993 resultados para Stratigraphy


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Paleo Lake Bungunnia covered more than 40 000 km2 of southern Australia during the Plio-Pleistocene, although the age and origin of the lake remain controversial. The Blanchetown Clay is the main depositional unit and outcrop at Nampoo Station in far-western New South Wales provides the most continuous lacustrine section preserved in the basin. Here the Blanchetown Clay represents the maximum lake fill and comprises: (i) a basal well-sorted sand with interbedded clay (Chowilla Sand), representing initial flooding at the time of lake formation; (ii) a thick sequence of green-grey clay comprised dominantly of kaolinite and illite, with the apparently cyclic occurrence of illite interpreted to represent cool and dry glacial climatic intervals; and (iii) a 2.6 m-thick sequence of finely laminated silt and silty clay, here defined as the Nampoo Member of the Blanchetown Clay. New magnetostratigraphic data constrain the age of the oldest lake sediments to be younger than 2.581 Ma (Matuyama-Gauss boundary) and probably as young as 2.4 Ma. This age is significantly younger than the age of 3.2 Ma previously suggested for lake formation. The youngest Blanchetown Clay is older than 0.781 Ma (Brunhes-Matuyama boundary) and probably as old as 1.2 Ma. The Nampoo Station section provides a framework for the construction of a regional Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy in the Murray Basin.


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This thesis deals with the stratigraphy and brachiopod systematic palaeontology of the latest Devonian (Famennian) to Early Permian (Kungurian) sedimentary sequences of the Tarim Basin, NW China. Brachiopod faunas of latest Devonian and Carboniferous age have been published or currently in press in the course of the Ph.D candidature and are herein appendixed, while the Early Permian brachiopod faunas are systematically described in this thesis. The described Early Permian brachiopod faunas include 127 species, of which 29 are new and 12 indeterminate, and six new genera (subgenera) are proposed; Tarimella, Bmntonella, Marginifera (Arenaria), Marginifera (Nesiotia), Baliqliqia and Ustritskia. A new integrated brachiopod biostratigraphical zonation scheme is proposed, for the first time, for the latest Devonian-Early Permian sequences of the entire Tarim Basin on the basis of this study as well as previously published information (including the Candidate's own published papers). The scheme consists of twenty three brachiopod acm biozones, most of which replace previously proposed assemblage or assemblage zones. The age and distribution of these brachiopod zones within the Tarim Basin and their relationships with other important fossil groups are discussed. In terms of regional correlations and biostratigraphical affinities, the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous brachiopod faunas of the Tarim Basin are closest to those from South China, while the Late Carboniferous faunas demonstrate strong similarities to coeval faunas from the Urals, central Asia, North China and South China. During the Asselian-Sakmarian, strong faunal links between the Tarim Basin and those of the Urals persisted, while at the same time links with central Asia, North China and South China weakened. On the other hand, during the Artinskian-Kungurian times, affinities of the Tarim faunas with the Urals/Russian Platform rapidly reduced, when those with peri-Gondwana (South Thailand, northern Tibet) and South China increased. Thirty lithofacies (or microfacies) types of four facies associations are recognised for the Late Devonian to early Permian sediments. Based on detailed lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and facies analysis, 23 third-order sequences belonging to four supcrsequences are identified for the Late Devonian to Early Permian successions, from which sea-level fluctuation curves are reconstructed. The sequence stratigraphical analysis reveals that four major regional regressions, each marking a distinct supersequence boundary, can be recognised; they correspond to the end-Serpukhovian, end-Moscovian, late Artinskian and end-Kungurian times, respectively. The development of these sequences is considered to have been formed and regulated by the interplay of both eustasy and tectonism. Using the system tract of a sequence as the mapping time unit, a succession of 47 palaeogeographical maps have been reconstructed through the Late Devonian to Early Permian. These maps reveal that the Tarim Basin was first immersed by southwest-directed (Recent geographical orientation) transgression in the late Famennian after the Caledonian Orogeny. Since then, the basin had maintained its geometry as a large, southwest-mouthed embayment until the late Moscovian when most areas were the uplifted above sea-level. The basin was flooded again in late Asselian-Artinskian times when a new transgression came from a large epicontinental sea lying to its northwest. Thereafter, marine deposition was restricted to local areas (southwestern and northwestern margins until the late Kungurian, while deposition of continental deposits prevailed and continued through the Middle and late Permian into the Triassic.


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This study reviews the stratigraphy, palaeobiogeography and palaeoecology of some important Albian-Maastrichtian pelagic calcispheres: Bonetocardiella conoidea, Pithonella ovalis, P. perlonga, P. sphaerica and P. trejoi. It also presents a significant new data set on these organisms from the western South Atlantic Ocean. The group reached its acme simultaneously all over the world during the highest Cretaceous sea level in late Albian to Coniacian times. A strong association also existed between the maximum temperature and the salinity of the Tethyan water mass and the climax of these opportunistic microfossils. Their remarkable presence along the Brazilian and west African margins during the Albian, in association with other typical Tethyan pelagic biotic elements, indicates that during this period the northern South Atlantic was a long, narrow arm of the Tethys Sea. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudos de minerais pesados provenientes em depósitos cauliníticos da Formação Ipixuna na região do rio Capim (Brasil) revelaram uma mineralogia matura a supermatura, representada dominantemente por zircão e turmalina e, subordinadamente, rutilo, cianita e estaurolita. Os minerais encontrados não variam muito, entretanto cada unidade caulinítica apresenta uma assinatura particular definida por diferenças nasproporções entre os principais minerais, assim como em suas características texturais. Este trabalho demonstrou que asunidades de caulim soft (inferior) e semi-flint (superior) podem ser consideradas seqüências deposicionais distintas. As altas percentagens de opacos em relação aos minerais transparentes e altos teores de zircão são diagnósticos da unidade caulinítica inferior. O incremento no volume de grãos de zircão e turmalina arredondados a subarredondados na unidade caulinítica superior sugere que esta inclui grãos que foram submetidos a um grau mais elevado de retrabalhamento. O aumento no volume de grãos não alterados de estaurolita e cianita na unidade superior leva a concluir que, além da reciclagem sedimentar, uma fonte distinta deve ser invocada. Estes resultados também mostram que as características da assembléia de minerais pesados da unidade intermediária são comparáveis com aqueles da unidade superior, o que sugere mesmo posicionamento estratigráfico.