974 resultados para Stretch-break


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Työssä on tutkittu eri kumilaatujen soveltuvuutta viherlipeäympäristöön laboratoriomittausten avulla. Kumia tultaisiin käyttämään viherlipeälinjan letkuventtiilissä. Suomalaisista sellutehtaista saaduista viherlipeänäytteistä mitattiin alkali- ja vierasainepitoisuudet. Kumitestauksissa viherlipeässä pyrittiin selvittämään kumien kesto prosessiolosuhteita vastaavissa olosuhteissa. Kumit asetettiin kuumaan viherlipeään jännitettynä ja pidettiin siinä kolme vuorokautta. Kumista tutkittavia ominaisuuksia olivat kumin massan muutos, kovuus, vetolujuus sekä murtovenymä. Kolmen vuorokauden testien tulosten perusteella valittiin kolme kumilaatua tuhannen tunnin kestotestiin, joissa seurattiin kumin massan käyttäytymistä sekä kumin pitkäaikaisen altistamisen viherlipeässä vaikutusta lujuusominaisuuksiin. Kokeissa havaittiin osan testatuista kumeista sitovan viherlipeää itseensä, mikä aiheuttaisi viherlipeän pääsyn letkun vahvikkeisiin ja aiheuttaisi letkun hajoamisen. Osa kumeista kului kemiallisesti, mikä taas aiheuttaisi letkun rasitustilanteissa repeämiä letkun pinnassa ja lopulta letkun hajoamisen. Kuitenkin suuressa osassa testatuissa kumimateriaaleissa ei ollut suuria massanmuutoksia. Tällöin lujuusmittaukset kertoivat muilta osin kumin kestosta. Muutamilla kumeilla massanmuutokset olivat alhaisia, mutta lujuusarvot olivat romahtaneet. Kuitenkin laboratoriomittausten tulosten perusteella pystyttiin löytämään kumimateriaali, joka kestäisi paremmin viherlipeäprosessissa kuin teollisuudessa käytössä ollut kumimateriaali. Kuitenkin lopullinen varmuus tästä voidaan saada teollisuudessa tehtyjen testausten avulla.


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Työn tarkoituksena on kerätä yhteen tiedot kaikista maailmalta löytyvistä ison LOCA:n ulospuhallusvaiheen tutkimiseen käytetyistä koelaitteistoista. Työn tarkoituksena on myös antaa pohjaa päätökselle, onko tarpeellista rakentaa uusi koelaitteisto nesterakenne-vuorovaikutuskoodien laskennan validoimista varten. Ennen varsinaisen koelaitteiston rakentamista olisi tarkoituksenmukaista myös rakentaa pienempi pilottikoelaitteisto, jolla voitaisiin testata käytettäviä mittausmenetelmiä. Sopivaa mittausdataa tarvitaan uusien CFD-koodien ja rakenneanalyysikoodien kytketyn laskennan validoimisessa. Näitä koodeja voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi arvioitaessa reaktorin sisäosien rakenteellista kestävyyttä ison LOCA:n ulospuhallusvaiheen aikana. Raportti keskittyy maailmalta löytyviin koelaitteistoihin, uuden koelaitteiston suunnitteluperusteisiin sekä aiheeseen liittyviin yleisiin asioihin. Raportti ei korvaa olemassa olevia validointimatriiseja, mutta sitä voi käyttää apuna etsittäessä validointitarkoituksiin sopivaa ison LOCA:n ulospuhallusvaiheen koelaitteistoa.


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kuv., 10 x 14 cm


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10 x 15 cm


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kuv., 10 x 15 cm


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kuv., 10 x 15 cm


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During a possible loss of coolant accident in BWRs, a large amount of steam will be released from the reactor pressure vessel to the suppression pool. Steam will be condensed into the suppression pool causing dynamic and structural loads to the pool. The formation and break up of bubbles can be measured by visual observation using a suitable pattern recognition algorithm. The aim of this study was to improve the preliminary pattern recognition algorithm, developed by Vesa Tanskanen in his doctoral dissertation, by using MATLAB. Video material from the PPOOLEX test facility, recorded during thermal stratification and mixing experiments, was used as a reference in the development of the algorithm. The developed algorithm consists of two parts: the pattern recognition of the bubbles and the analysis of recognized bubble images. The bubble recognition works well, but some errors will appear due to the complex structure of the pool. The results of the image analysis were reasonable. The volume and the surface area of the bubbles were not evaluated. Chugging frequencies calculated by using FFT fitted well into the results of oscillation frequencies measured in the experiments. The pattern recognition algorithm works in the conditions it is designed for. If the measurement configuration will be changed, some modifications have to be done. Numerous improvements are proposed for the future 3D equipment.


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We determined the effect of stretching applied once a week to the soleus muscle immobilized in the shortened position on muscle fiber morphology. Twenty-six male Wistar rats weighing 269 ± 26 g were divided into three groups. Group I, the left soleus was immobilized in the shortened position for 3 weeks; group II, the soleus was immobilized in the shortened position and stretched once a week for 3 weeks; group III, the soleus was submitted only to stretching once a week for 3 weeks. The medial part of the soleus muscle was frozen for histology and muscle fiber area evaluation and the lateral part was used for the determination of number and length of serial sarcomeres. Soleus muscle submitted only to immobilization showed a reduction in weight (44 ± 6%, P = 0.002), in serial sarcomere number (23 ± 15%) and in cross-sectional area of the fibers (37 ± 31%, P < 0.001) compared to the contralateral muscles. The muscle that was immobilized and stretched showed less muscle fiber atrophy than the muscles only immobilized (P < 0.05). Surprisingly, in the muscles submitted only to stretching, fiber area was decreased compared to the contralateral muscle (2548 ± 659 vs 2961 ± 806 µm², respectively, P < 0.05). In conclusion, stretching applied once a week for 40 min to the soleus muscle immobilized in the shortened position was not sufficient to prevent the reduction of muscle weight and of serial sarcomere number, but provided significant protection against muscle fiber atrophy. In contrast, stretching normal muscles once a week caused a reduction in muscle fiber area.


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The rat models currently employed for studies of nerve regeneration present distinct disadvantages. We propose a new technique of stretch-induced nerve injury, used here to evaluate the influence of gabapentin (GBP) on nerve regeneration. Male Wistar rats (300 g; n=36) underwent surgery and exposure of the median nerve in the right forelimbs, either with or without nerve injury. The technique was performed using distal and proximal clamps separated by a distance of 2 cm and a sliding distance of 3 mm. The nerve was compressed and stretched for 5 s until the bands of Fontana disappeared. The animals were evaluated in relation to functional, biochemical and histological parameters. Stretching of the median nerve led to complete loss of motor function up to 12 days after the lesion (P<0.001), compared to non-injured nerves, as assessed in the grasping test. Grasping force in the nerve-injured animals did not return to control values up to 30 days after surgery (P<0.05). Nerve injury also caused an increase in the time of sensory recovery, as well as in the electrical and mechanical stimulation tests. Treatment of the animals with GBP promoted an improvement in the morphometric analysis of median nerve cross-sections compared with the operated vehicle group, as observed in the area of myelinated fibers or connective tissue (P<0.001), in the density of myelinated fibers/mm2 (P<0.05) and in the degeneration fragments (P<0.01). Stretch-induced nerve injury seems to be a simple and relevant model for evaluating nerve regeneration.


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A small break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) is one of problems investigated in an NPP operation. Such accident can be analyzed using an experiment facility and TRACE thermal-hydraulic system code. A series of SBLOCA experiments was carried out on Parallel Channel Test Loop (PACTEL) facility, exploited together with Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT Energy and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), in order to investigate two-phase phenomena related to a VVER-type reactor. The experiments and a TRACE model of the PACTEL facility are described in the paper. In addition, there is the TRACE code description with main field equations. At the work, calculations of a SBLOCA series are implemented and after the calculations, the thesis discusses the validation of TRACE and concludes with an assessment of the usefulness and accuracy of the code in calculating small breaks.


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Currently, the power generation is one of the most significant life aspects for the whole man-kind. Barely one can imagine our life without electricity and thermal energy. Thus, different technologies for producing those types of energy need to be used. Each of those technologies will always have their own advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, every technology must satisfy such requirements as efficiency, ecology safety and reliability. In the matter of the power generation with nuclear energy utilization these requirements needs to be highly main-tained, especially since accidents on nuclear power plants may cause very long term deadly consequences. In order to prevent possible disasters related to the accident on a nuclear power plant strong and powerful algorithms were invented in last decades. Such algorithms are able to manage calculations of different physical processes and phenomena of real facilities. How-ever, the results acquired by the computing must be verified with experimental data.


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The purpose of this thesis is to study the scalability of small break LOCA experiments. The study is performed on the experimental data, as well as on the results of thermal hydraulic computation performed on TRACE code. The SBLOCA experiments were performed on PACTEL facility situated at LUT. The temporal scaling of the results was done by relating the total coolant mass in the system with the initial break mass flow and using the quotient to scale the experiment time. The results showed many similarities in the behaviour of pressure and break mass flow between the experiments.