966 resultados para Sugarcane Saccharum
Transcription factors (TFs) are major players in gene regulatory networks and interactions between TFs and their target genes furnish spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression. Establishing the architecture of regulatory networks requires gathering information on TFs, their targets in the genome, and the corresponding binding sites. We have developed GRASSIUS (Grass Regulatory Information Services) as a knowledge-based Web resource that integrates information on TFs and gene promoters across the grasses. In its initial implementation, GRASSIUS consists of two separate, yet linked, databases. GrassTFDB holds information on TFs from maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), and rice (Oryza sativa). TFs are classified into families and phylogenetic relationships begin to uncover orthologous relationships among the participating species. This database also provides a centralized clearinghouse for TF synonyms in the grasses. GrassTFDB is linked to the grass TFome collection, which provides clones in recombination-based vectors corresponding to full-length open reading frames for a growing number of grass TFs. GrassPROMDB contains promoter and cis-regulatory element information for those grass species and genes for which enough data are available. The integration of GrassTFDB and GrassPROMDB will be accomplished through GrassRegNet as a first step in representing the architecture of grass regulatory networks. GRASSIUS can be accessed from www.grassius.org.
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is a plant from Poaceae family that has an impressive ability to accumulate sucrose in the stalk, making it a significant component of the economy of many countries. About 100 countries produce sugarcane in an area of 22 million hectares worldwide. For this reason, many studies have been done using sugarcane as a plant model in order to improve production. A change in gravity may be one kind of abiotic stress, since it generates rapid responses after stimulation. In this work we decided to investigate the possible morphophysiological, biochemical and molecular changes resulting from microgravity. Here, we present the contributions of an experiment where sugarcane plants were submitted to microgravity flight using a vehicle VSB-30, a sounding rocket developed by Aeronautics and Space Institute teams, in cooperation with the German Space Agency. Sugarcane plants with 10 days older were submitted to a period of six minutes of microgravity using the VSB-30 rocket. The morphophysiological analyses of roots and leaves showed that plants submitted to the flight showed changes in the conduction tissues, irregular pattern of arrangement of vascular bundles and thickening of the cell walls, among other anatomical changes that indicate that the morphology of the plants was substantially influenced by gravitational stimulation, besides the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide, an important signaling molecule in stress conditions. We carried out RNA extraction and sequencing using Illumina platform. Plants subjected to microgravity also showed changes in enzyme activity. It was observed an increased in superoxide dismutase activity in leaves and a decreased in its activity in roots as well as for ascorbate peroxidase activity. Thus, it was concluded that the changes in gravity were perceived by plants, and that microgravity environment triggered changes associated with a reactive oxygen specie signaling process. This work has helped the understanding of how the gravity affects the structural organization of the plants, by comparing the anatomy of plants subjected to microgravity and plants grown in 1g gravity
Foram desenvolvidas equações de predição de consumo de pasto de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, Schumack) por vacas mestiças Holandês x Zebu em lactação, utilizando-se procedimentos de stepwise em regressões múltiplas, aplicados a um banco de dados de experimentos conduzidos ao longo de três anos na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Gado de Leite (Coronel Pacheco, MG). As variáveis independentes disponíveis foram relacionadas a características inerentes às vacas (dias em lactação; teores de proteína, gordura e extrato seco total e produções destes componentes no leite; produção de leite in natura ou corrigida para 4% de gordura; ordem de lactação; peso vivo atual; peso vivo ao parto e grau de sangue Holandês x Zebu); ao manejo (dias de pastejo; disponibilidade de forragem e período de descanso da pastagem); ao ambiente (estação do ano e precipitação pluviométrica) e à alimentação (digestibilidade in vitro e parâmetros da composição química do pasto de capim-elefante e da cana-de-açúcar - Saccharum officinarum (L.) corrigida com 1% de uréia; consumos de suplemento volumoso (cana corrigida com uréia) e concentrado; concentrações fecais de proteína bruta e de fibras em detergente neutro e ácido). Efeitos linear e quadrático e transformações logarítmicas foram adicionalmente incluídos no banco de dados. Foram obtidas equações de predição de consumo de pasto de capim-elefante (expresso em kg/vaca/dia ou % do peso vivo) com coeficientes de determinação de 65,2 a 67,0%. As principais variáveis independentes incluídas nas equações foram o consumo do suplemento volumoso usado na estação seca do ano (cana corrigida com uréia); a digestibilidade in vitro do pasto de capim-elefante; a precipitação pluviométrica; a produção de leite corrigida para 4% de gordura; o peso vivo atual ou, em alternativa a este, o valor da pesagem realizada após o parto da vaca; além do consumo de suplemento concentrado, que evidenciou um efeito de substituição àquele do pasto de capim-elefante.
Verificou-se a influência de duas variedades de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.), incorparados em dieta artificial, na forma de colmos triturados, no desenvolvimento de Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.) e no parasitismo de Cotesia flavipes (Cam.). A variedade SP71-1081 foi menos adequada ao desenvolvimento de D. saccharalis comparada à SP71-3146, aumentando os períodos larval e pupal (dias) e, diminuindo o peso larval; não houve diferenças para as viabilidades larval e pupal e peso de pupa. Lagartas oriundas das dietas artificiais e lagartas alojadas no interior dos toletes das variedades de cana, foram igualmente parasitadas por C. flavipes. Lagartas criadas em dieta artificial contendo colmos triturados das variedades testadas, promoveram desenvolvimento semelhante de C. flavipes. A percentagem de parasitismo foi semelhante nas larvas criadas em dietas artificiais contendo colmos das variedades SP 71 - 1081 (84,0%) e SP 71-3146 (81,3%).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The simultaneous existence of alternative oxidases and uncoupling proteins in plants has raised the question as to why plants need two energy-dissipating systems with apparently similar physiological functions. A probably complete plant uncoupling protein gene family is described and the expression profiles of this family compared with the multigene family of alternative oxidases in Arabidopsis thaliana and sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) employed as dicot and monocot models, respectively. In total, six uncoupling protein genes, AtPUMP1-6, were recognized within the Arabidopsis genome and five (SsPUMP1-5) in a sugarcane EST database. The recombinant AtPUMP5 protein displayed similar biochemical properties as AtPUMP1. Sugarcane possessed four Arabidopsis AOx1-type orthologues (SsAOx1a-1d); no sugarcane orthologue corresponding to Arabidopsis AOx2-type genes was identified. Phylogenetic and expression analyses suggested that AtAOx1d does not belong to the AOx1-type family but forms a new (AOx3-type) family. Tissue-enriched expression profiling revealed that uncoupling protein genes were expressed more ubiquitously than the alternative oxidase genes. Distinct expression patterns among gene family members were observed between monocots and dicots and during chilling stress. These findings suggest that the members of each energy-dissipating system are subject to different cell or tissue/organ transcriptional regulation. As a result, plants may respond more flexibly to adverse biotic and abiotic conditions, in which oxidative stress is involved. © The Author [2006]. Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology]. All rights reserved.
Plant regulators have been used successfully for early ripening and flowering control in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Hybrid). However, little information is available about the interactions between new genotypes and two plant regulators with regard to those variables. This study determined the effect of the regulators on the sucrose content, stalk production and flowering of seven sugarcane genotypes. The experiment was installed in March 2004 near Ja-, SP, Brazil A randomized complete block design was used with four blocks with a split plot treatment arrangement where the main plots were the genotypes IAC87-3396, IAC87-3410, IAC89-3124, IAC91-2195, 1AC91-5155, P088-62 and SP80-1842 and the subplots were sulfomethuron-methyl (15g i.a.·ha -1), etefon (480g i.a.·ha-1) and unsprayed control. Pol in cane was evaluated at 0, 21, 42, 63, 84, 105 and 126 days after the plant regulators application (DAA). Flowering, pith, stalk production and sucrose content were evaluated at 126 DAA. In most of the genotypes the use of plant regulators anticipated maturation in 21 days when compared with the unsprayed control. Etefon was more efficient for harvesting sugarcane between 42-84 DAA, whereas sulfomethuron-methyl was between 105 and 126 DDA. Both products controlled flowering. For most genotypes, the ripeners did not affect the productivity of stalks, except for sulfomethuron-methyl that reduced it in SP80-1842, and for ethephon that increased it in IAC91-2195. Sugar productivity of IAC89-3124 increased with both regulators, while it was higher in IAC91-2195 with ethephon application and lower in SP80-1842 with sulfomethuron-methyl use.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS