954 resultados para Strong laser fields


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Early cleavages of Xenopus embryos were oriented in strong, static magnetic fields. Third-cleavage planes, normally horizontal, were seen to orient to a vertical plane parallel with a vertical magnetic field. Second cleavages, normally vertical, could also be oriented by applying a horizontal magnetic field. We argue that these changes in cleavage-furrow geometries result from changes in the orientation of the mitotic apparatus. We hypothesize that the magnetic field acts directly on the microtubules of the mitotic apparatus. Considerations of the length of the astral microtubules, their diamagnetic anisotropy, and flexural rigidity predict the required field strength for an effect that agrees with the data. This observation provides a clear example of a static magnetic-field effect on a fundamental cellular process, cell division.


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Optical Bloch equations are widely used for describing dynamics in a system consisting molecules, electromagnetic waves, and a thermal bath. We analyze applicability of these equations to a single molecule imbedded in a solid matrix. Classical Bloch equations and the limits of their applicability are derived from more general master equations. Simple and intuitively appealing picture based on stochastic Bloch equations shows that at low temperatures, contrary to common believes, a strong driving field can not only suppress but can also increase decay rates of Rabi oscillations. A physical system where predicted effects can be observed experimentally is suggested. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The recent years have witnessed increased development of small, autonomous fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In order to unlock widespread applicability of these platforms, they need to be capable of operating under a variety of environmental conditions. Due to their small size, low weight, and low speeds, they require the capability of coping with wind speeds that are approaching or even faster than the nominal airspeed. In this thesis, a nonlinear-geometric guidance strategy is presented, addressing this problem. More broadly, a methodology is proposed for the high-level control of non-holonomic unicycle-like vehicles in the presence of strong flowfields (e.g. winds, underwater currents) which may outreach the maximum vehicle speed. The proposed strategy guarantees convergence to a safe and stable vehicle configuration with respect to the flowfield, while preserving some tracking performance with respect to the target path. As an alternative approach, an algorithm based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) is developed, and a comparison between advantages and disadvantages of both approaches is drawn. Evaluations in simulations and a challenging real-world flight experiment in very windy conditions confirm the feasibility of the proposed guidance approach.


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Birefringence is one of the fascinating properties of the vacuum of quantum electrodynamics (QED) in strong electromagnetic fields. The scattering of linearly polarized incident probe photons into a perpendicularly polarized mode provides a distinct signature of the optical activity of the quantum vacuum and thus offers an excellent opportunity for a precision test of nonlinear QED. Precision tests require accurate predictions and thus a theoretical framework that is capable of taking the detailed experimental geometry into account. We derive analytical solutions for vacuum birefringence which include the spatio-temporal field structure of a strong optical pump laser field and an x-ray probe. We show that the angular distribution of the scattered photons depends strongly on the interaction geometry and find that scattering of the perpendicularly polarized scattered photons out of the cone of the incident probe x-ray beam is the key to making the phenomenon experimentally accessible with the current generation of FEL/high-field laser facilities.


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The influence of laser-field parameters, such as intensity and pulse width, on the population of molecular excited state is investigated by using the time-dependent wavepacket method. For a two-state system in intense laser fields, the populations in the upper and lower states are given by the wavefunctions obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation through split-operator scheme. The calculation shows that both the laser intensity and the pulse width have a strong effect on the population in molecular excited state, and that as the common feature of light-matter interaction (LMI), the periodic changing of the population with the evolution time in each state can be interpreted by Rabi oscillation and area-theorem. The results illustrate that by controlling these two parameters, the needed population in excited state of interest can be obtained, which provides the foundation of light manipulation of molecular processes. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In recent years there have been many studies of multiple ionization of closed shell rare gas atoms by intense laser fields. Until now no similar work has been done in the study of more diverse targets such as negative ions where low binding energies and strong electron correlations could yield distinctive behaviour. We present the first results of ionization of more than one electron from a range of atomic negative ions by intense laser pulses. Although these pulses are long by modern standards, and tend to produce sequential ionization in atoms, the positive ion yields from the negative ions do not depend predictably on the ionization potentials. This suggests that there may, intriguingly, be an alternative mechanism enhancing double ionization at low intensities.


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We develop a systematic scheme to treat binary collisions between ultracold atoms in the presence of a strong laser field, tuned to the red of the trapping transition. We assume that the Rabi frequency is much less than the spacing between adjacent bound-state resonances, In this approach we neglect fine and hyperfine structures, but consider fully the three-dimensional aspects of the scattering process, up to the partial d wave. We apply the scheme to calculate the S matrix elements up to the second order in the ratio between the Rabi frequency and the laser detuning, We also obtain, fur this simplified multichannel model, the asymmetric line shapes of photoassociation spectroscopy, and the modification of the scattering length due to the light field at low, but finite, entrance kinetic energy. We emphasize that the present calculations can be generalized to treat more realistic models, and suggest how to carry out a thorough numerical comparison to this semianalytic theory. [S1050-2947(98)04902-6].


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Compact stars with strong magnetic fields (magnetars) have been observationally determined to have surface magnetic fields of order of 10(14)-10(15) G, the implied internal field strength being several orders larger. We study the equation of state and composition of dense hypernuclear matter in strong magnetic fields in a range expected in the interiors of magnetars. Within the non-linear Boguta-Bodmer-Walecka model we find that the magnetic field has sizable influence on the properties of matter for central magnetic field B >= 10(17) G, in particular the matter properties become anisotropic. Moreover, for the central fields B >= 10(18) G, the magnetized hypernuclear matter shows instability, which is signalled by the negative sign of the derivative of the pressure parallel to the field with respect to the density, and leads to vanishing parallel pressure at the critical value B-cr congruent to 10(19) G. This limits the range of admissible homogeneously distributed fields in magnetars to fields below the critical value B-cr. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Strong laser-field-induced autoionisation in the presence of both photoionising and radiative decay of the autoionising state (AS) is investigated, focusing on the laser intensity dependence of the photoemission and photoelectron spectra. In contrast to previous predictions, power broadening and increasing reduction of the doublet peak heights with field strength are found in the photoemission spectrum. Similar effects leading to considerable suppression and even complete disappearance of the lowest-order peaks in the photoelectron spectrum, together with peak switching, are also demonstrated, which are closely related to above-threshold ionisation. In addition, it is suggested that the total number of energetic photoelectrons may serve as an alternative to measuring the atomic parameters of the AS. All these effects are attributed to the presence of the strong `probe': laser-induced decay of the AS.


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Resonant interaction of an autoionising state with a strong laser field is considered and effects of second-order ionisation processes are investigated. The authors show that these processes play a very important role in laser-induced autoionisation (LIA). They drastically affect the lowest-order peaks in the photoelectron spectrum. In addition to these peaks, high-order peaks due to ejection of energetic photoelectrons appear. For the laser intensities of current interest, second-order peaks are much stronger than the original ones, an important result that, they believe, can be observed experimentally. Moreover, `peak switching', a general feature of above-threshold ionisation, is also manifest in the electron spectrum of LIA.


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We investigate high-order harmonic emission and isolated attosecond pulse (IAP) generation in atoms driven by a two-colour multi-cycle laser field consisting of an 800 nm pulse and an infrared laser pulse at an arbitrary wavelength. With moderate laser intensity, an IAP of similar to 220 as can be generated in helium atoms by using two-colour laser pulses of 35 fs/800 nm and 46 fs/1150 nm. The discussion based on the three-step semiclassical model, and time-frequency analysis shows a clear picture of the high-order harmonic generation in the waveform-controlled laser field which is of benefit to the generation of XUV IAP and attosecond electron pulses. When the propagation effect is included, the duration of the IAP can be shorter than 200 as, when the driving laser pulses are focused 1 mm before the gas medium with a length between 1.5 mm and 2 mm.


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We theoretically propose a method of generating a single sub-100 attosecond (as) pulse with a two-colour time-gating laser field. The field is synthesized by an 8 fs/800 nm (three optical cycles) pulse and a 24 fs/2400 nm (three optical cycles) pulse with an optimal time delay between them. In our simulation, we obtain a supercontinuum with an extremely broad spectrum of 150 eV and generate an isolated attosecond pulse with 96 as pulse duration without any dispersion compensation.


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With the development of photocathode rf electron gun, electrons with high-brightness and mono-energy can be obtained easily. By numerically solving the relativistic equations of motion of an electron generated from this facility in laser fields modelled by a circular polarized Gaussian laser pulse, we find the electron can obtain high energy gain from the laser pulse. The corresponding acceleration distance for this electron driven by the ascending part of the laser pulse is much longer than the Rayleigh length, and the light amplitude experienced on the electron is very weak when the laser pulse overtakes the electron. The electron is accelerated effectively and the deceleration can be neglected. For intensities around 10(19) W(.)mu m(2)/cm(2), an electron's energy gain near 0.1 GeV can be realized when its initial energy is 4.5 MeV, and the final velocity of the energetic electron is parallel with the propagation axis. The energy gain can be up to 1 GeV if the intensity is about 10(21) W(.)mu m(2)/cm(2). The final energy gain of the electron as a function of its initial conditions and the parameters of the laser beam has also been discussed.


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The gain saturation behaviors and noise figure are numerically analyzed for quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifiers (QD-SOAs). The carrier and photon distributions in the longitudinal direction as well as the photon energy dependent facet reflectivity are accounted in the rate equations, which are solved with output amplified spontaneous emission spectrum as iterative variables. The longitudinal distributions of the occupation probabilities and spectral-hole burning are presented for electrons in the excited and ground states of quantum dots. The saturation output power 19.7 dBm and device gain 20.6 dB are obtained for a QD-SOA with the cavity length of 6 rum at the bias current of 500 mA. The influences of them electron intradot relaxation time and the QD capture time on the gain spectrum are simulated with the relaxation time of 1, 30, and 60 ps and capture time of 1, 5, and 10 ps. The noise figure as low as 3.5 dB is expected due to the strong polarization sensitive spontaneous emission. The characteristics of gain saturation and noise figure versus input signal power for QD-SOAs are similar to that of semiconductor. linear optical amplifiers with gain clamping by vertical laser fields.