978 resultados para Subunit


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P>Transcription activator C employs a unique mechanism to activate mom gene of bacteriophage Mu. The activation process involves, facilitating the recruitment of RNA polymerase (RNAP) by altering the topology of the promoter and enhancing the promoter clearance by reducing the abortive transcription. To understand the basis of this multi-step activation mechanism, we investigated the nature of the physical interaction between C and RNAP during the process. A variety of assays revealed that only DNA-bound C contacts the beta' subunit of RNAP. Consistent to these results, we have also isolated RNAP mutants having mutations in the beta' subunit which were compromised in C-mediated activation. Mutant RNAPs show reduced productive transcription and increased abortive initiation specifically at the C-dependent mom promoter. Positive control (pc) mutants of C, defective in interaction with RNAP, retained the property of recruiting RNAP to the promoter but were unable to enhance promoter clearance. These results strongly suggest that the recruitment of RNAP to the mom promoter does not require physical interaction with C, whereas a contact between the beta' subunit and the activator, and the subsequent allosteric changes in the active site of the enzyme are essential for the enhancement of promoter clearance.


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The Res subunits of the type III restriction-modification enzymes share a statistically significant amino acid sequence similarity with several RNA and DNA helicases of the so-called DEAD family. It was postulated that in type III restriction enzymes a DNA helicase activity may be required for local unwinding at the cleavage site. The members of this family share seven conserved motifs, all of which are found in the Res subunit of the type III restriction enzymes. To determine the contribution, if any, of these motifs in DNA cleavage by EcoPI, a type III restriction enzyme, we have made changes in motifs I and II. While mutations in motif I (GTGKT) clearly affected ATP hydrolysis and resulted in loss of DNA cleavage activity, mutation in motif II (DEPH) significantly decreased ATP hydrolysis but had no effect on DNA cleavage. The double mutant R.EcoPIK90R-H229K showed no significant ATPase or DNA restriction activity though ATP binding was not affected. These results imply that there are at least two ATPase reaction centres in EcoPI restriction enzyme. Motif I appears to be involved in coupling DNA restriction to ATP hydrolysis. Our results indicate that EcoPI restriction enzyme does not have a strand separation activity. We suggest that these motifs play a role in the ATP-dependent translocation that has been proposed to occur in the type III restriction enzymes. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.


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We employed different experimental model systems to define the role of GATA4, beta-catenin, and steroidogenic factor (SF-1) transcriptional factors in the regulation of monkey luteal inhibin secretion. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reactions and western blotting analyses show high expression of inhibin-alpha, GATA4, and beta-catenin in corpus luteum (CL) of the mid-luteal phase. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist-induced luteolysis model suggested the significance of luteinizing hormone (LH) in regulating these transcriptional factors. Inducible cyclic AMP early repressor mRNA expression was detected in the CL and no change was observed in different stages of CL. Following amino acid sequence analysis, interaction between SF-1 and beta-catenin in mid-stage CL was verified by reciprocal co-immunoprecipitation experiments coupled to immunoblot analysis. Electrophoretic mobility shift analysis support the role of SF-1 in regulating luteal inhibin-alpha expression. Our results suggest a possible multiple crosstalk of Wnt, cAMP, and SF-1 in the regulation of luteal inhibin secretion.


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Sequence specific resonance assignments have been obtained for H-1, C-13 and N-15 nuclei of the 21 kDa (188 residues long) glutamine amido transferase subunit of guanosine monophosphate synthetase from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii. From an analysis of H-1 and C-13(alpha), C-13(beta) secondary chemical shifts, (3) JH(N)H(alpha) scalar coupling constants and sequential, short and medium range H-1-H-1 NOEs, it was deduced that the glutamine amido transferase subunit has eleven strands and five helices as the major secondary structural elements in its tertiary structure.


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The solution structure of the monomeric glutamine amidotransferase (GATase) subunit of the Methanocaldococcus janaschii (Mj) guanosine monophosphate synthetase (GMPS) has been determined using high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance methods. Gel filtration chromatography and N-15 backbone relaxation studies have shown that the Mj GATase subunit is present in solution as a 21 kDa (188-residue) monomer. The ensemble of 20 lowest-energy structures showed root-mean-square deviations of 0.35 +/- 0.06 angstrom for backbone atoms and 0.8 +/- 0.06 angstrom for all heavy atoms. Furthermore, 99.4% of the backbone dihedral angles are present in the allowed region of the Ramachandran map, indicating the stereochemical quality of the structure. The core of the tertiary structure of the GATase is composed of a seven-stranded mixed beta-sheet that is fenced by five alpha-helices. The Mj GATase is similar in structure to the Pyrococcus horikoshi (Ph) GATase subunit. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shift perturbations and changes in line width were monitored to identify residues on GATase that were responsible for interaction with magnesium and the ATPPase subunit, respectively. These interaction studies showed that a common surface exists for the metal ion binding as well as for the protein-protein interaction. The dissociation constant for the GATase-Mg2+ interaction has been found to be similar to 1 mM, which implies that interaction is very weak and falls in the fast chemical exchange regime. The GATase-ATPPase interaction, on the other hand, falls in the intermediate chemical exchange regime on the NMR time scale. The implication of this interaction in terms of the regulation of the GATase activity of holo GMPS is discussed.


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The widely conserved omega subunit encoded by rpoZ is the smallest subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) but is dispensable for bacterial growth. Function of omega is known to be substituted by GroEL in omega-null strain, which thus does not exhibit a discernable phenotype. In this work, we report isolation of omega variants whose expression in vivo leads to a dominant lethal phenotype. Studies show that in contrast to omega, which is largely unstructured, omega mutants display substantial acquisition of secondary structure. By detailed study with one of the mutants, omega(6) bearing N60D substitution, the mechanism of lethality has been deciphered. Biochemical analysis reveals that omega(6) binds to beta ` subunit in vitro with greater affinity than that of omega. The reconstituted RNAP holoenzyme in the presence of omega(6) in vitro is defective in transcription initiation. Formation of a faulty RNAP in the presence of mutant omega results in death of the cell. Furthermore, lethality of omega(6) is relieved in cells expressing the rpoC2112 allele encoding beta ` (2112), a variant beta ` bearing Y457S substitution, immediately adjacent to the beta ` catalytic center. Our results suggest that the enhanced omega(6)-beta ` interaction may perturb the plasticity of the RNAP active center, implicating a role for omega and its flexible state.


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In this study, we combine available high resolution structural information on eukaryotic ribosomes with low resolution cryo-EM data on the Hepatitis C Viral RNA (IRES) human ribosome complex. Aided further by the prediction of RNA-protein interactions and restrained docking studies, we gain insights on their interaction at the residue level. We identified the components involved at the major and minor contact regions, and propose that there are energetically favorable local interactions between 40S ribosomal proteins and IRES domains. Domain II of the IRES interacts with ribosomal proteins S5 and S25 while the pseudoknot and the downstream domain IV region bind to ribosomal proteins S26, S28 and S5. We also provide support using UV cross-linking studies to validate our proposition of interaction between the S5 and IRES domains II and IV. We found that domain IIIe makes contact with the ribosomal protein S3a (S1e). Our model also suggests that the ribosomal protein S27 interacts with domain IIIc while S7 has a weak contact with a single base RNA bulge between junction IIIabc and IIId. The interacting residues are highly conserved among mammalian homologs while IRES RNA bases involved in contact do not show strict conservation. IRES RNA binding sites for S25 and S3a show the best conservation among related viral IRESs. The new contacts identified between ribosomal proteins and RNA are consistent with previous independent studies on RNA-binding properties of ribosomal proteins reported in literature, though information at the residue level is not available in previous studies.