973 resultados para Structural dynamics.


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This paper considers the ways in which structural model parameter variability can in?uence aeroelastic stability. Previous work on formulating the stability calculation (with the Euler equations providing the aerodynamic predictions) is exploited to use Monte Carlo, Interval and Perturbation calculations to allow this question to be investigated. Three routes are identi?ed. The ?rst involves variable normal mode frequencies only. The second involves normal mode frequencies and mode shapes. Finally, the third, in addition to normal mode frequencies and mode shapes, also includes their in?uence on the static equilibrium. Previous work has suggested only considering route 1, which allows signi?cant gains in computational e?ciency if reduced order models can be built for the aerodynamics. However, results in the current paper show that neglecting route 2 can give misleading results for the ?utter onset prediction.


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The human telomeric DNA sequence with four repeats can fold into a parallel-stranded propeller-type topology. NMR structures solved under molecular crowding experiments correlate with the crystal structures found with crystal-packing interactions that are effectively equivalent to molecular crowding. This topology has been used for rationalization of ligand design and occurs experimentally in a number of complexes with a diversity of ligands, at least in the crystalline state. While G-quartet stems have been well characterised, the interactions of the TTA loop with the G-quartets are much less defined. To better understand the conformational variability and structural dynamics of the propeller-type topology, we performed molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent up to 1.5 µs. The analysis provides a detailed atomistic account of the dynamic nature of the TTA loops highlighting their interactions with the G-quartets including formation of an A:A base pair, triad, pentad and hexad. The results present a threshold in quadruplex simulations, with regards to understanding the flexible nature of the sugar-phosphate backbone in formation of unusual architecture within the topology. Furthermore, this study stresses the importance of simulation time in sampling conformational space for this topology.


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Aqueous liquid mixtures, in particular, those involving amphiphilic species, play an important role in many physical, chemical and biological processes. Of particular interest are alcohol/water mixtures; however, the structural dynamics of such systems are still not fully understood. Herein, a combination of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) and NMR relaxation time analysis has been applied to investigate 2-propanol/water mixtures across the entire composition range; while neutron diffraction studies have been carried out at two specific concentrations. Excellent agreement is seen between the techniques with a maximum in both the relative absorption coefficient and the activation energy to molecular motion occurring at ∼90 mol% H2O. Furthermore, this is the same value at which well-established excess thermodynamic functions exhibit a maximum/minimum. Additionally, both neutron diffraction and THz-TDS have been used to provide estimates of the size of the hydration shell around 2-propanol in solution. Both methods determine that between 4 and 5 H2O molecules per 2-propanol are found in the 2-propanol/water clusters at 90 mol% H2O. Based on the acquired data, a description of the structure of 2-propanol/water across the composition range is presented.


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Des évidences expérimentales récentes indiquent que les ARN changent de structures au fil du temps, parfois très rapidement, et que ces changements sont nécessaires à leurs activités biochimiques. La structure de ces ARN est donc dynamique. Ces mêmes évidences notent également que les structures clés impliquées sont prédites par le logiciel de prédiction de structure secondaire MC-Fold. En comparant les prédictions de structures du logiciel MC-Fold, nous avons constaté un lien clair entre les structures presque optimales (en termes de stabilité prédites par ce logiciel) et les variations d’activités biochimiques conséquentes à des changements ponctuels dans la séquence. Nous avons comparé les séquences d’ARN du point de vue de leurs structures dynamiques afin d’investiguer la similarité de leurs fonctions biologiques. Ceci a nécessité une accélération notable du logiciel MC-Fold. L’approche algorithmique est décrite au chapitre 1. Au chapitre 2 nous classons les impacts de légères variations de séquences des microARN sur la fonction naturelle de ceux-ci. Au chapitre 3 nous identifions des fenêtres dans de longs ARN dont les structures dynamiques occupent possiblement des rôles dans les désordres du spectre autistique et dans la polarisation des œufs de certains batraciens (Xenopus spp.).


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Auf dem Gebiet der Strukturdynamik sind computergestützte Modellvalidierungstechniken inzwischen weit verbreitet. Dabei werden experimentelle Modaldaten, um ein numerisches Modell für weitere Analysen zu korrigieren. Gleichwohl repräsentiert das validierte Modell nur das dynamische Verhalten der getesteten Struktur. In der Realität gibt es wiederum viele Faktoren, die zwangsläufig zu variierenden Ergebnissen von Modaltests führen werden: Sich verändernde Umgebungsbedingungen während eines Tests, leicht unterschiedliche Testaufbauten, ein Test an einer nominell gleichen aber anderen Struktur (z.B. aus der Serienfertigung), etc. Damit eine stochastische Simulation durchgeführt werden kann, muss eine Reihe von Annahmen für die verwendeten Zufallsvariablengetroffen werden. Folglich bedarf es einer inversen Methode, die es ermöglicht ein stochastisches Modell aus experimentellen Modaldaten zu identifizieren. Die Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung eines parameter-basierten Ansatzes, um stochastische Simulationsmodelle auf dem Gebiet der Strukturdynamik zu identifizieren. Die entwickelte Methode beruht auf Sensitivitäten erster Ordnung, mit denen Parametermittelwerte und Kovarianzen des numerischen Modells aus stochastischen experimentellen Modaldaten bestimmt werden können.


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This paper presents a non-model based technique to detect, locate, and characterize structural damage by combining the impedance-based structural health monitoring technique with an artificial neural network. The impedance-based structural health monitoring technique, which utilizes the electromechanical coupling property of piezoelectric materials, has shown engineering feasibility in a variety of practical field applications. Relying on high frequency structural excitations (typically>30 kHz), this technique is very sensitive to minor structural changes in the near field of the piezoelectric sensors. In order to quantitatively assess the state of structures, two sets of artificial neural networks, which utilize measured electrical impedance signals for input patterns, were developed. By employing high frequency ranges and by incorporating neural network features, this technique is able to detect the damage in its early stage and to estimate the nature of damage without prior knowledge of the model of structures. The paper concludes with an experimental example, an investigation on a massive quarter scale model of a steel bridge section, in order to verify the performance of this proposed methodology.


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Continuing development of new materials makes systems lighter and stronger permitting more complex systems to provide more functionality and flexibility that demands a more effective evaluation of their structural health. Smart material technology has become an area of increasing interest in this field. The combination of smart materials and artificial neural networks can be used as an excellent tool for pattern recognition, turning their application adequate for monitoring and fault classification of equipment and structures. In order to identify the fault, the neural network must be trained using a set of solutions to its corresponding forward Variational problem. After the training process, the net can successfully solve the inverse variational problem in the context of monitoring and fault detection because of their pattern recognition and interpolation capabilities. The use of structural frequency response function is a fundamental portion of structural dynamic analysis, and it can be extracted from measured electric impedance through the electromechanical interaction of a piezoceramic and a structure. In this paper we use the FRF obtained by a mathematical model (FEM) in order to generate the training data for the neural networks, and the identification of damage can be done by measuring electric impedance, since suitable data normalization correlates FRF and electrical impedance.


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This work studies the capability of generalization of Neural Network using vibration based measurement data aiming at operating condition and health monitoring of mechanical systems. The procedure uses the backpropagation algorithm to classify the input patters of a system with different stiffness ratios. It has been investigated a large set of input data, containing various stiffness ratios as well as a reduced set containing only the extreme ones in order to study generalizing capability of the network. This allows to definition of Neural Networks capable to use a reduced set of data during the training phase. Once it is successfully trained, it could identify intermediate failure condition. Several conditions and intensities of damages have been studied by using numerical data. The Neural Network demonstrated a good capacity of generalization for all case. Finally, the proposal was tested with experimental data.


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This paper presents two different approaches to detect, locate, and characterize structural damage. Both techniques utilize electrical impedance in a first stage to locate the damaged area. In the second stage, to quantify the damage severity, one can use neural network, or optimization technique. The electrical impedance-based, which utilizes the electromechanical coupling property of piezoelectric materials, has shown engineering feasibility in a variety of practical field applications. Relying on high frequency structural excitations, this technique is very sensitive to minor structural changes in the near field of the piezoelectric sensors, and therefore, it is able to detect the damage in its early stage. Optimization approaches must be used for the case where a good condensed model is known, while neural network can be also used to estimate the nature of damage without prior knowledge of the model of the structure. The paper concludes with an experimental example in a welded cubic aluminum structure, in order to verify the performance of these two proposed methodologies.


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Nowadays there is great interest in damage identification using non destructive tests. Predictive maintenance is one of the most important techniques that are based on analysis of vibrations and it consists basically of monitoring the condition of structures or machines. A complete procedure should be able to detect the damage, to foresee the probable time of occurrence and to diagnosis the type of fault in order to plan the maintenance operation in a convenient form and occasion. In practical problems, it is frequent the necessity of getting the solution of non linear equations. These processes have been studied for a long time due to its great utility. Among the methods, there are different approaches, as for instance numerical methods (classic), intelligent methods (artificial neural networks), evolutions methods (genetic algorithms), and others. The characterization of damages, for better agreement, can be classified by levels. A new one uses seven levels of classification: detect the existence of the damage; detect and locate the damage; detect, locate and quantify the damages; predict the equipment's working life; auto-diagnoses; control for auto structural repair; and system of simultaneous control and monitoring. The neural networks are computational models or systems for information processing that, in a general way, can be thought as a device black box that accepts an input and produces an output. Artificial neural nets (ANN) are based on the biological neural nets and possess habilities for identification of functions and classification of standards. In this paper a methodology for structural damages location is presented. This procedure can be divided on two phases. The first one uses norms of systems to localize the damage positions. The second one uses ANN to quantify the severity of the damage. The paper concludes with a numerical application in a beam like structure with five cases of structural damages with different levels of severities. The results show the applicability of the presented methodology. A great advantage is the possibility of to apply this approach for identification of simultaneous damages.


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In the last decades there was a great development in the study of control systems to attenuate the harmful effect of natural events in great structures, as buildings and bridges. Magnetorheological fluid (MR), that is an intelligent material, has been considered in many proposals of project for these controllers. This work presents the controller design using feedback of states through LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) approach. The experimental test were carried out in a structure with two degrees of freedom with a connected shock absorber MR. Experimental tests were realized in order to specify the features of this semi-active controller. In this case, there exist states that are not measurable, so the feedback of the states involves the project of an estimator. The coupling of the MR damper causes a variation in dynamics properties, so an identification methods, based on experimental input/output signal was used to compare with the numerical application. The identification method of Prediction Error Methods - (PEM) was used to find the physical characteristics of the system through realization in modal space of states. This proposal allows the project of a semi-active control, where the main characteristic is the possibility of the variation of the damping coefficient.