988 resultados para Summary services
Shooting Up: Infections among injecting drug users in the United Kingdom - Northern Ireland Summary
Audit of Intermediate Care Executive Summary
Report Published July 1999
February 2006 - report providing an overview of the performance of the Northern Ireland Trusts
October 2003 - main findings arising from the study and the key conclusions
October 2003 - main findings arising from the study and the key conclusions
Summary Report September 1996
November 1999 - to assess effectiveness of communication between health care professionals and patients in the acute hospital sector
November 1999 - covering Management arrangments for GP Fundholding, GP Fundholder Achievements and Involving GPs in Commissioning
Report Published July 1997
Executive Summary and Strategy Document (May 2006) The New Strategic Direction has a set of overarching long-term aims to: • Provide accessible and effective treatment and support for people who are consuming alcohol and/or using drugs in a potentially hazardous, harmful or dependent way. • Reduce the level, breadth and depth of alcohol and drug-related harm to users, their families and/or their carers and the wider community. • Increase awareness on all aspects of alcohol and drug-related harm in all settings and for all age groups. • Integrate those policies which contribute to the reduction of alcohol and drug-related harm into all Government Department strategies. • Develop a competent skilled workforce across all sectors that can respond to the complexities of alcohol and drug use and misuse. • Promote opportunities for those under the age of 18 years to develop appropriate skills, attitudes and behaviours to enable them to resist societal pressures to drink alcohol and/or use illicit drugs, with a particular emphasis on those identified as potentially vulnerable. • Reduce the availability of illicit drugs in Northern Ireland
Executive Summary of the Fit Futures Report
Home Based Childcare Scheme - Summary Responses on consultation
Allocating Resources to HSS Boards: Proposed Changes to the Weighted Capitation Formula - Final Consultation Summary