123 resultados para Sulphides


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Electromagnetic methods have been extensively applied in the prospecting of sulphide bodies and other conducting materials. The interpretation of e. m. data is based on the results obtained either with reduced scale or analytical modelling. In most models, the host rocks, the overburden as well as the halo of disseminated sulphides are considered highly resistive although in nature they are often weakly conductive. Presence of a well-developed conducting overburden in tropical and sub-tropical regions and a saline rich crustal layer in semi-arid regions have been found to modify significantly the e. m. anomalies in practice. Therefore, the parameters of the target, determined on the basis of simple models where the presence of the conducting environment is neglected, are found to be in considerable error. The effects of the overburden on the e. m. anomalies of a dipping tabular ore body were studied with reduced scale models for varying response parameters of both the overburden and the orebody, and also for different depths and dips of the target. The overburden and the orebody were represented by metallic sheets of varying thickness in the scale model developed in accordance with the law of electromagnetic similitude. The results of these investigations show that the overburden affects the anomaly by causing: a) phase rotation; b) amplitude reduction; c) base level displacement; d) reversion of the quadrature; and e) appearance of an extra peak in the quadrature in the case of low dipping models. The last two effects complicate the quantification of the anomalies but, on the other hand, provide a qualitative indication of the response parameters of both the ore body and the overburden. The results were assembled in the form of Argand diagrams and, finally, an interpretation scheme is suggested for the e. m. field data on the basis of these diagrams.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi a aplicação de métodos geofísicos para a avaliação econômica de ocorrência de níquel, cromo e amianto, em uma área de 6,25 km2 - Malha 2 - Serra de Quatipuru, localizada a cerca de 50 km a SW de Conceição do Araguaia, no sul do Estado do Pará. Inicialmente foi aplicado o método magnético em caráter de reconhecimento, usando magnetômetros de campo total e componente vertical visando localizar zonas anômalas de amianto e cromita, uma vez que estes minerais se encontram associados com a magnetita. Em seguida foi usado o método eletromagnético de "dip angle" com o objetivo de definir zonas condutoras associadas a possíveis depósitos minerais ou características estruturais. Com base na interpretação destes dois métodos, definiu-se os locais de aplicação do método de polarização elétrica induzida-resistividade, que teve caráter de detalhe visando como alvo principal depósitos de sulfetos disseminados. As possíveis ocorrências minerais na área foram correlacionadas com anomalias geofísicas e confirmadas através de testemunhos de sondagem concluindo-se não serem de importância econômica. Contudo a aplicação destes métodos geofísicos foi útil, pois possibilitou o levantamento detalhado da área, que de outra forma só poderia ser realizado por meio dos métodos mais convencionais, tais como sondagem mecânica através de perfurações, os quais são muito caros e demorados.


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O depósito cupro-aurífero Visconde está localizado na Província Mineral de Carajás, a cerca de 15 km a leste do depósito congênere de classe mundial Sossego. Encontra-se em uma zona de cisalhamento de direção WNW-ESE, que marca o contato das rochas metavulcanossedimentares da Bacia Carajás com o embasamento. Nessa zona ocorrem outros depósitos hidrotermais cupro-auríferos com características similares (Alvo 118, Cristalino, Jatobá, Bacaba, Bacuri, Castanha), que têm sido enquadrados na classe IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper-Gold), embora muitas dúvidas ainda existam quanto a sua gênese, principalmente no que diz respeito à idade da mineralização e fontes dos fluidos, ligantes e metais. O depósito Visconde está hospedado em rochas arqueanas variavelmente cisalhadas e alteradas hidrotermalmente, as principais sendo metavulcânicas félsicas (2968 ± 15 Ma), o Granito Serra Dourada (2860 ± 22 Ma) e gabros/dioritos. Elas registram diversos tipos de alteração hidrotermal com forte controle estrutural, destacando-se as alterações sódica (albita + escapolita) e sódico-cálcica (albita + actinolita ± turmalina ± quartzo ± magnetita ± escapolita), mais precoces, que promoveram a substituição ubíqua de minerais primários das rochas e a disseminação de calcopirita, pirita, molibdenita e pentlandita. Dados isotópicos de oxigênio e hidrogênio de minerais representativos desses tipos de alteração mostram que os fluidos hidrotermais foram quentes (410 – 355°C) e ricos em 18O (δ18OH2O= +4,2 a 9,4‰). Sobreveio a alteração potássica, caracterizada pela intensa biotitização das rochas, a qual ocorreu concomitantemente ao desenvolvimento de foliação milonítica, notavelmente desenhada pela orientação de palhetas de biotita, que precipitaram de fluidos com assinatura isotópica de oxigênio similar à dos estágios anteriores (δ18OH2O entre +4,8 e +7,2‰, a 355°C). Microclina e alanita são outras fases características desse estágio, além da calcopirita precipitada nos planos da foliação. A temperaturas mais baixas (230 ± 11°C), fluidos empobrecidos em 18O (δ18OH2O = -1,3 a +3,7‰) geraram associações de minerais cálcico-magnesianos (albita + epidoto + clorita ± calcita ± actinolita) que são contemporâneas à mineralização. Valores de δ18DH2O e δOH2O indicam que os fluidos hidrotermais foram inicialmente formados por águas metamórficas e formacionais, a que se misturou alguma água de fonte magmática. Nos estágios tardios, houve considerável influxo de águas superficiais. Diluição e queda da temperatura provocaram a precipitação de abundantes sulfetos (calcopirita ± bornita ± calcocita ± digenita), os quais se concentraram principalmente em brechas tectônicas - os principais corpos de minério - que chegam a conter até cerca de 60% de sulfetos. Veios constituídos por minerais sódico-cálcicos também apresentam comumente sulfetos. A associação de minerais de minério e ganga indica uma assinatura de Cu-Au- Fe-Ni-ETRL-B-P para a mineralização. Os valores de δ34S (-1,2 a +3,4‰) de sulfetos sugerem enxofre de origem magmática (proveniente da exsolução de magmas ou da dissolução de sulfetos das rochas ígneas pré-existentes) e precipitação em condições levemente oxidantes. Datação do minério por lixiviação e dissolução total de Pb em calcopirita forneceu idades de 2736 ± 100 Ma e 2729 ± 150 Ma, que indicam ser a mineralização neoarqueana e, a despeito dos altos erros, permite descartar um evento mineralizador paleoproterozoico. A idade de 2746 ± 7 Ma (MSDW=4,9; evaporação de Pb em zircão), obtida em um corpo granítico não mineralizado (correlacionado à Suíte Planalto) que ocorre na área do depósito, foi interpretada como a idade mínima da mineralização. Assim, a formação do depósito Visconde teria relação com o evento transpressivo ocorrido entre 2,76 e 2,74 Ga, reponsável pela inversão da Bacia Carajás e pela geração de magmatismo granítico nos domínios Carajás e de Transição. Esse evento teria desencadeado reações de devolatilização em rochas do Supergrupo Itacaiúnas, ou mesmo, provocado a expulsão de fluidos conatos salinos aprisionados em seus intertícios. Esses fluidos teriam migrado pelas zonas de cisalhamento e reagido com as rochas (da bacia e do embasamento) pelas quais se movimentaram durante a fase dúctil. As concentrações subeconômicas do depósito Visconde devem ser resultado da ausência de grandes estruturas que teriam favorecido maior influxo de fluidos superficiais, tal como ocorreu na formação dos depósitos Sossego e Alvo 118.


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Geophysical methods are widely used in mineral exploration for several types of mineral deposits. When combined with direct studies as geochemistry, a substantial increase in the probability of ore discovery is possible in mineral exploration activities. Electrical geophysical methods are particularly promising in studies related to the search of sulphides due to the contrast of physical properties electric resistivity and chargeability. This paper presents the results obtained from the application of Resistivity (DC) and Induced Polarization methods, through the electrical profiling technique, aiming at evaluating the potential mineral of a gabbro intruded in a metasedimentary sequence, in an area where several occurrences of gold and copper were described. This gabbro is ranked on the Basic-Ultrabasic stratiform bodies, which gather peridotites, gabbros, and layered anortosites. Three radial lines of electrical profiling were performed, spaced of 60° and crossing at the area center, with readings of electric resistivity and chargeability in Wenner-Schlumberger array. The association of low resistivity and high chargeability areas has allowed defining potentially mineralized zones related to structures that condition the drainage net in the gabbro domain. Grains of gold detected through geochemical prospection of alluvial sediments dowstream from the gabbro may have originated from leaching of ores deposited in fractures through the action of river waters within the gabbro domain, possibly consisting of sulphides and gold.


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Epidote-group minerals, together with albite, quartz, fluorite, Al-poor and Fe-rich phyllosilicates, zircon, and minor oxides and sulphides, are typical hydrothermal phases in peralkaline alkali-feldspar granites from the Corupá Pluton, Graciosa Province, South Brazil. The epidote-group minerals occur as single crystals and as aggregates filling in rock interstices and miarolitic cavities. They display complex recurrent zoning patterns with an internal zone of ferriallanite-(Ce), followed by allanite-(Ce), then epidote-ferriepidote, and an external zone with allanite-(Ce), with sharp limits, as shown in BSE and X-ray images. REE patterns show decreasing fractionation degrees of LREE over HREE from ferriallanite to epidote. The most external allanite is enriched in MREE. LA-ICP-MS data indicate that ferriallanite is enriched (>10-fold) in Ti, Sr and Ga, and depleted in Mg, Rb, Th and Zr relative to the host granite. Allanite has lower Ga and Mn and higher Zr, Nb and U contents as compared to ferriallanite, while epidote is enriched in Sr, U and depleted in Pb, Zr, Hf, Ti and Ga. The formation of these minerals is related to the variable concentrations of HFSE, Ca, Al, Fe and F in fluids remaining from magmatic crystallization, in an oxidizing environment, close to the HM buffer. L-MREE were in part released by the alteration of chevkinite, their main primary repository in the host rocks.


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Mercury (Hg) pollution is a global environmental problem. Numerous Hg-contaminated sites exist in the world and new techniques for remediation are urgently needed. Phytoremediation, use of plants to remove pollutants from the environment or to render them harmless, is considered as an environment-friendly method to remediate contaminated soil in-situ and has been applied for some other heavy metals. Whether this approach is suitable for remediation of Hg-contaminated soil is, however, an open question. The aim of this thesis was to study the fate of Hg in terrestrial plants (particularly the high biomass producing willow, Salix spp.) and thus to clarify the potential use of plants to remediate Hg-contaminated soils. Plants used for phytoremediation of Hg must tolerate Hg. A large variation (up to 30-fold difference) was detected among the six investigated clones of willow in their sensitivity to Hg as reflected in their empirical toxicity threshold (TT95b), the maximum unit toxicity (UTmax) and EC50 levels. This gives us a possibility to select Hg-tolerant willow clones to successfully grow in Hgcontaminated soils for phytoremediation. Release of Hg into air by plants is a concern when using phytoremediation in practice. No evidence was found in this study that Hg was released to the air via shoots of willow, garden pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Faenomen), spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Dragon), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. cv Monohill), oil-seed rape (Brassica napus L. cv Paroll) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Thus, we conclude that the Hg burden to the atmosphere via phytoremediation is not increased. Phytoremediation processes are based on the ability of plant roots to accumulate Hg and to translocate it to the shoots. Willow roots were shown to be able to efficiently accumulate Hg in hydroponics, however, no variation in the ability to accumulate was found among the eight willow clones using CVAAS to analyze Hg content in plants. The majority of the Hg accumulated remained in the roots and only 0.5-0.6% of the Hg accumulation was translocated to the shoots. Similar results were found for the five common cultivated plant species mentioned above. Moreover, the accumulation of Hg in willow was higher when being cultivated in methyl-Hg solution than in inorganic Hg solution, whereas the translocation of Hg to the shoots did not differ. The low bioavailability of Hg in contaminated soil is a restricting factor for the phytoextraction of Hg. A selected tolerant willow clone was used to study whether iodide addition could increase the plant-accumulation of Hg from contaminated soil. Both pot tests and field trials were carried out. Potassium iodide (KI) addition was found to mobilize Hg in contaminated soil and thus increase the bioavailability of Hg in soils. Addition of KI (0.2–1 mM) increased the Hg concentrations up to about 5, 3 and 8 times in the leaves, branches and roots, respectively. However, too high concentrations of KI were toxic to plants. As the majority of the Hg accumulated in the roots, it might be unrealistic to use willow for phytoextraction of Hg in practice, even though iodide could enhance the phytoextraction efficiency. In order to study the effect of willow on various soil fractions of Hg-contaminated soil, a 5-step sequential soil extraction method was used. Both the largest Hg-contaminated fractions, i.e. the Hg bound to residual organic matter (53%) and sulphides (43%), and the residual fraction (2.5%), were found to remain stable during cultivations of willow. The exchangeable Hg (0.1%) and the Hg bound to humic and fulvic acids (1.1%) decreased in the rhizospheric soil, whereas the plant accumulation of Hg increased with the cultivation time. The sum of the decrease of the two Hg fractions in soils was approximately equal to the amount of the Hg accumulated in plants. Consequently, plants may be suitable for phytostabilization of aged Hg-contaminated soil, in which root systems trap the bioavailable Hg and reduce the leakage of Hg from contaminated soils.


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Here, we present the adaptation and optimization of (i) the solvothermal and (ii) the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) approach as simple methods for the high-yield synthesis of MQ2 (M=Mo, W, Zr; Q = O, S) nanoparticles. Extensive characterization was carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning and transmission electron micros¬copy (SEM/TEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA), Raman spectroscopy, thermal analyses (DTA/TG), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and BET measurements. After a general introduction to the state of the art, a simple route to nanostructured MoS2 based on the decomposition of the cluster-based precursor (NH4)2Mo3S13∙xH2O under solvothermal conditions (toluene, 653 K) is presented. Solvothermal decomposition results in nanostructured material that is distinct from the material obtained by decomposition of the same precursor in sealed quartz tubes at the same temperature. When carried out in the presence of the surfactant cetyltrimethyl¬ammonium bromide (CTAB), the decomposition product exhibits highly disordered MoS2 lamellae with high surface areas. The synthesis of WS2 onion-like nanoparticles by means of a single-step MOCVD process is discussed. Furthermore, the results of the successful transfer of the two-step MO¬CVD based synthesis of MoQ2 nanoparticles (Q = S, Se), comprising the formation of amorphous precursor particles and followed by the formation of fullerene-like particles in a subsequent annealing step to the W-S system, are presented. Based on a study of the temperature dependence of the reactions a set of conditions for the formation of onion-like structures in a one-step reaction could be derived. The MOCVD approach allows a selective synthesis of open and filled fullerene-like chalcogenide nanoparticles. An in situ heating stage transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study was employed to comparatively investigate the growth mechanism of MoS2 and WS2 nanoparticles obtained from MOCVD upon annealing. Round, mainly amorphous particles in the pristine sample trans¬form to hollow onion-like particles upon annealing. A significant difference between both compounds could be demonstrated in their crystallization conduct. Finally, the results of the in situ hea¬ting experiments are compared to those obtained from an ex situ annealing process under Ar. Eventually, a low temperature synthesis of monodisperse ZrO2 nanoparticles with diameters of ~ 8 nm is introduced. Whereas the solvent could be omitted, the synthesis in an autoclave is crucial for gaining nano-sized (n) ZrO2 by thermal decomposition of Zr(C2O4)2. The n-ZrO2 particles exhibits high specific surface areas (up to 385 m2/g) which make them promising candidates as catalysts and catalyst supports. Co-existence of m- and t-ZrO2 nano-particles of 6-9 nm in diameter, i.e. above the critical particle size of 6 nm, demonstrates that the particle size is not the only factor for stabilization of the t-ZrO2 modification at room temperature. In conclusion, synthesis within an autoclave (with and without solvent) and the MOCVD process could be successfully adapted to the synthesis of MoS2, WS2 and ZrO2 nanoparticles. A comparative in situ heating stage TEM study elucidated the growth mechanism of MoS2 and WS2 fullerene-like particles. As the general processes are similar, a transfer of this synthesis approach to other layered transition metal chalcogenide systems is to be expected. Application of the obtained nanomaterials as lubricants (MoS2, WS2) or as dental filling materials (ZrO2) is currently under investigation.


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This investigation was started in an effort to find an accurate and efficient method of determining the freezing points of ferrous and cuprous sulphides, mixtures of the two substances, and from this to establish the liquidus line of the equilibrium dia­gram.


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Serpentinites release at sub-arc depths volatiles and several fluid-mobile trace elements found in arc magmas. Constraining element uptake in these rocks and defining the trace element composition of fluids released upon serpentinite dehydration can improve our understanding of mass transfer across subduction zones and to volcanic arcs. The eclogite-facies garnet metaperidotite and chlorite harzburgite bodies embedded in paragneiss of the subduction melange from Cima di Gagnone derive from serpentinized peridotite protoliths and are unique examples of ultramafic rocks that experienced subduction metasomatism and devolatilization. In these rocks, metamorphic olivine and garnet trap polyphase inclusions representing the fluid released during high-pressure breakdown of antigorite and chlorite. Combining major element mapping and laser-ablation ICP-MS bulk inclusion analysis, we characterize the mineral content of polyphase inclusions and quantify the fluid composition. Silicates, Cl-bearing phases, sulphides, carbonates, and oxides document post-entrapment mineral growth in the inclusions starting immediately after fluid entrapment. Compositional data reveal the presence of two different fluid types. The first (type A) records a fluid prominently enriched in fluid-mobile elements, with Cl, Cs, Pb, As, Sb concentrations up to 10(3) PM (primitive mantle), similar to 10(2) PM Tit Ba, while Rb, B, Sr, Li, U concentrations are of the order of 10(1) PM, and alkalis are similar to 2 PM. The second fluid (type B) has considerably lower fluid-mobile element enrichments, but its enrichment patterns are comparable to type A fluid. Our data reveal multistage fluid uptake in these peridotite bodies, including selective element enrichment during seafloor alteration, followed by fluid-rock interaction along with subduction metamorphism in the plate interface melange. Here, infiltration of sediment-equilibrated fluid produced significant enrichment of the serpentinites in As, Sb, B, Pb, an enriched trace element pattern that was then transferred to the fluid released at greater depth upon serpentine dehydration (type A fluid). The type B fluid hosted by garnet may record the composition of the chlorite breakdown fluid released at even greater depth. The Gagnone study-case demonstrates that serpentinized peridotites acquire water and fluid-mobile elements during ocean floor hydration and through exchange with sediment-equilibrated fluids in the early subduction stages. Subsequent antigorite devolatilization at subarc depths delivers aqueous fluids to the mantle wedge that can be prominently enriched in sediment-derived components, potentially triggering arc magmatism without the need of concomitant dehydration/melting of metasediments or altered oceanic crust.


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Hydrothermal circulation at oceanic spreading ridges causes sea water to penetrate to depths of 2 to 3 km in the oceanic crust where it is heated to ~400 °C before venting at spectacular 'black smokers'. These hydrothermal systems exert a strong influence on ocean chemistry (Edmond et al., 1979, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(79)90061-X), yet their structure, longevity and magnitude remain largely unresolved (Elderfield and Schultz., 1996, doi:10.1146/annurev.earth.24.1.191). The active Transatlantic Geotraverse (TAG) deposit, at 26° N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, is one of the largest, oldest and most intensively studied of the massive sulphide mounds that accumulate beneath black-smoker fields. Here we report ages of sulphides and anhydrites from the recently drilled (Humphris et al., 1995, doi:10.1038/377713a0) TAG substrate structures -determined from 234U-230Th systematics analysed by thermal ionization mass spectrometry. The new precise ages combined with existing data (Lalou et al., 1993, doi:10.1029/92JB01898; 1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.158.214.1998) show that the oldest material (11,000 to 37,000 years old) forms a layer across the centre of the deposit with younger material (2,300-7,800 years old) both above and below. This stratigraphy confirms that much of the sulphide and anhydrite are precipitated within the mound by mixing of entrained sea water with hydrothermal fluid (James and Elderfield, 1996, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1996)024<1147:COOFFA>2.3.CO;2). The age distribution is consistent with episodic activity of the hydrothermal system recurring at intervals of up to 2,000 years.