56 resultados para Sublitoral
1. Desmoscolecida from the continental slope and the deep-sea bottom (59-4354 m) off the Portuguese and Moroccan coasts are described. 18 species were identified: Desmoscolex bathyalis sp. nov., D. chaetalatus sp. nov., D. eftus sp. nov., D. galeatus sp. nov., D. lapilliferus sp. nov., D. longisetosus Timm, 1970, D. lorenzeni sp. nov., D. perspicuus sp. nov., D. pustulatus sp. nov., Quadricoma angulocephala sp. nov., Q. brevichaeta sp. nov., Q. iberica sp. nov., Q. loricatoides sp. nov., Tricoma atlantica sp. nov., T. bathycola sp. nov., T. beata sp. nov., T. incomposita sp. nov., T. meteora sp. nov., T. mauretania sp. nov. 2. The following new terms are proposed: "Desmos" (ring-shaped concretions consisting of secretion and concretion particles), "desmoscolecoid" and "tricomoid" arrangement of the somatic setae, "regelmaessige" (regular), "unregelmaessige" (irregular), "vollstaendige" (complete) and "unvollstaendige" (incomplete) arrangement of somatic seta (variations in the desmoscolecoid arrangement of the somatic setae). The length of the somatic setae is given in the setal pattern. 3. Desmoscolecida identical as to genus and species exhibit no morphological differences even if forthcoming from different bathymetrical zones (deep sea, sublitoral, litoral) or different environments (marin, freshwater, coastal subsoil water, terrestrial environment). 4. Lorenzen's (1969) contention that thearrangement of the somatic setae is more significant for the natural relationships between the different genera of Desmoscolecida than other characteristics is further confirmed. Species with tricomoid arrangement of somatic setae are regarded as primitive, species with desmoscolecoid arrangement of somatic setae are regarded as more advanced. 5. Three new genus are established: Desmogerlachia gen. nov., Desmolorenzenia gen. nov. and Desmofimmia gen. nov. - Protricoma Timm, 1970 is synonymized with Paratricoma Gerlach, 1964 and Protodesmoscolex Timm, 1970 is synonymized with Desmoscolex Claparede,1863. 6. Checklists of all species of the order Desmoscolecida and keys to species of the subfamilies Tricominae and Desmoscolecinae are provided. 7. The following nomenclatorial changes are suggested: Desmogerlachia papillifer (Gerlach, 1956) comb. nov., D .pratensis (Lorenz, 1969) comb. nov., Desmotimmia mirabilis (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., Paratricoma squamosa (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., Desmolorenzenia crassicauda (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., D. desmoscolecoides (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., D. eurycricus (Filipjev, 1922) comb. nov., D. frontalis (Gerlach, 1952) comb. nov., D. hupferi (Steiner, 1916) comb. nov., D. longicauda (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., D. parva (Timm, 1970) comb. nov., D. platycricus (Steiner, 1916) comb. nov., D. viffata (Lorenzen, 1969) comb. nov., Desmoscolex anfarcficos (Timm, 1970) comb. nov.