser pulse propagation affected by plasma created by the pulse itself. Major applications are also discussed. Nonlinear propagation of the femtosecond laser pulses in gaseous and solid transparent dielectric media is a fundamental physical phenomenon in a wide range of important applications such as laser lidars, laser micro-machining (ablation) and microfabrication etc. These applications require very high intensity of the laser field, typically 1013–1015 TW/cm2. Such high intensity leads to significant ionisation and creation of electron-ion or electron-hole plasma. The presence of plasma results into significant multiphoton and plasma absorption and plasma defocusing. Consequently, the propagation effects appear extremely complex and result from competitive counteraction of the above listed effects and Kerr effect, diffraction and dispersion. The theoretical models used for consistent description of laser-plasma interaction during femtosecond laser pulse propagation are derived and discussed. It turns out that the strongly nonlinear effects such self-focusing followed by the pulse splitting are essential. These phenomena feature extremely complex dynamics of both the electromagnetic field and plasma density with different spatio-temporal structures evolving at the same time. Some numerical approaches capable to handle all these complications are also discussed. ©2006 American Institute of Physics