81 resultados para Subtitles


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The aim of this thesis is to analyse the main translating issues related to the subtitling of the Italian social movie Italy in a day into English: Italy in a day is a crowdsourced film, comprising a selection of video clips sent by ordinary people, showing occurrences of everyday life on a single day, October 26th, 2013. My dissertation consists of four chapters. The first provides a general overview of audiovisual translation, from the description of the characteristics of filmic products to a summary of the most important audiovisual translation modes; a theoretical framework of the discipline is also provided, through the analysis of the major contributions of Translations Studies and the multidisciplinary approach proposed by the scholar Frederic Chaume. The second chapter offers insight into the subtitling practice, examining its technical parameters, the spatial and temporal constraints, together with the advantages and pitfalls of this translation mode. The main criteria for quality assessment are also outlined, as well as the procedures carried out in the creation of subtitles within a professional environment, with a particular focus on the production of subtitles for the DVD industry. In the third chapter a definition of social movie is provided and the audiovisual material is accurately described, both in form and content. The creation of the subtitling project is here illustrated: after giving some information about the software employed, every step of the process is explained. In the final chapter the main translation challenges are highlighted. In the first part some text reduction techniques in the shift from oral to written are presented; then the culture-specific references and the linguistic variation in the film are analysed and the compensating strategies adopted to fill the linguistic and cultural gap are commented on and justified taking into account the needs and expectations of the target audience.


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The aim of this thesis is to discuss the main translation issues encountered while performing a double version of the subtitles of the documentary “Little Land” from English into Italian. The main motivation behind my choice is a personal interest in the subtitling field applied to the documentary filmic genre. This project is divided into two parts. The first part constitutes the theoretical basis of the thesis and is divided in three chapters. The first chapter introduces the documentary “Little Land” and analyses its main features and characteristics. The second chapter is devoted to documentary studies and theory of documentary, including the historical overview of the changes of this filmic genre and an overview of its market potential in order to meet both the audience and the director’s requirements. The third chapter deals with audiovisual translation as a discipline, and analyses the main translation techniques adopted for the documentary genre: dubbing, voice-over and subtitling. The subtitling section is particularly rich, and a discussion of the use of double and pivot subtitles and the possibilities of subtitling for accessibility issues is included. The second part constitutes the practical development of the theories introduced and dealt with in the first part. Chapter four provides an overview of the history of the Cineteca di Bologna, for whom I worked as a subtitler, and explains the guide lines and equipment required in order to perform the manual launch of the subtitles during their festival Human Rights Nights. The fifth and final chapter provides an analysis of the second version of the subtitles, meant for TV broadcasting, and highlights the main issues encountered during the translation process, both from a structural and a lexical point of view. A discussion of the different translation strategies adopted is provided, in a constant comparison with the first version of the subtitles. The function of self-reflection and self-observation in translation is also examined. Appendix A and B contain the interviews with “Little Land”’s director and protagonist respectively, Appendix C contains the subtitles table.


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El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es abordar el análisis del capítulo de conclusiones de tesis de ingeniería de telecomunicación a partir de un corpus comparable en inglés y español. A través del léxico podrán conocerse las expresiones típicas y la estructura de capítulo de conclusiones, tanto en inglés como en español. Para empezar este Proyecto, se ha compilado los corpus que se quieren comparar, en total se ha digitalizado tres corpus, uno con 24 conclusiones de tesis doctorales en español, otro con el mismo número de capítulos de conclusiones de tesis doctorales en inglés (PhD) y por último un corpus de conclusiones de tesis de fin de máster y de grado. El primer análisis que se ha realizado es el de la estructura de las conclusiones a partir de los títulos y subtítulos del capítulo. Se han comparado los títulos más utilizados y se han comentado las coincidencias y diferencias entre los corpus. La estructura vista a través de los subtítulos, se ha comparado con la propuesta por la autora Glasman-Deal (2011) en trabajos académicos de investigación, principalmente en artículos de investigación. La siguiente parte del Proyecto se ha centrado en el estudio del léxico, para ello nos hemos ayudado de la herramienta informática Wordsmith tools de la que se han explicado sus herramientas y funciones más útiles para este trabajo entre ellas el plot, que informa número de archivos en la que aparece cada palabra en el corpus. Las palabras con mayor plot son las más usadas por todos los doctorandos cuando escriben el capítulo de conclusiones .Se han elaborado unas pirámides donde se han colocado las palabras propias del género académico de las tesis por orden de uso. Las más usadas, con mayor plot, en la base y según se asciende aparecen las que tienen menor plot, con el fin de ver de una forma gráfica el peso que tiene cada palabra en el corpus. El siguiente paso del análisis del léxico ha tenido el objetivo de diferenciar los contextos de uso de las palabras incluidas en las pirámides. Se ha diferenciado entre los usos de las palabras dependiendo de su denotación académica o técnica. Esta comparación ha permitido comprobar que dentro del mismo corpus un sustantivo como contribuciones tiene connotación positiva o negativa dependiendo del contexto. Con los ejemplos aportados por los corpus se proporciona una base para el análisis lingüístico, centrado en los sustantivos, en este trabajo. Para finalizar el Proyecto, se ha implementado una base de datos con los resultados obtenidos del análisis de los sustantivos en la que se pueden ver las palabras que corresponden a cada nivel de la pirámide y ejemplos del uso de estas palabras. The aim of this Project is to analyze the concluding chapter of PhD thesis in the field of telecommunication engineering by means of a comparable corpus in English and Spanish. Through the lexis we will be able to capture useful expressions and the typical structure of the chapter in these specialized thesis, either in English and Spanish. To start with, three corpora have been compiled. The first one consists of 24 concluding chapters of PhD thesis in Spanish; the second, is made up of the same number of chapters of PhD thesis in the English language; and finally, 24 further chapters of Master and Degree thesis in English were digitalized and prepared for lexis analysis. Second, the study of the structure of the chapter of conclusions has been carried out. In this part the most common titles in the chapter of conclusions have been analysed and compared so as to find differences and similarities between the two languages compared. Moreover, the structure found through the subtitles in the conclusions of the thesis has been compared with the structure proposed by Glasman-Deal (2011) in her book Science Research Writing. Third, the study has been focused on the lexis of each corpus. These corpora have been treated with a lexis analyser called Wordsmith tools. The variables of frequency and plot have been applied to withdraw the most widely used nouns from the list of all the words found in any of the corpus. A pyramidal structure has been designed in order to show the academic or gender nouns - the ones usually found in the concluding chapter of thesis – nouns with a higher plot in the corpus. Two different types of context have been found for these nouns: technical and academic denotation. To show the difference in use of these nouns, arranged examples of contexts are given for each of the words studied. Finally, a database has been implemented to arrange the results of the lexis study. In this database the most significant examples of each noun are shown.


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This documentary shows how Kenyan leaders are to blame for the social injustices suffered by Kenyans since the attainment of independence from the British. The issue of land and land clashes, corruption, irregularities in elections and the constitution are some of the highlights of this documentary.


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Young Muidinga is desperate to find the family he lost while his country Mozambique was in civil war. He finds a diary that recounts the story of a woman on a ship who is searching for her son. Convinced that he is her son, Muidinga decides to find her with the help of wise guardian Tuahir.


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In Port Louis, Mauritius, a young woman in search of her identity interacts with friends and family in a carefree manner until a stranger, a photographer, sees her dancing in front of the cathedral.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è mettere a confronto due tecniche di sottotitolaggio presenti sul mercato, sottotitolando uno spezzone del film “This is England”. Il primo approccio è il sottotitolaggio tradizionale, ovvero la creazione di sottotitoli in una data lingua a partire dall’audio e dallo script nella lingua dei dialoghi originali. Il secondo metodo è il pivot subtitling, che consiste nella creazione di sottotitoli in una determinata lingua a partire da sottotitoli esistenti in una lingua diversa da quella dei dialoghi originali. Questa tesi nasce dalla curiosità di sperimentare personalmente le due tecniche e formare una mia opinione critica al riguardo. Così è seguita la scelta di un film. Il film “This is England”, di difficile comprensione a causa di accenti particolarmente marcati di alcuni protagonisti, della densità di alcuni dialoghi e dei riferimenti culturali alla sottocultura inglese skinhead nata a fine anni ‘60. La parte principale del lavoro è stata la creazione dei sottotitoli. Nel primo capitolo introdurrò il film, spiegherò la prima fase del lavoro, ovvero come ho svolto il processo del sottotitolaggio tradizionale, successivamente seguiranno nozioni sui pivot subtitles e il secondo processo di creazione di quelli italiani. Il secondo capitolo spiegherà il concetto di qualità dei sottotitoli. Successivamente seguiranno i commenti ai sottotitoli: si tratterà di mettere a confronto i sottotitoli ottenuti con le due diverse tecniche per la medesima battuta o scena. Per finire analizzerò le differenze che emergono dalle due tecniche, l’impatto sul pubblico, i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di ognuna e i motivi per cui una viene utilizzata più dell’altra. Queste considerazioni serviranno per dare una risposta alla questione della tesi: in cosa consiste la differenza fra le due tecniche? Sono accettabili entrambi i risultati seppur diversi?


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Some volumes have varying subtitles.


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1877-1901 incomplete


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"With an abstract of the correspondence of the secretary."


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Also cited with sectional title: Report of the Secretary of Agriculture. Report of chiefs.


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Title from cover.


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Some numbers have special subtitles, as follows: no. 5, sect. 8/11, "proposal for installation of cable feed pipes..." no. 16/18/36/37 [combined] "proposal for construction of signal towers..." no. 18 (180th street and 239th street yards)" proposal for furnishing and erecting structural steel for inspection sheds..." no. 19/22, sect. 2. "proposal for erection of structural steel..." no. 49, sect. 1/2, "proposal for construction of concrete track floors and platforms ..." no. 49, sect. 3, "proposal for the supply of structural steel ..."


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Includes the proceedings which in v. 3-5 and 8 have special t.p.: "Perechenʹ zasi͡edanīĭ Imperatorskago arkheologicheskago obshchestva."