344 resultados para Sulfite


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Die an der Glutathionsynthese im Chloroplasten von Spinatblättern beteiligten Enzyme sind auf eine lichtabhängige Regulation durch Thioredoxine (Trx) und Glutaredoxine (Grx) hin untersucht worden. Dazu wurde eine neue, vereinfachte Methode zur Aktivitätsbestimmung für die gamma-Glutamylcystein- und Glutathionsynthetase auf der Kapillarelektrophorese entwickelt. Untersuchungen mit den homologen Thioredoxinen Trx m und Trx f aus Spinatchloroplasten und mit dem E.coli Trx und E.coli Grx 1 zeigten, dass bei beiden Enzymen keine Redoxmodulation durch diese Proteine stattfindet. Weitere Untersuchungen mit der Glutathionsynthetase zeigten keinen Einfluss von Dithiothreit, Sulfit-Ionen und Ascorbat auf die Enzymaktivität. Nur H2O2, in unphysiologischen Konzentrationen, bewirkte eine leichte Abnahme der Ausgangsaktivität. Im Fall der gamma-Glutamylcysteinsynthetase konnten verschiedene Einflüsse ausgemacht werden. So war mit Dithiothreit und H2O2 bei niedrigen Konzentrationen eine Stimulation und bei höheren Konzentration eine Inhibition der Enzymaktivität festzustellen: Sulfit-Ionen zeigten eine starke Stimulierung der gamma-Glutamylcysteinsynthetase über einen weiten Konzentrationsbereich, wobei eine starke pH-Wert-Abhängigkeit der Stimulation zu beobachten war. Ascorbat zeigte, wie bei der Glutathionsynthetase, keinen Einfluss auf die Enzymaktivität der gamma-Glutamyl-cysteinsynthetase. In einem zweiten Teil der Arbeit über die Glutaredoxine des Spinats konnte ein 12,4 kDa Protein mit Thioltransferase-Aktivität, das bisher als cytosolisches Glutaredoxin beschrieben wurde, aufgereinigt und mittels N-terminaler Sequenzierung eindeutig als ein Glutaredoxin identifiziert werden. Überdies konnte ein noch nicht beschriebenes 12,8 kDa Protein mit Thioltransferase-Aktivität aus Spinatchloroplasten aufgereinigt werden. Durch Peptid-Sequenzierung gelang es dieses Protein auch als ein Glutaredoxin zu identifizieren. Beide pflanzlichen Glutaredoxine zeigten keine Modulation der Aktivitäten der chloroplastidären Fructosebisphosphatase (FbPase) und NADPH-Malatdehydrogenase (NADPH-MDH). Auch war mit beiden Glutaredoxinen keine Dehydroascorbatreduktase-Aktivität, oder eine Stimulation der Ribonucleotidreduktase aus Lactobacillus leichmannii festzustellen.


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Atmospheric models suggest that the reduction of Hg(II) to Hg(O) by S(W) prolongs the residence time of mercury. The redox reaction was investigated both in the aqueous phase (where the reductant is sulfite) and on particulate matter (where the reductant in SO2(g)). In both cases, one of the ultimate products is HgS. A mechanism is proposed involving formation of Hg(O) followed by mercury-induced disproportionation of SO2.


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Experimental evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) signaling pathways are intimately intertwined, with mutual attenuation or potentiation of biological responses in the cardiovascular system and elsewhere. The chemical basis of this interaction is elusive. Moreover, polysulfides recently emerged as potential mediators of H2S/sulfide signaling, but their biosynthesis and relationship to NO remain enigmatic. We sought to characterize the nature, chemical biology, and bioactivity of key reaction products formed in the NO/sulfide system. At physiological pH, we find that NO and sulfide form a network of cascading chemical reactions that generate radical intermediates as well as anionic and uncharged solutes, with accumulation of three major products: nitrosopersulfide (SSNO−), polysulfides, and dinitrososulfite N-nitrosohydroxylamine-N-sulfonate (SULFI/NO), each with a distinct chemical biology and in vitro and in vivo bioactivity. SSNO− is resistant to thiols and cyanolysis, efficiently donates both sulfane sulfur and NO, and potently lowers blood pressure. Polysulfides are both intermediates and products of SSNO− synthesis/decomposition, and they also decrease blood pressure and enhance arterial compliance. SULFI/NO is a weak combined NO/nitroxyl donor that releases mainly N2O on decomposition; although it affects blood pressure only mildly, it markedly increases cardiac contractility, and formation of its precursor sulfite likely contributes to NO scavenging. Our results unveil an unexpectedly rich network of coupled chemical reactions between NO and H2S/sulfide, suggesting that the bioactivity of either transmitter is governed by concomitant formation of polysulfides and anionic S/N-hybrid species. This conceptual framework would seem to offer ample opportunities for the modulation of fundamental biological processes governed by redox switching and sulfur trafficking.


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Biological rhythms are regulated by homeostatic mechanisms that assure that physiological clocks function reliably independent of temperature changes in the environment. Temperature compensation, the independence of the oscillatory period on temperature, is known to play a central role in many biological rhythms, but it is rather rare in chemical oscillators. We study the influence of temperature on the oscillatory dynamics during the catalytic oxidation of formic acid on a polycrystalline platinum electrode. The experiments are performed at five temperatures from 5 to 25 degrees C, and the oscillations are studied under galvanostatic control. Under oscillatory conditions, only non-Arrhenius behavior is observed. Overcompensation with temperature coefficient (q(10), defined as the ratio between the rate constants at temperature T + 10 degrees C and at T) < I is found in most cases, except that temperature compensation with q(10) approximate to I predominates at high applied currents. The behavior of the period and the amplitude result from a complex interplay between temperature and applied current or, equivalently, the distance from thermodynamic equilibrium. High, positive apparent activation energies were obtained under voltammetric, nonoscillatory conditions, which implies that the non-Arrhenius behavior observed under oscillatory conditions results from the interplay among reaction steps rather than, from a weak temperature dependence of the individual steps.


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O presente trabalho estuda a viabilidade da utilização do processo de flotação a ar dissolvido (FAD) no tratamento de efluentes contendo cromo. Tal processo é analisado comparativamente à sedimentação. Urna revisão dos diferentes tipos de processos de separação ou de recuperação do cromo é, também, aqui apresentada. Soluções contendo 200 mg.l" de cromo tri ou hexavalente foram estudadas quanto às condições ideais de precipitação, às características de sedimentação e de flotação a ar dissalvido em regime descontínuo e contlnuo. Agentes poliméricos foram testados no intuito de melhorar as condições de clarificação. O processo de FAD foi o que apresentou melhores resultados no que se refere a cinética de separação sólido/líquido, e em termos de clarificação das soluções. Estudos de separação sólido/líquido de soluções contendo cromo VI foram feitos por estes dois processos empregando sulfato ferroso e sulfito de sódio como agentes redutores. A FAD mostrou ser eficiente para tratar as soluções quando reduzidas com sulfito de sódio. Porém, no caso da utilização do sulfato ferroso como redutor, o rendimento da FAD diminuiu no tratamento de soluções que continham sólidos suspensos acima de uma concentração crítica. Polímeros também foram empregados neste caso, e confirmaram sua atuação melhorando a cinética de separação sólido/líquido e como agentes que beneficiam a clarificação das soluções. Os resultados dos estudos de flotação por ar dissolvido em uma unidade contínua mostraram que é viavel a FAD sem agentes floculantes ou tensoativos. No entanto, estes aumentam os níveis de clarificação das soluções. Apenas os floculantes a base de amido mostraram-se ineficientes nesta aplicação. Conclui-se que o processo de FAD pode ser utilizado no tratamento de efluentes contendo cromo permitindo obter efluentes finais dentro dos padrões de emissão da legislação brasileira.


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Ao pesquisar-se a presença de Salmonella a partir de materiais diversos, foram empregados vários meios de cultura e entre eles o meio Agar Xilose Lisina Verde Brilhante, com a finalidade de avaliá-lo em relação a outros meios seletivo-indicadores mais comumente empregados no isolamento desses microrganismos. Os resultados mostraram que o meio Agar Xilose Lisina Verde Brilhante foi inferior aos Agar SS e Agar Verde Brilhante, ligeiramente superior ao Agar EMB e superior ao Agar Sulfito de Bismuto no isolamento de Salmonella. Grande vantagem adicional desse meio é que as colônias de Salmonella apresentam-se facilmente identificáveis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The immobilization of the ruthenium moiety Ru(NH3)4SO3 by reaction of trans-[Ru(NH3)4SO2(H2O)]2+ with silica gel functionalized with 3-(1-imidazolyl)propyl groups is reported. A 60% surface coverage was obtained in the proportion of the resulting material [=Si(CH2)3imN-Ru(NH3)4SO3]. The anchored Ru(II) complex was characterized and its reactivity investigated. Derivatives of CO, pyrazine, and isonicotinamide have been prepared and characterized by electronic and vibrational spectroscopies, as well as by chemical means. The [=Si(CH2)3imN-Ru(NH3)4SO4]Cl, obtained through oxidation of the corresponding ruthenium(II) sulfite species, has been characterized and the aquo and the oxalate derivative have been synthesized.


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The present work had evaluated the efficiency of the pasteurization and the use of preservatives in mangos pulps (Mangifera indica L.) refrigerated. Before carrying out the treatments, the fruits had been cleaned in solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at 100 mg. L(-1), for 10 minutes. After the processing, it was carried out through the adjustment of pH of pulps for 3.0 and the adjustment of the water activity (W(a)) at 0.95. The used variable had been the branching (hot water at 95 +/- 5 degrees C, for 0 and I minute), the addition of sodium benzoate in the concentrations of 0; 200 and 500 mL.L(-1) and, sulfite dioxide (SO(2)) in 0, 100 and 200 mL.L(-1). Then the pulps had been packed in low density polyethylene (LDPE) bags of 0,060 mm (0.10 x 0.12 m - without free space and content of 500g of pulp) and, conditioned in at 20 +/- 1 degrees C e 80 +/- 3% of R.H, for 28 days. At the end of the experiment, the treatments not submitted to the branching had shown the biggest ascorbic acid levels. However, in these same treatments had been noticed intense microbiological activity and raised levels of pH. There aren't significant differences between the tested treatments in the titratable acidity (TA) and soluble solids (SS) analyses. Due to the absence of black spot in the pulps used during all the experimental period, it couldn't be detected the differences between the application of the SO(2) and the use of the branching. The lower index of microbiological contamination and the preference of the judges in the sensorial panel had been attributed to the submitted treatments to the branching, addition of 500mL.L(-1) of sodium benzoate and addition of 200mL.L(-1) of sulfite dioxide.


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The present study was designed to evaluate the metallurgical properties of an experimental, low-cost copper-zinc-aluminum-nickel alloy for dental castings. Some specimens were subjected to heat treatment after induction casting. The extent of corrosion was determined by measuring weight loss of specimens stored in a sodium sulfite solution. In the as-cast specimens, tests demonstrated the presence of three phases: the first consisted of copper-zinc-aluminum, the second was similar but lower in copper and aluminum, and the third consisted of an intermetallic compound of manganese-nickel-phosphorus. After heat treatment, the first phase remained relatively constant, the second was converted to Cu3Al, and the third increased in volume. The weight loss from the as-cast specimens was eight times that of the heat-treated specimens. It was concluded that the heat treatment substantially changed the microstructure and improved the corrosion resistance of the experimental alloy.


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A flow-injection system is proposed for the spectrophotometric determination of sulphite in white wines. The method involves analyte conversion to SO2, gas diffusion through a Teflon® semi-permeable membrane, collection into an alkaline stream (pH 8), reaction with Malachite green (MG) and monitoring at 620 nm. With a concentric tubular membrane, the system design was simplified. Influence of reagent concentrations, pH of donor and acceptor streams, temperature, timing, surfactant addition and presence of potential interfering species of the wine matrix were investigated. A pronounced (ca. 100%) enhancement in sensitivity was noted by adding cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC). The proposed system is robust and baseline drift is not observed during 4 h operating periods. Only 400 μL of sample and 0.32 mg MG are required per determination. The system handles 30 samples per hour, yielding precise results (r.s.d. < 0.015 for 1.0 - 20.0 mg L-1 SO2) in agreement with those obtained by an alternative procedure.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)